By C
Minnaloushe was a young, and very ambitious,
jumping spider. Shortly after she hatched, Grandmama looked at her and said
to the girl's mother: "Aurelia, she'll be quite the hunter some day!" Every
time thereafter that Grandmama came to visit, she said: "Yes, quite the
hunter!" Unfortunately, Grandmama's words went straight to Minnaloushe's
head. Soon, her siblings and other playmates got very sick of hearing: "I'm
going to be a great hunter; just you wait!" It wasn't long before no one
would play with her. "Fine!" said Minnaloushe, though in fact it
pained her to be so lonely. "I don't need them holding me back!"
One day, the mama spiders called all their young together. One of them said: "Children,
it's time to practice your pouncing. Go out in groups of three--never less
than three--and exercise those legs of yours! Now remember: you don't have
to catch anything; this is practice! And don't go after anything bigger
than you are !" The mother spider
gave an especial stress to these last words.
Minnaloushe's heart leapt up. "Practice!" she cried. "Practice!
Here's my big chance!"
"Sure, Minnaloushe," said one of the other girls. "I can't wait
to see what you bring back."
The young spiders went off in groups of three. Within minutes, the two who
accompanied Minnaloushe had contrived to abandon her. When she realized she
was alone, her happiness rose to an even higher pitch. "It's all up to
me now," she said out loud. Like lonely people everywhere, she often spoke
to herself.
She moved as quietly as she could into the high grass. After what seemed like
an hour, she came to a clearing where the greenery gave way to black earth.
Being careful to stay hidden in the grasses, she looked out into the clearing.
What luck! There, within pouncing range, was a fairy! She was an adult, easily
twice Minnaloushe's size. She was very pretty, with shoulder-length hair of
the brightest red, feathered antennae, and a pair of transparent wings with
gold veins. She wore a sleeveless yellow dress with a very short bell skirt.
The skirt appeared to be jam-packed with transparent crinolines. Yellow high
heels completed her ensemble.
As the spider watched, the Girl (that's the name Minnaloushe immediately coined
for her) crouched down, hiked back her skirt and petty, and tugged a pair of
white panties to her knees. Soon a stream of fairy pee was spattering the ground.
"Now or never," Minnaloushe almost said out loud; and then she pounced.
Her strong young spider legs catapulted her into the air. She landed on the Girl
and knocked her to her knees. The Girl screamed, and Minnaloushe shouted: "I've
got you now!" It was unfortunate that she spoke then, instead of trying
to use her fangs (weak as her youthful venom doubtless was),--for the prey was
by no means incapacitated. In a swift movement, the Girl tore Minnaloushe free
and then slammed her hard on the ground. While the spider was still dazed, the
Girl got up and kicked her in the abdomen. Now it was Minnaloushe who screamed.
Instead of kicking her attacker again, the Girl paused to work her panties
back into place. This gave Minnaloushe, who could barely breathe from the excruciating
pain, time to scuttle away. And now came one of those "watershed moments" one
always reads about in melodramatic fiction. The difference is: this time it
really happened. The Girl could have spread her wings and flown to safety.
But the young spider's impertinent attack had enraged her. She wanted her attacker
dead. And so she went in hot pursuit. "Bad spider!" she cried. "Bad
When Minnaloushe saw that the Girl was after her, her heart nearly stopped. "Got
to think, got to think," she gasped out loud. It then occurred to her
that if she littered her trail with swatches of webbing, these might slow down
her pursuer. So, like a little glue bottle, she pumped out blob after blob
of sticky silk. The Girl, intent only on catching up with Minnaloushe and cracking
her exoskeleton, ran right into one of these blobs. Suddenly, she was moving
forward, but her feet weren't. As a result, she fell flat on her pretty face.
When Minnaloushe looked behind her, she beheld a wonder: the Girl was trying
to get back up, but couldn't, because both her feet were stuck in the webbing!
Minnaloushe had many faults, but a slow brain wasn't one of them. Seeing her
opportunity, she came running back.
How best to take advantage of the situation? A head-on attack had proved disastrous,
so Minnaloushe tried something new. She squirted out a little, sticky ball
and attached it to a silken line. She twirled the line a few times like a lasso,
then sent the ball flying through the air. It hit the Girl on her left arm.
Minnaloushe pulled back hard on the line. The Girl's arm was yanked to the
ground and stuck there. "Stop it, you wicked spider!" she cried. "Stop
"I don't think so," said the spider as she prepared another ball. This
time she pinned the Girl's right arm.
What to do next? The Girl was thrashing frantically and might still disengage
her feet. So Minnaloushe ran up and taped her legs in place with a band of
webbing across her calves. So much for kicking free. Then the spider made things
even more certain by thrusting a new web-ball under her victim's madly arching
And still the Girl struggled. "I've caught you," said Minnaloushe. "Why
don't you stop?"
"Because I don't want to die, you bitch!" the Girl cried. "I .
. . don't . . . want to die . . . ."
That prey would fight on even when escape was no longer possible--this was
news to Minnaloushe. She thought a bit, and then she remembered something her
mother had once said. Inspired by that recollection, she now took hold of her
victim's skirt and crinolines and thrust them back. Oh how the Girl screamed!
Then she glued them in place, so they wouldn't get in the way. Next, she pulled
the Girl's panties down. The Girl screamed again; her whole body shook; and
she spurted more urine; but her struggles immediately weakened.
Mama had been right! It was a lecture that Aurelia had given to some of the
older youth. "It's not enough to catch your prey," she had said. "You
have to convince your prey she's caught. And nothing is more demoralizing to
a girl fay than taking her panties down. Don抰 wait till it抯 time
to feed; get them down right away." Minnaloushe had not understood what "demoralize" meant.
Now she did.
Soon the fight was over. The Girl just trembled and sobbed with the heartache
of her capture. Minnaloushe now examined more closely what she had uncovered:
a damp patch of fiery red hair, transected by a tight little slit. "Golly," she
said. "I forgot to bite you!" So she slipped her fangs into the Girl's
pussy. The fairy screamed one more time, had a hurtful orgasm or two, and then
passed out. The youngster's venom was hardly strong enough to bring on this
result unaided. Despair must have played a part.
Minnaloushe now rigged up a silken harness and used it to pull her prey back
to the Settlement. The other youth had returned long before--empty-clawed,
of course--and Minnaloushe's mother was sick with worry. When she saw her daughter
approaching, she ran out to give her the scolding of a lifetime. Then she saw
what the young one had caught.
"Good lord!" she cried. "Good lord! A full-grown Girl! Honey,
how did you do it?"
"Well, mama, it was actually pretty easy . . . ."
"Easy or not, don't do it again! Do you understand me?"
"Yes mother." Minnaloushe hung her head in pretended shame, but inwardly
she was exulting. The other young spiders had run up and were gazing at her with
something approaching awe. Cassia, a spider particularly prone to teasing her,
shouted: "You are a
great hunter! You really are! Three cheers for Minnaloushe!"
"Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!" the other spiders cried. Even her mother
joined in. From that day forth, Minnaloushe was even more conceited than she'd
been before. Oh well. Here's the good news: she wasn't a great hunter yet, but
she soon become one.