Part V: Epilogue
Three months later, Catgirl received an invitation from Otho. "Come back
for dinner," he had written. They agreed on a date and time, and she returned
to the Bois de Berengaria. It was now high Summer, and the forest was even
more overgrown and gloomy than in Spring. Not to mention hotter. But the scent
of the air was . . . more healthy, more balanced.
At last she made her way to the lake, and there was Otho. With him was another
giant otter, a female! "I told you I had some surprises for you," he
said. "Catgirl, this is Felicity, my wife. We married a month ago."
"Congratulations!" Catgirl said as she hugged them both.
"Now I know you've had a long trip, and I'm sure you're hungry. So let's
go to the ravine. Dinner's waiting."
Sure enough, when they arrived, she saw a trophy line of three caught mers.
They belonged to the same big species as before, but every one of them was
a girl! Pretty blondes all, they wept with evident heartbreak and sheltered
their bosoms with their hands. Otho explained: "The tail first, of course.
Then I climb up, pin her arms at her sides, and bite her breasts."
"Her last embrace," said Catgirl with a smile.
Otho laughed. "I hadn't thought of that! Girls are all I ever hunt now.
I hope you don't mind."
"Not at all," said Catgirl. "Not at all."