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Review This Story || Author: Excalibur


Part 1




I am still  not exactly sure when the idea came to me. Maybe about six months before, when we were chatting on the internet, maybe even before that, before I had even met her there. Maybe she was not even the original target, as I had been looking at houses for years, thinking how good a dungeon the basement would make, and whether it could be soundproofed easily.


I had even taken college courses on bricklaying and sound engineering, long before I had first logged onto the internet that day, and had found my true need,,or at least the answer to it.


It had still amazed me how easily I had been able to pull it off, even here, in a foreign country, it had been easy.  I had. I suppose, been drawn to the States by all the films and televisions shows, where kidnapping had been all to easy,  I watched hundreds of films and shows depicting kidnapping, to see if I could discover the pitfalls, and the easy ways to do it.  I watched enthralled as helpless women were dragged off, kicking and screaming, only for the kidnapper to be found in the last reel. For the most part this was because the kidnapper was known to the woman, or he had been seen in the areas days or hours before.


I was determined not to make this mistake, and began planning carefully.


My first task was a four month let in an area where I had discovered my internet friend lived, and paid for the let through a bank, all legitimate. I even used my own name, and came and went without raising  any eyebrows. But from my apartment I had a perfect view of my intended victim's home, and the hidden camera and video recorder I had set up kept a never ending vigil on her.


At the end of the let I left, even leaving a forwarding address, and then sending mail to my old address knowing that it would be sent back to me at my new home.  For three months I sent mail, until I stopped receiving it, the forwarding address either being forgotten, or at the very least, ignored.


During this time I watched the videos and studied the pictures, and had a great understanding of my victim.


I still spoke to her regularly on the internet, and knew she had still no new man in her life since her divorce, a nasty affair that had warned her off physical contact ever since, even though I and others had suggested she get back in to the fray. But she was happy alone, and was making no efforts to meet anyone.


Using a different name I had made arrangements to meet her on three occasions, but she had cried off at the last minute, telling me she was still not ready.


And so, after months of painstaking deliberations and planning, my plan was ready to be put in motion.


I chose a Friday night for the abduction, knowing that apart from her internet friends, she would not be missed until Monday at the earliest. Using  knowledge I had gained from a hacker back in Britain, I was soon able to discover her password, and during the Friday I went on line as her, and told everyone that she was going away for the weekend, and would be off line. Many of her friends wished me a pleasant weekend, though some were convinced that she was keeping a secret date and didn't want to admit it.


Singing off. I deliberately logged off in such a way that they could all read her id on the log out the first part of the plan done, and a success. The next part was to damage her computer. Not physically, but just enough to stop her gaining access to the internet, and talking to friends who already believed she was gone for the weekend. This would mean a visit to her home, and the first dangerous element, but a necessary thing, though once inside, I would not be leaving without her.


I chose midday to go to her home, as there were always so many people around, and even though I had been away for a while, my face would not be out of place there, and within minutes of arriving in the area, I was safe in her home. A quick check through the window showed me that there was no one pointing in my direction, and even Mrs McCarthy, the area busybody, was not on the phone to the Police reporting an intruder.


Quickly I switched on her computer and let it load, before removing the ini file for her internet connection, without which, she could not get on line.Before deleting it, I copied the file to disk, so I could replace it later, so that if anyone else checked, they would get straight on line, and decide that it really was her that had told everyone she was going to be away.  My last task on the computer was to copy the log from the morning's chat to her own logs, so that it would look as if she herself had made the call.


Satisfied, I closed the computer and switched off, smiling to myself as the second part of the plan was executed perfectly. Now all I had to do was wait, and another few hours after so many months of planning was to be no problem.


I looked at my watch. Five fifteen. Another ten minutes and she would be here. I quickly moved all evidence of my visit, and went into the spare room, from where I could see her when she entered the bathroom. Almost as soon as I closed the spare room door, I heard the key in the front door, and again looked at my watch. Five twenty five, she was as predictable as always. I knew the first thing she would do would be check her email, but had allowed her the same amount of time to try to sort out her connection problem, and within a minute or two of that, she was an her way to the bathroom, and phase three was ready to be put in motion.


Covered by the sound of the shower I moved to her computer, and replaced the missing file, tempted to switch it off, but as she had left it on, I left it that way, just in case she spotted it off from the corner of her eye as she moved to the bedroom, to where I moved now myself.


I heard her turn the water off, and stood behind the bedroom door, sure I could not be seen in the dresser mirror, and poured some of the ether onto a cloth, and waited.


As she entered the room I grabbed her quickly, and placed the cloth over her mouth and nose, holding her tightly to me, waiting for her to go limp in my hands. For a few minutes she struggled, but the ether soon took it's toll, and she began to sink into my arms. Gently I lowered her to the ground, and kept the cloth over her mouth to make sure she was not faking, until I was satisfied that she was not.


My next job was to tie her up, her wrists behind her, her ankles together, and a gag in her mouth in case she woke up before I was ready for her. As an afterthought I also added a blindfold, though later on I would want her to see me, when I was satisfied that she would be able to do no harm with this knowledge.  When she was in my dungeon and secure.


I waited until the light began to fade, and carried my victim through the interconnecting door to the garage, and placed her into the boot of the car, securing it before returning to her home for the last part of the abduction.


Quickly  I grabbed the bag I had prepared earlier, with a selection of her clothes, the sort of thing she would take for a weekend, and then donned a wig matching her own hair colour, and her jacket that she had taken off when she had returned from work, and headed back to the car.


As I drove out of the garage I spotted Mrs McCarthy, and waved at her, knowing she would remember seeing my victim driving herself out of the driveway, and off up the road.


The first part of the drive was over an hour, and after about half an hour I pulled into a dark area and checked on my victim. She was awake, and moving about, but by now there was nothing she could do.  I smiled at her unseeing eyes, and closed the boot again, and drove off.  My own car was in a basement lockup, and as I neared the street was deserted, as I had expected it to be.


Quickly I drove into the basement, and opened the boot to my own car, then her boot. As a I helped her from the boot I whispered that her life depended on doing as she was told, and that meant making no noise, even though I knew that the gag would soak up almost any sound she made. I just wanted her to be more frightened of calling for help than she was of what was happening to her.


Within minutes I had her secured in my car, and was cleaning all traces of myself from hers. I made sure that there was no fingerprints of mine anywhere, and even swept out the drivers floor with a small hand brush to remove any dirt that may have come from my shoes, then locked her car, and got into my own.


Within another minute I was off again, the wig now gone, and feeling more relaxed. The last part of the trip was another two hour drive, and every now and then I stopped to make sure my victim was okay, and then carried on.


My home was deep in the forest, buried in it's own grounds, and far away from prying eyes. My deliveries had always been on a Thursday, and meant that I would not be disturbed by the sudden appearance of any delivery men, as I moved my victim to her new home.


The move out of the car boot into the house was simple enough, having warned her again against the idea of trying to attract attention, as she had no idea that no matter how loud she screamed, no one would hear it.


Once in the house I released her ankles, and helped her through the house and down the steps to the basement. Once in the basement I moved her into her room, a cell I had built specially for her, with metal rings built into the wall, that would lock around her neck like a collar.  Backing her up against the wall I fastened the ring around her, and padlocked it in place, then removed the blindfold and gag.


As soon as the gag was removed she opened her mouth to scream, and I smiled, as she did so. She seemed surprised that I made no effort to stop her, until I informed her that the basement was soundproofed, and that we were also at least five miles from the nearest neighbours. Almost immediately, she stopped screaming, and tears filled her eyes.


Lastly I moved her and unfastened her wrists, leaving her free of all bonds save for the metal collar around her neck. Her hands sprung to this, and she cried again as her fingers found the padlock, and she realised she would never open it. She was now mine, and would remain so, and there was nothing anywhere that would tie me to her abduction. It was only then that I remembered the last thing on my list, and I left her there to worry, as I moved upstairs, and turned on my computer. Going to my "A" drive, I entered the dos disk and typed format c:


This would remove any traces of the hacking I had done earlier, and reloading my programs was not too much of a problem, but was far better an option than letting anyone finding the trace evidence.


Now I was happy to go and spent time with my captive, and returned to the basement. I could see through a spyhole that she was still struggling with the collar, and getting nowhere.


I stood watching her for a few minutes before entering the cell.


"Okay!", I started. "This will be your new home, and you will never be leaving here. I wish there was another way of saying that to you, but I feel the truth will hurt less than leaving you with the illusion that release is around the corner."


As I stopped speaking I could see her eyes flickering around the cell, probably looking for the way out, if she could get the collar off.


"The collar around your neck is made of tempered steel, and would need an oxy torch to get off, unless you have the key, which is currently upstairs, so trying to grab me and take it is not worth it. You will stay there within the confines of the collar until I am ready to let you move. If you have any questions, keep them to yourself. I am not interested, and will not answer them, You are here for my purpose, and if that means that you will feel pain occasionally, then so be it.Is that understood?"


I could see the thousand questions flashing through her mind, but only one came out. "Why me?"


As if to demonstrate my ignorance of her questions, as the words left her mouth I slapped her across the face, hard enough to sting, but not to cause real pain. Immediately tears filled her eyes and ran down her cheeks.


"I told you no questions". I told her calmly. "If you cannot obey, you will not get fed."


With that comment I turned and left the cell, closing the heavy metal door behind me, and leaving her alone to consider her fate. I watched for a while through the spyhole, her hands immediately moving back to the padlock on the collar, and then turned the light out, leaving her in pitch blackness where she would stay until I decided that it was morning. Within a few days her body clock would be a mess, and within a few weeks, she would be mine totally, her mind submissive to me.


I went upstairs and showered, then moved to the cupboard I had built to hold my new clothes, the only things she would see me in from this time forwards. Even when she had totally submitted to me, she would not be allowed out of the house, and would never see her home, work or friends again.


As I dressed I turned on the news, and tuned into her area, waiting to see if there was any mention of her in the broadcast. Nothing!


Over the next two hours I reloaded the programs on my computer, and started back to chat with mutual friends. One of them, Starfyre, told me that our mutual friend had gone away for the weekend, and would be back on Monday. Thanking her for this information, talk turned to it's more natural subject, and I spent over three hours chatting, logging out in such a way that they would see my id as I did so. More proof, if ever it were needed, that I was at home that night, and that they had actually told me about the weekend trip my victim was making.


By the time I decided to return to her, she had been alone almost six hours, and I decided it was now morning. Turning on the lights I opened the door and wished her a good morning, and told her the time was 0730. She looked at me and I could see the shock in her eyes as she saw what I was wearing. Gone were the clothes of earlier, and in their place I wore a leather vest and trousers, a studded belt and wrist straps, and over my face a mask that would be more suited to Halloween, black, with a flame design around the eyes and nostrils. Unless my image was burned into her memory, this was the only impression she would have of me.


As I entered she opened her mouth to speak, but seemed to think better of it, and closed it without uttering a word. I handed her a bowl of cereal, and a plastic spoon, knowing that she could feed herself, even though, by now, her legs had to be very weak.  Hungrily she ate the cereal, as if she had not eaten for days, instead of hours. As soon as she finished eating I took the bowl from her, and placed it on the ground, before picking up a belt I had designed for her.


Telling her to stay perfectly still, I moved close to her and started to place the belt around her waist. As I had thought, as soon as I moved in close, she raised her hand to strike me. I acted as if I had not seen it, but at the last moment grabbed her hand as it flew through the air, and bent her fingers back, until she screamed out in pain. I warned her that any move she made against me would end up in pain for her, and smiled at her with no warmth. As she dropped her hand to her side, I returned to my task, fastening the metal belt around her waist.


My captive's waist was 24 inches, but the belt was much less, pulling hard at her, and cutting deep into her stomach muscles as I forced it to close, and then added the locking padlock. On either side of the belt was another metal strap, with which to lock her hands to her side. Even though she struggled, it took little time to lock the first wrist at her side, and another blow across the face found her letting the second be locked with little trouble.


Once I was satisfied that her hands were secure, and that she could not get them free, I released the collar, and let her slip to the floor, her legs finally giving way from under her.


"this belt", I said, "will stay around your waist for the foreseeable future. If your hands are secured to it, you will be allowed to wander around the basement. If you try to get away. I shall out you back in the collar, and you will stay there for three days,which means your legs will take the strain all that time. I am sure you will already have discovered that you cannot relax your legs in the collar, as to do so would start to strangle you.


To my surprise, she nodded.


"Right then", I continued. "Over the next few days you will learn that I am to be your Master. Without me you can do nothing. You rely on me for food, and for washing. Behaviour will earn rewards, disobedience will earn punishment. Have no doubt about that. I WILL punish you if you disobey. I have infinite patience, and will not tire with punishing you, though I would rather not do, as I hate to see  whip marks on tender flesh. But believe me, I will whip you, I will starve you and I will punish you."


I turned to start to walk away, then turned back again.


"One other thing. If you are thinking that you will be found, and rescued, forget it. All on the net think you went away for the weekend, and even Mrs McCarthy waved you off. It will be Monday before you are even missed, and there is nothing at all to tie you in with me. As you  would have guessed, the name I use on the net bears no relation to my own, and if the police do come here. I will welcome them with open arms and show them around, though obviously not the basement, and as this is not on any plans, they will not be asking to see it.  When I  told you there was no escape, I actually meant that there was no escape."


With that I left the cell and closed the door, watching through the spy hole as she realised what I had said, and collapsed to the floor in tears, unable even to wipe them away, as her hands would not reach. As I stood watching her, I did consider letting her dress, but then dismissed this idea, As with everything else, she would have to earn the right to wear clothes, and that would take a long time.


For the next few days I slowly turned her night into day, and her days into night. She had cereal  when she should have been having dinner, and dinner when she should already be long time sleeping. When the lights were on she wore the wrists straps, and still, when the lights were out, she was collared to the wall, forcing her to sleep on her feet.


She had stopped any form of questioneing, after feeling the whip twice across her ass, and reluctantly stayed silent whenever I was in her cell. Still, though, as soon as the door closed and she was alone, the tears came. But that would eventually stop.


I had planned to start training her the next week, and the first thing was to teach her to call me Master.


I had told her on the first day that she was to consider me as her Master, but she had not yet used the term. But she would, however grudgingly, she would.


At the start of the second week, I moved a cot into her cell, but told her she would have to earn the right to use it. Until then she would spend the nights in the collar. I could see in her eyes that she wanted to know how to earn that right, but she did not ask. At least that was one lesson she had learned.


I looked up at her and smiled, though she did not return the smile. I told her that the cot was hers, all she had to do to earn it, was to call me Master, and kneel everytime I entered the room. With that I left, leaving her standing looking at the cot, so close, so wanted, but out of reach.


I stayed away for over an hour, and when I entered the room, although she could not kneel, she called me Master. I turned my back to her and let the smile fill my face. Moving back to her I released the collar, and as soon as her hands were fastened to the belt, she sank to her knees in front of me. This was enough to tell me how much she really did want the bed, and as I left, I stopped at the spy hole and smiled as she let herself collapse onto it, the first comfort she had felt since she had been here


I had been on the internet everyday since she had been here, and for the first few days there was a lot of talk about her absence, but by now she was hardly mentioned at all, and life went on as normal.


The news form her home town was not much better. No one seemed to know where she was, and though there had been a lot of talk when she failed to appear at work on the Monday, and no one had been able to contact her, but now even that seemed forgotten, and other news was taking the headlines.  I knew, though, that she was still being looked for by the police, but I also knew that by now I had covered my tracks carefully, and was a not a suspect in her disappearance.


On my next journey to the cell I took with me a small pair of panties for her. they were made of a leather like material, and would cover very little, but would still make her feel better. Almost as soon as I opened the door she flew off the cot and sank to her knees. Not out of respect for me, but through fear of losing the cot, and having to sleep on her feet again.


I showed her the panties and told her to stand up. As she did so let her lift one leg and placed the panties over one foot, and then the other, before pulling them up into position for her. I would have liked to see her do this herself, but the cell door was open, and if I had released her wrists I knew she would have made an attempt to escape.


Once the panties were in place I looked at her. They did only just cover, leaving nothing to the imagination, but allowing her a little dignity. I warned her that these were not a right, and that any infringement would see them taken away from her, and the cot as well. Any time she disobeyed, and everything she had been given would go, and she would have to start over again, earning them.


Her response, though feeble in volume, was "Yes Master".


I smiled.


It was the fifth Friday that she first found out that I meant what I said to her. I entered the room and it took her e minute to get to her knees.  Without a word I dragged her to the wall and fixed the collar around her neck, then using a knife from my belt I cut through the sides of the panties, watching them drop to the ground by her feet. Moving quickly I went across the room and folded the cot, and pulled it out of the room.


I could see the question in her eyes, and told her it was because she had been slow in getting to her knees, and then left the room, leaving her to feel both sorry for herself, and angry with me.Through the spy hole I saw the tears, the first for some time, and knew that I had reached her. In another week she would do anything to get her bed back.


By now she had no real idea of time, and had no idea how long she had been my prisoner. She had not seen fresh air since I brought her here, and decided that today would be an ideal time. When I re-entered the cell I carried with me a long chain, which I fixed to the belt around her waist. Removing the collar I led her through the cell door, and blindfolded her before leading her through the house and out into the grounds.


I could see her eyes half close with the first sight of the sun in such a long time, and then the female instinct to covet herself, though she could not do so. I led her around the grounds on the chain, telling her to study the isolation of the area. The grounds were quite expansive, and she could see that help would not be easy to find.  She could also see the barbed wire along the top of the surrounding wall, the last remains of the security ordered by a previous occupant of the house.


For an hour I let her feel the fresh air, smiling as she tried to keep out of my view, still trying to shield her body from me. I let her try, taking no action as she turned away from me, keeping a firm grip on the chain connected to her waist.


When I took her back to her cell I could see her face drop, and I told her that the fresh air was another merit that had to be earned. I was quite happy to leave her in the cell, but was just as happy to allow her fresh air if she behaved.


It was at that time that I told her the next phase of her training would begin that night. She looked at me, but made no sound, the questions never getting past her lips;.


I could see the disappointment in her face when I moved her back to the cell, and held her against the wall, placing the collar around her neck. I told her I would bring the cot back for her later, but that I was moving onto the next phase as well.


Again I left her alone, and knew that whatever I did, she would accept if it meant she would get fresh air and her cot back.


It was about three hours before I returned, having had another chat on the internet. By now she was almost forgotten, and other newer people had joined the chat room. Things had moved on.


When I returned to the cell I took with me a small device I had built. It was a two inch strip that would pass under her and between her legs, and then clip to another metal strip that would go around her waist, almost like a metal g string. The main difference was the vibrator welded into place on the metal understrip.


Until now there had been nothing sexual in her capture and imprisonment, but now it was to start. As I closed it on her I saw her move her legs together. Without a word I slapped her across the face. Immediately she relaxed, and when I pressed her legs open, they obeyed. I had lubricated the vibrator, but I also knew that after this time, it would still be hard for her to take. But I could not let her feelings interrupt me, and quickly started to force the vibrator into her. ignoring her involuntary scream as it filled her, and stretched her. Only when it was deep inside her did I loop the waist band around her, and pulling the understrip tight, I clipped it into place behind her.


Her face showed the pain she was feeling, and she was unable to hold back the tears. Satisfied that the vibrator was secure, and that she could not reach it, I released the collar and let her move around the cell.


Holding the whip in my hand, I led her around the cell, knowing that she must be feeling the vibrator deep inside her, and her face told me that even with the lubrication it was hurting her.  As a final gesture for now, I dragged back the cot, and opened it out for her, telling her to lay down and get some rest. I saw her wince as she sat on the edge of the cot, and then lift her legs up so she could lay down.


I then showed her the small box I pulled from my belt. This was the remote for the vibrator. I smiled as I turned the knob slowly, and heard the quiet buzz as the vibrator sprang to life. Then I turned my back on her and left the cell, closing the door behind me.  I watched her for a while, through the spy hole, and after a short time I could see her hips begin to move. Slowly, hesitantly at first, but as the vibrator continued to hum away, I could see her start to relax. Just then I stopped it.


For over a week I kept the vibrator in place, taking it out only for her bath and toilet, then putting it back. I knew she was both upset and hurting, as I had turned the vibrator on and off at my will, bringing her close to orgasm more than once, but stopping, refusing her that final release. This was another privilege she would have to earn.


Over the next few days I introduced her to other items that would become a part of her training, including a pair of nipple clamps. She screamed out  when I first placed these onto her, but after a few days I was able to put them on without a murmour.


She had been with me now for over two months, and Christmas was close. Though she did not realise this. She had no idea of what date or time it was, as I still controlled her days and nights with the cell light.


Once, she had tried to get out of the cell just as I opened the door, but after a whipping, she had not tried that again. I had also removed the vibrator, still not letting her have the orgasm that had been so near so many times. I had seen her on a number of occasions trying to reach herself with her hands, wanting to finish what the vibrator was starting, and smiled at her frustration as she was unable to reach.


She now knelt as soon as I entered the cell, and greeted me as Master. Long gone had the hope of release or rescue, and though I had not taken it for granted, I knew that that she had accepted her fate.  I had let her have more fresh air and she had stopped any attempt at trying to cover her self.


One day I entered the cell and removed the metal belt from around her waist, the first time she had been without it since shortly after her arrival. I warned her that if she tried to escape, or to attack me, the belt would go back on, and would stay, as I would weld it in place. She seemed to accept this, and when I took her out on a lead and collar she made no attempt to get away from me.


Slowly she had come to rely on me for her food and well being. I allowed her to keep clean, fed her well, and, now, was making sure she exercised daily. How much different this was from the day I had abducted her.


Just after Christmas I took her upstairs in the house, and to my bedroom, watching her eyes widen as she saw this area of my life for the first time. She still had not seen the computer, as this was locked away in my den, as I knew that if she saw it, she would try to get  word to others, and gain her freedom. This piece of machinery would come later.


Once in the bedroom I told her to remove her panties and place them at the bottom of the bed, and then lay down. Without hesitation she did as she was told, and watched as I removed the leather trousers I was wearing. I could see in her eyes that she had mixed emotions. She had been so close to orgasm so many times her body still screamed for release, and yet, she did not want sex with me.


Silently I lay on the bed next to her, warning her that anything she did wrong would be severely punished. She nodded immediately, and knew that the warning was not necessary.


On the bed I lay one hand over her breast, and felt the little nipples harden almost immediately. Such was her desire to be fulfilled after being so close so many times. I moved my hands slowly down and across her stomach, and smiled to my self as she flinched, not sure whether she was supposed to respond or lay still.  But as I neared the tops of her thighs, her body seemed to take over from her mind, it seemed to be craving the release it had been so often promised and denied.


As my hand moved between her legs I could feel the dampness already, and as my fingers brushed against her, her hips rose to meet me. |i was not fooled into thinking she was enjoying this, but her body craved release, and her hips were hungry to get to my fingers, almost forcing them inside herself in her eagerness.


I let her do as she wished for a while, and allowed my thumb to locate her clit, circling it gently, feeling her hips crash against my hands as I did so, and at the same time I took one nipple between my teeth and gently teased it.


Deciding that now was the time, I rolled over on top of her,. my legs between her open thighs, and my cock aimed at her wet pussy. She did not fight as I pulled my fingers away, and touched her with the head of my cock. Her hips again rose to meet me, and I smiled behind my mask at her urgency. I wanted to make her beg,. to scream for it, but in truth my urgency was almost as great as hers, having watched her for so long, knowing that she was mine, and trying to pick the right moment.


As I slid my cock into her, her hips crashed against me, swallowing the whole of my cock in one go, her need far greater than her repulsion at being taken. Her whole body seemed to come alive as we bucked together, not sure who was in control, if either of us, both wanting it to last longer, yet neither able to hold back.


I could feel her muscles holding me, refusing to let go, refusing to be denied again, as she lifted and lowered her hips in time to my thrusts. Then she screamed, loud and guttural in my ear, her hips crashing against me, her arms wrapped around me to make sure I would not pull out at this crucial moment, and then I felt the wetness grow, as she started to cum. I could feel the pent up excitement in her as she gave in to her desires, her muscles pulling at me, forcing me to join her in this state of ecstasy. as I led my cum flood into her, filling her, joining with her own juices, running out of her and down her inner thighs, felling the dampness grow in a patch on the bed between her thighs.


Even as I stopped cumming, and began to relax, she refused to let go, still trying to milk more juices from my cock, as she screamed out again, and I knew that another orgasm had taken her.


Later, as I took her back to her cell, she whispered to me,as if ashamed and delighted at the same time.


"Thank you, Master"


IT was done, my victim had become my slave, and she had admitted it to both herself and to me.


That night I went into the cell and gave her a leather collar, allowing her the choice to wear it or not. To my surprise, she eagerly took it, fastening it around her own neck, and handing me the key back.


She had often said on the internet that she craved a Master of her own, a strong Master, who would take her, and force her to be His. Her wish had been fulfilled, and for the first time I called her by her new name, her internet name.


She was home.


She would stay


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