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Review This Story || Author: Jethro Jodhpur

Taming Billy

Part 20

                               Taming Billy - Chapter 20

       Greta yelled at her sister to touch the teen. Gert was reluctant, but finally she reached out and gave him a tentative poke in the ribs. There was no reaction and she did it again with the same lack of results. Screwing up her courage, she placed her hand on his chest and recoiled in horror.

       " Oh shit! Oh shit! He's fucking dead! We killed him!  What the fuck do we do now? "

       " Look, no one saw anything that happened. Mom went off to bed and according to our story we were too wasted to do anything with the stud muffin, so we went off to bed leaving him tied up and being worked on pretty hard by mom's friends. By tomorrow morning mom will have discovered that he died last night and it'll be her problem to explain what happened to the authorities. You and I will be just innocent witnesses to the fact that mom and her friends were working Billy really hard when we left. It will be her word against ours and you know who the cops will believe, especially if they know there will be some regular pussy for them if they take our story as the truth. Just to be on the safe side, we better double douche before we turn in so there'll be no evidence in case they want to check on us to see if we were fucking Billy recently. That's one test that mom will fail with flying colors. "

       The best laid plans of mice and men oft go astray, or something like that. The von Dortman twins were sleeping soundly when they were aroused by their irritated mother late the next morning. It seems that Mrs. Lyons was inquiring about where her son was, and who gave him permission to stay over at wherever he turned out to be. To make matters worse it seems that she was unable to rouse Billy from the deep sleep or whatever it was that prevented him from waking up in response to her shaking and yelling. The twins exchanged knowing glances and acted innocent about what happened to Billy. Their mother muttered to herself in German and left the room.

       The twins could not resist peeking into the bedroom to see what their mother was up to regarding the corpse, as they referred to the remains of Billy. You can imagine their shock and relief to discover that the dead teen had made a remarkable recovery, and was giving Imgard von Dortman the fucking of her life. His hard cock was moving so fast it seemed to be a blur at times. Gardi had this weird look on her face like she'd had some kind of drug overdose or seen her maker. They decided to join their mother and see if they too could get some of that super hard dick before he was taken away to appear at some other sex orgy arranged by god knows who to attract the cream of the crop from the local geriatric population.

       Alas they were beaten to the punch by the sound of the doorbell. Gardi yelled at them to open the door and tell Lucy that Billy would be downstairs shortly. They couldn't keep a straight face when it came to telling lies covering their mother's little indiscretions.  After all it was no secret that Billy was nuts about their mom and her friends, and everyone in school knew it. So why the lies?

       Lucy and another mature lady who was tall and skinny as a rail were standing at the door when the twins, wearing nothing but teddies that hid little of significance, let them inside to wait for Billy to come down from the upstairs bedroom. Lucy grinned and commented that her grandson was certainly a  young man on the go these days. Her companion said nothing, but she licked her lips as she took in what Gert and Greta were offering. For some odd reason Gert felt a little dampness developing in her double douched twat.

       The skinny, sixty something woman was definitely expressing interest in her body, and Gert was responding with a sex fantasy involving being tied down to a bed while the woman inserted the biggest dildo she had ever seen into her cunt. Her lover had spent the better part of an hour greasing up her twat and even fisting her to make sure that pussy could stretch as much as would be required when that jumbo bad boy started chugging up the teen's buttery fuck canal.

       The arrival of Billy, full of piss and vinegar, broke the fantasy just as it was getting interesting. Still the older woman managed to make eye contact with the plump teen and Gert's cunt went from damp to soaking in less than ten seconds flat. It was then that the woman, her name was Jillian and she just recently arrived from the UK, introduced herself by clutching Gert's hand and squeezing it forcefully as she spoke. To the teen it was as if a cat was licking her pussy with its raspy tongue and doing the kind of job that she only dreamed could happen. Jillian and Gert would quickly become a much more interesting item than even Billy and his harem of ancient dreadnoughts.

       Lucy shook her bony finger under the nose of her shamefaced grandson while she read him the riot act about his behavior and the worry he caused his poor mother. Then she stepped away and ordered the youth to strip to the skin and allow her companion to cuff his hands behind his back. She asked Gardi  for the loan of a bath towel so they could transport him to their car parked by the side of the house without causing too much of a sir just in case some one observed the trio. Greta could not resist playing with the teen's cock while a towel was found and brought to Lucy.

       Billy was breathing hard and on the verge of erupting by the time Lucy received the towel from Gert. Suddenly Jillian, who had remained in the background until then, stepped forward and quickly grabbed the youth's balls in a death grip and began squeezing them relentlessly as Lucy looked on, her eyes twinkling. Billy groaned and pleaded, but the pressure she applied was constant. Jillian looked him squarely in the eye and warned him that any unwarranted erection such as this display would be cause for her providing him some very serious pain. The teenager started to sweat and tremble as his cock grew flaccid. Tears came to his eyes and his legs began to turn to jelly as the pain radiated from his constricted balls. At a nod from Lucy, Jillian released his balls but then she struck him across the face, once on each cheek, leaving an imprint of her hand on them.

       The von Dortmans were astonished to see Billy start to blubber like a little girl, the tears rolling down his crimson cheeks. Gert thought she was either going to faint or have an orgasm right then and there at this display of power by the tall, skinny, mystery woman. She immediately began to imagine that it was she, hands cuffed and nearly naked, being taken to some place where her new mistress would punish her severely before allowing her to finally have that marvelous orgasm she so desperatey needed.

       Jillian joined Billy in the back seat of the car as Lucy headed towards the home of principal Dana Riggs and her live-in love slave. As she drove, Lucy filled in her companion on the principal and her slave, a  much younger teacher who had been with Dana for more than a year and was beginning to show the wear and tear on her mind as well as what was once a fantastic body. The daily spankings graduated quickly to twice weekly beatings, the one administered on the weekend so stressing that there were many Mondays when slave Lara was unable to teach class since she could barely stand erect.

       The tall, skinny, pale woman listened and at the same time removed the towel from around Billy's body to reveal his cock and balls. Lucy clucked in mock reproach as she watched Jillian french kiss the youth, giving him plenty of hot, wet tongue, as her hand stroked his cock to hardness. She did some wiggling and managed to remove her panties, which she wadded up into a ball and held against the teen's face so he could inhale the scent of her wet pussy. His cock began to twitch, and now she was running her long fingernails across his nipples, only adding to the pressure on his balls to explode from all the stimulation she was providing. Lucy cautioned her companion about making the boy shoot off before principal Riggs had the opportunity to welcome him in her own inimitable way.

       Somewhat irritated by not being allowed to tease and torment the stud muffin any further, Jillian leaned over and bit the youth on the lip, drawing blood and a gasp from Lucy who was more than a little upset with the way her companion was treating her grandson. Jillian was not accustomed to being chided over her behavior and she fumed, her mind busily planning for what she'd do to the youth once she had him alone. Lucy misinterpreted Jillian's silence as obedience and so she went on about the way principal Riggs treated her slave to finally reduce her to a beaten drudge.

       The frequency and severity of her beatings increased, causing Dana to spread the damage out over othe portions of the slave's body beside her bottom that was the main target initially. Over a period of perhaps ten days the whip would eat away at the slave's tits, belly, thighs, calves, rib cage, bottom, back and especially her vulva, which would be beaten bloody, thus making sex with the principal a fiendishy difficult and painful experience. Principal Riggs began to experiment with dildos made from various rubbers, plastics and even composites in an effort to find the one that would cause the most excruciating pain when it was used on the slave.

       Now the poor thing's wardrobe was exclusively composed of thick layers of clothing to allow her to sit and move about as she taught. Had her students ever gotten a look at her naked body they would have been amazed. She was covered continuously with fresh cuts and welts from the beatings she received almost daily. Her tits, vulva and ass were reserved for the cane, the worst weapon in the principal's arsenal of whipping  implements. Recently principal Riggs had been using a composite whip that had more elasticity and just as much power on Lara's tits, and the damage to those once glorious mounds was terrible to behold. 

       She had to always wear pantyhose over cotton panties with her cunt packed with tampons soaked in astrigents to tighen her twat and accelerate the healing from the cruel beatings and rapings it absorbed. Her once big, firm tits were now much bigger, but only because they were perpetually swollen from the vicious beatings they took from the principal, who had not been so generously endowed as the poor slave. They had also lost much of their resilience and begun to sag whenever she went braless, which was the uniform of the day when she was at the home of her mistress.

       According to what Lucy had been told today, the principal had invited her latest boyfriend, a sadistic brute, to attend this session that would feature Billy and Lara doing some very interesting things to each other as well as having other interesting things done to them by the ladies and some surprise guests as well. If both survived the session and healed properly they would give an encore performance to a much larger crowd next week just before Billy was off to visit his sister and his mother's dominatrix friend for one month of extremely strict and stressful discipline.

       By now Jillian had gotten so excited from hearing about the torments to the principal's slave, that she had Billy on his knees with his head buried between her thighs, noisily eating out her hairy cunt, bringing her closer and closer to an orgasm. Lucy cut off her story since she was nearly at her destination and did not want to miss the turnoff to Ms. Rigg's secluded home. She slowly negotiated the twists and turns in the narrow one lane black top road before being stopped by a gate with a monitor. Lucy punched in the number sequence she had been given and the gate rolled back to allow her to enter the grounds.

       She soon found the parking area which was already occupied by four cars and a beatup van. Just as she pulled into a spot perhaps ten yards from the nearest car, there came a long, drawn-out sigh from Jillian as Billy's fast tongue finally sent her over the falls as she experienced a huge orgasm that left her weak and starry eyed after it had passed through her body. Lucy smile wolfishly and asked if her companion was well enough to leave the car. For a moment Jillian was silent and then she heaved a second sigh and pushed Billy's head from her oozing crotch for a brief moment. Then  with a grin she slammed his face back into the swampy mess that he had created and ordered him to clean her up quickly or take a sound thrashing once she had him inside the large house that loomed over the parking grounds. Minutes later a stark naked Billy Lyons, flanked by the two women, was marched towards the house and whatever awaited him there.

                        ( To be continued - jethro jodhpur )

Review This Story || Author: Jethro Jodhpur
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