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The Future

Chapter 22


By C

This story contains graphic descriptions of death and nudity, and is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It is fantasy and intended to be viewed as such. All individuals were created in the writers imagination, and any similarity at actual persons is nothing but coincidence.





       The following morning saw no wane in the enthusiasm and excitement that had been generated in women throughout the world from what they witnessed the previous day. They also remained in a heightened state of suspense as to what would take place in the upcoming event scheduled to start at one o'clock that afternoon an event that had been promoted with the same intensity as that which had so dramatically and unbelievably taken place the day before in an exhilarating manner that defied imagination. The same question was asked time and again. "How could anything possibly come close to matching that?" The hours seemed to drag as they impatiently looked forward with eager anticipation to discover what it would be.

       The same high spirited mood could not be said for the Supreme Commander. Her first thought upon awakening was that the day she had been dreading, more than any ever known, had finally arrived. Her determined confidence that she would somehow find the ability to do what would be required, regardless of the difficulty, remained strong, but the realization that the day was now at hand put a damper on the excitement and satisfaction she had experienced the previous day. Even the profound relief she had felt from the outstanding success being achieved had faded and was replaced by a feeling of growing concern. The success that had been gained was indeed highly crucial, but it was nothing compared to the importance of being successful in what lay ahead.

       It would be no understatement to say that the future of the world might well hinge on the manner in which women reacted to what was next to come - and success this time not only would rest almost entirely on her shoulders but would be far more difficult to achieve. There would be no advantage of immense drama being created by charging lions and a burning hatred for the victims creating willingness to accept and enjoy seeing them getting what they so justly deserved - regardless of the unbelievable means being used. But now, standing alone, she would have to create similar emotions and passions within women to an extent that they find themselves experiencing the same degree of excitement and enthusiasm, but this time from watching innocent young men being slain instead of despised tyrants - and in a different and far more personal manner.

       It was not the critical importance of the upcoming event, however, that dominated the Supreme Commander's thoughts. In her entire life she had never killed anything other than an insect. But, in a matter of hours, that would no longer be the case. In a matter of hours she would be looking at the naked body of a young man laying bleeding and lifeless at her feet - a young man she had come to know and admire - a young man for whom she felt compassion - a young man containing courage, innocence, and virtue of an extent she had seldom encountered - a young man she would have been honored and proud to have called her son - a young man with everything to live for but whose live would soon come to a sudden end - a life that would suddenly end by an act of violence committed by her own hand.

       And, if taking his life was not bad enough it wouldn't stop there. She must look to be full of excitement and merriment when proceeding to taunt his nakedness - ridicule it - make fun of it - even play with it. And then, when butchering his still warm body, she must do so while giving the appearance of regarding it no different than she would the carcass of an animal. And, all, all of this, being done while practically every woman in the world would be watching. Throughout the entire episode, she must constantly give an outward impression of immensely enjoying herself and finding it all to be highly amusing.

       For a reason she could not explain, she had no longer been harboring serious doubts that she would be unable to carry out such a difficult and demanding pretense. Ever since the morning following the Summit she had felt a strange sense of having gained an inner understanding of something. She did not know exactly what this something was or its significance - it seemed to be floating just out of reach - but, for some reason, she had found her feelings of anguish and torment being eased. They had by no means gone away, but it was something she had at least been able to live with.

       Whatever this awareness was, however, it had not done a great deal toward easing her pain and dread from thinking of the part she must play, but it nevertheless left her feeling confident that the immense importance would enable her to find the ability to do what would be required - regardless of the difficulty. She had little doubt that when it was over she would pay a price extracting a lasting and heavy emotional toll that would be extremely difficult to endure - especially since her high position would demand hanging his mounted head and genitals on display in her office and would, therefore, be a constant reminder.

       The Supreme Commander dressed that morning and took care of last minute details which kept her occupied for several hours. She then left home and proceeded to drive to the compound where the young man destined to be her victim was being held. His name was Tom. She had received a report the previous evening containing news which she knew would make him extremely happy and relieve him of a great deal of anxiety. Upon reading the report, she had not hesitated in deciding to give the information to him personally even though she knew that talking with him on the very morning in which he had only a few hours left would be extremely painful.

       She could, of course, have had the message given to him by someone else, but she knew it would far more meaningful for it to come from her. It would be extremely difficult to find a young man more deserving to live than he, yet, because of her he would be the first to die. She felt she owed him a great deal, and if talking with him again would make him joyfully happy during his final hours then it would be the least she could do - regardless of the additional pain that it would surely create for herself.

       As the Supreme Commander drove toward her destination, she found her thoughts turning to the day, two weeks ago, when she had first met and talked with Tom. He had been the one she was leaning toward from the start after reading the reports used in selecting the ten young men she interviewed, and, for this reason, she met with the others first and saved Tom for last. All of them had been of outstanding character, and her heart had gone out to each in knowing that they had only a short while to live. But, Tom had hardly walked through the door before she knew her initial impression had been correct and that he would indeed be the one. He had a splendid physique and was strikingly handsome, but, instead of self-centered conceit or arrogance, he was extremely shy, sensitive, and filled with compassion. He was also only twenty three years old.

       During the interview, Tom never suspected the Supreme Commander's true identity, but her manner and bearing left him little doubt that she was someone of high authority. He appeared almost in awe that a woman of such importance was not only taking time to sit and chat casually with him, but she treated him with such kindness that she seemed to have a genuine concern for his welfare. She expressed regret for it being necessary to continue keeping him, along with all other men, in confinement for the immediate present and seemed to find it important that he know the reason. She described the extent of disorder and devastation that still existed, and explained that it would only add to the confusion if a massive number of men returned to a society that had not yet had time to establish a means for it to be done with some semblance of order.

       Tom had nodded in a manner indicating he understood and showed no resentment from being held. He had, of course, already been told this, as had all men, but he seemed deeply impressed that a women of such high importance was taking time to explain it to him personally as though it mattered to her for him to fully comprehend. But then the Supreme Commander, using a confidential tone, revealed something he had not been told before. She said the years of constant combat had placed a tremendous mental stress on those involved, and it had been found that many would need help in learning how to adjust to living in society before being allowed to return. "It is only by continuing to confine all men" - she had said - "that we will be able to identify those needing help and see that they receive it. If we were to release any of them prematurely they would find themselves unable to adapt and might well prove to be a danger not only to themselves but to others around them."

       The Supreme commander was somewhat startled to see a flash of anger in Tom's eyes that faded into a faraway look indicating her words had sparked a remembrance for which he felt extreme emotion. "You're right about that maam." He said. "There's a lot of guys out there that need help - maybe a lot more than you realize." The anger in his eyes returned as he continued with his voice filled with emotion. "But some of them are just plain mean real mean. Maybe the war caused it, but I don't know if any kind of help will change them now. It would be dangerous, real dangerous, to turn any of those bastards loose. I've seen way too much not to know what would happen. They would be a threat to anyone they came across." His voice quivered with both anger and disgust as he added - "Especially for a woman." He suddenly hesitated - becoming aware of the extent that he had let himself get carried away - and then his face turned red as he recalled his choice of words. "Er.. excuse my language maam." He stammered.

       Tom's unexpected outburst revealed even more insight into his character for which the Supreme Commander was gaining increasing admiration. In spite of his young age, he had undoubtedly witnessed and experienced a great deal. He had served on the front lines for years, and his record included an impressive list of citations for acts of valor and bravery while under fire many involving putting himself at risk to save fellow soldiers. Yet, he seemed to be remarkably unaffected, and, instead of giving the appearance of being a hardened veteran, he blushed with a boyish innocence that was most refreshing to see.

       She gave him a kind, lighthearted, smile. "Please, you have nothing to apologize for. I can assure you there have been times I have said far worse." She gazed at him with her eyes showing a tender look of warmhearted sincerity. "It's too bad all men are not like you. If they were, I am quite certain there would be no reason for any woman to have cause for fear, and we wouldn't find ourselves in the midst of such an ungodly mess." Her words made Tom blush and glance away.

       The Supreme Commander assured Tom that they had no intention of releasing men found to be dangerous but then changed the subject and talked of various things that outwardly seemed to be of little importance but, in reality, were aimed at revealing even more insight into his feelings, nature, and character. It was in this manner that she found him to have a sense of caring and warm-heartedness to a depth she knew to be extremely rare - at least extremely rare in men.

       She also found that her increasing respect and admiration were being joined by feelings of growing compassion and tenderness. Tom was truly a remarkable person, and she wondered why she was continuing when there was no longer any doubt that her search had ended. He would be the one she would choose, and she was only making what lay ahead far more difficult and painful, yet, for some reason, she felt a compelling urge to know as much about him as possibly.

       The interview lasted much longer than the Supreme Commander intended, and it was almost with reluctance she realized that she could no longer delay attending to numerous pressing duties. "Its been a pleasure talking with you Tom." She said while glancing at her watch. "But I'm afraid I've let the time slip up on me. Before I go, however, is there anything you need in which I might be of some assistance?" He hesitated for a moment, as though about to say something but then, unable to find the courage, looked away. "Please!" She encouraged, "I can see that there is something, and I would really like to help if I can." "Well.., er.." He stammered. "You see there's this.., er.., this girl.., and.., er.., well I've sorter been worrying about if she's OK. I know it's asking a lot, but if you could.., er.., maybe find out it would mean a great deal."

       The Supreme Commanders eyebrows rose in what she intended to be a look of mock surprise but was also partially genuine. An amused look then came on her face. "Oh..? I was under the impression that you young soldiers had been kept far too busy to find time for having any romantic involvements.” Tom's face turned crimson, and he hurriedly stammered out an explanation. "Oh! It's nothing like that maam. I only met her one time. You see, she.., er.., had gotten into some.., er.., trouble and I.., er.., I was sorter able to help. It was a few years ago, and I'm sure she doesn't even remember me. But I couldn't help but remember her. She was very afraid, but she showed so much strength and courage - more that most men I know - that she made.., er.., an impression, and I've.., er.., I've thought about her a lot since. I can't help but worry about her and would like to know if she's OK - that's all."

       The Supreme Commander looked at Tom, and her face displayed a mischievous smile. "She wouldn't also happen to be pretty would she?" Tom's face again turned red with such deep embarrassment that she immediately regretted having made this last remark. His reaction, however, left little doubt of the answer. "I'm sorry, Tom." She said. "That was uncalled for. I'll be more than happy to try and find out anything I can."

       The Supreme Commander had sat in silence after Tom departed. She looked at the information written on a pad containing a girl's name and home town. She wondered what had truly taken place. Tom's account had been vague to say the least, but it was obvious that whatever "trouble" the girl had encountered had been far more serious than the casual manner in which it had been mentioned. She remembered the intensity of his emotional outburst in warning of the extreme danger that some men would pose toward women if released, and it gave her a strong suspicion as to the nature of what type of "trouble" it had been. There was one thing, however, for which there could be no doubt. Tom might have "met" the girl only once, but whatever had taken place had resulted in far more than him being merely "impressed". He was obviously deeply in love.

         The Supreme Commander again glanced at the pad. She would make the inquiry, as promised, although she knew the odds would be against the girl still being alive. Far more women had perished during the final years of the war than had managed to survive. She though of Tom, and her heart went out to him in knowing that the chances were against the girl he deeply loved being alive. Then, with a start, she came back to reality. Her feelings of sadness toward him had momentarily caused her to lost sight of the fact that in two weeks it wouldn't matter to him, one way or the other, what the girl's fate might have been - or about anything else for that matter. In two weeks - he would be dead.

       The Supreme Commander's thoughts of that first meeting were interrupted as she pulled into the parking area of the compound. It had been the report on her inquiry she received the previous evening that was the reason for the unscheduled trip. The girl in question had managed to defy the odds and was indeed still alive. It was this news that the she felt obligated to personally relay to Tom and, at least for his final few hours, enable him to be full of happiness.

       The report also contained some of the details as to what "trouble" Tom had helped the girl out of. Her suspicions had proven to be correct as to the nature, but Tom had displayed courage going far beyond anything she envisioned and served to provide even greater insight into the remarkable character of the young man whose life she would shortly take.

       She made her way to the same room of their first meeting and found Tom was already there. He showed obvious pleasure at seeing her again, and the sight of his young and innocent face made it extremely difficult to maintain her composure and conceal the deep pain she felt. Her heart went out to him as she gazed at him for several moments and then, in spite of her inner turmoil, managed to display a warm and bright smile. "I have wonderful news Tom. I have just received word that Lisa is alive and in good health."

       Tom sat motionless for several moments and then his eyes became moist as his face registered a look of profound relief. The pain within the Supreme Commander increased, and she felt her own eyes beginning to water. It was with great difficulty that she managed to conceal the depth of her sadness and, instead, appear lighthearted and happy. "You were rather vague in telling what took place, but Lisa was more than willing to provide the details. You put yourself in great peril and showed tremendous courage in not only saving her from being sexually assaulted by a group of thugs, but, in all likelihood, saved her life as well. And then you watched over her in a most gallant manner until you were able to take her safely home." The Supreme Commander shook her head. "And you thought that she wouldn't remember? My God! How could she possibly forget? She spoke of you with a great deal of tenderness and made it quite clear in no uncertain terms of being anxious to see you again.”

       The Supreme Commander gave him a warm smile. "Tom, very few men would have done what you did, and, from the start of our first meeting, I was impressed with your honesty and sincerity. You are truly a remarkable young man, and, for this reason, I have taken steps for you to be given special consideration. It will take a few hours for the final details to be taken care of, but, after that, you will be set free. I wouldn't be at all surprised to find you and Lisa not only being together in a few days but staying that way."

       Tom was speechless for a few moments before managing to stammer his gratitude. "Th.. th.. thank you maam. This has got to be the happiest day of my life. When I first saw you I could tell there was something very special about you, but I had no idea that you would go to such trouble for a nobody like me." His remarks only served to make the pain within the Supreme Commander even more unbearable and she knew she would be unable to maintain her composure much longer. She pressed a button to signal the guard and gave him a pleasant smile. "Thank you Tom. I would like to stay and talk longer, but I only had time to stop by and tell you the wonderful news. I'm afraid I have an extremely busy day ahead." The guard entered at this time and motioned to Tom that it was time for him to leave. He rose and then hesitated a moment. "Thank you again maam. You are truly a very kind and warmhearted woman."

       The parting words struck the Supreme Commander like a dagger, and her eyes brimmed with tears. She had known this second meeting would only increase the compassion and anguish she had come to feel for Tom, but it had been much greater than anticipated. It would certainly make the ordeal that lay ahead far more difficult and painful, but in her heart she knew that if given another chance she would do the same. She recalled the look that came over his face upon hearing that the girl he loved was safe, and it left little doubt that the news had been far more meaningful coming from her.

       There was also no doubt that, at that very moment, he was experiencing feelings of exhilarating joy and happiness which had been greatly enhanced by her saying that he would soon be free and would probably be together with his girl in a few days. She had not exactly lied, at least when viewed in a kind of abstract way, but she might as well have. There would be no reason for him to suspect any hidden meanings, and he could only interpret them as had been implied - which was exactly what she wanted.

       She knew there would be many who would consider it being very cruel on her part to build the young man's hopes to such a high degree when, in truth, he had only hours to live. But she didn't look at it in this manner and had made the remarks solely for his behalf. She saw nothing wrong in misleading him if it would let him be truly happy for what little time remained. It would only be at the very end that his hopes would be dashed, and the disillusionment that would follow would only last a few minutes. After that, it would be over, and he would no longer be capable of feeling anything ever again. No, she did not regret misleading him and would do the same again. She had made the pain in her own heart much greater, but, in so doing, the few hours he had left would probably be the happiest of his life. Surely this could not be wrong - regardless of how brief it might last. With this thought in mind the Supreme Commander, with a heavy heart, rose from behind the desk and slowly left the room.

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