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Review This Story || Author: violent fantasies

Dakota Fanning really should have let us kill that pig

Part 1

Dakota Fanning really should have let us kill that pig. 

       You know, one thing I enjoy every year after the county fair is getting to kill and eat the pig that wins.  This year, though, something weird happened and we were all deprived of that pleasure.  That little bitch claimed it was all because of a spider, but I didnt care.  She was about to find out that some of the rest of us in this county had another hobby, which she would never forget.  Fern would soon get what was coming to her. 

       Although she looked younger, Fern was 13, and had a nice young body that was just starting to develop.  I called together all of our group that shared the same hobby, and said that I thought that she would make a fine special this month, instead of the average hitchhiker or hooker we usually got.  They all agreed.  We got set up for one of our special picnics in the deep woods, and made plans to bring her.  The only trick was to snatch her at the right time.  Fortunately, she lived on a farm in the country.  On the day of our picnic, I drove by the farm.  She was out in the yard, feeding some chickens.  Since she knew who I was, it wasnt hard to get her close to the car by asking about her parents.  She had on a dress like she was going to a party.  She was, but not the type she was thinking of.  As she came up to the truck, I hit her with a tazer and grabbed her before she fell to the ground. 

       When she came around, she was on the seat next to me with her head in my lap, and her hands bound behind her with one of the knee socks she had been wearing, and had gagged her with the other.  I had my hand on her ass to keep her from moving, and when she tried to fight it, I slapped her ass until she stopped.  We drove deep into the woods until we came to the gathering place.  There were a bunch of people around in hoods, men and women, all naked. 

Review This Story || Author: violent fantasies
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