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The Davis Farm

Chapter 3

    The Davis Farm

   Chapter 3  Hibernation

    by roccodadom44



   The next few months were relatively quiet, we used this time to get the farm prepped for winter and next spring. The well was easy as it just needed shoring up, the water was clean and below the frost line, so we would have year round water, within feet of the back door. Me and Devin completed an eight foot by eight foot addition, with another fire place to use as a larger kitchen, we let the nigger, Uma, sleep there. She was broken by the girls,  would do whatever we wanted,  everyone used her sexually, she had started to like it, which made everyone easier on her, the cunt was smart enough to digest that fact. She became like a member of the clan, we only beat her sexually,  the rest of the time she did her shit, we were all decent to her. So we had someone to do all the cooking, laundry, inside cleaning, freeing Mattie and Sarah for help with building the barn addition, as we needed to have housing for the animals before winter,  store enough hay and corn to feed them. Devin and I had made several runs to the Mansfields to get hay and corn feed.

       The barn was great, we even finished a seperate tool shed, for our growing farm,  a chicken coop, that was attached to the new kitchen. We dug the ice cellar under the new kitchen, alongside a granite ledge, it was dry and cold, perfect to store our perishables. We renamed the little girl Sally, after Matties sister, she became Devins cunt, not that I didnt fuck her now and then, but she was useful and that was real good. She was an expert sewer, Mattie put her to work sewing us all new clothes, something we all needed badly. There still seemed like a clock was ticking, remindin gme that we were still defenseless against a group, we needed everyone to be trained, Uma taking to it wih gusto, imagine she dreams of killing whitey , Sally was determined, two hands with the pistol she was dead on, more important, she would shoot, smile while she did it.


    We began the habit of all gathering around the fireplace, at the end of a long work day, all of us, even Uma, had an orgy of sexual pleasure that left everyone sated and sleepy, no bickering in this crowded house, no tension. To me and Devins pride, Mattie, Sarah, and Uma were pregnant, Sally wasnt only because she hadnt bled yet, Devin was determined to fire first shot in pregging her, that seemed right. There were gonna be some fat piggies to play with all winter long. The nigger wench, was a delight to fuck, as she became accustomed to our pervertedness, she began servicing the girls to,  Devin and I loved to sit back and have Sally play with our man meats, while the ladies got nasty for us. Mattie surprised us by pulling out the nigger cocks and balls, she had taken from the slaves, she had stuffed them with sand, and then pickled them till they were hard, like real cocks. They used these on Uma and themselves, with great effect, judging from the shouts of joy, moans of pleasure, the flames adding to the eroticism.

     The drudgery of standing watch, any sailors dread, but we all understood the need, storms, enemies, whatever, the kids didnt like hanging in the oak tree for hours on end, they spotted several union scouting parties nearby, on the otherside of the Potomac, lesson learned. Me and Devin spent all of November hunting, managing to bag several deers, a dozen wild turkeys, lots of rabbits and squirrels. It was nice to see so much wild life, I knew we could survive just by hunting, if need be. More importantly I now knew the lay of the land for miles around,  realised what an ideal spot the farm was on. The river in front, an effort to cross, one side leading into a  thick tangle of thorns and brush, like a wall of thorns, the otherside into a unpassable swamp, the back leading to the closest farm, the Mansfield place, two miles away, we could defend our place, I felt, at least make a stand. Me and Devin also set up hidden caches of food, water, and weapons, at different locations around the farm, made sure the girls knew of them, as it could be life and death. I had everyone spend one hour every day training with firearms, and proper watch duty. Devin started taking Sarah with him to teach her how to stay hidden, while out and about, she was as natural as her baby brother, they would see how close to the cabin they could slink, everytime, they got closer before I spotted them, they knew it was all how you pictured yourself, nice.

  Mattie and Sarah spent time dragging the nets I rigged for them along the Potomac, gathering lots of catfish and river trout, which Uma expertly smoked and stored in the cellar,along with the venison, and smoked turkey.We all spent time picking apples, peaches, blueberries, and strawberries, for preserves, pies, and to freeze in the root cellar. Between Mattie, Sarah, and Uma, we had lots of great cooked food. Even little Sally could cook, knew how to pluck, prep a turkey. We men, me and Devin hunted, women cooked, real reason was better for man to be outside, ready to defend his homestead, thats my theory, I mean I can cook, not well, but I never died. The important thing was everyone was growing into their roles, there was harmony, peace, even a little joy, not bad for living on a battle field..

  Before the first snow fell we had all gone back to the Mansfield place to see what else we could use, Mattie driving a wagon, Uma the other, the rest of us walking to the sides, just in case. It was Matties idea, take the whole back addition to the main house which hadnt burnt, a fifteen foot square, clapboard room, We were busy beavers, but had the thing in pieces and on the wagons, even the fireplace, stone by stone in short time. Sarah and Sally also got all the rest of the goods, flour, sugar, etc, out of the burnt house. Devin found the pile of lead and gun powder, and this was real nice. We also found a couple of cords of cut, seasoned firewood, this made winter alot easier, no one enjoys the daily grind of chopping wood, remember the kitchen fireplace was burning constantly,  the great room fire was roaring all winter, thats a shit load of wood. Figuring the new addition would be a nice project for the winter, we headed back to our place, tired, but happy and horny,  we all teased each other about how much fucking was going to happen later, honest hard work got us all hot and bothered .

   It was fun to just be in a pile of  like minded perverts, I was quite content to watch the wildness that surrounded me. Devin was fucking his mom doggy style, while she ate Umas fat black cunt. Sarah was sitting on Umas face, grinding her pink young cunt all over the sloppy niggers face. Little Sally was grinding her bare, tiny pussy into Sarahs willing face, it was a beautiful scene, I never wanted to leave the cabin, ever. When they had all cum, I lined the girls up, on their hands and knees, I went down the row, plowing each of their shit holes hard and deep, while slapping the array of asses at my disposal. Wow,Sally was tight, but she took her analing without whining, in fact, she seemed very into it, the girls egged her on, she was throwing her tiny eleven year old ass at me, it was hot, my cum exploded deep in her colon,  I collapse on the panting girl, locking her in a tender embrace.


    On christmas day we experienced six inches of snow and the beginning of a week of frigid tempertures, we all spent much time huddled in front of the fire, which was a great way to spend the day, me and Devin and three pregged out cunts, and little Sally, wanting everybodies attention. We had the addition all done, only needed to build a fireplace on its back wall, so our compound was getting bigger, we could accomadate several more people, something me and Mattie discussed often, We knew there was safety in numbers.Thats the thing about a civil war, it aint. There were so many rougue soldiers on either side, as well as plain old robbers, that it was only a matter of time before we would need to defend ourselves, we needed more men, women, who could and would fight. Right now, with the weather freezing, we supposed everyone was lying low, so we redoubled our efforts on security.

    Everyone helped to build the stone turret, fifteen feet high, attached to the side of the main house. We even got the six pounder secured on the top and it could be swiveled for a 360 range of fire. Whoever manned the cannon would also be protected by the stone wall. The cannon was true and we soon could hit within ten feet of any target up to 100 yards away, enough to sweep the bend of the river, perfect to nail unsuspecting boats. We also completely concealed the road to the river with brush, so the farm was invisible, except where the turret showed, and that blended into the trees so well that I felt we had done as much as we could, in securing the property.

     Mid febuary, when the freeze was still gripping the west Virginia area, the river froze, so Devin and I decided to ride across and head to find my buried gold coins and see if we could get word of where the armies went off to. Wow, the town of Doe Gulley is, I mean was small. When the union army marched through this past summer, they burnt the town down, all seventeen farms and houses, were gone, the only standing building was the white clapboard church, though the steeple had been sheered of by an errant shell. There was a fire burning in the fireplace, so we decided to investigate.

   The thirty or forty people crammed in the church, were dirty, starving, near mad. The reverand told us the women had been gangraped, even the young girls, most of the men and boys killed, the rest beaten and some of the boys raped also. I am a son of bitch, as my first thought was slave laborers, next, fresh cunt,  from the look of lust on Devins face, he seemed to be thinking along those lines. We simply took who we wanted, they were beaten, given up, human trash, sad, but true. There were seven in all, one woman, two teen girls, and four boys aged twelve through fifteen. As soon as we were away from the town, heading to the farm, we tied our slaves, hands in front, everyones neck tied together, rope held by me, one yank of the rope,  they would all fall and strangle. I knew my shit, wanted these fuckers to be problem free,  I didnt even inspect them, much, as Devin and I needed to ever be ready for shit, I loved that the kid wasnt distracted by all the new cunt, he knew the deal, safety first, then fun.

   That we made it unchallenged had more to do with the cold and snow, realised we were lucky all the new meat survived the ten mile march, though they were all sleeping standing up, as we marched into the barn, first to house the horses. Sarah  met us at the rivers edge,  that was nice, that she was out scouting, even in the cold, good shit, she was excited at the new comers. Everyone gathered around the captives,  for the first time I studied them closely, as Mattie and the others removed the petrified peoples clothes, Devin untied the Woman and brought her to me, as I sat at the table, sipping warm cider, little Sally, tenderly removing my boots.

  She was ample, big fat tits, fat belly, hairy cunted, her body had many cuts and bruises,  I had her tell us what had happened to them. The yankees rounded up the whole town, right away gunned down all the able bodied men,  then the raping and beatings started, it lasted for two days before rebels attacked the union thugs, the fuckers fled,  the rebs took off after them, the survivors tried to protect what was left of their children. What the fuck I wasnt a complete savage, so with Mattie coaxing me, It was decided that they would be accepted as members if they learned the rules and fit in. This could be good, we needed more people to fight any sustained attack, listening to Gloria, that was her name, story, put me on edge. There were bands of savages, north and south, roaming the country, raping, pillaging, murdering, I wanted to be sure we could at least put up a fight.

  I sent Gloria off with Mattie, so she could eat and learn about her duties, also where she could sleep. Next up were the two girls, Mary, thirteen, blonde, tiny tits, sparse blonde cunt hair, perfect tiny ass, long fine legs, she was beautiful, but was obviously hurting emotionally, as she couldnt speak, Gloria explained that after being raped reapetedly, Mary stopped talking. As I felt her sweet little nubs, she showed no emotion, just looked at me with dead, empty blue eyes, I knew Mattie would have to bring this damaged girl back from where ever she had gone to. She went with Mattie and Sally, with all the animation of a dead person, maybe she was.

    Franny, was next, fifteen, dark haired, lots of bush, sweet swinging, fat tits, with gumdrop nipples, chubby butt, lots of bruises, her tits were black and blue. But she was alive and told me she wanted to live, as I told her what went on here, she only asked, no begged, that we didnt hurt her anymore,  I told her that was up to her. When Fran got on her knees and took my cock out,  started sucking like a cheap sea tavern whore, I was in love,  as I noticed Devins look of awe, so was he. Franny did me till I unloaded deep down her throat, she was great,  telling her this, brought out her stunning smile,  I knew Fran would be no trouble at all. I sent her with Sarah, to eat and get  some well deserved sleep, though I had her suck Devin off also, as he earned it, he was perfect on our little raid earlier,  I kept forgetting that the fucker was only thirteen.

    Fran had told me that the boys were all brothers, and the only reason they lived was that their father and mother aided the union soldiers, in finding hiding women and children. I had to laugh when she revealed that the union bastards killed their father anyways, then fucked the mother to death. Well we had four boy slaves, as I decided to not even deal with these fuckers tonight, instead me and Devin fed the boys slop, they ate off the floor, and we tied them, all naked, together in a corner, let them sleep, or worry, while we crashed for the night, it had been a tension filled twentyfour hours.

     Mattie slept with me,and she made slow love to me, and I could hear Devin and Sally, going at it, with passion, the soft moanings of Sarah and Fran, were all pushing me to a higher level of pleasure. Uma was in the kitchen, gently singing to, carassing, the broken Mary, at one point I heard the girl speak the words thank you, I realised how sweet Uma was, she might be a slave, but she had more humanness than most of the fucking bitter bastards around here, most of whom I was now realizing had never worked hard, a day in their lives, they always had slaves to do any chore, wow, sounds nice, but it would make any man soft and lazy. I came from hard yankee stock, we were born to toil, I enjoyed working the land as much as I enjoyed our growing sex parties at night, it was a great way to spend a day, work hard and true, then fuck the night away. 

                                                                                                     the end

Review This Story || Author: roccodadom44
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