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Review This Story || Author: nahanom

Angels Play Rough

Part 2

“How much do you want to start with lover?” Kim asked as she picked up the syringe and the jug of drain cleaner.

“Depends on where were going to inject him first. I think a kidney would be fun. Or his spleen.”

“Well get to those but I think we should start with one of his balls. If we get the dose too high we can always cut off his ball. In Chelseas novel Gretchen kills most of her victims quick by pouring the drain cleaner down their throat. Its only Archie that she kept alive for days and the books not very specific on how much of this toxic mix she made him drink. So lets start slow. Itll be more fun for us.”

      Kim filled a 100 cc syringe with drain cleaner while Lauren cupped Jasons right testicle in her hand. Both young nurses were excited. Theyd gotten into the medical field to see men suffer. Usually when they gave man a shot it was to relieve his pain or to heal him. Now theyd get to use their training and skills to satisfy their passion for cruel torture. Neither Kim or Lauren had anything against Jason. They truly appreciate the fact that hed joined the Army and done five tours fighting a hellish war in foreign lands to protect the freedoms both girls cherished. Of course, both girls firmly believed that while freedom to live your life and do what you want were appropriate for women like them such freedom was wasted on boys like Jason, or on any boy for that matter. So tying the boy up and torturing him to death even though the respected his service to his country wasnt a contradiction in either girls mind. In fact, Jasons basic decency and goodness just made what they were about to do to him even more erotic, more thrilling.

“Hold him still. I dont want to jab myself.” Kim laughed.

      Lauren climbed up on the table and straddled Jasons chest facing his feet. All the fun was going tobe  happening in his balls. The wicked blond didnt want to miss any of it. Her job was to grab the skin at the base of his right ball and squeeze it together until his ball sac was stretched tight over his right nut. Kim would hold Jasons testicle in her own firm grip while she shot it full of drain cleaner. Lauren would just steady the rest of the boy, to keep his penis out of the way, to keep his hip down on the table.

“Just use half at first Kimmie. If it doesnt give us the reaction we want we can always inject more. Theres a slim chance that poisonous stuff will get into his blood stream. I have no idea what happens if drain cleaner gets to his heart. Well try that later after weve played with Jason some more. But lets not risk a fatal dose this early.”

“Sounds good to me babe. Give me a kiss girlfriend. Then sit back and enjoy the show.”

     The two evil girls kissed, their lips greedy, their tongues reckless, their lust hot and intense and ruthless now that they were on the brink of snuffing this wonderful boy. Thered be no turning back after this. Both girls knew that. Neither girl would have even considered turning back now. They were too excited, too turned on by Jasons imminent snuff. There wasnt enough money in town to get them to turn back now.

    Kim took a couple of seconds to push the caustic liquid into Jasons right testicle. It took Jason a couple more seconds to feel the effects.  And a couple milliseconds more to start screaming. Kim and Lauren were already laughing by then. They were so keyed up at this point theyd be giggling and laughing and fondling each other and enjoying themselves the entire time they tortured Jason to death.

“God, youve got to hold this thing Lauren. You can feel the heat inside as the chemical eat away his ball. And it feels like its fizzing inside too. Its fantastic!” Kim giggled.

    Lauren cradled Jasons right nut in her hand and laughed. It was warm to the touch. And she could feel the toxic drain cleaner consume Jasons ball from the inside out. It was more than fantastic. It was darkly erotic to know they were killing this boys ball. And they were going to keep killing parts of Jason until he was all dead.If they could keep their hands and mouths off each other. Lauren gave in to temptation and slid her free hand between Kims legs.  The olive skinned beauty responded my spreading her thighs so Lauren could work her fingers deep inside her pussy.

“Quit!” she laughed. Kim didnt really mean it. She loved the way Lauren knew exactly what to do to get her aroused. Kim shivered as Laurens fingers writhed inside her, stroking her clit, pushing gently at her vagina. Her hips shuddered automatically as the orgasmic waves of pure pleasure overwhelmed her.

     Even as Kim continued her long climax she managed to pick up a syringe and load it with more of that marvelous drain cleaner. Mixing the delicious pleasure of sex with the wicked pleasures of boy torture was too much to resist. The cruel girl plunged the needle in Jasons other testicle and pushed the full amount into the captives body in one quick plunge. The effect was immediate. Jasons body started to convulse on the table. Kim started to laugh. And climax all over again.

“Its good isnt it lover. Torturing boys.Making love.Contemplating the thrill of snuffing this one. God I love you Lauren. I love what we do together.”

“Me too lover. It is good isnt it. Kind of makes you wonder why more girls arent into this. Well, their loss is our gain. It just means more delightful little boys like this for us to play with.”

    Theyd destroyed both Jasons balls with drain cleaner. The last one had gotten so hot from the full 100 cc that the girls couldnt hold the ravaged testicle in their hands, they could only caress the thing lightly. That was enough of a contact to feel the chemicals burning away inside Jasons left nut. The boys distress made them laugh. And want to do more violent things to him. Lauren lit a cigarette, handed it to Kim then lit another for herself. Poor Jason was thrashing and yelling and carrying on so from the agony eating away at his manhood.

Lauren took a lung filling drag from her Virginia Slim, held the smoke in for a couple seconds then slowly exhaled in Jasons face. The boys shrieks of agony were now punctuated by hacking coughs as the smoke swirled around his face and got sucked into his lungs.

    Kim burned Jason with her cigarette. He already had dozens and dozens of burns from their previous play. Kim wanted to add more. She held the hot tip of her cigarette lightly against his belly and slowly twirled the slender tube of tobacco so burning coal would stay hot and lit and agonizing for the boy. Jason flopped nicely for her. Kim took a drag and blew her smoke up the boys nose. He coughed violently. Lauren lit a cigarette then used that to light a second. She slid the second Virginia Slim gently up Jasons nose filter first so every time he breathed her cigarette would force some smoke into his lungs. It was slow torture for the boy. And amusing for the two wicked women.

The girls smoked quietly, watched Jason suffer and talked about where they wanted to eat tomorrow night as the boy tossed his head violently back and forth in a futile attempt to dislodge the smoke spewing white tube stuck up his nose.  The girl hadnt even picked a place for dinner when Jasons eyes squeezed shut and the girls heard him groan into his dildo gag. Lauren flicked her lighter. And started torturing her captive some more. She kept burning his tits until he opened his eyes. Then she started on his balls. She didnt stop until he passed out. By then theyd picked their restaurant for tomorrow. Itd be a celebration, a special meal to commemorate their first real snuff. Kim and Lauren were excited. They couldnt wait for Jason to wake up so they could play some more.

    When the boy did revive Kim was ready. She had a syringe full of Drano. And she knew exactly where she wanted to inject it.

“Hold him down Lauren. Keep his left leg from thrashing around so much. I want to try a shot in his knee. If we can destroy his major joints we can untie him. The hell be able to twist and jerk and buck all he wants but he wont be able to get away. Or fight back. Itll be like hes paralyzed but when we torture him well get to see his body respond to the pain in all those lovely convulsive ways boys do when the agony gets unbearable.”

    Lauren sat on the kids left leg, her butt pinning his calf to the table. Kim pricked the boys skin with the syringe. It was over in just a few seconds. Kim jammed the needle deep into Jasons left knee and pushed the plunger down. The toxic chemicals started their destructive work immediately. The girls knew because Jason was screaming so violently into his dildo gag great gobs of drool started to leaking out of the corners of the boys mouth.

“God, who have known theyd be so much heat. Feel this lover. Its almost too hot to touch. Damn. That must be hell for Jason. Well have to send the author of Heartsick a nice little note thanking her for such a brilliant idea. And well have to let Tricia and her friend Amanda know we have a delicious new way to play with a boy.”

“I hear you darling. But is it doing what we want? Can he use his knee anymore? How long you think we should let the chemicals eat away at his tendons and cartilage Kim? Im going to the syringe again. I dont think another 100 ccs will kill him. But itll sure be fun for us.”

    Jason was in agony. His knee felt like it was on fire. He could actually feel the toxic chemicals eating away at his boy and it terrified him. For the first time since hed met these two stunningly beautiful and awesomely cruel women he realized he was going to die. Soon.Painfully. Jason began to hope for a quick death, to wish for merciful death, for mercy. But Kim and Lauren were keen to take away all his wishes and hopes and dreams. Including his wish for a quick, clean death. They wanted him to suffer more than they wanted to kill him. And they knew how to get what they wanted.

“Loosen the rope around his left leg Lauren. Lets see how much control he has.”

    Once Jasons leg was loose Kim flicked her lighter and burned the boys thigh with the flickering flame. Jasons leg jerked in response, his thigh lifting from the table but his lower leg simply flopping at the knee. Lauren and Kim were delighted. It worked! His muscles contracted, his nerves sent back all those wonderful pain signals but Jason couldnt control his movements below where theyd destroyed his knee with the noxious drain cleaner. The two sadists wasted no time injecting Drano in all Jasons major joints. Half way through, about two hours after they started, they had to take a break. The boys breathing was so ragged and his color was so pale Kim decided he needed a rest. Lauren thought theyd have more fun pumping him full of stimulates and anti-shock drugs. Laurens plan had more appeal to both girls than letting their victim rest.  So they injected the necessary drugs, took a few minutes to refresh themselves with chips and beer then resumed the destruction of the innocent war heros body.

    Jason couldnt conceive how it could get any worse. The slightest movement sent such fierce waves of agony through his joints that he lost control of his thoughts. His strangled cries for help and for mercy died in his throat as his entire body convulsed from the excruciating pain. He saw the two gorgeous, smiling women looking down at him, giggling as the poked and prodded him, laughing as they used their cigarettes and lighters to burn him and saw them as angels sent to rescue him. When the untied the ropes holding him down he convinced himself he was saved, that he was free.

    Jason tried to get up. The piercing pain in his shoulders and hips staggered the boy. His body went into convulsions. The dark haired girl, the one Jason knew as Kim tried to help him sit up. That only made it worse. She laughed. The other girl lent a hand and pulled on Jasons damaged right leg. He shrieked into his gag and passed out to the sight of his two angles kissing above him as the used their hands to pull and jerk his arms for no other purpose than to torture him.

    Unfortunately for Jason he woke up within minutes. Kim held an ammonia capsule under his nose. Lauren giggled. She had a syringe full of that awful stuff in her hand. Jasons eyes betrayed his fear, made visible his horror. The girls laughed. Kim undid the gag and yanked it out of his mouth. The boy was too surprised to ask them why, to beg them to kill him, to plead with them to show him mercy. Kim had something in her hand. Jason couldnt see it through the tears brought on by the agony in his legs. Before he figured out what she had Kim had shoved the thing in his mouth, clamped the forceps on his tongue and pulled it out. Lauren jammed the syringe into the tip of the muscle and shoved the thin steel needle down the length of the boys tongue. As she started to inject the flesh killing drug into Jasons tongue she slowly drew the needle back through the organ in the boys mouth. The cruel girl left a trail of the poisonous Drano along the entire length of Jasons tongue. The effect was immediate. He howled.

    Kim and Lauren were entranced at how the tone of Jasons howls of pain and anguish and protest changed as the toxic chemicals lacing his tongue ate away at the boys mouth muscle. They both loved the way his piercing shrieks turned into a fuzzy low pitched rumble as his tongue rapidly turned into a mushy pulp. It was all too perfect. The harsh chemical theyd injected into his joints and major muscles had locked the boys body into a prison constructed of pain and frustratingly useless contortions. His mind had to be seething at the indignities done to his body, his brain may had to be screaming obscenities and whining pleas for mercy but all the girls heard was a garbled incomprehensible moaning. The inhumane sound spewing out of this handsome boys mouth tickled the girls. Theyd done that. Theyd made that happen to the boy. It was cruel and sadistic and wicked and downright evil. But it made Kim and Lauren feel so insanely good and horny and inspired. And it was those feeling that mattered to Kim and Lauren. Jason was just the vehicle they used to get to the crazily cruel and wildly sadistic erotic state of mind that let them fully enjoy snuffing a boy.

   Lauren kissed Kim, ran her fingers down the inside of the other girls thigh and sighed. This whole experience was way better than shed anticipated. And shed thought about her first real snuff a lot. Shed been nervous that the reality wouldnt meet her expectations built on years of fantasies. But the reality was soooo much better. Her only regret was she and Kim hadnt done a boy sooner than this. Much sooner.

“Give him more stimulants lover. We dont want to lose him yet. Jasons such a big strong boy I just know we can keep him alive for a few more hours. Cant we Jay. Youll hang in there for us wont you Jason honey? So we can have fun torturing you some more. Come on sweetie. Do it for me Jason darlin. You know you want to.”

    Kim was so aroused she hardly realized what she was doing when she refilled the syringe with the poisonous, viscous green liquid. Jason was looking up at her horrified by what she and her crazy friend had done to him but also enthralled by this gorgeous olive skinned angel hiving over him. The stark contrast between her beauty and her cruelty was almost too much for the boy to comprehend. How could a girl who smiled so provocatively, who giggled so seductively, who touched him so gently intimately be the same wicked creature who tortured him so cruelly? It didnt make sense. But then it didnt have to. Not to Jason. To Kim and Lauren it made perfect sense. They were beautiful and dominant and sadistic and totally unapologetic about it.

   Kim delicately pinched the boys left eyelid. He flinched expecting it to hurt.  Shed been gentle though. She hadnt hurt him. Not this time. Not directly. His flinching hurt. Any movement hurt Jason now. His body was a riot of pain from the poison these two cruel girls had injected into his body. It was killing. He knew it. But it was a slow death, and excruciating death, a death he prayed would come soon.

   Kim smiled at Jason as she ripped his eyelid off. It took quite an effort on her part. It didnt want to pull free. So she pulled it away from his brow and used her lighter to burn the thin flap of skin away. She laughed when the last of the covering burned off. She laughed and whispered to Jason that now he had no choice but to watch how she hurt him.

   She did the same thing to his pother eyelid. She used her cigarette to burn that one off. Jason squeezed that eye shut and refused to open it for her when she asked. She didnt pull it up first, she just put the hot tip of her cigarette against Jasons closed eye and burned and burned until the lid was no more. The hot coal burned his cornea some. The boys vision would be blurred in his right eye. Kim didnt care. It didnt matter to her. She was about to do something a lot more fun to Jasons eye. Something that would do a lot more damage than simply scarring his cornea.

   She held his head still and guided the syringe down to Jasons partially ruined eye. She took her time savoring the boys terror, feeling his muscles contract and quiver as he tried to flee, tried to prevent what was sure to happen to him. Kim and Lauren laughed at his futile efforts. Lauren had her hands on Jason now. She loved feeling the spasms rippling through the boys body as the pain and the horror and the fear sent him into a panic.

Finally, after minutes of tormenting the boy with the sharp needle Kim poked the point in Jasons eye. He was surprised at how little it hurt. Until, with his good eye he saw her press on the plunger.

   Pain exploded in his head as Drano flooded the boys eyeball. He screamed and bucked and suffered as his muscles and joints refused to obey his brain. Kim pushed more of the flesh eating fluid into his eye. The girls leaned in close. Through the clear lens of Jasons eye they could see the toxic green stuff bubbling away. It was awesome for the two sadists. The destructive work of the drain cleaner was exposed for them to see in all its sadistic splendor, all its wicked wonder. Jason saw it too for a moment. From the inside out. Until the Drano ate away at his retina and the pressure form the noxious agents foaming bubbles burst his eyeball.

   The girls were surprised at how little blood there was. A mix of green gooey Drano and vitreous fluid leaked out of Jasons ruined eye and down his cheek into his open and shrieking lips. Most of the drain cleaner had been neutralized in its interaction with the boys eyeball. But some still retained enough potency to burn the flesh on his cheek and his lips and the inside of his mouth where in puddle. The girls were delighted. His agony was so exquisite, his destruction so fucking goddamn divine. They were sadists trained as angels of mercy. They were everything but merciful with Jason. Now they used their training to torture this boy beyond anything either had ever dreamed. It didnt get any better than this.

   Theyd picked the right boy for their first snuff. Their boy was in prime physical condition. Or he had been several hours ago before Kim and Lauren had started having their special kind of fun with him. His body was ruined now. Hed never recover from the dozens of small but destructive injections of the harsh drain cleaner. That Chelsea Cain woman had been onto something when she wrote those Beauty Killer series of novels. Lauren had decided Gretchen Lowell was her new favorite fictional female character. But turning snuff fantasy and torture fiction into delicious reality was Laurens game now. And she was getting really good at it. So was Kim.

“Hes doing great all things considered. Im glad you talked me into starting on his extremities first Kimmie darling. But weve done about all the damage we can to that part of Jason. Lets do something a little more fun. Where do you want to start?”

“What? And leave his dick and one ball like it is? Lets fuck those up first. Then well see what happens if we shoot a little liquid death into his lower intestines and bowels. Ill bet his belly convulses so hard he passes out from the pain.”

“A girl can hope lover. You did his right nut. Ill do the left one. Do his cock at the same time. Lets get creative girlfriend. Were not giving the boy vitamins. Think outside the box when you push the poison into him.”

    It was a challenge Kim was eager to meet. She had an idea about how to do the kids prick. Itd be epic if it worked the way she hoped. It amused her that she could still have hopes and things to look forward to. Poor Jason couldnt. Not since hed met her and Lauren. It both thrilled and amused the wicked sadist to be the reason Jason no longer had any hope of pleasure, and chance of surviving. Heck, her boy didnt have any future at all. Because of her. That knowledge filled Kim with a glow that showed in her smile. Lauren wrapped her arms around her dark complexioned lover and drew the exotic Kim into her embrace. Jason wasnt going anywhere soon. They had time to make love.They had desire to make love. They had need to make love. Lauren pulled her over-sexed and overly sadistic companion to the bed. Kim didnt need any more prompting than that.

    The sex was better and different than either girl had ever known. Somehow fucking your lover next to the boy you were about to snuff tied up nearby was exhilarating and thrilling beyond anything Kim or Lauren had ever experienced. Kim was sure Laurens cunt tasted better than ever. And Lauren would swear Kims pussy was hotter and wetter than any than a girl had a right to expect. The two lovers and partners in snuff made love for an hour. Neither ever forgot the boy moaning nearby nor forgot what theyd already done to him or what they were about to do to him. But for that hour Jason wasnt their primary interest. Their own bodies were.

“God that was fantastic Kim. Was that as good for you as it was for me?”

    Kim laughed. The question didnt need to be asked. Their ragged breathing and sweaty bodies proved itd been good. Damn good! But as good as itd been Kim knew it get even better once theyd finished torturing Jason to death. That was the real prize, the ultimate thrill. If sex while you were torturing a boy was this good then sex after snuffing a boy had to be fucking incredible.

“Lets finish Jason babe. Lets snuff him now Kim.”

“Sure. Its time.  Hang another bag of fluid. Make sure the atropines flowing. The kids going to go in shock before were through with him. And crank his oxygen up to 10 L/minute. Itll fuck up his nasal cavity but hell need the oxygen for what were going to do to him. Were going to kill the boy. A little nose bleed is the least of his worries.”

   Kim giggled. The girls adjusted Jasons body and apparatus for the grand finale they were planning. Once Jason was ready they girls loaded up syringes with the hazardous Drano. Kim went first. She has going to kill his dick with the poison. Her method was diabolic.

    She stuck the needle down Jasons pee hole, she shoved the thin steel tube down until she had all four inches buried inside the boys cock. She managed to jab the inside of his tender urethra a dozen times on the way down. Jason twitched and jerked with each stick. The girls giggled. And hugged. When Kim had the syringe in as deep as it would go she poked the sharp end of the needle into the inside of Jasons quivering cock and pushed twenty ccs into the boy. Then she pulled the syringe back and inch and did it again.  And again.And again. She did it quick. Even so each prick of the needle and each injection of the deadly fluid sent Jason into frenzied convulsions. And sent the girls into delirious giggles. But the best was yet to come. At least for Kim and Lauren.

    The syringe still held more than half the 100 ccs of toxic liquid. Kim poked the needle into the head of Jasons cock from the inside. She pushed 20 ccs into the thing. Then she moved the needle around ninety degrees and injected more of the noxious drain cleaner into the boys trembling and shrinking dick. With two more sticks she emptied the contents of her syringe into Jasons penis. Immediate the boys cock erupted. A foamy mix of drain cleaner, piss, ejaculate and blood spewed out from the end of Jasons mutilated and all but dead prick.

    The boy was in agony, convulsing and shaking and shrieking at the top of his lungs. With his poison savaged tongue his shrieks sounded like the distorted howls of some crazed animal. The girls had reduced their war hero to little more than a mad demon of a man. His pain was so intense hos world had shrunk down to just three things: him, the girls torturing him and the fire eating away at the inside of his penis. He would have passed out from the pain had Kim and Lauren not pumped the stimulants and fluids and oxygen into his battered and tortured body. That was the cruelest thing the girls did to their victim. They kept him awake and aware and fully sensitive to every insult and injury as they destroyed his body bit by bit by bit. It drove Jason insane with fear and pain and despair. And drove the girls crazy with lust.

“Jesus Kim. Its like hes ejaculating. Look at that shit babe. Bubbling out of his prick like that.My God girl. Were cleaning out the inside of our boys dick good arent we. Say goodbye to your cock Jason honey. Itll be nothing but a stump in a minute or two.” Lauren giggled.

“I always wanted to do that to a boy.” Kim laughed.

“The fuck you did girlfriend. You just made that up right now. But you did good Kimmie. That was fantastic! Shit! I got so excited I forgot to do his ball. Hey Jason! Pay attention sweetie. Time to lose your other nut babe. Ready. Set. Go!”

   Lauren jammed her syringe into Jasons left testicle and unloaded the full 100 ccs all at once. It was like it exploded almost. The things grew to triple its size, the sack practically bubbled as the caustic drain cleaner devoured Jasons ball flesh from the inside. His testicle took on a life of its own, like some small alien beast fighting to get free. The girls were mesmerized by the sight of the boys ball pulsing and fizzing and sputtering as the Drano went about its cannibalistic work. The two wickedly sadistic women were equally mesmerized by Jasons reaction to the latest assault on his manhood. The boys body was twitching spasmodically so violently he was in danger of flopping right off the table. There was no danger hed escape or do them any harm. Theyd already destroyed his joints and major muscles earlier.

Poor Jason. Every nerve in his body was on fire. Past insults to his body burned anew as the fierce pain in his penis and his testicles sent wave after agonizing wave of pain signals to his brain. He went into shock. The spasms and convulsions shaking his body increased in intensity and speed until he was practically a blur as he lurched and thrashed and beat himself against the table. His torturous angels were ready. Kim plunged a needle full of atropine in his chest and pushed the life prolonging drug into his heart. Lauren increased the flow of oxygen to the tubes stuck in his nostrils. Jasons body still pounded against the table but the pace slowed and the rhythm got more regular. The girls had prevented his death from hypertonic shock. Theyd kept him alive so they could make him suffer some more, so they could have more of their wicked fun with the boy, so they could enjoy more sadistic games with the unsuspecting and innocent prey whod so gallantly stopped to help them fix their flat tire just a day ago.

“Does it hurt sweetie? Well, its going to hurt worse real soon. So hang in there babe. Stay strong Jason. The fires coming darlin. Youre going to burn baby. Kim and I are going to set your insides on fire and then light up your outsides too.”

    The two sadistic girls had discussed how they wanted to end Jasons life. Using drain cleaner to burn away critical organs was too tempting to pass up. But theyd also promised the boy theyd set him on fire when they snuffed him. So he could burn to death just like his buddy in Afghanistan. A promise is a promise. Kim and Lauren didnt want to disappoint their victim. And they didnt want to miss out on the fun of setting him on fire.

    They used lamp oil. Tricia had suggested it a long time ago. The oil coated a boys body real good and didnt evaporate off right away like gasoline. Lamp oil came in various fragrances that smelled so much better than motor oil. Kim selected oil with a floral scent that was tropical and somewhat exotic. It reminded her of her ancestral home back in India. The girls wasted no time applying a liberal coating all over Jasons skin. He was in such excruciating pain and convulsing so violently they decided to use two bottles of the stuff to make sure they had the boy cover enough so hed burn real good for them. When he was ready the girls wiped their hands and hugged. It was time. They were excited, happy, aroused. Kim couldnt resist taunting their prisoner. She flicked her lighter and held the twinkling little flame inches from the boys pain wracked face.

“Youre going to burn baby. Just like your buddy after that explosion. Its fire Jason. Lots of lovely hot burning fire.Washing all over your body.Consuming you, turning you into a blackened husk until youre nothing but a pile of dead grey ash. And were going to do that to you honey. Just for fun. Just because we like hurting and snuffing boys like you. So, time to say goodbye Jason sweetheart. Time to die darlin.”

    Kim pulled her Lauren close and kissed her lover long and slow and deep. When she broke off the kiss she gave her girlfriend a look that could have only one meaning. It was time for the final flourish, time to indulge in the ultimate thrill. Without speaking both girls filled syringes with the deadly greenish liquid. Kim went first. She stuck her needle into Jasons right eye, squirting a fourth of the liquid into his eyeball before plunging the needle deeper until she had the sharp point lodged in the boys frontal lobe. Her thumb jammed down on the plunger. Jasons body lurched. The girls eyes shone with a passion and a cruel lust that would have terrified the boy if hed been in any condition to see it or understand it.

    Lauren pressed her needle against the boys naked chest, carefully lining the sharp point up so it was between two ribs. With one brutally quick thrust she plunged the thicker needle directly into Jasons heart and jammed down on the plunger, flooding the boys life giving organ with 100 ccs of the deadly household liquid. The boys reaction was beautiful. His body seemed to lift off the table. None of his Drano ravaged extremities worked right, his legs flopping this way and that, his arms twitching and jerking spasmodically in a display of utter uselessness. For Jason it was an agony that was a thousand times worse than death, a hundred times worse than all that these tow evil women had done to him so far. He screamed and despite the fact that the girls had used Drano to burn his tongue to a useless stump his anguished shrieks managed to form words.

“Why? Why me. Why?”

    Kim and Lauren laughed. And kissed.And watched the boy suffer. They had no answer for him other than the fact that hed been lucky enough to be there when theyd felt this overwhelming desire to snuff a boy. Had he been a derelict, a filthy uncouth shell of a man they might have spared him. But he wasnt. He was a virile, healthy, normal, innocent young man whod shown virtue in serving his country, willing to sacrifice all that mattered to him to defend freedom for his fellow citizens, for women like Kim and Lauren. And something about the unfairness of it, the sheer evil of it appealed to the cruel and wicked natures in Kim and Lauren. They had to snuff him. For them it was the only right and sane and good thing to do. As they stood hugging each other and watching the boy die, each girl with a hand on his body so they could feel the delicious shudders and tremors whipping though his body Kim and Lauren knew theyd done the right thing. It was perfect really. It was who they were. It was what theyd been meant to do from the day they were born.

Kim picked up her silver Zippo lighter. Lauren used a match. Each girl lit her fire starter. They were laughing when Kim touched the lighters flame to Jasons hair while Lauren held her match against the boys oil covered cock. His shrieks delighted both girls. Flames consumed the top of his head and burned away merrily in his crotch. Kim was delighted when the fire made its way down Jasons cheek, across his nose, into his eyes, around his lips and chin and mouth. His entire head was bathed in the most delightful flames. He kept screaming and shrieking and asking why, why, why.Shed set a boy on fire. A good boy too. She didnt have to. She could have let him live. But she didnt. Shed touched the fire to his oily skin and been fascinated at how the flames spread across the boy. It felt so naughty, it felt so bad, it felt so fucking good to be the cruel girl.

   Lauren delighted in the way the flames danced around the boys semi-rigid cock. She was enthralled at how quickly that shaft turned from a fiery orange pillar to a blackened shriveled stump. When the fire fed down between the boys legs and licked at his balls and spread up his stomach she was practically giddy with lust. She planted a big wet kiss on Kim without taking her eyes off the boys thrashing body. Watching the fire eat its way down between both his legs all the way to his feet and around each of his toes while it simultaneously worked its magic up Jasons belly and chest until it joined Kims fire spilling down from Jasons blazing head made both girls ecstatic. They expected the snuff to be good but theyd never have guessed this kind of snuff would be so incredibly satisfying and thrilling.

    It took deliciously long minutes for the fire to do its vicious work. Kim had never felt so alive, so connected to a boy, so completely tuned on. Lauren was in much the same state, laughing uncontrollable every time Jasons shrieks went up another octave. His pain was so evident in his screams. And in the way his body kept writhing and thrashing and flopping in such crazy contortions. This is how snuff should be, how it was meant to be. They deserved this wonderful show. It was so much better than theyd anticipated. They were snuffing a boy and he was suffering so. Just for them. The best part was it just went on and on, Jason shrieking and suffering and twitching and dying.

   Jason suffered for a good five minutes after the girls injected him the final doses of their cruel snuff juice and then set him on fire. During the first two minutes Kim stood transfixed, her hand jammed between her thighs, her fingers thrusting in and out of her oozing slit, a silly lust addled grin on her face. Lauren was in a similar state of arousal. Kim came first. Lauren heard her lovers cries of ecstasy and climaxed herself. Then the two were all over each other, lips on lips, tongues exploring, hands roving, fingers massaging each others already hot, wet nether regions. They kept an eye on Jason. The show he was putting on was just too compelling to ignore. And they leaned against his body so they could feel his death dance. It was a remarkable experience for the two nurses. Taking a life turned out to be so much more satisfying than saving a life. They had a new calling now. First, do harm. Then snuff. Not exactly the Hippocratic Oath but a good motto none the less for two cruel sadists like Kim and Lauren.

“Hes gone babe. When can we do another one? God that was good wasnt it Kim. Trish was right. Nothing beats snuff. Its the best drug on the market.”

“You got that right lover. Well find another boy. Soon too I bet. Well go hang around the bars near the Army base and meet another soldier.”

“Why? Cause theyre heroes and we want to thank them for protecting our freedoms?”

“No lover. Cause theyre young and strong and theyll last a long time when we start to torture them. Just another example of your tax dollars at work darling.  The Army makes them strong so we can have some serious fun snuffing them. Besides, we deserve another snuff.Especially now that we know how fabulous this is. I love you darling. I wouldnt want to do this with anyone but my sexy, wicked, beautiful Laurie. Now stop talking and fuck me lover. Make me come while the thrill of our first snuffs still fresh. I want to taste your hot wet cunt while I think about Jasons last few agonizing minutes.”

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