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Review This Story || Author: 4Nick8

Lady Charlotte

Chapter 1

Lady Charlotte
by 4Nick8

Chapter One

The Rt. Hon. Charlotte Spencer was protected by her birthright and her
aristocratic background. At a tender eighteen years of age she had been quite
unprepared for the shocking events that happened that  particular  Wednesday

The sheer viciousness of the whole occurrence had shaken her beyond belief,
leaving her sobbing with terror.

Although of aristocratic background Charlotte was a world famous model and she
was being driven to one of her modelling assignments by Charles her chauffeur.
As a consequence they had the Range-Rover towing a caravan full of clothes from
lingerie to outer wear. The car was being driven by two brutes who had forced
them off the road in a quiet country lay-by.

Two men  jumped out of their vehicle and, without pausing, yanked open the
drivers door of the Range-Rover and shot Charles dead in front of her terrified

Leaping into her car, one pulled Charles's bloody lifeless body out before
getting behind the driving wheel, the other clamped his hand over Charlotte's
mouth and squeezed into the rear seats with her.

After five or six frightening minutes the one in the back blindfolded Charlotte
for the rest of the journey, securing her hands tightly behind her back with a
large pair of plastic handcuffs.

They drove wildly for about two hours before she felt the car stop and Charlotte
felt herself  being manhandled out of the vehicle and taken up a flight of
stairs and seated in a rough chair.

There they left her  blindfolded and secured for a further long period, her mind
screaming out its horror to her as she waited to be killed.

When they returned it was almost anticlimactic as they removed the blindfold and
released her aching arms from the uncomfortable bondage behind her back.

Cringing back into the shabby chair Charlotte took stock of her situation.

It was a dilapidated room with peeling wallpaper and five or six faded old
chairs scattered around. The threadbare curtains were drawn and the thin light
came from a fly speckled naked bulb hanging from the centre of the cracked
ceiling. There was also what appeared to be an old punch bag suspended from one
of the ceiling rafters.

"Who... what do you want?" Charlotte stammered, quaking with panic.

"Shut up bitch, and do as your told" snarled one of the men, slapping her across
the face and shocking poor Charlotte into rigid silence.

"Lets have some fun with her" suggested the other one, a huge black man eyeing
Charlotte up and down with obvious relish. "It won't matter if we damage the
goods as her parents won't know one way or another."

"Okay" agreed the first monster a smaller white man, pulling Charlotte violently
on to her feet and standing her in the centre of the threadbare carpet. "Pull
your fucking skirt up you cunt" he yelled at Charlotte.

Tears watering her beautiful eyes and too terrified to do anything other than
what they demanded, Charlotte fumbled for the hem of her skirt. She knew, just
knew that they were going to rape her.

Charlotte had dressed herself that morning in the expensive products of "The
house of Lawrence", the exclusive fashion house that she was modelling for that
day. Larry himself had packed the whole costly line into the caravan and the
trunk of her Range-Rover that morning.

"Come on you white bitch" screamed the black. "Get your fucking skirt up fucking
fast or I'll fucking stick this weapon into your fucking mouth and pull the

Charlotte was sobbing with fright as she took hold of the hem of her skirt and
started to pull it up her lovely nylon sheathed legs.

She tugged the tight black creation up past her stocking tops and bare upper
thighs to her waist, revealing her fragile lacy panties to them.

Charlotte was aware that her quite abundant pubic hair was issuing from each
side of the narrow leg bands of her sexy panties, and to her agitated
mortification she saw that the two men had also noticed.

She stood revealed in front of them, her stomach churning with an overwhelming
desire to urinate out of sheer apprehension. Charlotte was not the bravest of

"Stand there and wait for my orders cunt" said the white guy. 

Charlotte stood in front of them balancing unsteadily on her fashionable high
heeled shoes, tears streaming down her face through her flawless make-up and her
skirt rucked up around her waist.

"I'll give you permission to speak now cunt" he said casually. "From now on you
don't say a word unless I do give you such permission. Tell me how you're dying
to take your knickers off for me. Tell me how you feel doing it you cow."

Although he had lowered his voice the hard menace in his voice made Charlotte
feel weak with dread.

"I.... I'm d...dying" Charlotte sobbed, the last word stuck in her throat. She
cleared her throat and tried again. "I want to take off my panties for you" she
got out. Shall I pull them down?."

"That's no fucking good" the white shouted. I want to hear fuck and cunt when
you speak to me. Do you understand?. And you will fucking use the word sir when
you talk to us, fucking comprende's."

Charlotte nodded miserably, her whole ordered life forever blown out of the

"Well get on with it then you miserable slut."

"Please sir" began Charlotte in a tearful voice. "Can I pull my knickers down
for you?. I want to show you my hairy c...cunt."  Charlotte broke down sobbing
once more by what she had been reduced to saying and doing.

At a curt nod from the white man, Charlotte pushed her trembling thumbs down the
waistband of her lacy panties and tugged them down her hips and upper thighs to
the tops of her stockings, baring her hirsute vagina to the two leering men.

"My God" exclaimed the black. "She was right about her cunt being hairy. Pull
your fucking hair away so I can see your slit" he demanded.

Charlotte looked down at her shame, parting her pubic hair with her fingers to
allow them to view her clitoris and vaginal passage.

"Well talk dirty to us." The white man suddenly screamed, lashing out again and
bringing a red welt up on Charlotte's face

Shaking now with terror Charlotte pulled the lips of her vagina apart and said " you want me to put my fingers in my c...cunt sir?. I'll f...fuck myself
with my fingers for you shall I?."

Suddenly and shockingly the white man's temper seemed to snap.

To Charlotte's horror he rushed across to her and grabbed her wrists. Hauling
out the plastic handcuffs from his jacket pocket he snapped them on, securing
her hands in front of her. Then he dragged Charlotte, who was now crying
uncontrollably, across the room to the punching bag. He yanked the bag off the
supporting hook and hauled Charlotte's arms up in front of her, hooking them
over the curved metal. Towing on the pulley device that controlled the height of
the bag, he stretched Charlotte tight with her hands fully secured above her

Charlotte was now strung up with her body was as tight as a bow string, her high
heels were the only thing keeping her from actually dangling in the air.

She watched with horrified fascination as the white man produced a wicked
looking cane and started to swish the air with it.

"I'll make sure that you put some feeling into it in future" he snarled.

"P...Please don't hurt me" Charlotte cried. "I'll do anything for you."

"Too right you will when I've finished with you" he replied, looking her up and

Charlotte presented a savagely erotic sight, her nubile body stretched upwards
in front of him, her skirt rucked up around her waist with her knickers pulled
halfway down her thighs, baring her hairy vagina for them both to see.

It didn't seem to be enough for the man as he produced an evil looking knife and
went round to the rear of Charlotte. She felt him grab the thin material of her
suit coat and slash it completely from top to bottom, pulling each side away and
repeating the process with her blouse and brassiere.

Charlotte's small breasts swung into view, her modest pink nipples distended
with fear.

The white man then proceeded to systematically beat Charlotte about the body,
mainly on the buttocks and back but occasionally lashing at her breasts.

Charlotte was screaming in agony as the beating seemed to go on forever.

When he finally stopped Charlotte felt a new thrill of fear as she saw him
producing a hypodermic needle and filling it from a small vial.

"Ooh please" she implored "Anything but that"  not even knowing what that was.

"This will probably make you more enthusiastic in future" he gritted, locating a
vein in Charlotte's tethered right arm and injecting the contents into it.

After disposing of the needle the two men left Charlotte fastened in position,
the little clothing she was wearing in rags around her aching body, the welts of
her beating an angry red against her white skin.

As they went out of the door the black man did slip on Charlotte's high heel so
she could find some purchase on the floor with them.

Charlotte didn't know how long she was left hanging there, crying hysterically
and then half fainting asleep, she was almost glad to see them when they

She had also been suffering from hallucinations brought on, she presumed, by
whatever drug they had pumped into her body. They were accompanied by strange
and not unpleasant longings surging through her bound frame.

When she saw the two men Charlotte begged them to untie her.

"What for you slut" said the white man, Charlotte had gathered that his name was
Charlie and the black man's was Ricking.

"I really want to pee sir" Charlotte whimpered.

"Listen to the bloody aristocratic bitch" Charlie snarled. "Begging me for a
piss. Get the fucking bucket and shove it under her" he went on.

Rick brought out an enamel bucket from the other room and, ripping the remains
of Charlotte's panties off, he spread her legs on either side of the container.
The remnants of her skirt were still tucked up around her waist leaving her
femininity open for them both to see.

Looking down at herself Charlotte miserably began to urinate into the bucket,
ashamedly aware that the two were watching the gushing stream  emerging from her

As Charlotte finished relieving herself, the last drops of her urine eased off
and, apart from a little that spilt onto the floor, the rest ran down her inside
leg and soaked into the tops of her nylon stockings.

This seemed to put Charlie into an evil mood and he again snatched the cane up
and began laying about Charlotte with renewed vigour.

"P...Please" Charlotte wailed. "Don't beat me any more sir. I shan't spill any
more pee, I've finished."

"Part your legs you cunt" he shouted. "I'll belt you where that came from."

"Ohhhhhhhh no, no please" begged Charlotte. "I'll do anything for you, Please

It was all to no avail. Charlie had Rick open Charlotte's legs wide and he
proceeded to strike her violently between them, the cane biting into Charlotte's
tender vaginal area and clitoris.

When he had exhausted himself he again exposed a vein on Charlotte's arm and
injected a second dose of whatever drug he was using into her.

Leaving Charlotte still suspended the men retired into the next room. Charlotte
half hung there for most of the night, sobbing but in a strange drug induced

In the early hours of the morning Charlotte sensed Rick entering the room and
immediately implored him to allow her to urinate into the bucket.

"Please Rick sir" she begged. "If you would just release my wrists so I can pee
properly then I shan't offend Charlie. I'll let you watch me pee. You like that
don't you?" she went on eagerly.

Rick grudgingly agreed and as he undid the handcuffs he said "I want you to be
as dirty as possible or I'll fucking belt you again.

Charlotte quickly concurred as she wobbled about on her high heels, her legs and
arms going through recovery pains as Rick brought out the bucket. Charlotte
shrugged off the remnants of her jacket and blouse. Making sure that the
tattered remains of her skirt were still tugged up to her waist, and her hairy
slit was fully visible to Rick, Charlotte assumed a squatting position over the
bucket and, slightly bending at the knees, Charlotte fixed her gaze on Rick and
started to spurt into it. The relief was almost overwhelming and her weak legs
trembled on either side of the receptacle.

Thinking frantically how she could 'Be as dirty as possible' in Rick's words,
Charlotte started to caress her pubic hair as she gushed into the canister.

"Look Rick" she murmured shakily. "Do you want me to play with myself while I'm

Rick nodded dumbly, hardly able to take his eyes off her splashing slit.

Charlotte let her middle finger drift down to her hole. She felt the hot spray
of her urine wet her finger.

Throwing caution to the winds she took hold of either side of her vagina with
both hands, feeling the pain of the cane marks, and pulled her gash wide for
Rick to see.

Looking down at the freed torrent Charlotte said "You will look after me Rick
won't you?. I'll let you do anything to me if you do. Watch and see what I'll do
for you now."

For such a well bred young lady as Charlotte, she was experiencing some rather
strange and erotic feelings.

It had dimly occurred to her that these may be the result of the drugs they had
been pumping into her arm, but she didn't ponder about the reason too deeply.

At the moment she found that she was almost revelling in the exhibitionism that
she was displaying.

Still crouching over the container Charlotte winced with pain as she allowed her
forefinger and middle finger of her right hand to slip into her hot streaming
cunt. Charlotte was now finding that she was deriving a hot flush of sexual
excitement from the soreness inflicted on her body. Her fingers  had the effect
of slowing down the steady stream of her urine, giving Charlotte another
debauched thrill.

She slid her fingers in and out of herself, gasping and moaning when she saw
that Rick was visibly excited by her display.

Still pulling wide the left side of her hairy slit she thrust all four fingers
inside, completely stemming the flood.

"Ohhhhhhhh Rick" she gasped. "Do you want me to suck my fingers now?. I will if
you want me to, or would you like me to suck your penis while you pee into my
mouth?. I'll do anything you want me to."

"Suck your fingers first you dirty bitch" Rick whispered.

Charlotte withdrew her fingers from her swollen vagina, allowing the hot stream
of urine to flow into the bucket again, and pushed her fingers all the way into
her mouth.

She could taste the slightly bitter, salty flavour of her own pee as she
swallowed the juices, her urination now dribbling to a halt.

"Come over here you rich bitch" Rick ordered.

Charlotte walked unsteadily over to him, lowering her eyes submissively.

"Take off the rest of your clothes. I have to give you another shot."

Charlotte undid the button and slid down the zip at the side of her ruined skirt
and allowed it to fall to the floor. Stepping out of her high heels she undid
her garter belt and slid off her nylon stockings.

She stood in front of Rick now completely naked, her body livid with red welts
and her inflamed and sore, vivid red vagina throbbing through her black pubic
hair. Charlotte obediently held out her right arm as he produced another needle
and watched with detachment as he emptied the contents of the hypodermic into
her arm.

"Down on your knees you dirty cow" he snapped. "I want you to swallow all this." 
He was busy unzipping the front of his trousers.

As Charlotte sank to her knees in front of him he took out his penis and grabbed
the back of her head.

Charlotte grasped his big black penis in her small hand and tentatively placed
it in her mouth.

"You'll have to make sure that you've got it well in" he gritted. I don't want
you to spill a drop of this."

Charlotte sucked harder as she tasted the first spurting of his urine enter her
mouth. Frantically swallowing Charlotte felt his hot piss pouring into her mouth
with some speed.

Gagging and swallowing as fast as she could, Charlotte felt the flow getting

She sensed Rick moving to take hold of the container and place it next to her
trembling naked body.

Suddenly Rick jerked his cock out of her hot, wet mouth and he grabbed her long
jet black hair, wrenching her head sideways over the bucket containing her own

Keeping a firm grip on her hair Rick sprayed his pee into her face with
increasing force.

Charlotte sensed the hot piss hitting her face as she kept her eyes closed but
her pretty mouth wide open, catching some of the savage flow.

When she perceived a slackening of the gush she hesitantly opened her eyes.

She saw with some excitement that Rick's penis was swelling as he completed
peeing  It stood up straight and black in front of her face causing her to feel
her lower belly with her fingers as she tried to capture the weapon with her
mouth again.

"No you don't you over sexed cunt" he snarled. "I'm going to hang you out to

With this Rick hauled her to her feet and snapped on the handcuffs again.

"Please...please Rick sir, don't do this to me. Don't hang me up again. If you
check the Range-Rover and the caravan you'll find lots of clothes in the trunks
and cases. I'll dress up just for you all pretty and do anything you say. Just
don't hang me up again."

It was all to no avail as Rick secured her to the punching bag hook. He moved a
loose full length mirror from the rear of the room directly in front of
Charlotte, so she could view her despair and left her there.

He at least had replaced her high heels so she could find some purchase on the
floor by keeping her legs together.

Charlotte looked despairingly at her reflection. She saw that her white body was
a mass of red, angry looking weal's.

To take her mind off the state of herself she started to think about what had
just passed and Rick's large black penis.

Charlotte felt a hot flush of shame and excitement suffuse her face when she
looked down at herself, and saw that her pubis was visibly pulsating.

She watched fascinated as it leaked out a semi-transparent liquid that trickled
down her inside thigh.

'Its got to be the drugs their pushing into me' she thought idly as she passed
in and out of unconsciousness for the rest of that night.

Charlotte was awaked by the sounds of the two men at their ablutions.

The first to enter the room was Charlie who gave her naked body a knowing leer
as he lowered the hook and unhooked her.

Freeing Charlotte from the handcuffs he allowed her to visit the shabby little
bathroom they had been using.

When Charlotte re-entered the room, somewhat refreshed, he said "Keep in mind
you will only be allowed to use that bathroom once a day. Any other time you
want to take a leak you will use the fucking bucket. Is that understood?"

Charlotte nodded meekly, feeling utterly defenceless in her nudity.

Throughout the day the pair of them seemed to be discussing the matter of her

Charlotte sat huddled on one of the shabby chairs during most of this time.

She was appalled at one stage to hear Charlie actually suggesting cutting off
her ring finger to send to her parents, and almost sobbed with relief when Rick
disabused him of this plan.

She made copious cups of foul tasting coffee for them and herself throughout the
day, not being able to bring herself to eat anything.

Charlie twice administered an injection into her arm which Charlotte suffered
obediently, the drugs giving her a floating, gentle trance-like state.

It was on the first of these injections that Charlotte asked permission to use
the bucket.

She attempted to use it at the rear of the room till Charlie snapped "Drag the
fucking thing in front here you bitch. You'll piss in front of us or not at

Charlotte still could not hide her embarrassment as she crouched over the
container noisily peeing in front of the men. Charlie didn't seem to pay her any
mind but she noticed Rick's eyes on her during these periods.

Charlie had not even allowed Charlotte the comfort of wearing her high heels
during the day. "Fucking completely bare is how we want you" was his remark,
making Charlotte feel thoroughly disarmed and vulnerable.

When evening approached they decided to go out and Charlie gave Charlotte
another injection before cuffing her and suspending her from the hook again.

Charlotte dangled there helplessly till Rick slipped her high heels back on.

When they returned Charlotte woke from a half doze to find that Charlie was
lowering her to administer another injection.

"What are you injecting me with?" Charlotte timidly asked, expecting, and by now
half hoping, to be punished for her temerity.

Charlie however seemed to treat the question with some seriousness.

Standing Charlotte in front of Rick, who was slumped in one of the chairs he
said "Get it out Rick, you bloody black stag. She'll soon see what the drugs do
for her."

Charlotte watched trembling as Rick fumbled with his trousers. She was feeling a
strange anticipation as he produced hid flaccid black penis and started to
massage it in front of her.

Charlotte gazed in hypnotised fascination as the ebony member stiffened and

Suddenly she felt an urgent pulsating on her lower tummy and she experienced a
need to part her legs.

Placing her legs apart Charlotte glanced down at herself to discover that her
vagina was seeping liquid at a faster rate than the last time. She watched as
her fluids gathered and dripped to the floor.

This continued whilst she scrutinised Rick's masturbation, sending her into a
thrill of delight as he suddenly came on his fist.

She was still in a state of sexual excitement when Charlie hand-cuffed her and
secured her to the hook for the evening.

Charlotte spent the night half sleeping and half awake, being interrupted just
the once by Charlie who administered another injection. Charlotte had by now
become used to them and complied submissively.

When the two men came into the room the following morning Charlotte discovered
to her horror that she had started her menstruation period during the night and
she was bleeding quite profusely down her legs.

This seemed to throw Charlie into an unreasonable rage and he snatched up the
cane and started to beat her unmercifully, causing Charlotte to scream and cry

He beat her about the buttocks and on her small breasts till they ached.

Throwing the cane down when he had exhausted his rage he stormed out of the

Charlotte remained strung up weeping and sobbing, receiving no sympathy from
Rick, till Charlie returned a couple of hours later with three packets of old
fashioned sanitary napkins. Where the hell he'd got them, God knows.

Releasing her he threw the packets at Charlotte with one of the nylon stockings
that she had been wearing, and ordered her to clean herself up.

Charlotte retired to the small toilet and anxiously went about her ablutions.

Having had a body wash and freshening her tear streaked face, Charlotte made a
thin belt with the nylon, cutting off the spare lengths beyond the knot, and
applied one of the sanitary napkins to herself.

Looking down at the results Charlotte unhappily thought it an unsatisfactory
arrangement, the napkin barely covering her vagina and her bushy, black pubic
hair spreading out on either side, making her feel more vulnerable than ever.

Resigned to making the best of a bad job Charlotte returned uneasily to the main
room. Charlie appeared to have mastered his temper and Rick remained as
inscrutable as ever.

The next few days seemed to pass in an almost dream like sequence for Charlotte.
Her period came and went but she continued to use the sanitary napkins for some
kind of decent cover

Charlie ceased to inject Charlotte after two more days and, at first Charlotte
became very agitated as the drug had made her addictive. Rick however started to
give her a dosage of tablets every four or five hours, explaining that these
would have much the same effects as the injections. This proved to be the case
which calmed Charlotte down considerably.

Perhaps a week and a half passed with little or no action from day to day till
Charlie's came storming into the flat with the news that the police had been
informed of the ransom notes and he had just avoided being caught.

Eyeing Charlotte balefully he ordered her to bend over, just like a head teacher
to a child.

Charlotte had by now developed a masochistic delight in Charlie's punishments.

 Wobbling on her high heels she was now allowed to wear, she bent over and took
hold of her shapely ankles. She felt Charlie snap the napkin ribbon attached to
the thin nylon round her waist, and braced herself for the first blow.

A full minute passed as Charlotte waited in terrified and thrilled anticipation,
looking at the loose napkin swinging between her trembling thighs

Finally, unable to stand the nervous tension any longer, Charlotte quickly
dragged the urine bucket she was braced next to, and positioned it between her
straddled legs as the build up of urine flowed out in apprehensive jets.

Unfortunately for Charlotte, some of her hot urine hit the floor before she
managed to centre the container under her. This seemed to enrage Charlie even
more. "You'll pay for that you filthy cow" he bawled. "Tell me you want me to
make you scream or I'll whip you to within an inch of your life."

"Make me scream Sir. Ohhhhhhhh Charlie make me scream" Charlotte sobbed in

Charlotte knew by now that her screams would go undetected, as the flat was
situated above a closed down sex shop in a deserted area of the East end.

"Make me fucking scream and cry" Charlie prompted. "I want you to beg for this
punishment all the time."

"Make me fucking scream and cry" Charlotte sobbed, now peeing freely with fear.

Charlie brought the cane down on Charlotte's posterior with a heart stopping
explosion of pain that had her reach new heights of screaming.

Charlotte retained enough of her sanity to stay rigidly in position as Charlie
continued with his horrendous punishment.

Having covered both cheeks of her bottom with welts Charlie wanted to turn his
attention to other areas.

"Where?. Where?" he kept demanding of Charlotte.

"M...My T...Tits Charlie" sobbed poor Charlotte, now dully resigned to a
thorough beating. "Beat my tits and make me fucking scream" she whimpered
miserably, holding her hands under her small breasts fearfully.

Charlie obliged her. Savagely beating each pink tipped mound till they stung

Anticipating Charlie's next demand, Charlotte backed to one of the old chairs.

Sitting on the edge of the seat, she resignedly hooked her legs over each arm.

"Now whip my cunt"  Charlotte moaned, repeating Charlie's litany "Make me
fucking scream."

"Pull it open bitch."

Charlotte painfully pulled aside the lips of her vagina and shifted the napkin
to one side, screaming once more as Charlie brought the cane down accurately
between her legs. She was horrified but intrigued to find that each time he hit
her vagina, she had an orgasm, coming violently with every stroke.

Finally tiring he left Charlotte strung up, without the advantage of her high
heels, leaving her dangling from the floor.

Charlotte wept and moaned for several hours in this position as they had both
left her alone in the flat. She was also undergoing some withdrawal symptoms as
he hadn't given her any of the tablets before leaving.

When they did return finally, Charlotte sobbed with relief and gratitude as Rick
showed her some small kindness', giving her two tablets and allowing her the
relief of the bucket.

The next few days passed into weeks as Charlotte observed a set routine. Going
along with all their minor requests and keeping a low profile. The bruises on
her body healed so Charlotte estimated that to have taken a fortnight.

She ran out of sanitary napkins at one stage and Rick brought another three
packets in for her.

She was fed a steady diet of whatever drug they were giving her, till one day
Charlie remarked that she was going to have to earn them in future.

"Them fucking things cost thirty quid a tab" Charlie explained. "Your going to a
party where you will do as your fucking told by everyone. You'll earn your keep
till your dad coughs up the ransom without involving the police next time."

Charlotte was given to understand that some of their shady friends, were willing
to pay for sex of a different nature to the usual prostitutes they took their
business to. Charlie was at great pains to point out that they were paying for
"A lot of class" as he put it. "Put on your normal Lady Muck manners."

The next two or three days were given over to the preparations for this

Charlotte was finally allowed long showers and Rick brought in a case full of
"The house of Lawrence" cosmetics.

She revelled in being able to shampoo her luxuriant black hair for the first
time in weeks. Rick even allowed her a supervised shave of her armpits,
confiscating the razor immediately afterwards.

On the evening of the initiation of Charlotte into prostitution, she was taken
out of the flat for the first time and transported in a van to a rather seedy
little club, apparently also owned by Charlie.

It was sheer bliss to Charlotte that all the trunks and cases of Larry's
fashions had been brought into the flat earlier in the day, and she could cover
her nakedness for the first time since her kidnap.

Entering the club Charlotte saw that there were nine or ten men sitting around
drinking. She was quite surprised that one or two of them appeared to have their
girl friends or wives with them.

After supplying her with the first alcoholic drink she had tasted in weeks along
with two of the tablets, Charlie introduced her to the group as "Lady Muck."

A smooth looking Italian type who was accompanied by one of the women invited
Charlotte to sit at their table.

Charlotte did so, crossing her elegant silk clad legs decorously.

She had donned one of Larry's more simple and expensive creations. A black two
piece suit with grey facings. Delicate strap over high heeled sandals in black,
with matching black velvet gloves. Her long black hair was secured classically
in a swept back chignon with two rolling waves framing her beautiful face. Her
make-up was tastefully applied to enhance her natural beauty, with grey
eye-shadow throwing into relief her blue eyes. Charlotte's white even teeth
intensified by her blood red, scarlet lipstick which matched her nail varnish.
Charlotte, using all the tricks that she practised as a top model had added to
her allure with Larry's latest perfume Night Rider. Taken in all she had stunned
the company in the dilapidated little club into reverential silence.

Emboldened by the effect she was having on them Charlotte adopted her most
blue-blooded manner.

The man introduced himself as Mark and the lady, who turned out to be his wife,
as Maria

After a few minutes desultory conversation Maria suddenly asked "I thought
Charlie said there was going to be a whore laid on."

This took Charlotte a little by surprise, not being conversant with the morals
of the criminal classes.

"There is a whore" said Charlotte coolly but a little apprehensively. "It's me."

Maria looked as if you could have floored her. "But you're a lady, not a slut."

Looking at Maria deliberately Charlotte said softly " I do assure you that I'm
the whore that Charlie promised you. I may seem like a lady but I'm a slut,
believe me."

Looking stunned Maria said "But we were promised some really kinky stuff
tonight. Ask for your money back Mark. This one's a real non-starter."

"Really, there's no need for that" Charlotte assured her hurriedly. "I've been
told to do anything you require."

"Anything?" Maria enquired incredulously. "Anything" Charlotte confirmed. Her
voice now trembling.

"Well honey, we were told you were into water sports and masochism and the like.
You just don't strike me as the type."  As if to test Charlotte she went on,
"Haul up the skirt then and let's see the goods."

Charlotte, nervous by now, plucked at the hem of her skirt. Conscious of Mark
and Maria's eyes on her she slid the expensive material slowly up her flawless

The tops of her nylon stockings came immediately into view, Charlie had insisted
she wear a couple of sizes smaller than her usual, and the ribbing of the
stockings started just above her knees, secured by long, black suspender straps.

She continued drawing the material up her white thighs, stopping when she
reached the apex of her legs.

"Great legs" commented Maria appreciatively. "Hey you people, the Duchess here
is going to give us a little show. Up on the stage with you Duchess and let the
dogs see the rabbit."

Charlotte stood and mounted the small stage. The company of people there
gathered in front of it and gazed with interest at her.

Remaining standing Charlotte again plucked at the sides of her skirt, tugging it
up her nylon covered legs once more to the start of her panties.

"C'mon Duchess" shouted Maria. "We all want to see the knickers down. Tell us in
that toffee-nosed accent of yours what you'll do for us. Lets see some fingers
up your cunt."  Maria was really getting into her stride by this time.

Charlotte stared down at her exposed nylon clad legs and placed her gloved hands
on either side of her skirt. She looked at herself as she pulled the skirt up to
her waist, exposing her white silk panties to them all.

Trapping her raised skirt with one elbow, Charlotte took off her gloves and
dropped them to the stage. She then hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her
panties and slowly eased them down over her white abdomen and black bushy hair,
trapping them at her knees. She could push them no further down as she had put
them on under her suspender belt, trapping them behind the tightness of the

Standing erect again, Charlotte slightly parted her legs and said "Do you want
me to finger myself then?", this question directed mainly at Maria, who seemed
to be running the show.

"Fucking look at that hairy bush Mark" Maria laughed. "I've seen less hair on an
Orang-utan. Go on then Duchess, bring yourself off."

Conscious of every eye upon her, Charlotte agitatedly flicked her sensitive
fingers over the front of her pubic hair. Every pass seemed to send an electric
shock through her.

She then pushed her first two fingers into her mouth, getting them thoroughly
lubricated before inserting them into her hot throbbing hole.

Charlotte caught her breath as her clitoris seemed to explode with excitement.
Panting and gasping Charlotte began working the two fingers in and out of her
vagina. She looked down at herself and could see her fingers emerging, covered
in sticky juices. Her efforts were accompanied by wet squelching sounds and her
small panting cries.

She could feel herself coming to a climax as her knees trembled and bent, her
panties caught around them not allowing her to spread her legs any wider.

Charlotte gave out a small scream as she felt herself orgasm time after time. It
was as if there was a flood coming out of her cunt as she withdrew her fingers.

Unable to dry herself she cast an enquiring glance at Maria, who seemed to be
the director of this production.

"Just smear it around then suck your fingers dry Duchess" Maria advised. "I
think that you can start circulating then, as one or two of these horny bastards
want to get their hands on you."

Charlotte obediently spread her sticky juices on her black pubic hair,
flattening it to her belly and causing her pubic mound to be thrown in sharp
relief, her sensitive pink clitoris thrusting outwards for them to see.

She then sucked the remainder off her fingers and made to pull up her panties
when Maria stopped her. "You can leave them where they are. It'll save the
problem of pulling them down again later."

Charlotte left her knickers supported under her suspenders and allowed her skirt
to fall, just about covering them.

She left the stage and compliantly began circulating, conversing with the rest
of the company as they vied for her attention.

One of the men had her sit at the small bar with him and cross her legs. This
Charlotte managed with difficulty, being hampered by her panties round her
knees. He then started to rub her on the outside of her skirt, pushing it
further and further back up her legs till he uncovered her wet bare slit. Easing
up and allowing him to free her skirt from under her bottom, Charlotte watched
as he tucked the hem in at her waist and parted her legs.

She sat with her thighs apart as he inserted his stubby fingers into her hot
vagina, and roughly forced them in and out of her.

It seemed even his lack of finesse didn't prevent her from flooding after as
little as a dozen thrusts.

Another couple, a man with his girlfriend this time, instructed Charlotte to
take off her skirt.

Standing in front of them she unzipped the side and allowed it to fall to the
floor. Stepping out of it she revealed her short petticoat that just covered her
bare bottom and pubic area.

"Now the jacket" the man ordered.

Docilely Charlotte removed her jacket and postured for them wearing just her
scanty lace petticoat over her small brassiere, her panties still caught at her
knees restricting her movements.

"Bend over slut" the young woman commanded.

Clutching at her ankles, Charlotte felt the rear of her slip sliding up over her
bare backside to her waist and the man inserted his large penis into her anus.

Biting her lip as the pain began to rip through her body, Charlotte felt him
bucking in and out of her as he rode to a quick climax.

Not bothering to re-dress, she responded to another call for her services, this
time from the irrepressible Maria.

"Let's  see what kind of a slut you are" said Maria, instructing Charlotte to
put on her discarded clothes and pull up her panties. Maria then had her pose
for the assembly as she would on a fashion parade.

Charlotte, now feeling the sexual excitement exploding in her lower stomach in a
series of small pulsating throbs, posed and paraded up and down the small stage
in front of them. She was conscious that Maria would request some bizarre act at
any time. When it came it caused Charlotte some surprise and embarrassment.

"Right you stuck up cow. Pee in your panties." Maria ordered, to the amusement
of all the audience.

Flushing red with shame, Charlotte started to raise her skirts. "Without pulling
your skirt up you slut. Just piss your pants as I told you."

Charlotte let her skirts down and stood before the avid viewers. She knew in her
mind that this would be the final humiliation. If they forced her to submit to
this she would be completely broken. Summonsing up all her courage Charlotte
stammered ""

"Charlie!" Maria rapped out. Charlotte saw Charlie emerge from the shadows at
the back of the club, and quaked inside when he roared "Do as your fucking
told."  She knew at that moment that she would never break free of these two
men. There was no question that she would disobey him.

Despairingly Charlotte released her tight bladder and felt the hot urine soaking
between her legs. Closing her eyes to the guests Charlotte stood with her legs
apart straining her tight black skirt. She heard the splashing of her pee as it
hit the floor between her feet.

"Stop for a moment" commanded Maria. "I want you to show us all what a dirty
little bitch you are. Pull your skirt up now."

Charlotte glanced down, and was relieved to see that her urine had not spread
much of a stain on the expensive skirt. Bending down she took hold of the hem of
her skirt, and pulled it up her legs to her waist.

She glanced down and saw that the liquid had made her panties translucent. You
could clearly see her hairy cunt swollen against the thin white material.

"Right" ordered Maria. "Start again."

Now looking down at herself, Charlotte released her bladder again. She watched
as she saw the liquid gush against the thin lacy nylon of her knickers, the
force of which flooded the leg bands and poured down to the stage, the rest
streaming down her hose covered legs.

One of the men in the audience had taken out his large penis and Charlotte
looked at it and experiencing a sickening ache to fondle and suck it. She was
truly hooked.

Then followed one of the most debauched, yet thrilling acts that Charlotte would
ever have dreamed of.

Whilst Maria stripped her of her jacket and blouse again, pulling her knickers
down to her knees and even taking off her small gossamer brassiere, leaving her
naked apart from her delicate petticoat, Mark had taken out his penis and had
sat himself on the edge of the small stage.

Maria instructed Charlotte to sit on his penis, allowing it to penetrate her

Settling herself with some difficulty into this position, her high heel barely
making contact with the floor, Charlotte then was told to open her vagina to
allow one of the other men to insert his cock.

Panting in the middle of this human sandwich, Charlotte felt herself reaching an
enormous climax. She turned her head sideways and gasped as she was presented
with another male member. She took hold of the stiff flesh and stuffed it into
her hot mouth, lubricating it as she gagged on the size.

Then Charlotte became aware that Maria had captured her left hand and was
encouraging her to raise her skirt up. Pulling upwards on Maria's skirts,
Charlotte felt the silky texture of her knickers. Plunging her hand inside the
waistband she discovered the smooth, shaven flesh surrounding Maria's wet hole.
Charlotte inserted two fingers inside Maria, and worked them frantically in and

During the course of this another man had taken Charlotte's right hand and
encouraged her to masturbate him.

It was the ultimate orgy. Charlotte was being used by the whole group.

The evening then passed in an orgasmic frenzy for Charlotte. One after the
other, using and abusing her. She felt no sense of outrage as she was
participating with frantic eagerness, Seeking out one humiliation after another.

It must have been about half past two in the morning when the last of the
company departed.

Charlotte stood in front of Charlie. She was practically naked, her delicate
petticoat torn and stained, her knickers still trapped damply at her knees under
her suspenders, and her make-up smeared with the sticky seed from various men,
who had forced their members into her mouth.

Her own sexual systems were still throbbing urgently, her small tender breasts,
bared on either side of her thin petticoat straps, were aching to be squeezed
and caressed, and her vagina flowing freely with her own and others juices, was
still unsatisfied.

She was therefore strangely elated when Charlie planned yet another humiliation
for her.

"Right you fucking bitch. Refusing to piss for the customers will cost you. You
will do anything your fucking told you high class cunt."

He told Charlotte that she would be made to walk back to the flat in the state
she was in.

Charlotte set off on the cold dark streets and alleys with Rick as her
sheep-dog, chivvying her along with a riding crop he kept discretely at the side
of his trousers, occasionally flicking at her bare legs. She could only take
small steps, haltered as she was by her panties.

There seemed to be no one about the streets at that time of the morning, which
was perhaps a good thing as it was a clear moonlit night, and at one stage for
his own amusement, Rick made Charlotte haul  her tattered petticoat up to the
undersides of her breasts, baring her black bushy patch of pubic hair framed by
her milky white tummy. He idly flicked at her bare bottom from time to time as
she stumbled along till they finally reached the flat.

Still having no idea of the location or area of the city they were in, Charlotte
fell into an exhausted and restless sleep, having first been handcuffed again
and stripped of her remaining clothes, and given the makeshift sanitary napkin

To be Continued...

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