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Review This Story || Author: 4Nick8

Lady Charlotte

Chapter 9

Chapter Nine.

Anne Wood was as thrilled as her husband Joe at the acquisition of their very
own fantasy.  The fact that the Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte Spencer was a member of
the circle of society that the Wood's would dearly love to be accepted by was an
added bonus as far as Anne was concerned.

They looked at Lady Charlotte now lying beside them on the settee with a
proprietary sense of anticipation.  Charlotte cooed with delight as Joe lifted
her off the settee and placed her gently down onto the sheepskin rug. 

He found that Lady Charlotte was surprisingly light and easy to handle.  She lay
on the rug in front of them in typically infant fashion, her legs wide and knees
bent in a frog-like manner that was aided by the bulky disposable diaper between
her thighs.  Lady Charlotte's legs appeared chubbier than they were due to the
green knitted bootees that covered her shapely ankles.  She was now swaying them
up and down as she sucked away contentedly at her pacifier.

"Let's unwrap the parcel then shall we darling?" Anne said softly.  She shared
her husband's perverted and exotic sexual tastes and couldn't wait to see Lady
Charlotte naked in front of them.

Both Joe and Anne were a striking couple.  Joe was in his early forties with the
lean attraction of a self made tycoon.  His glamorous wife Anne was an ex
American television presenter and some fifteen years her husbands junior.

Anne bent over Charlotte and stroked her soft cheek, still finding it difficult
to comprehend that Charlotte was just a big baby in effect.  Lady Charlotte's
cheeks dimpled in response, her sucking forgotten for a moment as she smiled
with pleasure at Anne's caresses.

Anne's hand went to the hem of Lady Charlotte's pretty smock and pushed it up
her belly above Charlotte's diaper, the girl gurgling with delight and in danger
of losing her pacifier.  Anne then unsnapped the Velcro fastenings on each side
of the diaper and pulled the front down to expose Charlotte's gaping pink slit. 
This time Lady Charlotte was in no position or state of mind to attempt to
conceal it.

"Ooh just look at that Joe" breathed Anne in excitement.  "That's upper class
cunt, and it's all ours.  We'll have her in bed with us tonight naked.  I've
moved the cot into our room."

As she spoke Anne was trailing her long fingernails up and down the inner lips
of Lady Charlotte's vagina.  Charlotte had lost none of her craving for sex and
was responding frenziedly to the caresses, her bent and spread legs flapping
like wings as translucent juice gushed visibly out of the slit.  Rubbing an
elegant index finger in the sticky moisture Anne said.  "I want you to shove
your cock into her and lubricate it with this.  Look honey.  I'll pull my
panties down and you can push it into me afterwards."

While Anne was saying this she was easing her tight tweed skirt up her beautiful
legs.  The baby (as they'd quickly come to think of Charlotte) watched this with
a hungry wonder, feeling an instinctive sexual longing that she was powerless to
satisfy herself.  She'd lost the adult power to reason but none of the instincts
and desires that she couldn't explain.  Baby Charlotte just knew she loved this
nice lady and her husband and she craved for them to love and caress her.

Anne pulled her brief white knickers down to her ankles and sat over Charlotte
with her legs apart as though on the toilet.  She reached down and eased
Charlotte up to a sitting position.  Still bending over her she took hold of the
girl under her armpits and lifted her up.  "Just look what Uncle Joe's got for
my little precious" she crooned.  "He's got a nice big lollipop for her hasn't

Charlotte's eyes widened and the pacifier finally fell out of her pink little
rosebud mouth, highlighted by the semi-permanent pale pink lipstick.  She looked
across at 'Uncle' Joe.  He'd undone his trousers and pushed them down to his
thighs.  Sticking out of the waistband of a pair of very brief underpants there
was a funny, yet exciting lump of flesh. 

Baby Charlotte reached out for it instinctively, grasping it and bouncing up and
down in delight as she pulled her new plaything happily.

Uncle Joe took hold of Charlotte and eased her over his stiff member.  Anne's
trembling fingers lined the organ up with Charlotte's slit and Joe lowered her
onto it.  Baby Charlotte went wild with joy, gurgling and cooing as Joe eased
her up and down.

After a few minutes Uncle Joe heaved her off and poor baby Charlotte was placed
back down on the sheepskin rug as Anne kicked off her panties and assumed the
position that Charlotte had just vacated. 

She watched them curiously as they heaved up and down on each other, Anne
finally shuddering to a climax and dismounting.  It wasn't over however as the
delightful Anne squatted in front of the baby, her skirt around her waist and
her thighs akimbo.  She gently took Charlotte's head in her hands and introduced
her mouth to her wet, moist vagina.

Baby Charlotte immediately placed her mouth on Anne's clitoris and sucked
furiously, causing Anne to go into paroxysms of pleasure.

The two Americans transported themselves and the 'Infant Charlotte' through a
debauched night.  Joe outdid himself, fucking both Anne and Charlotte several

The following morning Rita and Dave arrived as promised, bringing with them a
large sturdy twin's pram with two infants belonging to the Manor's staff.

They trimmed and shaved Charlotte's quickly growing hair and Rita undid the
buttons of her blouse and suckled Charlotte.  Dave gave the Wood's some prepared
bottles and then brought Charlotte up to a level where she could feed the two
infants from the Manor.

After the feed's, Dave undressed Charlotte and made her stand in the bath whilst
he gently bathed her all over, patting her dry and liberally applying baby oils
and powder on Charlotte's tender young body.  Lady Charlotte looked down and
giggled as Dave rubbed the baby oils around her bare pubic area.

Revelling in her undressed state. Charlotte preened in front of the adults, as
she was modestly made-up by Rita and David. 

Regressing her once more, Dave was about to put on her baby clothes when Joe
stopped him.  "Leave her like that," he said.  "Anne and I want to take her out
naked.  If you'll let us have the stroller we should just about get her into it. 
We can take her round Hyde Park and up The Mall where all her classy friends
hang out."

This idea appealed to Rita tremendously.  Assisting Joe they easily managed to
sit the diminutive Charlotte into the giant sized stroller designed for twin
babies.  It was large and roomy, allowing Charlotte a surprising amount of

After Dave and Rita had left the Wood's decided they'd better put a diaper on
Lady Charlotte before taking her out.  Having done this they erected the
sunshade on the stroller, put a bonnet on Charlotte to cover her face and, with
a light flowered sheet over her otherwise naked body, they ventured out.

It was a beautiful day and Lady Charlotte was contentedly sucking a pacifier,
her long black lashes emphasising her innocent wide blue eyes.  In the foetal
baby posture that Lady Charlotte adopted when she was regressed she fit
comfortably into the carriage.

As they occasionally passed upper class acquaintances of Lady Charlotte's, the
Wood's hugged the knowledge of Lady Charlotte's naked appearance in public to
themselves as they walked down the Mall and alongside Green Park. 

Experiencing a vicarious feeling of superiority every time they saw one of Lady
Charlotte's would be admirers from the past, they furtively uncovered and gazed
at her nakedness in full view of these aristocratic ex-roue's.

Baby Charlotte giggled as Anne slipped her little finger under her diapers,
gently caressing her bald naked vagina as she gazed boldly at these frustrated
devotee's of Charlotte's.

As she was slowly stroking Charlotte's bare slit she felt a hot gush of urine
stream out of the infantile Charlotte's excited hole, soaking Anne's finger and
the disposable diaper.

"You dirty little girl" she scolded as she took off the wet diaper, leaving Lady
Charlotte naked in Green Park at midday.  "Don't you know that all your fancy
friends might see you like this darling?  Cover your little pussy while I dig
out another diaper."

The tittering girl partially covered her wet slit with her fingers, slipping one
finger inside at the same time and masturbating herself.

The baby Charlotte's pink little rosebud mouth was pursed into a little cupids
bow and a small frown of concentration ruffled her forehead as she concentrated
on pleasuring herself.  Anne lightly slapped her hand away as she dried
Charlotte's naked vulva and bottom.

"Who's a naughty little girl then?" Anne cooed over her as her fingers slipped
coolly into Lady Charlotte's willing wet slit.

Lady Charlotte chuckled and beamed with pleasure as Anne's finger dipped in and
out of her lewd bare hole with soft wet smacking sounds.

All this went on in the busy park.  No one appeared to notice although Joe and
Anne weren't bothered about it and Lady Charlotte wasn't in any position to
worry.  The only glances that were attracted to them was the curiosity of the
twin pram.

The Wood's whiled away the day in the hot sunny park, revelling in the secret
knowledge of the scantily clad and sexually available Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte
being so close to imminent discovery and exposure.

On Rita and Dave's next visit the Wood's started to specify a more specialised
service that they required from Lady Charlotte.

"That's OK," replied Rita.  "One thing though.  She'll still have to be
breast-fed.  We do have other people interested in her you know.  What exactly
is it you require?"

"We'd want her to dress as her normal self, therefore we want all her fancy
aristocratic wardrobe here.  Y'know the proper 'Lady of the Manor' fashion. 
However you'll have to get Dave to keep her mind simple.  We want her to be
thinking of nothing but sex, sex, sex.  Get Dave to put her in the frame of mind
that anything we make her do will give her an orgasm."

Rita watched while Dave did as instructed.  The Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte recovered
as if out of a deep sleep.  She did, however, remember everything that had
happened to her.  She was given a simple silk dress of Anne Woods to wear till
her sumptuous wardrobe was delivered.  She had her own underwear, high-heeled
shoes and stockings.  She sat demurely on the edge of the settee as Rita bared
one of her milk filled breasts and said to her.  "Come here darling.  Its time
for your feed."

Lady Charlotte rose and settled herself on Rita's lap as she took the engorged
nipple in her rosebud lips and sucked greedily.  Charlotte made a purring sound
in the back of her throat as Rita gently caressed her nylon covered knees,
working up her legs to the white flesh at the tops of her stockings. 

When Lady Charlotte had finished she sat on Rita's lap obediently as she had the
new rules of the game explained to her.

"So you see M'lady" Rita said in a mocking tone of voice.  "You'll still do
exactly as you're told.  You'll call Joe and Anne master and mistress and enjoy
everything they ask you to do."

"Yes M'lady" said Charlotte submissively, pulling the silk dress all the way up
her legs to her waist.  She watched with hypnotised fascination as Rita slowly
and deliberately ran the sharp side of a scarlet fingernail down the white
flesh, raising an angry red welt on the tender skin.

"Yessss..."she hissed as Rita repeated the action, first on one thigh then
another.  "Hurt me" she panted.  "Hurt me hard p...please.  I want you to draw
blood M'lady.  I'm your slave."  Charlotte was now squirming with exquisite
delight as she thrust her vulva upwards to Rita's touch.

"Well" said Rita, addressing the Woods.  "Will this degree of submission and
sexual arousal do for you?"  She turned to the beautiful Charlotte once more. 
"If you're a good girl I'll even bring Prince for you.  Joe and Anne will enjoy
seeing you with Prince."

"Ooooh yes" said the Lady Charlotte excitedly.  "I'll do anything with Prince
for them."  She was rubbing the expensive silk front of her knickers,
experiencing a series of small climaxes shuddering through her entire frame. 
She couldn't seem to stop them as they went on and on giving her pleasure. 
Unable now to control herself, Lady Charlotte clawed the crotch of the white
silk panties to one side and bared her hairy vagina for them all to see.  It was
slowly weeping with her sticky juices as the mound visibly throbbed.

"Oh dear" said Anne Wood.  "We'll have to put diapers on you again.  In fact I
think we'll do that now."  Anne was relishing the fact of how total and complete
her power was over this high born icon of the present day.  She could make her
do anything without question

She made Lady Charlotte stand and strip off her wet panties.  "Now dear.  Come
over here to your mistress."

Lady Charlotte wobbled across to Anne on her unaccustomed high-heeled shoes, her
pubic area shamelessly revealed for all to see.  Lady Charlotte would have
walked casually down Oxford Street at midday in the same state had Anne ordered
her to do so.

She stood placidly in front of Anne as she put on a pink adult diaper, securing
it firmly at the sides with Velcro strips.  When the diaper was in place Anne
made her release the hem of the silk dress, allowing the full skirt to hide the
bulky diaper and making Lady Charlotte seem somewhat full hipped.

"There now.  Do you think we could test it now?  Do you want to do a wee, wee

"You can get her to move her bowels and she'll do it" interjected Rita.  "Any of
her bodily functions will feel like an orgasm to her now."

They all watched as the Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte looked down at her silk covered
tummy with a small frown of concentration on her lovely forehead.  Charlotte bit
her lower lips as she released a hot stream of urine into the snug diaper.  She
closed her eyes, feeling a prolonged thrill as if she were having a permanent
sexual climax.

Joe and Anne watched in fascination as a series of panting little screams came
out of Lady Charlotte's delightful mouth and her whole body jerked and shuddered
as she urinated freely in front of them.

When Lady Charlotte had finished, Anne made her pull up the silk skirt while she
unfastened the Velcro strips at the side.  Although Charlotte was perfectly dry
on the outside of the diaper, it was soaked and steaming as Anne pulled it away
from her soft hairy lower tummy.  Charlotte looked down and could see her hot
wet labial lips were still pulsating as little thrills continued to tickle her
inner vagina.  Lady Charlotte loved displaying her bared sexual organs and she
pushed out her soaked vulva for them all to inspect.

As Rita and Dave left, Anne put a clean dry diaper on Lady Charlotte and asked
Rita to make sure that Charlotte's wardrobe was delivered that day, as they were
throwing a party that evening and Lady Charlotte was the star attraction.

After spending the day pampering Charlotte and taking delivery of the sumptuous
wardrobe and also the dog Prince, Anne supervised Charlotte's toilette.

Lady Charlotte's hair had grown at a frighteningly rapid rate due, she supposed,
to the dermal papilla cell treatment on her body and scalp.  Her hair was now
long enough to secure in an aristocratic little bob, and held in place with an
expensive diamond slide from Charlotte's extensive jewellery collection.

Anne insisted that Charlotte leave her very hirsute bodily areas unshaven.  The
hair under her arms was profuse by now, bushing out from her creamy upper arms
in a strangely sensual fashion.

Charlotte glanced down at her pubic hair with some trepidation.  She'd never
seen so much pubic hair on anyone, and by now she'd seen her fair share on naked
bodies.  It was long thick and dark and extended from her tight puckered anus,
growing abundantly under the cheeks of her bottom and spreading in a thick mane
up to her belly button.  The only underwear that would now hide it was one of
her many pairs of satin French knickers or the adult diapers, of which she now
selected a lilac diaper and Anne fastened it into place.

She next opted for a matching lilac set of garter belt and brassiere, catching a
tan pair of nylon stockings just above her knees with the garter clips.  The
stockings were two sizes too small and it took the full length of the straps to
secure the nylons.  Charlotte's beautiful legs were firmed perfectly by a pair
of white strap high-heeled sandals. 

Lady Charlotte complimented her creamy white complexion with a short white satin
evening dress that fell to her knees and plunged daringly at her breasts.  It
was secured over her delicate shoulders by two thin white straps that did
nothing to prevent her dark bushy hair from flourishing out from under her
armpits.  The whole effect was enhanced by yards of white chiffon that overlaid
the dress.

With her beautiful face flawlessly made up and wearing just a simple strand of
pearls, the fragrant Lady Charlotte greeted the evenings guests, with Joe and
Anne Wood introducing her to the mainly American visitors.  They were all men.

The guests seemed to be treating the Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte with the deference
usually reserved for royalty till Anne Wood announced to the room in general. 
"You all know or have seen on television, Lady Charlotte here.  As far as Joe
and I are concerned, Lady Charlotte is here for your entertainment.  You'll find
that Lady Charlotte won't patronise you and she'll do anything for your
amusement."  To illustrate the point Anne said.  "Show our guests what you're
wearing under that skirt you fancy fucking bitch.  Haul it up and let them all
see what a dirty little slut you are."

"Yes ma'am" Lady Charlotte meekly replied, walking to the centre of the room and
taking the hem of the skirt in her hands.  This was her moment.  This was the
time she'd come to eagerly await.  The Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte revelled in her
coming degradation and debasement.

She gathered her skirt up and tugged it up her nylon-covered legs, bunching it
around her waist as she displayed the lilac coloured diapers to the incredulous
audience of men.

"As you'll see" Anne went on.  "We now have to put what the British call
'nappies' on her as she constantly soils herself.  Don't you, you dirty slut?"

"Y... yes mistress" trembled Charlotte, now aching for further humiliation.

"Don't worry" Anne added, thoroughly enjoying Charlotte's shame.  "Every one of
you will be able to have your shot at seeing what a whore she really is. 
Nothing, and I repeat nothing is too bad or low for her to do.  Isn't that right

"T... that's correct M... ma'am.  I'll do anything these gentlemen require."

"That's great" one of the guests who'd been introduced as Phil said.  "I've
always wanted to kiss a Countess.  I'd especially like to kiss a Countess while
someone else is fucking her."

"I... Er... I'm not a Countess S... sir" quavered Charlotte.  "I'm just a Lady."

"You're no Lady, lady" Phil chuckled.  "Anyway.  Let's get this show on the
road.  Have you pissed in your diapers yet?"

Anne had forced Charlotte to drink several pints of water before the party and
it was now pressing urgently on Charlotte's bladder.  "N... no sir" she said. 
"Do you want me to do it now?"

Phil nodded and Lady Charlotte flattened the skirt of her dress against her
tummy and looked down at her padded front.  Spreading her legs apart, she
relaxed her full bladder and the diaper started to soak up the hot spurting
urine that gushed like a delicious stream of semen out of her vagina.

Phil leaned casually across and unsnapped one side of the diapers.  Lady
Charlotte gasped as half the diaper dropped to one side, revealing her hairy
slit furiously spraying hot steaming piss.  What didn't hit the floor was
diverted down her spread, nylon covered legs. 

Unable to stop, Lady Charlotte miserably continued to urinate on the polished
floor, a large pool gathering round her high-heeled sandals.  "Kiss me" demanded
Phil.  "Kiss me right now while you're pissing."

Lady Charlotte leaned over and pressed her carmined lips on his.  He could smell
the expensive perfume as her soft sensual mouth opened and her hot wet tongue
insinuated itself into his mouth.

Panting and gasping, Lady Charlotte led Phil's hand across to her gushing cunt. 
He could feel the hot liquid as it streamed out of her while she covered his
mouth with little wet kisses.  My God, she was red-hot was this little lady.

He drew his hand back for a moment and addressed a friend of his.  "Say Robert. 
D'you want to fuck this piece while I'm kissing her?."

Charlotte felt another pair of hands on her behind as the other side of her
diapers was released and they fell with a soggy splash into the pool beneath her
feet.  With nothing now to restrict her peeing, Lady Charlotte's urine sprayed
straight onto the floor.

Lady Charlotte kissed Phil deeply as she felt Robert's hands part the cheeks of
her bare, defenceless behind.  She was still peeing vigorously when Robert
placed his stiff penis against the tight hole of her anus and thrust it
shockingly deep into her arsehole.

After the initial shock, Lady Charlotte rained kisses on Phil's lips as Robert
thrust in and out of her violated arsehole, all the while urine poured out of
her vaginal slit like a thousand orgasms.  'Ooooh this is exquisite' she
thought, her wet legs buckling and trembling as Robert fucked her in the

When he finally came, shooting hot semen into her burning ass, Charlotte's
vagina slowly dribbled to a stop.  Robert withdrew and Lady Charlotte
straightened up. Her skirt dropped back into place and it was like the incident
had never occurred.  She walked calmly across to Anne and asked her shyly if she
wanted to put another diaper on her.

"What's the point" said Anne, nodding across at Joe who was busy mopping up
after Charlotte's last efforts.  "If that's what you're going to do you might as
well walk around bare-assed."

Lady Charlotte could feel Robert's come sliding stickily down her inside thighs
whilst her own sperm was matting the dense hair surrounding her vagina.

Their inhibitions now completely gone after that exhibition, the rest of the
guests started to state their particular fancies they wanted Charlotte to

One, an man named Ken, asked hesitantly if it was OK to take Lady Charlotte away
from the party.  "You see I'd like to try her out in some of the real rough
areas of London.  I've got a video camera and it will also transmit back to your
computer here so you can all watch."

"Sure.  That's OK darling." Anne replied breezily. "The guy's have got me here
and I want some fun out of this too."  Lady Charlotte noticed that Anne was
looking quite breathtaking in a simple black cocktail dress and crimson stole.

"Right.  I want her to put a pair of panties on.  I'll take her to some slum
area and get her screwed by some stranger.  You can all watch it here on video."

Lady Charlotte got the matching pair of lilac French knickers and fitted them
snugly over her hips.  Along with Ken she went to the hotel car park and set off
in his car.

They ended up, to Lady Charlotte's surprise, in the same area of London that
she'd prostituted herself before.

Ordering Lady Charlotte out of the vehicle, Ken phoned the party and told them
to switch on the computer.  Then, operating the video camera, he followed the
delightful girl as she walked slowly down the mean streets.  She was carrying a
simple piece of white cardboard with the message 'Please Rape Me' written on it.

It was still quite early in the evening and the streets were reasonably busy. 
It wasn't long before two black youths stopped Charlotte.

Totally ignoring Ken and the camera one of the youths squinted at the notice
board in Charlotte's trembling hands. "What's this?.  Some kind of fucking trick
Babe?." He sneered at Lady Charlotte.

"N... no," stammered the emotionally aroused girl. "This man want someone to
rape me while he films it."

The two youths looked at Ken and, just as quickly, dismissed him.

 "Right white bitch" the first one spat at her. "Only too willing to oblige. 
Down that fucking alleyway there."  He indicated a tiny alley that they hustled
Charlotte down, Ken hurrying behind with the camera.

 In the white light on the neon lamps, the youths made Lady Charlotte stand in
front of them as the spokesman said to her, "OK.  What have you got to offer
then?.  Let's see a piece of upper class cunt."

Lady Charlotte placed the cardboard to one side and took the hem of the white
skirt in her hand and pulled it up to her waist.  Beckoning the boy across, Lady
Charlotte pulled the elastic waistband of her knickers outwards and let the
youth look down at her hairy vagina.

"Wow.  I've never seen such a fucking hairy one" remarked the youth admiringly.
"You really want to be raped?" he asked. "Why don't you just co-operate and
we'll just have a nice fuck?"

"N... no" said the quailing Lady Charlotte. "He wants to see me raped."

Without any further argument, the youth took hold of the fragile silk straps of
Charlotte's dress and ripped downwards.

Lady Charlotte had dropped the skirt in the suddenness of the attack, and reeled
as the expensive dress shredded off her white body.  She stood helplessly on
front of the youths in her underwear as one of them ripped away the three or
four white silk bands that had served as a belt.

Her white breasts were heaving against the lilac satin of her scanty brassiere
as one of them approached her and viciously tore away the flimsy barrier. "Hey
look." He called out delightedly to his companion. "She's fucking milking."

True.  Lady Charlotte's small drooping breasts were freely expressing milk from
each rigid nipple, spraying out into the night air and running down her white,
heaving ribcage.  The boy who'd ripped the silk bands from her dress had been
planning to tie her hands together.  He now, however, had a better idea.

Tying two long bands to her frail wrists, he took the long trailing spare ends
and brutally bound them round the base of each leaking mound, tethering each of
them to Charlotte's hands.  The bonds were so tight that each milk filled tit
bulged out alarmingly, turning a faint blue as the circulation was cut off. 
They both sprayed out several small jets of milk with each shuddering breath
Lady Charlotte took

With her tethered in this unusual fashion they ripped off her lilac panties
leaving her practically naked in front of them.

"Bend over" demanded one of them. "Bend over and spread em."

Charlotte presented her bare behind to them and bent over from the waist,
teetering on her high heeled sandals as she felt one of them fumbling with the
cheeks of her rear and pulling them roughly apart.

She felt one of the youths enter her as the other one presented his stiff black
penis to her lips and made her take him in her mouth.  Gulping and crying, she
buckled and shuddered as they both shot their hot semen into each orifice.

Then to Lady Charlotte's horror and disgust, forced her down into the filthy
gutter. Then they both stood over her and urinated on her. The piss hit her
face, upper body and genital area, stinking and steaming as the totally degraded
Charlotte sobbed in shame and self-loathing.

When they'd completely finished they made their laughing exit.

She laid there in a foetal position, sobbing and aching with pain in her breasts
till Ken pulled her to her shaky feet.  Then, without allowing her to dress or
untying the cruel bonds, he made her walk slowly back the two or three blocks to
the parked car, filming her shame and humiliation as she stumbled naked down the
now deserted side alleys.

Halfway back to the vehicle he ordered the miserable girl to urinate as she
teetered along.  Lady Charlotte again allowed her bladder to relax and gush pee
all over the pavement she was walking on.

She was dribbling to a stop as they reached Ken's vehicle and got in.  He drove
her back to the hotel car park from where they took the private lift back to the

The first thing the now naked Anne made the unfortunate girl do when they came
into the room, was to kneel down and bend over.  Lady Charlotte knelt and
exposed her bruised and vulnerable buttocks to the assembled guests, her hands
still tied tightly to her by now insensate and leaking breasts.

The weeping girl heard Anne call for the Alsatian dog Prince.  It padded through
to the room and became immediately excited as it saw the naked Charlotte bent
over on the floor in front of him.

Sobbing brokenly, Lady Charlotte obediently opened her legs to allow the dog to
insert itó slimy member into her willing slit.

Bucking and swaying, the Rt. Hon Lady Charlotte let the animal ride her as tears
flowed down her cheeks and her tethered hands opened imploringly at the sides of
her bulging blue breasts. "Ooooh... yes Prince" she sobbed. "Yessss... Fuck
me...  Fuck me...  Fuck me..." she finally screamed as she felt the hot semen
from the dog enter her.

The rest of the night first one then another of the guests made Lady Charlotte
perform sometimes unspeakable acts for them, a lot of them finally fucking her
till she ached.  Not once did the naked Anne allow Charlotte's breasts to be
released from their cruel bonds.  By the end of the night Charlotte was made to
try and get some sleep on the floor after the guests left, the biting silk
tethers allowing her little rest.

Over the next few weeks the Wood's threw three or four more such parties that
had Lady Charlotte as the star.  If it was possible to further corrupt or debase
the girl the Wood's managed to do it.

When she finally discovered that she was again pregnant the Wood's finally tired
of her, calling for Rita to come and pick her and the hound Prince up.

To be continued...

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