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Review This Story || Author: Pauly

Captive In Iraq

Part 1

Jenny struggled to stay on two feet as she was pushed into a holding cell by the
prison guards. With her wrists cuffed behind her Jenny was unable to reach out
to steady herself she tripped, yelling in pain as her right shoulder collided
with the stone floor. The heavy wooden door clanked shut and departing footsteps
echoed down the corridor of the prison. Jenny did her best to move into a
sitting position and propped herself against the cell wall using her unbruised
shoulder and took in her surroundings.

The windowless cell was about 8ft by 7ft and a low wattage lamp above the door
was the only light source. On her knees, Jennifer crossed the cell to a bucket,
which looked full of water. She lent forward trying not to topple over,
desperate to smell the content of the bucket to make sure it was water and not
piss.  She overbalanced and her head plunged into the bucket and took several
mouthfuls (grateful that it was water and not someone's body waste) before
falling sideways with the bucket, emptying the contents over the girl and the
floor. The water cooled Jenny's sweat ridden shorts, t-shirt and shoulder length
hair but this did nothing to quench her thirst. Jenny propped herself against
the wall of the cell and tried to get to a grip of the situation. She wondered
were Mel had got to?

Twenty three year old Jenny Brent had not long passed her degree after several
years at university. Jenny and student friend Mel had decided to take six months
to a year out backpacking around Europe, a journey that had brought them to
Turkey. Their curiosity over the threat of war against Iraq caused them to
travel to the border to get a glimpse. Two military lorries had stopped whilst
the girls were trying to hitch a lift. Several soldiers dismounted and held them
at gunpoint, asking questions in a foreign language. Both girls were made to
surrender their backpacks and place their hands on the back of their heads
whilst they were searched. The soldiers seemed attracted to Mel because of her
long blond hair. They picked fun and groped at her large breasts through her
knee length pale blue summer dress before the girls were blindfolded and
escorted into separate vehicles. That was the last she had seen of Mel. Jenny
had no conception of the length of her the journey was and her blindfold had
only been removed inside the prison. It was mid-afternoon when the soldiers had
arrested them and she had no idea whether it was still light outside.

Jenny startled as the cell door clanked open and realised that she must have
dropped off for a while. Two guards entered in silence and helped her onto her
feet. They escorted her down a corridor and into a large well lit room. Jenny
noted that there was a small low wooden table in the middle; a soldier in
uniform was sat behind a large desk towards the rear of the room. The man seemed
to be indulged in his paperwork and did not acknowledge Jenny's presence. A
metal-framed adjustable chair was situated in front of the desk.

Jenny's cuffs were removed and she was grateful to have the use of her arms
back. The soldiers escorted her over to the metal chair and forced her to sit.
Jenny soon found that the chair with most of the seat and the back missing was
not comfortable and the only support for her buttocks was a thin tubular bar and
a similar support for her thighs. The soldier sitting at the desk looked up.

"I am Major Talamass of the Iraqi an army" He held up a passport "So you must be
Jenny Brent. Are you a British agent who has come to spy on my people?" Shit,
Jenny thought. Iraq? As far as she was aware she and Mel had not been within
half a mile of the border.
"N-no" she said "It is nothing like that honest" She told her account of what
had happened and how she and her friend had travelled close to the border "You
have seen my friend Mel haven't you?" she enquired.
"Oh yes" answered the Major getting to his feet "We have seen quite a lot of
Mel" He walked over to Jenny "She gave the same story, a story which I do not
believe. Mel denied that you and her were trying to cross the border undetected"
He stood behind her and stroked her long straggly hair "so I had to be a little
bit err forceful in my way of questioning"
"What have you done?" asked Jenny
"Don't worry, all will be revealed" he replied "We've got it all on video" he
signalled towards the door and a large television and video on a stand was
wheeled in by a soldier and placed in front of jenny. He then went about
connecting them to the electric supply, another guard cuffed Jenny's wrists to
each arm of the chair
 " That's so that I continue to have your undivided attention," said the Major "
Perhaps you will be more co-operative if you first see what happened to your

The Major went back to his seat and pressed 'playback' using the remote control.
The viewing commenced.
Jenny noted that it had been filmed inside the same room. There was the Major
sat behind the desk in the distance and the empty uncomfortable chair to the
side. The camera must have been mounted above the entrance. The video was in
colour but there did not appear to be sound.
The Major fast-forwarded the tape until a figure entered the screen. He returned
the tape to normal speed. Jenny recognised her friend Mel in her blue dress
approach the chair. A guard removed he cuffs and she sat down. Her ankles and
wrists were cuffed to the chair. The camera changed to a side-on view across the
Major's desk with Mel 'in chair' facing the camera. She looked nervous and her
large chest rose and fell as she breathed heavily. It looked as if the Major was
talking and Mel was shaking her head. The Major was seen banging his fist on the
desk and gesticulating towards the terrified girl who continued to shake her
head. Then two men entered the scene and stood behind Mel. They were stripped to
the waste. Without warning they went each side of her and began pulling at the
dress. Jenny watched as Mel's torso was pulled about like a rag doll as they
ripped the garment down the middle exposing Mel's bra clad breasts jiggling up
and down with each violet movement. The garment was ripped away from her secured
arms and pulled down to her waste fully exposing Mel's lightly tanned skin. One
of the men took hold of the hem and tore it up to the waste exposing her slim
stomach and white knickers. Mel's body was lifted off the chair by her waist as
the remains of the garment were pulled clear of the chair. Mel could be seen
sobbing wearing only bra and knickers.

In the next scene the camera was handheld. Mel was standing next to the wooden
table, her back towards the camera, one of the men from the previous scene was
stood by her side. At least her underwear was still hiding her dignity. The man
was caressing her hair. A hand went to her bra strap then the seam of the girl's
knickers. He seemed to be gesturing to Mel to take them off. Mel was shaking her
head. The camera pans round to the other man. Jenny watches the man on the
television discard his trousers and underwear. He holds his stiff erection for
the camera which pans back as he approaches the girl. He points to his cock. Mel
shakes her head and tries to back away. The other man can be seen grabbing Mel's
hair. He forces an arm up behind her back as he wrestles her to her knees, the
throbbing cock in front of her face. The hand held camera moves to the side of
the threesome. Mel is refusing to open her mouth. Several slaps are administered
across her face and the girl is in pain. Her mouth stays closed. The man behind
her pulls at her hair. More slaps across the face. Mel is crying and looks
beaten. Jenny looked on in horror as she watches her tear stricken friend lean
forward towards the swollen cock and open her lips for the inevitable mouth
rape. The man is seen thrusting forward as the camera moves to the rear of the
girl who is on her knees, hair held tight by the man behind her, the hips of the
man to her front swaying back and forth as he fucks her mouth.

The hand-held camera goes back for waste upwards shot of Mel with the cock
thrusting in and out. There are beads of sweat on her face and she looks
distressed. The man face fucking her has taken hold of her hair and the man
behind has loosened the grip on her arm. He is seen tugging at the girl's bra
strap and rips the fastener apart. The bra falls away. Mel's tits jut out in
front of her. The man face fucking her leans down and cups the left breast. He
reaches for the pink nipple and tweaks it roughly. The camera zooms in on the
breasts as Mel brings an arm up to cover them. The man behind her pulls her arm

The video continues to focus on Mel's face and the continuing mouth rape. The
expression on Mel's face changes and it is apparent to Jenny that something has
happened. This is confirmed as the man removes his cock momentarily to show a
splash of seaman. Mel can be seen swallowing, parting her lips to try and allow
the un-swallowed seaman to leave her mouth.

The Major stops the video and winds it forward as Jenny tries to fight back the

The next scene is filmed by the cam above the door. It is a side on view of Mel
stood next to the low wooden table. Her big breasts exposed. Jenny notices that
the naked man's cock is still hard. He points to Mel before demonstrating that
he wants the girl to bend face down over the end of the table. He shows that her
legs should be parallel with the table legs one end, and arms parallel with the
table legs at the other.

Jenny watches as an unwilling Mel is man handled to the table. The partially
clothed man is seen holding Mel by the waist as the other pulls at her hair
forcing the girl to bend over the table. Mel's legs are forced wide apart and
ankles are secured to the table.

The Major freeze-framed the video and turned to Jenny.

"So, have you anything to say?" He asked.
"You must believe me, we are innocent, we are not spies" sobbed Jenny.
"In that case" said the Major "I must insist that you experience at least some
of the sexual torture that your friend has been subjected to before we continue
with the video. Guards?"
Jenny was released from the chair and lifted to her feet.
The Major approached Jenny brandishing a long metal implement. "Do you know what
a cattle prod is?" he asked
"Y-yes" Jenny answered.
"They can give high and low electric shocks" he said as he applied the cattle
prod to her leg. Jenny screamed and the guards grabbed her as she fell.
"That is a low shock" he said. "You could save yourself a lot of bother by doing
as you are told" Jenny stood there panting.
"W-what am I to do?
" Take off that dirty t-shirt" said the Major "I will ask you only once".
Jenny summed up the situation then reached to her waist and pulled the t-shirt
off over her head. The guard's enthusiasm was enhanced. She noted that neither
of the three guards around her was from the video.
Jenny was stood in her shorts and black bra. Her tits were smaller than Mel's
but were much more than a handful.
"Remove your shorts" the Major said. Jenny hesitated.
"I won't ask again" He said.
Jenny un-did the fastener and the shorts fell to her feet. She stepped out.
Jenny stood in her black matching bra and knickers. Standing at about 5ft 8
inches tall Jenny's body was well proportioned. The Major noted that Jenny's had
a stud in her belly button and long slim legs. Overall, her skin was much whiter
than Mel's.
"Remove your bra" the Major demanded.
Jenny reached behind her back and un-did the clasp. She pulled the cups away
from her beasts and allowed the garment to fall to the floor.
The major noted that Jenny's tits were smaller than her friends and glistened
with sweat. He particularly took a fancy to the girl's large brown nipples.
"Finally, your panties"
Aware that four strangers were watching her, Jenny pulled her knickers down her
legs revealing her black bush. She stepped out of the garment.
"Sit down"
Jenny sat back on the metal-framed chair, the metal support digging into her
"I am glad you co-operated" said the Major "the next task I have got planned for
you is not as bad as your friend suffered because of your co-operation"
One of the soldiers cuffed Jenny's wrists to each arm of the chair. Her legs
were pulled out and folded back before being cuffed to the chair legs. Her cunt
and arsehole were exposed and fully accessible beneath the chair.
"You are quite a sight with your exposed cunt and arse exposed" said the major.
A man entered the room carrying a camcorder.
"You will note that we are filming this torture. Such a video is a relief for
our comrades"

"Before we continue with the video I must subject you to a little discomfort"
said the major, "something to fill a hole. Guards. Prepare"

Jenny couldn't see exactly what was happening to start with but could tell that
some form of apparatus was being set up beneath her chair. The man preparing the
apparatus plugged it into the electric supply and pushed it forward in line with
her cunt. Looking down between her legs she could see a large round dildo shaped
object on a plinth. It was black and the head was shaped very much like a penis,
although the circumference of the 'thing' was far greater than any boyfriend she
had slept with. She felt a cold finger around her clit and cunt opening as
lubricant was applied.

The man operated a lever connected to the hydraulic mechanism and the dildo grew
in height getting ever closer to her exposed cunt. She noted that there were
notches around the edge of the stem, probably a penetration marker in inches.
Jenny counted at least 14 notches.

 Lubricant was applied to the tip of the fake cock as the man operated the
lever. Jenny felt uncomfortable as the phallus bulged against her cunt lips. It
felt cold. With no way of rejecting the intruder she tried to adjust and stretch
herself to accommodate the thing.
"Ahhh" she cried out in pain as the head of the phallus encroached past her cunt
lips. She panted. Beads of perspiration formed on her forehead and she was
panting heavily. She wished for more lubrication. The hydraulic mechanism was
activated further and the hard rubber cock extended into Jenny. The man with the
video cam was taking a close up of her suffering.
Being very aware that her cunt canal was dry she tried to relax in order to
accommodate the large thickness but all she felt was a coarse sensation as the
monster cock went further and further.
"No more please" she begged staring down behind her legs. She couldn't tell how
much of the dildo had entered her. The dildo stopped rising and the Major went
behind the girl and inspected the contraption.
"That's 6 notches inside" He said "That will do for now". He walked back to the
"You will like the next part I am sure" He turned to the guard "Switch it onto a
low setting and continue with the video"
The dildo between her legs began to vibrate. The video continued.

Jenny watches the video showing her friend's ankles being spread and cuffed to
the table legs. The film cuts to the hand-held camera with a side view of Mel
with her legs shackled apart. One of the men pushed her body against the surface
of the table whilst her arms are pulled aside and down to meet the front table
legs. Her wrists were shackled accordingly.

The throbbing inside Jenny continues. She feels her cunt lubricating and she
relaxes on top of the vibrating object.

Jenny continues to watch the screen. The hand-held camera follows one of the men
to Mel's behind. There is a close-up as her knickers are ripped from her and
discarded. The camera zooms in on Mel's fully exposed cunt and arse hole and the
man's erect cock as he guides it between her cunt lips. The camera moves to the
front of the table. The man is holding Mel's head upright as he shows her his
erect cock. He coax her into opening her mouth by slapping her face several
times then guides his erection deep into her mouth and stops. The camera zooms
in on Mel's face as she tries to suck the motionless tool, long strands of
sliver dribbling from her mouth.

The vibrator has been raised another notch into Jenny's cunt. It isn't painful
but she feels stretched and the vibrating sensation has increased. She feels hot
and there are beads of sweat over her breasts, tummy, shoulder's, back and legs.
One of the guards is leaning over her, licking and sucking one of her breasts.
She is feeling turned on despite her ordeal.

The hand-held camera cuts to a close-up of Mel's rear. The man withdraws his
cock. He uses his hands to spread the girl's arse cheeks apart as he forces his
member into her anal entrance.

At the front, Mel continues to be face fucked. The look of agony on her face
contributed to by the anal intrusion. The man holding her hair pulls his cock
from her mouth as he comes. His seaman mixes with the sliver dangling from her
mouth and the man ejaculates the rest of his load on to the girl's face.

The camera cuts to a close up of the girl's arse with a glistening cock pumping
back and forth. The scene continues for several minutes until he pulls out, his
cock squirts a shot of seaman onto her buttocks. He re-adjusts his position
before ramming his dirty rod into the girl's cunt to deliver the rest of his
load. The wall cam shows Mel being untied from the table and carried from the
room. The video ends.

Jenny is close to orgasm as the guards unshackle her from the chair and pull her
from the pulsating dildo.


Review This Story || Author: Pauly
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