BDSM Library - The Interrogation

The Interrogation

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Laura is drafted to be a govenment agent. She is captured by her former lover, who has her interrogated by a sadistic associate. When she finally breaks, she is used to pleasure her interrogators, and is then auctioned off as a slave.
The Interrogation

Part 1:  Captured and Questioned

The effects of the drugs were wearing off.  Laura gradually became aware that
she was sitting on a chair in the middle of a darkened room.  There was a dim
light overhead, but the light it cast didn't reach the corners of the room.  The
only other furniture she could see in the room was a leather office chair and a
small table.  The only object on the table was a cell phone. She went to move
her arms and discovered that each of her wrists was handcuffed to the back of
the chair.  She pulled against the cuffs and heard metal on metal.  She tried to
move the chair, but it must have been bolted to the floor because she was unable
to move it.  Laura felt that sinking feeling one gets when they are very
frightened as she realized the predicament she was in.  She blinked back the
tears that appeared in her eyes. 

The sound of a match being lit and the scent of tobacco alerted her to the fact
that she was not alone in the room.  She stiffened with fear.  The sound came
from behind, and she stretched her neck to see who was there, but in addition to
the dimness of the corner, the angle at which the chair was placed made it
impossible for her to see.  Laura kept silent.  She didn't want to show her
anxiety, and she knew her voice would betray her.  A very long minute went by
before she heard footsteps approach her and a man come into her view.

The man was casually dressed - jeans and a white linen shirt unbuttoned at the
collar, cowboy boots.  His longish brown hair was tied back into a ponytail, and
he looked as though he had last used his razor on his face a few days ago.  His
eyes were a cold blue, his mouth unsmiling.  Laura's fear increased as she took
in the cold and appraising look on his face.

"Are you hungry?"  He asked gently.

"Yes," Laura answered her voice almost a whisper.  When had she eaten last?  How
long had she been kept unconscious?  Her hunger and thirst said to her that it
must have been quite some time ago.



"Are you afraid?"


She should have known better - she thought that he would offer her something to
eat or drink, some words to calm her fear, but instead, he bent down and looked
into her eyes and said,  "Good.  That's very good.  Before we're done here,
you'll be much more hungry and thirsty.  And you are wise to be afraid.  There's
a lot for you to be afraid of."

He rose slowly and circled around her, pausing right behind her.  She felt his
hand push her hair off the back of her neck, and then felt the pain as he put
out his cigarette against her flesh.  She gasped at the burning pain, and closed
her eyes tightly as they filled with tears.

He came around in front of her and lit another cigarette.  "Nasty habit, this. 
I shouldn't chain smoke."  A slight smile accompanied the words, and Laura
understood the warning in them.  She was fighting to control her tears and her
breathing, trying to calm herself. "My name is Snake and I want you to use my
name when you talk to me.  I am going to ask you a few questions, and you are
going to answer them.  If you're uncooperative, you'll feel the consequences. 
If it takes a while to convince you to give me the information I'm looking for,
I have a lot of time to make you very, very uncomfortable."  He was standing in
front of her, his closeness intimidating her.

"Who do you work for?"  His voice was soft, but didn't disguise the fact that he
was demanding an answer to his question.

"The Brenford Corporation."  She said.  And this was true; they employed her. 
But she had no doubt that he was referring to her other employer, the government
agency that had planted her at Brenford, knowing that her technical skills would
give her access to the information they were looking for.

Snake's arm shot out, and he backhanded her across the face sharply. 

"You know damn well what I mean.  Lesson number one.  Don't play games with me. 
Let me ask you again.  Who do you work for?"   He raised his voice only
slightly, but it brought another wave of fear sweeping over her as she realized
that she had been given only a taste of what he could do to her.

"I...I don't know what you mean," she tried to bluff.

Again, he backhanded her face.  "Lesson number two.  You don't lie to me.  And
use my name when you speak to me.  Who do you work for? "  His voice was soft

Laura pressed her lips together and looked down.  She knew what she would see in
his eyes.  She was frightened but she was not about to give in and cooperate. 
There was too much at stake.  Maybe she could keep bluffing...

"Lesson number three.  When I ask you a question, you answer me!  And you answer
immediately.  Now, tell me who you are working for."   He shouted at her, and
hit her across the face again.

Her cheeks were stinging, and she tasted blood in her mouth. The tears were
streaming down her face.  She wasn't a professional, and she didn't know how far
they would go to find out where she had hidden the file and how she had
encrypted it.  She didn't want to break and tell them.  She was as good as dead
anyway.  Regardless of whether or not she cooperated, they weren't going to let
her walk out of here.

Her fear at the situation she was in suddenly gave way to anger, and she snapped
at him.  "Go fuck yourself!"  As soon as the words left her mouth, Laura
realized that she had just made a big mistake.  The cold calculated cruelty in
his face was replaced with a look of rage.  He bent down and grabbed her chin
and pulled her face forward. 

His voice was low, and he spoke slowly and distinctly, but the anger and the
threat in his words cut into her. 

"Don't you ever...ever again...raise your voice to me...or swear at me."  His
fingers dug in deeper and she whimpered.  "The next time you do, I will make
sure that it's the last time. "  His voice was only slightly raised, but the way
he spoke the words cut through her.  "Do you understand?"

Laura nodded.

"I asked you a question, bitch!" he said in almost a whisper.


His other hand grabbed her hair and pulled her head back sharply.  "Yes, what?"

Laura was confused for a moment then remembered that he had told her to use his
name.  She understood why.  It was an intimidating name, and her being forced to
speak to him with respect reinforced her feeling of being powerless against him.

"Yes, Snake."

He released her hair and her chin, and she let her head fall forward, her eyes
tightly shut, and no control over the tears that were running down her face.

"Yes, Snake, what?"  He prompted again.

"Yes, Snake, I understand."

"And what do you understand?"

She stammered through her tears, "Not to raise my voice to you or swear at you,"
she choked out the words, and remembered to add, "Snake."

He pressed his cigarette against the side of her neck to put it out.  Laura
screamed at the pain, and a panicked feeling came over her when she heard him
light up again.

"I'm going to send you to your cell now, Laura, to think about the conversation
we just had.  You can save me a lot of aggravation and yourself a lot of pain if
you realize on your own that I will get from you the information I need, it's
only a question of how much you can take before you break. "

Snake picked up the phone and dialed a number.  "I'm done for now."  He spoke
into the cell phone.  "Come and get her, and put her into one of the maximum
security cells.  No comforts."

She had a pretty good idea of what the maximum-security cell would be like, but
what did he mean, no comforts?  As if he read her mind, Snake answered her
question, his tone conversational.

"You may be wondering what no comforts means Laura.  It means that you get
nothing in your blanket, no pillow, no food, no water.  You'll eat and
drink only when I allow you to, and that will depend upon how cooperative you're
going to be."

He continued.  "Let me point something out to you, Laura...I know who you are
working for.  You're working for CDX.  Now had you been cooperative, I might
have been inclined to let you have a drink of water.  And your face wouldn't be
starting to show bruises this quickly.  So you just resisted me for nothing."

Laura looked up at him in surprise.  Mind games, she thought.  He was playing
mind games with her.  Well, he mighô know whom she was working for, but she knew
that he and Brenford had lost all access to the list of pick up points for the
materials they needed.  She had destroyed all backups, wiped clean the areas
where they had been stored, encrypted the original and moved the directory.  It
was now lost among billions of files on the Internet.

The man who walked into the room was wearing a Brenford uniform.  He uncuffed
Laura from the chair, careful not to give her any sense of freedom.  He released
her right wrist, and took the cuff that had been attached to the chair and put
it around her left wrist before uncuffing her right wrist and pulling her up
from the chair. 

Another Brenford uniform joined the first at the door and before she was led
away, Snake said to her, "If you attempt to escape, you will be shot in the
knee.  It will be very painful and extremely effective in stopping you.  Don't
be foolish."

Laura kept herself up straight and staring straight ahead as he led her from the
room.  The fear she felt was making it difficult to move.  They got into an
elevator, and she saw one of the men unlock a small door in the panel, and enter
a code to activate the elevator.  It descended down a floor, and opened into a
large, well-lit area.  There was a guard console in the middle of the area, and
several monitors.  Laura couldn't see the screens, but she guessed that the
guard was watching the hallways and access to the elevator.

They paused at the door to a cell and Laura saw that the door had no hinges or
doorknobs, and was opened by an electronic pad that slid the door upon a keyed
entry number.  Both men came in with her, one keeping his gun trained at her
knees as the other unfastened both handcuffs.  In spite of Snake's warning,
Laura evaluated her opportunities to escape, but things seemed hopeless.

As the men left, Laura explored the cell.  Not that it took much time.  The room
was small, about 8 feet by 10 feet and empty.  In one corner of the room was an
L-shaped partition behind which Laura found a toilet and a soft plastic
container of handy-wipes.  The water in the toilet was a deep chemical blue, and
a quick look under the top of the water tank showed her that the water source
contained the chemical and not the tank.  They've covered all the bases, she
thought.  Even in desperation, no one would be able to drink the water from the
toilet.  The ceiling in the room was high, impossible to reach even if one were
standing on a chair.  In each corner of the room Laura saw that a camera had
been mounted. So, she was being kept under observation by the guard in the
central area of what seemed to be a prison floor.  There was nothing she could
do in that cell other than sit and wait.

Laura sat down on the floor in a corner of the room, and put her head down on
her knees.   All she could do was wait, and then what?  Another interrogation
session?  Not something to look forward to.

Laura thought back to how she had found herself in this predicament.  Agent
Kendell had come to her apartment, explaining that her assistance was needed on
a matter of national security, and that because of her experience and her having
an acquaintance key to the problem, she met the profile suited for the job.  She
had passed a security clearance and Agent Kendell told her that an intense
review of her records indicated she had a strong sense of ethics. 

But it was not her sense of ethics or the pride she felt in being solicited for
this assignment that convinced Laura to accept it.  She had always dreamed of
playing cloak-and-dagger, and never thought she would have the opportunity to do

The acquaintance in question was a college friend of Laura's.  He had risen to a
prominent position within Brenford, the corporation under the government's
scrutiny.  Laura was encouraged to contact him and show interest in a position
with Brenford.  Since Laura had some fame within the technology community, Agent
Kendell felt that Ian Maddock would be interested in bringing her into the
company.  Laura was surprised that he had become involved with anti-government
activities.  They had dated for a while during their second year of college, but
had mutually decided that the relationship was not going anywhere, and had
decided to remain friends.  They stayed in contact the first few years out of
school, but gradually the pressures of their selective careers had led to their
getting together less and less frequently, until they lost touch.

As Agent Kendell predicted, Ian was more than happy to meet with her, and began
the professional courtship ritual of bringing her into the company.  Any
problems Laura felt at deceiving him were negated by her understanding of just
how much harm he could cause his country's well being.

With Ian as a sponsor, Laura was quickly accepted by Brenford's executives and
had pretty much free reign in her department.  Had Agent Kendell not briefed
her, Laura would never have recognized the fact that Brenford was involved in
any illegal dealings.  But when you know what you're looking for, and you're on
the inside...

Laura still didn't know how she was uncovered.  She received a call from Agent
Kendell, who recognized the urgency of getting her out by calling on an open
line, only seconds after she received a summons to Ian's office.  She kept her
voice calm, and worked as quickly as she could to hide the list of pick-up sites
and eliminate the backups, and had just pressed the key to send the file into
the depths of the net before the door to her office was pushed open, and she was
"escorted" to Ian's office.   It became quickly apparent to her that Brenford's
security was deeply involved in the corporation's illegal activities.  Laura
tried to play innocent, she kept hoping that perhaps Ian was only acting upon a
suspicion.  Ian barely spoke to her as he ordered the guards to detain her in
one of the conference rooms while they searched her office.  While there was no
proof that Laura was the one who had removed the list from the system, the audit
trail on her PC indicated suspicious and unaccountable activity.  She was
brought back to Ian's office and pushed into a chair at his desk.  Ian looked at
her long and hard and then said to one of the guards "Take her to my place in
Maine.   You'll need to put her out.   I believe she would give you a hard time,
and we wouldn't want her to make a public scene." 

Laura started to talk to him, continuing her play of innocence, hoping to
convince him, but Ian stopped her.  "Laura, stop.  We both know what's going on
here.  I'm very sorry to find out that you were planted here.  I thought
perhaps..." he stopped abruptly.

 "Get Snake."  He turned away from her abruptly, and said to one of the security
men.  "He'll be in charge of her interrogation.   His track record is 100
percent success in getting reluctant tongues to talk.  Send my limo for him."

Before Laura could react, her arm was grasped firmly and extended to make her
veins accessible.  She couldn't struggle against the grip, and a needle was
quickly emptied into her arm.  A feeling of panic started to come over her as
her breathing became labored, and the room began to turn around her.  A second
later, she was out.

That brought her to the chair in the room with Snake.   His questioning methods
made it clear to her that she was not brought in on a suspicion.   As Agent
Kendell feared, her cover had been blown.  But how?

Laura didn't know how long she had been in the cell.  There were no windows and
the lighting in the room was continuous.  She was hungry and thirsty, but it was
bearable for now.  Laura had dozed off a few times, but her dreams quickly
turned into nightmares, and she would awaken with a start only to realize that
her situation in real life was as bad as any nightmare.

She had used the toilet and had washed up a bit with the wipes.  She didn't want
to think about her current situation so she tried to fill her mind with all
different kinds of trivia.  But the fact that she was locked in this very secure
cell in someone's home and that she had just spent a half-hour with Snake being
interrogated could not be ignored.

Snake.  She was afraid of him, very much afraid...yet, she found the memory of
being bound helpless before him arousing.  Laura could feel the wetness between
her thighs.   She tried to push the thoughts and feelings she was having out of
her mind.  She took deep breaths, and concentrated on meditation techniques that
took her mind to other places.  By putting herself somewhere else, she was able
to ignore the hunger and thirst, and, she hoped, would lessen the pain when he
continued his interrogation.  Because of one thing Laura was certain, and that
was that he would interrogate her again.

Part 2:   Made to Talk

Her cell was soundproof.  The first indication that anyone was at the door was
when it slid open, and two intimidating-looking men walked in.  One of them made
a point of aiming his gun at her knee in silent warning.  Wordlessly, the other
grabbed her arm and pulled her up.  Even as she was being pulled to her feet,
her wrists were handcuffed behind her back.  Laura was more carried than walked
out of her cell, down a hallway and to the secure elevator.  She thought of the
room with the chair that she had been in earlier, and momentarily, panic made it
hard for her to breathe.  But they walked past the room, and to another
elevator.  This elevator had a standard panel and went up to the first, second
and third levels of the building.

They got off at the second level.  Laura took in the impressive surroundings. 
The hall was softly lit; the hardwood floors gleamed where plush Oriental rug
didn't cover them.  There were some very expensive pieces of art on the walls,
and the few pieces of furniture looked like equally expensive antiques.  They
paused in front of an elaborately carved oak door, and one of the guards knocked

"Enter."  It was Snake's voice.  Laura shivered, and tried to pull was
instinct, she knew that she wasn't going anywhere but where they wanted her to
go.  She was pushed forward into the room, and fell on the floor in front of an
enormous hardwood desk.  She looked up to see Snake sitting behind the desk,
listening to someone on the phone, and at the same time, writing something down
on a piece of paper.  He continued doing business for at least ten minutes, as
he left Laura where she had fallen on the floor.  The two men had taken up
position on either side of the wooden door.

The ten minutes was enough to remind Laura that she had information they very
much wanted.  She worked her meditation techniques to calm herself down.  Snake
put down the phone, got up from his desk and to where Laura was still on the
floor.  She had not been able to get up with her wrists cuffed behind her.

Snake nudged her breast with the tip of his boots...not too hard, just enough to
get her attention.   Laura turned her face up to look at him, and found herself
wondering what his lips would feel like on her breasts. She pushed the thought
out of her mind.  What was wrong with her?  To think of sex when her life was at

"Are you hungry?" he asked, just as he had before.  It was a dose of reality
that brought Laura back to her situation.  "Yes," she answered, as she had
before. "Yes, what?"  He demanded.  Laura hesitated a moment before she said,
"Yes, Snake."

"Thirsty?"  Laura just looked at him...he knew damn well that she was hungry and
thirsty.  "That was a question, bitch," he reminded her.  "Yes, Snake," her
voice was barely louder than a whisper.  She was very thirsty and her stomach
ached from hunger.

"And are you afraid?"  "Yes," she replied.  Then quickly added, "Snake."

Snake nodded, and started to move away.  He paused, and turned back to her.  He
drew back his booted foot, and this time, put considerable force behind it when
he kicked her in the stomach.

Laura gave out a loud gasp of pain, her eyes filled with tears, and she tried to
draw herself up into a ball.  He swung his foot again, and this time he kicked
her breast.  Laura screamed at the pain.  Again, he kicked her stomach. "That
was to condition you," Snake told her.  "It's just a taste of what you're going
to get."  Laura was gasping to catch her breath.  Snake pulled her up by her
hair, and signaled one of the men at the door that he should take charge of

Laura was dragged back to the elevator and this time, they went into the
interrogation room.  The room was well lit this time, and Laura was able to see
clearly what the shadows had hid before.  There were hooks on the walls and the
ceiling, a menacing looking wooden frame had eyebolts fastened in several
places, there were whips, straps and canes mounted on the walls.  An unusual
device that looked almost like a table, but was made up of hinged panels of wood
stood in one corner.  Near it was a wheeled trolley that held what looked like
some kind of electrical device.

She struggled against the grip that held her as she was dragged over to the
wooden frame.  Her handcuffs were exchanged for leather wrist restraints with
D-rings.  First her right hand then her left were pulled up to the top eyebolts
of the frame and locked in place.  The same was done to her ankles, and she was
now bound spread-eagled on the frame, most of her weight on her wrists.  She was
stretched out tightly, and any movement was painful.  Laura was very securely
restrained against the table.  It was a terrifying feeling, yet, like before,
Laura also found herself aroused.

Snake walked into the room and without looking at her, walked over to the wall
that held the whips.  He took a particularly nasty looking whip off the wall and
tested it.  "Crack!"  The sound was loud as he swung it through the air.  He put
the whip back, but only to pick up another one that looked even more
frightening.  "Crack!" he tested this whip, and seemed to be satisfied because
he tucked the handle into his belt and turned toward Laura.

Snake walked across the room to where she was bound.  Beads of perspiration were
showing on Laura's forehead, both from fear as well as from the strain of being
mounted on the frame. Snake stood in front of her, and lit a cigarette.  Laura
drew in her breath, and tried to calm herself.

"Who do you work for?"  He repeated the question he had asked her the other day,
the question to which they both knew he had the answer.  She only hesitated a
second before she answered him, "CDX."  Snake nodded his head.  "What is your
assignment?"  Laura remained silent.

Snake gave a heavy sigh.  "Laura, Laura, why are you making this so difficult
for yourself?"  This time, he made a fist and punched her hard in her stomach. 
With the air that was driven out of her, she gave a cry of pain.  She was
sucking in air as fast as she could, her face scrunched up in pain, and a tear
started to fall down her cheek.

"What is your assignment?"  He repeated calmly.

Snake was ready to punch her again, when she quickly gasped out.  "Wait,
please!"  "Snake."  He reminded her.  "Wait, please, Snake," she said more
calmly than before.  Snake took another drag on his cigarette, and the tip
glowed bright red.  Laura was mesmerized by the glow.  "" she started. 
"Yes, get on it with," ordered Snake.  "It was to infiltrate.... Brenford." 
"For what reason?"  Snake asked, taking another drag on his cigarette.  It was
almost down to the filter.  Laura couldn't keep her eyes off it.  She was too
slow in answering him.  Snake pushed the glowing end of the cigarette against
the base of her neck and held it there, letting it burn for a few seconds before
he pushed it hard against her to put it out.  Laura gave out a piercing scream. 
Tears were streaming down her face.  She was shivering. 

"It was to find out your pickup points, the codes for the agents, your
schedule..." he knew anyway, she thought, as she answered him.

"And did you?"  Snake stroked the burn with his finger.  His touch was

"Yes," she said.  Snake slapped her across the face.  "Snake."  He said only the
one word.  "Yes, Snake," she quickly said to avoid another slap.  She had to
remember to keep saying his name.

"And where is that list now, Laura?"  He asked calmly, and waited for her reply. 
She kept silent. 

 "Laura, where is the list?"  He repeated,  his voice still calm and patient,
though Laura knew he was anything but.

"Please, Snake, could I have some water," she begged, as she futilely tried to
wet her parched and cracked lips.  Snake's response was to take a knife out of
his pocket and open it.  Laura turned pale, and frantically struggled against
her bonds, even though her logical mind knew that it was impossible to break
free.  Snake brought the blade up to her throat.  She whimpered.  He drew the
knife down toward the cleavage in her dress.  Abruptly he sliced through the
fabric, exposing her bra and her body down to the waist.  Another quick flick
with the knife, and he had cut through her bra. Snake ripped her dress, slip and
bra to her shoulders.  He drew her breasts out from the top of the very thin
slip she was wearing. Laura was reminded of erotic bondage scenes in books and
movies, and felt her arousal growing. 

"Where is the list, Laura?"  He asked her, as the knife traveled down to her
waist.  He started to cut through her slip, her dress and her pants.  The knife
traveled downward until the front of her body was exposed to him. Snake grabbed
the ends of the fabric on either side of her body and pulled hard.  The fabric
ripped, and now the only thing that clung to her was a small piece of fabric on
one arm.  She was bound naked and open to him. She was trembling all over.  Was
it fear?  Arousal at being displayed naked before him?  Or both? 

She was very thirsty.  "Snake, please...just a little bit of water, please.  I
can't...I can't think straight, I'm so dehydrated.  Please, Snake."  She was

"You're making a big mistake, Laura," he warned her.  "Not only will I take the
information from you, but I'm going to punish you for not being cooperative."

One part of Laura very much wanted to talk, to tell him what he wanted to know. 
She desperately needed water.  She was trembling all over from fear. But still,
she decided to stand firm and refuse to talk.  She begged him for water again.

In response, Snake went to a small table that had been put to one side and
poured a glass of water.  He stood in front of Laura and drank it
appreciatively, then put the glass down on the table, empty.  His message to
Laura was clear.  She wasn't going to get any water from him.

Laura's eyes widened in fear when Snake took the whip out of his belt loop and
again tested it.  She winced at the cracking sound it made.  She shivered to
think that in a few seconds, she would be feeling it on her body.  Laura tensed
her muscles and tried to prepare herself for the blows.

The whip flew through the air and the wicked straps hit her body across her
abdomen, a couple of strands wrapping themselves around one of her breasts. As
prepared as Laura thought she was she was still not prepared enough for what the
stroke of the whip felt like against her bare skin.  Again, Snake brought the
whip down, this time directly across one of her nipples.  Without pausing, the
whip connected with her pussy not once, but four times. He went around and
started to hit her buttocks, the backs of her thighs, her back.  Laura was
screaming for him to stop.  It hurt, it hurt!  Snake was working on her breasts
again.  "Please," she was whimpering by this time.  "Please, Snake, please
stop...please, more!"

Snake stopped.  He had worked up a good sweat beating her.  He made a show of
pouring some more water and drinking it down noisily.  Laura foolishly dared
hope that he was done whipping her for now, and relaxed into her restraints. 
Crack!  The whip struck her against both nipples at once.  Laura looked down at
herself, and from what she could see from her bound position, knew that her body
was covered with red stripes and that her nipples were engorged with blood,
swollen and bright red.  It no longer felt arousing, it only felt painful. 
There was no lust left in her, only pain and fear.

"Stubborn bitch," shouted Snake.  "Break, damn you!"  The whip cut across her
body again, and then, mercifully, Laura passed out.

Snake threw down the whip, and wiped his forehead.  He snapped his fingers at
the men at the door, and together as a pair, they came to where Laura was
stretched out on the wooden frame, and took her down.  They didn't bother with
restraints as they took her unconscious body back to her cell.  Laura moaned
when they put her down on the cold cement floor.   They were taking her pulse
and checking her blood pressure when Snake came in with a glass of water.

"Laura, Laura, wake up!" a voice was calling her back into consciousness, her
cheeks were being slapped.  She half opened her eyes and groaned.  A glass of
water was held up to her lips, but Laura was having a hard time moving her
parched tongue to swallow.  The water dribbled into her throat.  She regained a
bit more consciousness, and quickly, her hands moved up to the glass, bringing
it to her lips.  She took a long swallow, and then the man holding it pulled it
away from her.  Laura tried to hold onto the glass, but she never had a chance. 
"That's enough," Snake said.  "I'll give you more in a few seconds."

Laura closed her eyes and nodded her thanks.  She was leaning against the hard
concrete wall and felt its roughness against her welted and naked back.  She was
throbbing with pain everywhere.  There was no lust in her now, although she was
naked and exposed to Snake.

Snake held the water up to her lips again, and she took a mouthful.  The water
felt so long had he made her go without water?  She had lost track of

Snake pulled the glass away from her.  "Laura, where is the list?"  He demanded. 
"Laura, tell me where you hid the list." Laura tried to focus her eyes, she hurt
so badly. It hurt, it hurt, it hurt...the words kept going through her mind like
a mantra.  She was trying to distract herself from the pain. 

Laura weakly shook her head, "No," it was barely a whisper.  Snake threw the
glass against the stone and it shattered loudly.  "Stupid bitch!"  He said with
clenched teeth.  "What are you, a pain slut?  Is that it?  You can't get enough
of the whip? I have even more painful ways to extract information.  This was
just a warm-up for what's coming to you now, unless you tell me where you hid
the list."

Snake pulled her up to her feet and pushed her towards the men.  She staggered
and would have fallen if they hadn't grabbed her.  Laura couldn't stand on her
own.  They brought her downstairs, back to the interrogation room.

"Put her on the table," Snake said.  "Let's see how long she can hold out with
electric current running through her ass and her pussy

Terror gave Laura her voice back.  "No!" she screamed loudly,  "Please, Snake,
please no!  Oh no! "  The men lifted her up off the ground by her arms and
brought her over to the strange table-like device Laura had noticed earlier. 
She was still screaming and begging Snake not to do it to her.  Laura wasn't
quite sure what he had planned, but she had read about how painful electrical
stimulation in the genital area could be.  She had just experienced a brutal
whipping at Snake's hands, and she believed him when he said that there was more
pain coming.

Laura was placed on the wooden table on her back.  A control moved four panels
at the bottom and at the side of the table slightly outward.  Laura's legs were
bound to each panel by five leather straps - at the ankle, her calf, her knee,
her lower thigh and her upper thigh.  Her arms were also bound to panels - her
fingers, except for her thumb, her wrist, her lower arm, her elbow and her upper
arm.  Straps went around her chest above her breasts, then below them, around
her waist and across her hips.  And last a strap went over her forehead and over
her chin, holding her head firmly in place.  Laura was held immobile on the
table.  Snake pushed another control to spread her legs and arms out as far as
possible.  Her hips were raised and her legs were lowered, making her ass and
her vagina easily accessible.  Snake put a metal rod into her vagina and another
one into her ass.  They were large and cold, and the one that went into her ass
was painful.  Laura had never had anything up there other than her
gynecologist's finger during a physical. She was no longer screaming, but the
tears kept streaming down her face, and she was trembling all over in spite of
her bonds.  Snake then put wicked alligator clips on her nipples, and another on
her clit.

Snake attached wires that went from a control unit to the metal rods. The clips
were also wired to the box. He checked her, and when he was sure everything was
in place, he hit a switch and pain shot through Laura, starting at the point of
origin and then spreading out all over her body, burning, searing pain.  She
screamed one long howl until Snake let go of the switch.  She no longer
remembered the pain from the whipping.  This had cleared her mind of everything
but the pain she was feeling at the moment.

Laura was dazed from the pain.  "That was the lowest setting, Laura," Snake
informed her.  "I plan to start at least ten points higher, and see how close to
the threshold of fifty I can take you."  Snake moved a dial and hit the switch
again.  The pain hit Laura and rode through her body like a wave.  Unlike the
first time, the waves kept coursing through her, gathering in intensity.  She
opened her mouth for a soundless scream.  She couldn't breath.  She felt that
her heart was going to stop.  The pain slowly receded.  Laura understood why she
had been tied down the way she had.  Her body was convulsing as the current ran
through her.

 "This leaves no permanent just gives you pain.  So we can keep
going with this all night until you decide you can't take it any longer and tell
me where the list is."

Laura looked at him pitifully and pleaded with her eyes.  She couldn't make a
sound.... She was still gripped by the aftermath of the pain. 

Snake started to work the controls again.  No, her mind screamed, he couldn't be
doing this again so soon.  "Let's bring it up to twenty and see how you do," he
smiled at her.  He was enjoying this, the thought crossed her mind just as the
nerves in her body were once again flooded with pain.

Laura passed out from the pain.  Snake quickly brought her back by breaking open
a vial of ammonia under her nose.  Laura groaned.   The pain was still with her.

"That was a setting of twenty, Laura," he said.  "What do you think you'll be
doing by the time we get to fifty?  Will you be begging me to listen to you?"

"We're starting to get serious here," Snake said.  He took a rubber bit off the
trolley and put it into her mouth.  "Bite down on this," he told her.  He didn't
give her time to think as the current shot through her again.  "That was still
twenty," he told her.

Laura's teeth were clamped down on the bit, and she was grunting at the pain
from the shocks she was being given.  Her genital areas felt as if they were on
fire.  She was trembling uncontrollably.  "Are you ready to tell me where you
hid the list?"  Snake asked.

Laura shook her head, no.  Snake raised the setting yet again.  She was once
more unprepared when the pain took over and she howled like an animal.  The bit
fell out of her mouth.  Her eyes were wild, her body trying to writhe under the
bonds.  Snake replaced the bit, and again, he sent the pain through her.  Not
giving her a chance to recover, he jolted her once more.  She passed out again.

Snake let her come back on her own.  As soon as he saw her eyes open, he shoved
the bit into her mouth and hit the button that send the electricity to the rods
in her vagina and her ass, and to the tender tips of her nipples.   Laura had
bitten down on the bit, and it stayed in her mouth this time.  The straps that
held her down bit into her skin cruelly as her body arched from the pain and her
arms and legs pushed against them.

Laura's clothes were still on the floor in shreds.  Snake picked up her blouse
and tore off a long strip.  He put it over her mouth, securing the bit in place. 
Again, he sent the current through her.

"That was four at thirty."  He told her.  "Very painful, isn't it??"

He raised the setting again.  "We're at forty now."  He told her.  "When do you
think you'll have had enough?  Or are you ready to talk now?"

Laura looked back at him, eyes wide with pain and fear.  "Blink your eyes
quickly if you want to talk," he said.  Laura held herself still.  The
electricity seemed to target every nerve in her body.  The pain going from ten
to twenty to thirty was noticeable, but each setting was just a bit more painful
than the previous.  The leap from thirty to forty was incomprehensible.  Laura's
eyes rolled back in her head, and the convulsions raised her off the table as
far as the bonds allowed, each strap embedded in her skin from the pressure. 
Again he gave her pain.

Snake's hands were on the switch to give her a third dose at forty.  Laura
couldn't take it any longer. She grunted frantically into the gag, desperately
trying to get Snake's attention before he pushed the button again.

"You're ready to talk?"  He asked.  She blinked her eyes three times as quickly
as she could.  Her face soaked with perspiration and tears.  Snake took off the
gag.  It had taken him less than five minutes to break her.

"Where did you hide the files." 

"Please, get me off this," she begged.

Snake just stared at her.  "Snake, please, get me off this."  She repeated, and
although she sounded as though she was verging on hysteria, she remembered to
use his name this time.

"The files, Laura.  Don't waste my time."  Snake's hand hovered over the button.

Laura only wanted the pain to stop.  She hadn't thought beyond that.  She
couldn't tell him where the files were...there was much too much at stake.

The bit was back in her mouth before she could draw another breath, and the pain
went searing through every cell in her body.  Snake was surprised at how she was
holding out.  She wasn't a trained agent; she had never been taught how to
resist talking under torture.  Yet she was doing as well as any hardened agent
would have under the circumstances.

She has a high tolerance of pain, he thought, speculatively.  He looked her over
appraisingly.  Even disheveled and bruised as she was, she was attractive.  She
had a nice shape, her breasts were perfect.  He was liked with what he saw. 
Snake was beginning to admire her, and he would have felt bad about taking her
out after the interrogation was over.  He now saw another very viable and
profitable option.

When she had recovered enough to be aware, Snake informed her that the setting
was still forty.  "I'm going to raise the setting by two points," he told her. 
"Notice how much more painful it's going to be."  He was ready to push the
button again.  "I'm only going up to fifty in today's session," he told her. 
"When we continue tomorrow, I'm starting you at thirty and we'll go up to
seventy-five.  Do you think you can take it?"  He pushed down on the button to
send the pain through her, to let her think about how forty-two felt compared to
forty, and that seventy-five was a long ways off.

This realization was coming to Laura at the same time that Snake was pushing the
button.  Every cell in her body screamed out in pain, pain that she never
thought it was possible for anyone to feel and still live. She thought that she
would probably be dead long before he reached a setting of seventy-five. But if
she broke down and talked now, he would kill her anyway once he had the
information he was going after, and he would have won. 

Laura tried to prepare herself for what was coming.  She just had to hold
on...her body would give out eventually and she would be free from the pain. 
Laura felt a tear run down her cheek.  She knew that death was a possibility
when she agreed to the assignment, but it hadn't seemed real to her until now.

Snake had been watching her and he could see the point at which she resigned
herself to enduring the pain without talking.  This wasn't going anywhere today,
he realized.  He was disappointed...he thought he had her after five minutes. 
It seemed she was going to be much tougher than that.

Snake went over to her and unplugged the wires.  He and the two men began to
remove the straps.  "Snake," she whispered hoarsely when the gag and bit were
removed.  Her eyes were questioning.

"Why did I stop?"  He finished her question for her.  "Laura, I'm a
professional.  You won't do me much good if you're dead, will you?   I'm not
going to let you die on me, Laura, either during or after questioning.  There is
something else in store for you."

He could see the despair settle into her eyes.  Yes, he had read her
correctly...she was resigned to dying under torture.  And he had taken that away
from her.

Laura was placed on her feet.  She was shaking, and her legs couldn't hold her
up.  The two men were on either side of her, and they carried her more than
dragged her back to her cell.  Snake was going to give her some time to chill,
and then he would have another conversation with her.  There are some things
worst than death, Laura, he said to himself.

Laura slept for a long time.  She woke up to raging hunger and thirst.  And of
course, fear.  His questions were a permanent fixture in her mind.  Are you
hungry?  Are you thirsty?  Are you afraid?

Every attempt at movement hurt.  She lay back and tried to remember some of the
techniques for resisting interrogation she had been told about.  There hadn't
been time for more than a briefing and some pointers.  But then, no one thought
that she would end up in this situation.  It was to be a quick job, and the
chances of discovery were considered slim.  But the odds had been against her.

Her mind was drifting.  She still felt the pain, although she knew that it was
her mind that was recalling how much it hurt, and not her body.  A sound at the
door startled her, and she was facing the door when Snake walked in with his two
henchmen.  Snake saw her eyes widen in fear and she began babbling incoherently
when she saw him come into the cell.  "Please...I

"Quiet," he ordered her.  She went still.  "So you thought I would just allow
you to die without talking?"  He asked her.  She didn't need to answer out loud;
her response was in her eyes.  "Stupid bitch."

Snake snapped his fingers and one of the men brought a chair in from the
hallway.  Snake sat down and faced her.

"Let me clear something up for you," he began.  "I have no plans to let you die
or to kill you."  Snake lit a cigarette and took a long drag.

"I told you earlier that it didn't matter to me how long you held out.  I have a
lot of time.  And although we need the files, we can get by without them for a
month or so." Snake paused to give her time to process what he was saying.

Laura licked her dry lips, and her stomach growled.  "See how hungry and thirsty
you are," he pointed out the obvious.  "How hungry do you think you'll be if I
wait until next week to feed you?  What about if I waited another day or two to
give you more water?"  Snake continued talking to her, his voice emotionless.

"And the's going to continue, and get worse daily.  Even the same
things are going to hurt more."  To prove his point, he put out the cigarette he
had been smoking against the side of her neck, an inch from where he had burnt
her before.  Laura gasped at the pain.  He was right, it did hurt more.

Laura dared a question.  "And if I tell you...what then?"  Talking was

"When...not if, Laura, talk, I am going to sell you into slavery."

Snake enjoyed the play of emotions on her face.  At first, she didn't think she
heard him right.  Then she thought, well, at least I'll still be alive.  And
then the realization of what he said hit her, and she paled.

"That's what I meant when I said there were worse things that could happen to
you than dying," he said.  "But this is the deal...if you make things easy for
me, I'll make them easy for you.  My association and I will make sure that you
are sold to someone who will keep you locked away securely, but won't be too
cruel. If you keep resisting and make my job difficult for me, I'm going to take
it out on you and make sure that whoever buys you is an insensitive sadist."

In spite of the pain she was in, Laura almost laughed when he said that...what
did he think he was, she thought. 

"We're starting your interrogation again, in about an hour, right after lunch." 
He made a point of letting her know that he and the others would be eating and
drinking while she was locked in her cell, dreading what was coming to her. 
"Give this careful thought, Laura."

Snake got up and left the room, leaving her there with questions she hadn't been
able to articulate in time.  Her first thoughts were that she didn't know what
she should do...should she talk?  give in to him?  let him know where the files
were hidden?...but then she told herself that this wasn't an option, no matter
what.  If he meant what he said, about selling her, then, she told herself, as
bad as the pain was going to be this afternoon, she wasn't going to die from it. 
She told herself that even if she was sold to a sadist, at least she would still
be alive, and perhaps, it would be possible to escape.  She made up her mind. 
She would not give him the information he was trying to torture out of her.  She
lay back, and proceeded to blank out her mind, to find something that she could
focus on when the pain took over her body, to disassociate her mind from the

Part 3:   Laura Breaks

The hour was up much too quickly.  They came to her cell and as before, took her
up in the elevator and to the interrogation room.  They didn't bother with
handcuffs or wrist-restraints.  Laura couldn't even stand up by herself, much
less try to escape. 

Because she knew what was coming to her, Laura whimpered when they brought her
over to the table.  She was strapped in quickly, and the metal rods and clips
attached.  She lay there waiting for Snake.  He took his time, purposely letting
the anticipation of the pain build up in Laura. 

"Laura, I was going to start you at thirty today and bring you up well past
fifty.  But I've changed my mind.  We were at forty-two yesterday, so I'll
continue from there."

"No, please," she could only whisper.  Snake ignored her.  He brought a gag with
a bit to her and put it in her mouth, fastening it tightly.  His hand hovered
over the control.

"Are you ready to start?  Or will you save yourself some pain and talk now?"

Laura squeezed her eyes shut, and her body tensed for the pain.  Snake pushed
the button and the searing pain from yesterday came back to a body much weakened
from lack of food and water, and from the torture she had been subjected to so

He brought her up to fifty quickly, asking her occasionally if she was ready to
talk.  Laura's eyes were rolling back in her head, and Snake had to keep the
ammonia vial close by to bring her back. 

Laura couldn't take any more.  When Snake said, "Laura, unless you tell me where
you hid the list, I'm bringing this up to sixty, and push this button at least
five times before I ask if you're ready to talk again.  Will you tell me where
you hid the list?"  Laura blinked her eyes quickly...she lost the game...she
couldn't take more pain.

She was sobbing in relief as the rods and clips were removed, and she was
unbound from the table.  One of the men brought her over to a chair and sat her
down, giving her a blanket to put around her shoulders.  Laura was shivering
uncontrollably...she was either in shock or close to it.  Snake brought her some
water to drink.  After a few sips, he took the glass away, and pushing up her
chin, told her to tell him where she hid the list.

Laura hesitated...she said she would talk while she was in the midst of pain,
but now that she was off the table, she was reluctant to tell him.  But then he
would start over...she sobbed.

"Are you wasting my time, Laura?"  Snake stood up impatiently.  "Should I put
you back on the table right now?"

"No!"  Laura cried out weakly.  "I'll tell you...."  She proceeded to go through
the steps she took to hide the information...but when it came to the most
crucial piece of information; Laura led him in the wrong direction.  She wasn't
thinking clearly...she just knew that she couldn't take any more pain, and that
she also couldn't tell him where the list was hidden.  She didn't think through
the consequences when he discovered she lied.

"Check it out," Snake told one of the thugs.  "And get back to me right away."

To Laura, he said, "You'll be put back in your cell for now.  Once I have
confirmation that the list has been found, I'll move you to more comfortable
quarters and get you some food."

Snake saw something he didn't like in Laura's expression.  If she had lied to
him...he thought. 

Part 4:  Consequences  of Lying

It turned out that looking for the list in the tangle of the web was not quick
and easy.  It took most of the night to confirm what Snake had started to
suspect...Laura lied and the list was not where she said it would be.  In a
rage, Snake went down to her cell.

Laura had been allowed to keep the blanket and she had it wrapped tightly around
her against the chill of the floor in her cell.  She had dozed off.  Snake came
into her cell so quickly that she had barely opened her eyes when he grabbed her
arm and her hair and pulled her up, pushing her against the wall.  He slapped

Laura paled.  She knew there would be consequences to her lie, but all she
wanted to do at the time was stop the pain.  She hadn't thought ahead to the
repercussions.  She was afraid of Snake when he was calm, and now that he was
enraged there was no telling what he would do to her.

"I told you before not to play games with me, bitch," he growled.  "Did you
think you were going to get away with your lie?  Were you expecting to somehow
escape before I found you out?  Or are you a pain-slut, and lied to me on
purpose so I could punish you?"

Laura was frozen with fear.  She had made a mistake lying to him.  She just
wanted the pain to stop, but now, she feared that the pain he would cause her
would be much worse.

"Snake, I'm sorry," she tried to pacify him.  He slapped her again. 

"Tell me right now where the list is...the truth!  And maybe I'll go easy on you
for lying to me," he threatened.

Laura tearfully shook her head.  Snake slapped her again, harder than before. 
Her lip started bleeding.

"Fucking cunt!"  He shouted at her, and dragged her out of the cell.  He pushed
her towards two of his men, and told them "Put her in the interrogation room. 
Arms overhead, feet spread. Raise her up so she can't touch the floor."  They
dragged her off effortlessly, with Snake following.

"Please, Snake, please... please...I am so very sorry I lied," she pleaded as
her arms were locked into cuffs and suspended over her head.  "I'll tell
you...I'll there you where it is, really...please don't do this to me again."  
Her ankles were also attached to restraints, and then to a spreader bar which
kept them wide apart.  As she was hoisted up off the ground, her arms took her
weight, and immediately began to hurt.  Laura's helplessness washed over her
like cold rain.  She closed her eyes tightly to keep back the tears.  She had
never been so afraid in her life.  "Snake, please...please don't do this to me." 
She begged.  "Please, Snake...I'll tell you.  Please let me tell you."

"Gag her," Snake ordered.  A leather ball attached to a strap was pushed into
her mouth, and the strap was tightly buckled behind her head. 

"Look at me, bitch," Snake ordered, pinching one of her nipples very hard. 
Laura opened her eyes and looked into his.  Her eyes showed her fear; his eyes
were cruel.

"I'm going to make you bleed."  He hissed, and walked over to where he kept his
whips and crops.  He didn't want to give her pain impersonally, hitting a
switch.  He wanted to hurt her, and hurt her bad, with his own hands.

Laura's eyes went wide with fear when she saw what Snake had taken down off the
wall.  It was a thick, long bullwhip.  He immediately began to whip her across
her breasts and her stomach, putting all of his force behind each stroke.  The
strokes fell quickly one after the other.   The welts rose up on her
immediately.  Snake went around to her back, and began to whip her mercilessly. 

"I'm going to whip you until I draw blood," he threatened again.  Laura was in
agony.  Snake was hitting her with all of his strength, and he didn't pause for
even a few seconds between each stroke.  The pain was continuous.  Laura
couldn't even scream into the gag, it was on so tightly.  She could only hang
there and pray for the whipping to be over.

She felt the blood trickle down her back, where he had broken the skin.  Still,
Snake kept on beating her.  Laura found herself wanting to pass out, to even
die, just so the pain would stop.  She had thought that nothing could compare
with the electricity running through her sex and her nipples earlier, but the
whipping seemed to feel more painful.  Perhaps it was the knowledge that he was
ripping her back apart that contributed to the intensity of the pain.  She was
now willing to tell him where she hid the list.  She wanted to tell him where it

Laura lost all sense of time.  She didn't know if Snake had been whipping her
for minutes or for hours.  She only knew that there was no place on her body
that hadn't felt the touch of the whip.  She was in so much pain, that when
Snake stopped whipping her, it took her a while to realize it.  The gag was
removed, but Laura could only moan; she had no strength left.

Laura was released from the chains, and she fell to the floor at Snake's feet. 
Snake ordered her to stand up.  Laura stayed on the floor - she hadn't heard
him, but even if she had, she wouldn't have been able to stand up without help. 
His voice louder, Snake again ordered her to stand up.  This time Laura heard,
and struggled to get to her feet.  She just didn't have the strength.

"Get her up,"  Snake told his men.  They grabbed Laura's arms and pulled her to
her feet. Snake walked up to her, and grabbing her breast, squeezed tightly.  It
hurt, but no where near as much as the whipping or the electricity.

" I'm not through with you yet, bitch,"  he said in a low and menacing voice. 
To his men, he said, "Put her on the table, and wire her up."

"Nooooo," the word came out as a whisper.  "Snake, I'll tell
you...please...please let me tell you."  Snake ignored her.   He wanted to
punish her for lying to him.   Laura was quickly dragged to the table and bound
to it.  The metal rods were inserted into her vagina and her ass, her nipples
and her clit were clamped and the wires attached to the box.  Laura was readied
to accept the torture.  Her mind was numb with panic, but unfortunately, not
numb enough that she didn't feel pain over every inch of her body, and not so
numb that she didn't know the intensity of the pain still ahead.

"Please, Snake...let me tell you where the list is...please, I won't'll be able to retrieve it...please..." She begged, but in response,
Snake put the gag in her mouth and tightly fastened it.  "I'm going to teach you
a lesson about lying to me."  He informed her.  "Then you can beg me again to
allow you tell me how to get the list."

Snake continued to torture Laura for more than an hour.  He finally stopped and
removed the gag.  Snake brought a glass of water up to Laura's lips, and let her
take a few sips.  It wasn't compassion that moved him to do was to
revive her enough to talk about the list.

Laura attempted to speak, her voice cracking.  Snake gave her another sip of
water, then put the glass away.  The message was clear...there would be no more
water unless she talked.  But Laura wanted to tell him now.  If she didn't tell
him, he would continue to torture her, and she couldn't take it. 

"Is there something you want to say, cunt?  Or do we continue?"

"Snake, please, let me tell you where I hid the list...and how to retrieve
it...please let me tell you."

"Go ahead," Snake said, and Laura found herself once again telling him about
hiding the list, only this time, she was direct about where she had hidden it,
how it was encrypted, and how to retrieve it.

Laura was taken to her cell.  They took away her blanket, though Laura didn't
think that she would have been able to put it around her lacerated back in any
event.  She sank down onto the floor, curled herself up into a ball, and began
to cry softly as she rocked herself back and forth.  The pain was so bad; she
found it difficult to draw a breath.

Part 5:   Punished for Escape

Laura didn't see how it could be possible, but she fell asleep.  She woke up to
the sense of someone cleaning up the blood on her back, and she felt as though
she was on fire.  Laura was in fact, feverish.  She went from feeling hot to
having the chills, and began shaking, which added to the pain.  

In a haze of fever and pain, Laura looked around.  One of Snake's men was
sponging off the blood on her back.  He finished by putting on some ointment. 
It hurt going on, but then began to numb the places where the whip had broken
her skin.  Laura had thought her back was damaged more than it actually was.

When he was finished, he held out a cotton dress for Laura to put on. 
Shivering, she drew it over her head.  She was relieved to cover her naked body. 
Snake's man took her arm and pulled her up off the floor.  "Move," he ordered
her, and led her out of the cell.  Laura was was difficult to
stay on her feet.  The pressure on her arm increased, and he held her up and
pushed her forward.

Laura was led into Snake's office.  He was in the sitting area next to his desk,
and on the couch with him, was Ian.  As before, Laura was pushed to the ground
at Snake's feet.  The man who had treated her back let Snake know that she was
ill, and had a fever.  If he heard, he gave no indication.  Ian just stared down
at her, his gaze impassive.

"We have the list."  Snake said.  She looked up at him.  "I told you, Laura,
that you would be sold as a slave once we no longer needed you.  And I
threatened you with what type of master you'd be sold to if you didn't
cooperate.  Needless to say, Laura, I'm not happy with you at all.  So you won't
be sold within the Society, where the safety of the slave is important. I know
auction houses that sell to individuals who have no consideration for what
happens to your lovely flesh, and if you die, they'll just replace you with
another slave.  And that is where you're going to be sold, Laura."

Laura looked up at the two men.  She saw only hardness and cruelty in Snake's
eyes.  She had made a fool of him when she lied, and he would not forget that. 
She turned to Ian, desperation in her eyes.  "Ian, please help me."  She
pleaded.  She felt ill, not just from the fever, but from the dread that Snake's
words brought to her.

She thought she detected pity in Ian's eyes, but then they hardened and he shook
his head.  "You made your bed, Laura, as they say.  Now you're going to damn
well lie in it for the rest of your life.  You put us in a very precarious
position, Laura.  You lied to me, you used our past friendship to gain my
confidence.  And you and I are on different sides in this situation.  What did
you expect from me?  To let you go free?"

Ian stood up, ignoring Laura.  "Let me know when she goes up for sale."  He said
to Snake.  "I want to be there."  Ian walked out.

Laura's heart sank. She had hoped...she didn't know what she hoped.  Maybe she
had hoped for Ian to somehow mitigate the situation with Snake.  She didn't
think he would be as bitter as he was.  Was the agency looking for her, she
wondered?  Would they find her?  Could she hope for rescue?  In her heart, she
knew the answers...yes, they were looking for her.  As for the rest...

 "Your back will heal, bitch," said Snake.  "I'm sure it feels worse than it
looks.  Another week, and I'm going to enjoy seeing you on the auction block."

To his thugs, Snake said, "Take her back.  She can have a blanket, a bottle of
water.  She needs an antibiotic, something to bring down the fever. Give her
something light to eat until the fever's gone, then she can have regular meals." 
Laura was pulled to her feet, and they started to lead her out of the room.

"Snake, wait, please..." she pleaded.  "Please..."  her eyes filled with tears. 
 She stopped pleading.  What was she pleading for?  For him not to sell her? 
What was the alternative?  Would he kill her?  No, she wanted to live.  Even as
a slave.

"Please what, cunt?"  He said harshly.  "What do you want?  A fucking maybe?" 
He smiled at her cruelly.  "Before I sell you, the boys and I are going to fuck
you in every one of your holes.  You'll get what's coming to you."

It took several days for Laura's fever to go away, even though she was given
antibiotics.  Laura thought that perhaps it was because she didn't have the will
to get better.  She knew that once she was recovered, Snake was going to sell
her into slavery.  She realized that if she were bought by someone from a
foreign country, her chances of escape or rescue would be greatly diminished. 
She had to be alert of an opportunity to either get away from Snake, or to find
some way to contact the agency.

Laura had eaten only broth and juice for the past few days, and very little
before that.  Now that her fever broke, she found herself very hungry, and hoped
that she would be given some real food.  Her breakfast came, and she was
grateful to see that it was eggs and toast.  She ate ravenously, and savored the
single cup of weak coffee.

Now that her hunger was satisfied, her thoughts once again turned to her fate. 
She tried to be positive, to convince herself that somehow she would be saved
from becoming a slave.  But if not, what then?  How would she be able to cope
with it?  Her thoughts were interrupted by the cell door opening, and two of
Snake's men walked into her cell, leering at her.

"Come on, bitch.  It's party time."  one of them said.  Laura shrank back
against the wall, and shook her head in refusal. 

"This isn't an invitation, cunt,"  the other man said.  "Let's go."  He grabbed
her arm and pulled her to her feet.  Her hands were bound behind her back, and
she was pushed forward.

They brought her upstairs to where Snake was waiting in the living room.  He
looked her up and down, taking in the wrinkled dress that she had been wearing
for the past several days, and her matted hair. 

"Let her take a shower,"  he said to his men.  "Supervised.  Then bring her back
here, naked."

Laura looked up at Snake, hoping to be able to plead with him.  He stared back
at her, daring her to beg for mercy, and Laura realized that if she pleaded with
him, she would be punished for it.  She put her head down, and let herself be
led out of the room.

They took her to a bathroom just down the hall.  One of the men checked the
shower stall to make sure there was nothing there that she could use as a
weapon, and then unbound her wrists, and let her undress and wash up.  They
allowed her to brush her teeth and comb her hair, but nothing more.

As they came out of the bathroom, Laura heard a door open down the hall, and
looked over.  One of Snake's men came in wearing a jacket and gloves.  Laura
looked past him and saw that the door led outside.  This was the first time
since she had been brought to the house that Laura had seen a door leading
outside.  She quickly looked away, taking care that her interest in the door
wasn't noticed.

Laura had not been physically restrained.  She felt a small rush of hope...if
she could find a way to break free, then maybe, just maybe she could make it
outside.  Then if luck was with her,  once she was out of the house, she would
be able to find a way to either get off the grounds or else reach the agency. 
She didn't think they would shoot at her...not if Snake was planning on making a
profit from her sale.

Back in the living room, she was pushed to the floor at Snake's feet.  Laura
kept her head down.  She was afraid that Snake would see something in her face
that would give her away. 

Snake spoke, "I made you a promise, Laura." he said.  "I told you that before I
sold you, we were going to fuck you everywhere.  It's time."

Laura kept still.   She had to escape, she just had to, she said to herself.

Snake continued, "Your auction is tomorrow, babe."  He informed her, a touch of
laugher in his voice.  "I don't think you're going to be too happy with your
prospective buyers."

Laura shuddered at his words.  She had to escape.

"Tom, get Paul and Harry," Snake said to the men who had brought her into the
room.  "Jim, I want to video-tape this.  Go get the camcorder."

Laura found herself alone with Snake, unbound.  Was she feeling lucky? Could it
be that easy?

Snake sat down of the couch, and ordered Laura to come to him.  "Let's get you
warmed up, Laura," he said to her.

Laura stood up, and moved slowly toward the couch.  It was now or never, she
said to herself.  There was an end table between her and Snake.  She glanced up
at Snake, and saw that while he was watching her, he was looking at her
casually.  She was sure he wouldn't expect her desperate attempt at freedom. 
Laura took a step forward, and then quickly turned around and ran for the door. 

It was a blur to her.  Her fingers found the door knob and she opened the door
that led to the hall.  As she pushed it behind her, she heard it slam into
Snake, who shouted "Fucking bitch!" as he followed her into the hall.  Laura ran
to the door that led to the outside.  Her hand was around the knob, and she
turned it...and nothing.  Oh, god, no!  It was locked.  It was one of those
doors that required a key to get out as well as in.  She tried the knob again,
even though she knew it was useless.  As all of this went through her mind,
Laura felt Snake grab her by the hair.  He effortlessly turned her around, and
pushed her back hard against the door.  His other hand slapped her across the
face.  "Fucking bitch!"  He repeated.

"You want to go outside?"  He shouted.  "OK, I'll take you outside."  His grip
was tight around her arm as he pulled her away from the door.  Laura didn't know
what he was going to do, but she knew that whatever it was, she had cause to be
afraid.  Without thinking, she tried to resist.  His grip on her tightened. 
"You're going outside, bitch, and then I'm going to cane your ass until the cane
breaks."  Snake had pulled her toward another room, the "dungeon" she realized,
as with his free hand he gathered up wrist restraints and a cane.

"No," she screamed.  "No!"  Snake pulled her back toward the door that led
outside.  "Please, Snake..." she pleaded.  He was angry, very angry.  She had
failed her meager attempt at escape, and now she was going to pay for it dearly. 
Somehow, Laura found the strength to break free, and blindly ran.  She didn't
think where she was heading, just that she was trying to get away from Snake. 
She ran directly into Harry, who grabbed her arms and turned her toward Snake. 
Snake slapped her again, and then again.  "Let's go outside, fucking cunt!"  he
shouted.  "You wanted to go outside."

"Snake, I'm sorry, I didn't think...I was so afraid," she tried to explain her
escape though he would listen.  "Please," her voice lowered to
almost a whisper.  "Please, Snake," she pleaded.  "I'm sorry...don't use the
cane on me, please."  Laura feared the cane more than anything.  It hurt so much
to be hit with it, and with Snake as angry as he was, she knew that every stroke
would be one of his best.

Snake had the door open and was pulling her outside.  Laura didn't have the
strength to resist him, but still she tried.  She kept trying to pull away, as
he grabbed her by the wrists and pulled her forward.  "No!"  She screamed.  Her
voice was shrill with fear.  "No!"

The doorway was at the back of the house, and several large trees had branches
overhanging the patio.  Snake pulled her toward one of the branches, fastened a
leather cuff around one wrist, threw the other cuff over the branch, and fasted
her other wrist.  There were padlocks on the cuffs, and Snake fastened them. 
The branch was just high enough to keep Laura on her toes.  It was thick and
slanted upward.  Laura would not be able to break it, or pull herself down.  She
was at his mercy.

Laura continued to plead with him.  "Snake, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," her voice
was desperate.  "Please Snake, don't..."

Her pleading was cut off when he swung the cane hard against her thighs, and
instead she screamed out in pain.  Two more whacks followed in quick succession,
and Laura screamed in pain at each one.

Laura's face was wet with her tears, and she was sobbing and pleading at the
same time.  "No more, please, no more...I'm so sorry..." And she really was
sorry.  She should have known better.  Laura realized that if she had stopped to
think, she would have known that she didn't stand a chance of escaping.  But she
believed she would have tried anyway.  She couldn't have just given up without
even trying.  But now she was paying for it.

Again, the cane swung against her buttocks, and again, and again.  Laura
couldn't catch her breath.  She was making incoherent sounds of pain.

Snake pulled her head back by her hair.  He brought his face up close to hers,
and ordered her to keep quiet.  "Shut the fuck up, bitch," he snapped.  "You
take what's coming to you without another sound, do you hear me?"  He shook her
head by her hair. Laura was crying so hard she couldn't answer.  He shook her
even more violently.  "I asked you a question, cunt!"  He shouted at her.  Laura
put all of her effort into stopping her sobbing.  "Yes," she managed to say, her
voice trembling.  "If I hear anything...anything at all...out of you, then after
this cane breaks, I'm going to try out another one on you.  Do you understand?" 
He pulled her hair even harder and shook her.  "Ye....s...s,"  she managed to
stay.  "I under...sta...stand."

"Snake!"  He said, pulling her head back hard.  "You stupid cunt!  Say my name!"

"Snake," she said softly, then, again, her voice getting shrill with hysteria. 
"Snake!"  It came out as a wail.

Snake let go of her hair, and continuing the caning.  Each stroke felt harder
than the one preceding it.  Laura did everything she could to keep from crying
out.  She held her breath, she bit her lip so hard that it started to bleed. 
Every muscle was tensed for the next blow.  She had barely time to recover and
tense up for the next strike before the cane once again slashed across her body. 
The blows came continuously, and Laura felt as though there was not one area on
her body that didn't bear a welt from the cane.  She didn't know how she was
enduring the pain without crying out.  She only knew that if she made any sound,
Snake would make good on his threat to use another cane on her.

Laura didn't know where she got the strength to keep her cries in.  She didn't
hear the cane break.  Though the haze of pain she was in, she realized that
Snake was no longer delivering new blows to her body, and now that she no longer
needing to keep herself tense, she slumped in her restraints.  She was shaking
with both the pain and the effort of keeping quiet.

Snake again pulled her head back by her hair.  "Since you wanted to be outside
so bad, I'll let you stay out here a while,"  he told her.  He let go of her
hair abruptly and without another word, walked away and back into the house.

As soon as Snake was gone, the tears and sobbing began.  Laura cried until there
were no tears left.  As her sobs subsided, and she was no longer exerting
herself by tensing up and keeping quiet, Laura felt the cold.   Even though the
sun was out, the sharp wind was very chill on her naked body.  Laura's shivering
from the cold was an additional discomfort.  The cold and her continuous
shivering intensified the pain from the caning.    It had been early afternoon
when Snake began to beat her.  Laura didn't know how long the beating lasted, or
how long she had been left outside, but she felt it grow colder and colder as
the sun set.  How long was he going to keep her out there, she wondered?  Laura
was past tears and moans.  She grimly hung onto the tree limb with her stiff
fingers, and tried to keep some of the pressure off her toes.  Laura didn't
think she would ever feel warm again.  The wind bit into her each time it

It was dark when Snake sent his men out to bring her inside.  A fire was blazing
in the fireplace as they brought her in, and Snake pointed to it, "Go warm up." 
He ordered her.  Laura looked at him timidly, almost afraid to accept this
kindness from him.  He picked up a blanket and threw it at her feet.  "Take

Laura had so much pain from Snake that she didn't know what to make of this
sudden kindness, even though it was kindness by comparison.  She picked up the
blanket and wrapped it around herself, as she sat down on the floor as close to
the fire as possible.  She was still shivering.  Laura realized that Snake was
holding something out to her.  She looked up to see a streaming mug in his tea.  The warmth of the mug felt wonderful against her fingers.  She
took a sip of the hot tea, and felt its warmth inside her. 

Snake was protecting his investment.  He didn't want her to get sick again. 
Regardless of the reason, the fire, the blanket and the tea were very, very
welcome.  "Thank you, Snake," she whispered timidly.

"Am I going to get any more trouble out of you?"  He demanded.  "No, Sir," Laura
"So you've learned your lesson?"  He continued.  "Yes, Sir," she said softly.

"You acted foolishly, Laura," he said.  "Did you really think that I would be
that careless as to leave the door unguarded and unlocked?"  Snake continued,
"Or that you would be able to get off the grounds even if you made it outside? 
There are motion detectors and alarms everywhere, and the grounds are patrolled. 
You never had a chance."

Laura kept quiet.  He was right, she never had a chance.  All she had done was
make him angry and hurt herself.  She dozed off by the fire, and Snake let her
sleep for a while.  Eventually, he came over to her and pulled the blanket off.

"On your feet, slut!"  He said.  Laura, afraid to anger him again, moved quickly
and stood up before him.  He pointed away, toward the sitting area in the living
room.  "I want you to crawl to each of my men and beg them to fuck
pick which hole.  But I want every one of your holes filled each time you're
fucked.  That means being fucked by three of us at a time."

Laura hesitated.   That was a mistake.  Without warning, Snake grabbed her by
the hair and started to pull her toward the door.  "You didn't learn your
lesson?"  He demanded.  "You want another caning and the chance to spend some
time outside?"

Part 6:  Begging to be Used

"I'll do it, Snake!  I was going to do it!  Really, Snake, I was..." she said
quickly.  "Please, not again, please..." she begged him piteously.  She couldn't
take it again.  She couldn't take any of it, not another caning, not any time
outside in the cold.  She would do anything, anything at all to keep Snake from
taking her outside.  Snake kept on pulling her forward.  Laura grabbed the
doorframe in a futile attempt to slow him down.  "Snake, don't, please don't!  I
can't take it again, please, I was going to beg, really beg.  Please let me show
you," she begged again.  Her voice was desperate.  "Please let me show you how
hard I can beg?"

Snake stopped.  Her head down, Laura said softly, "Please, I'll beg...I'll do
anything, anything at all...please," she was once again broken by Snake. 
"Please let me beg, please."  She begged.

Snake released his hold on her hair.  Laura immediately sank down on her hands
and knees, and started to crawl toward the group of men.  She tried to send her
thoughts elsewhere, to not focus on that she was being made to do.  But their
presence was too invasive.

"Please, Sir," she got to her knees in front of one of the men, and clasped her
hands before her in a begging posture, "Please, let me suck your cock."   He
didn't answer her.  Laura looked back at Snake.  He gestured for her to
continue.  "Please, Sir, I need to suck your cock.  I'll make it wonderful for
you, please, sir, just let me suck it.  I'll swallow your cum, please sir." 
What would happen if he refused?  After a few seconds of keeping her waiting, he
replied by pulling down his zipper.  He waited while she crawled and begged the
other two men to fuck her.  She crawled over to the next man and begged him to
fuck her in the cunt.  She dreaded begging to be taken in the ass, but she did
everything she could not to let it show.  She begged just as hard to be fucked
in the ass. 

She then had to position herself to accommodate all three at once.   "I want you
to convince me that you're enjoying this," Snake gave her another ordeal as the
men started to fuck her.  So now, Laura had to further humiliate herself by
acting as though she was receiving pleasure from this invasion of her body. 
Since she was entered dry front and back, the penetration was painful.  The man
whose cock she was sucking kept forcing it deep into her mouth, pushing it
against the back of her throat.  She knew that if she gagged, she would be
punished.  Laura gave Snake the performance he demanded.

Laura realized that there were another three men waiting their turn, and then,
would Snake want to fuck her after them? 

Laura didn't realize that this new nightmare had just begun. After everyone had
fuck her, Snake took her three times...once in each hole.  He then told her that
each man would get to try out each of her holes, so she had to do it again, only
change who fucked her where.  Laura was barely able to keep the tears from
spilling out of her eyes.  But she went ahead and obeyed Snake's orders. 
Anything not to be caned and left outside.

Laura was exhausted both physically and emotionally when she had given each man
a turn in each of her holes.  She was hoping that Snake would let her return to
her cell.  But he wasn't done with his torment yet.  He handed her a dildo and
told her to get onto the coffee table and masturbate for them...she had to ask
him for permission to cum when she was ready.   Snake kept denying her
permission, making her wait until her arousal had diminished somewhat, and then
start all over again.  She had to smile and look seductively at all of them
while she was masturbating.  Finally, Snake allowed her to cum.  But then she
had to repeat it all over again, until she had cum four times.  In the meantime,
they were drinking and getting themselves hard again, so that once more, she had
to accommodate them.  Though fortunately, this time each man fucked her only

Finally, Snake allowed her to return to her cell.  "Rest up, babe,"  he taunted
her.  "You don't want to have dark circles under your eyes when you're on
display tomorrow."

Laura again blinked back tears.  She had to hold on.  Maybe, just maybe whoever
bought her could be convinced to set her free.

Part 7:  The Auction

Laura fell asleep almost immediately, even though she had to sleep on the bare
floor of the cell, without a blanket.   It felt as though she had just closed
her eyes, when the door to her cell was opened, and two of Snake's men gestured
for her to get up and come with them.  Her wrists were bound, and her ankles
were hobbled.  A collar with a leash was put around her neck.  Snake was making
sure there would be no repeat performance of her escape attempt.

Laura was ordered to shower, to shave her legs and arms but to leave her pussy
for her new owner to shave, and to put on the makeup that had been provided. 
The restraints were put back on her, and Laura was led to a large "party" room,
with beamed and arched ceilings.

She was taken over to two columns conveniently set close enough to each other so
that she could be chained, spread-eagle, between them.  The leash was passed
down between her breasts, against her clit, and through the crack of her ass,
and then fastened tightly on the other side of the collar.

Once she had been chained, the men left her.  Laura waited for a long time.  The
position she was in was just uncomfortable enough to be irritating.  More time
went by.  Laura thought that perhaps she was going to be kept chained up all
afternoon, and the auction wouldn't be until the evening.

Her guess was correct.  It was dark outside when Snake and his men came into the
room. What she didn't count on was that by then, she would urgently need to go
to the bathroom, and that she would be denied going. 

Snake's guests began to arrive.  There were more than she had expected, mostly
men, but a few women also.  Laura hoped that they wouldn't be her new
owners...the women looked capable of more cruelty than the men did.  They were
the first to come over to her and pinch her nipples, digging their long nails
into them until tears came into her eyes, then rolling them back and forth, back
and forth before pinching them again.  One of the women removed her leash and
fucked her ass with her fingers to see how tight she was.  Another one, her name
was Caroline, promised her that she would have Laura's face branded if she
became her property, since no slave of hers was going to look better than

There were many accents in the room, most of which Laura couldn't place.  After
the women had started to examine her physically, she was poked, pinched and
probed continuously by all the prospective buyers, and for all she knew, by
everyone else also.  Laura was dismayed when she realized that behind her were
three large screens, and that Snake was showing a video of her being fucked last
night on two of the screens, and her masturbating on the third.  When would the
bidding start, she wondered.  A table off to one corner caught her eye, and she
realized that the bidding had been in progress for a while.  The table held
notepaper and envelopes, and the bids were written down and put into a box
throughout the evening.

Laura was becoming more and more nervous as the evening wore on.  Who would she
go home with tonight, she wondered, and shuddered at all the prospects.  She
could see that everyone bidding had a sadistic streak in them.  Laura was in a
lose-lose situation.

She was surprised when she was taken down, although the party was still in
progress.  Snake's men led her back to her cell, and wordlessly left her.  She
had tried to ask them what was going on, and if she had been sold, but a slap in
her face stopped her questions immediately.

Laura leaned against the stone wall of her cell and waited.  They were probably
looking through the bids, and soon, her new owner would claim her.  Laura put
her head down on her knees, and in that position, fell asleep waiting.

Since the lights were kept on continuously and there were no windows, Laura
didn't know how long she had slept...if it was only for an hour or two, or
through the whole night.  She went back into her waiting position, and passed
her time in figuring out how she would go about negotiating for her freedom.

Some time later, Snake's men came into the cell carrying leather gear.  Laura
looked at it curiously and then in dread.  First, they put on long leather
gloves that laced together behind her back up to her elbows.  She was fitted
with a harness that criss-crossed between her breasts, and included a belt that
was tightly cinched around her wait, and her wrists were attached to the back of
the belt.  Her ankles were left unbound, but instead, her thighs were encircled
by large leather cuffs, and fastened together.  She would only be able to take
very small steps.  The final horror was the leather hood.  It fit snugly over
her entire head, and had places to attach accessories, such as a blindfold and a
gag, both of which were added on.   Before the hood was placed over her head,
her ears had been plugged.  With the leather, she could barely make out any

Laura had felt helpless before, but it was nothing like what she was now
experiencing.  Her arms were bound in such as way that no movement was possible. 
The leather harness was fastened tightly, making it difficult for her to draw a
breath.  She couldn't hear or see, and her mouth was overfilled with a leather
"penis" gag.  The restraints around her thighs make it difficult to take all but
very small steps.  Who was this cruel new master that wanted her presented this

Laura was led out of her cell and upstairs.  Beyond that, she didn't know where
she was led.  Hands would stop her from walking, or push her forward to walk. 
At one point, she was positioned with the leash tight around her neck, and they
demonstrated that if she moved, it would tighten even more.  She was then left
standing for easily an hour or two.  Just as she was getting desperate that she
wouldn't be able to keep standing and would fall, thereby choking herself, she
felt someone's hold on her upper arm, and then a sting as though from a needle
went into that arm.  It only took a few seconds for Laura to get dizzy, and then
to lose consciousness.

Part 8:  Meeting Her Master

Laura awoke to a new kind of hell.  She was no longer wearing the hood, but she
was still blindfolded.  She thought she could hear, but she wasn't sure, since
there was nothing to hear.  The gag had been removed.  She was lying down in
some sort of sling that went across her middle.  Her breasts hung down, and so
would have her legs if they weren't separately suspended and drawn as far apart
and up as possible.  She realized that the sling was angled slightly forward,
raising her ass and her pussy to expose them even more.  Her arms were bound at
the wrists behind her back, and attached to a collar that encircled her neck. 
If she tried to relax her arms, the collar tightened so that she could barely

Laura twitched in panic as she felt someone place an object into her cunt.  She
hadn't heard anyone approach her, but it was because they were being quiet.  She
realized she could hear the sounds of the person moving around behind her.

"Who are you?" she  asked.  The response was excruciating pain that originated
in her vagina and spread its burn throughout her entire body.  Laura surmised
that it was some type of electronic device.  She was too familiar with that
particular type of pain.

She took the pain as an indication that she was to keep quiet.  Laura felt
fingers pinching and pulling on her nipples, harder and harder, under her
nipples stood up long and hard on their own.  The bite of nipple clamps, and
then further pain followed this as several weights were attached and left

After a few moments, Laura felt something slide into her ass.  It felt cold and
metallic.  Laura took deep breaths to try to calm herself down.

A few moments later, Laura felt a gentle vibration coming from both the dildos
in her cunt and in her ass.  They were pleasantly arousing.  Her nipples started
to tingle next, and she realized that the nipple clamps also vibrated.  
Although she was still apprehensive, she let herself be engulfed by the warmth
of her arousal.  The vibrating pulsed and increased bringing her to an orgasm
rather quickly.  In spite of the circumstances, Laura enjoyed it. The vibrating
stopped.  Laura lay there waiting for what was next.  The vibrating began again
after a few minutes, and started to build up to another arousal.  Laura's
vaginal muscles began to grip the vibrator, and that was when the pain began. 
As though her coming orgasm was a trigger, she felt intense pain in her nipples
and breasts, her ass and her vagina...pain so intense it stopped her breath and
prevented her from screaming.  Then it stopped.  Again the arousal...again the
pain.  After the first few shocks, Laura was able to scream.  And scream she did
as each time, the pain came sooner and lasted longer.  During a pause when the
vibrators were arousing her, someone, the person torturing her? came close to
her head and softly said, "You've only just started to experience the pain,"  a
man's voice whispered. "The settings are automatic, and will continue until I
return to shut them off.  That will be in the morning.  Have a pleasant night." 
The voice could have been a familiar voice or the voice of a stranger.  He spoke
too quietly for her to tell.

Laura tried to keep herself from responding to the sexual arousal in hopes that
she could prevent the pain from being triggered.  But apparently there was some
logic built in that told the device to shock her if more than a few minutes went
by without her contracting her muscles.

Laura had thought that being caned and left outside in the cold was intolerable,
but she now realized that she didn't have any idea of what pain could really be
until now.  This was torture for the sake of torture.  Not to get her to talk,
not to punish her for attempting to escape, or for lying.  But just to cause her
pain.  Oh god, who bought her?  Did Snake realize what this person was capable
of?  Did she anger him so much by lying that he had let this person buy her? 
She realized that any hope of negotiating her freedom were gone.

The pain had almost driven Laura out of her mind.  She had wet herself during
the night, unable to control her bladder while the electricity burned through
the private places of her body.  The pain was so intense that Laura had put
aside her thirst and her hunger...all she felt was the burning, searing pain
over and over again.  She had screamed herself hoarse, and every muscle in her
body ached both from the position in which she had been bound as well as the
tightening of her muscles whenever the electricity was administered.

She was trembling all over when she was taken down from the sling, and since she
couldn't stand, she went down on her knees.  She wished that her hands were
unbound, or if they were cuffed, that they were cuffed in front of her.  She
wanted to tear off the blindfold and see her torturer.

It seemed that being on her knees was fine with her owner.  He pulled her along
by the leash, but walked slowly enough so that she could keep up with him
walking on her knees.  He stopped and fastened the leash to something, then she
heard him moving about, metal clanging.  She stiffened in fear until she
realized that she was hearing pots and pans, and that she was in a kitchen,
kneeling on the floor while her torturer cooked breakfast.  Would she be given
anything to eat?

Laura heard him put a plate down on the floor in front of her.  She waited for
him to release her wrists, but instead, he pushed her head down toward the
plate, indicating that she was to eat using only her mouth.  Laura was so
hungry, it didn't matter to her. A bowl of orange juice had also been given to
her, and she lapped at it like a cat.  The food was good.  Whoever her torturer
and owner was, he knew how to cook.

What next, she wondered, as she heard him clear the dishes and load a
dishwasher.  By then, she was able to stand up, and was led by the leash in the
same direction as that from which she had come into the kitchen earlier.  Back
to the torture chamber?

Yes, that was where she was taken.  Laura's wrists were unbound, but only for a
few seconds while they were attached to an overhead chain.  Laura heard a motor
and then felt herself hoisted up until her toes were an inch off the ground.  It
might as well have been a foot or more.  She couldn't reach the ground no matter
how much she stretched.  Her arms were supporting all her weight.

She wasn't surprised when the whipping began, but she was surprised to feel the
terrible sting of a bullwhip.  Surprised and anxious, since a bullwhip would
cause considerable damage in inexperienced hands.  But the hand wielding the
whip was very experienced. The strokes he laid across her breasts, her belly and
her thighs were each calculated to give maximum pain and to ensure that large,
red welts were imprinted on her flesh, but her skin was unbroken.

In spite of her pain, at one point, Laura realized that there was something for
her to be grateful about.  That woman, Caroline, who threatened to brand her
face, did not win her.

Why was she kept blindfolded?  Laura wanted to see her tormentor...she refused
to think of him as her owner or her master.  

At last, the whipping was over and Laura was brought down to her feet.  She was
left that way for a while.  She heard him leave, closing the door behind him. 
She hurt everywhere, both from the torture she had endured overnight as well as
the whipping.

The door opened, and Laura heard footsteps.  She stiffened when she realized
that one set of footsteps was being made by a woman wearing high heels.  For a
moment, she was filled with dread at the thought it might be Caroline.  Then the
man spoke, his voice very, very soft.

"Rosalie, I want you and Mariah to prepare her for tonight.  You know how I like
my whores to look.  But let me warn you, I don't want you fucking around with
her.  If I catch you..." the threat was left unsaid, but Laura was sure that
Rosalie and Mariah were well aware of the consequences.  The man's voice was
very, very familiar...if only he spoke a little louder, or a little longer, she
thought she would be able to place it. 

To Laura, he whispered, "Obey them."  Just those two words, but even though he
spoke quietly, they were said in such a way that Laura shivered at the thought
of what he would do if she didn't obey them.  But why did this arouse her? 
Laura felt a fluttering in her belly, and a soft, warm feeling in her cunt
accompanied by her pussy getting very wet.

Laura was washed and shaved.  Mariah shaved her pussy very slowly, erotically
drawing out each stroke of the razor.  Rosalie styled her hair, piling it up on
top with a few wispy strands hanging down.  She was made up...much more makeup
than Laura ever used, and in garish colors that made her look like a whore.  

They put a black leather bustier on her, and then proceeded to draw the laces
very tight.  Laura could barely breathe.  Her breasts were pushed up and out, so
that her nipples were resting just on top of the bustier.  A leather garter belt
went on next, and then silk stockings with a black seam down the back.   Laura's
hands were encased in tight, leather gloves that went up past her elbows.  The
gloves were set with D-rings at the wrists and at the elbows.  Two thin leather
straps were fastened to the elbow D-rings, then brought down across the crack of
her ass cheeks, and forward, pushing aside the lips of her vagina, across her
clit and then up to fasten at the D-rings on the wrists of the gloves.  A black
leather collar surrounded with D-rings went on next, and a leash was attached to
the front, center ring.  Next came high-heeled shoes.  They had impossible
7-inch heels, and a thick strap went around her ankles.  Laura could see that
the buckles on the straps could be locked in place, making it impossible to
remove the shoes without a key.  The women pushed Laura forward a few steps, and
then stopped her.  The shoes were tight, and her feet were pushed down into the
toes by the heels. It was both difficult and painful to walk in them.  Last to
go on was the blindfold, tightly fastened around her head.  The leash was
brought up to her mouth, and Laura was ordered to hold it between her teeth. 
She was to wait there until "Master" was ready to send for her.

Finished with Laura, Rosalie and Mariah turned their attention toward each
other, and proceeded to fuck each other.  Laura could hear the sounds of their
passion, and found herself responding to the noises they were making.  She moved
her arms the little she could to rub the leather straps across her clit.  It
didn't take long for Laura to climax, and she felt her knees grow weak as the
delicious feeling of her orgasm swept over her.

She had cum just in time.  The door opened, and someone approached her, taking
the leash out of her mouth.  Laura was led out of the room and down a hallway. 
She could hear voices and music coming through a closed door.  Laura was led up
to the door, and then into the room.  She was aware that she was dressed like a
whore in the middle of a group of people who were all probably staring at her
with lust.  Defiantly, she straightened her back, and pushed her breasts out in
front of her.  Her nipples were hard and dark with her arousal.  She was
surprised that she didn't feel shame.  Fear, yes.  Arousal, yes.  But not shame.

"Hello, cunt.  I didn't think I would be seeing you this soon, but your new
Master wanted to show you off."  Laura froze when she heard Snake's voice.  His
hand touched the back of her neck, and she flinched.  He grasped her neck in his
hand and pushed his fingers hard into the sides of her neck.  He pushed her
forward, then forced her to her knees.

Laura sensed that she was kneeling in front of someone.  Her head was pushed
down, and the blindfold removed.  Laura found herself looking at a pair of men's
shoes, very polished and stylish.

"Greet your new Master, Laura.  Where are you manners?"  Snake asked.  Laura was
unsure of what she was expected to do or to say.  She didn't want to call this
man Master.  She compromised and said, "Hello, Sir."

"You will call me Master, Laura,"  Ian said.  Laura's head shot up in surprise
to see that the shoes belonged to Ian.  Ian was the one who had bought her at
the auction!

"Ian!"  She exclaimed in surprise.

Ian regarded her unsmilingly.  "I allow you to call me Master, and nothing else. 
You will be punished for using my name."

Laura shook her head in disbelief. It was because of his orders to Snake that
she was questioned, tortured, raped and subsequently auctioned off as a slave. 
Although she knew that Ian was her enemy, Laura couldn't help but feel somewhat
hopeful about her situation.  After all, at one time, they had been lovers, and
she believed that Ian would have come onto her at work if she hadn't been
uncovered as a government agent.

"Laura, I don't think you understand the situation," Ian said, still looking at
her without emotion.  "There is nothing between us any longer other than a
Master/slave relationship.  This is nothing new to me.  You're not my first and
you're not my only slave.  But I am your only Master, and I assure you, I am a
hard master.  But you'll discover that for yourself."

(and she does, but I haven't written that yet!)

Review This Story || Email Author: Reine Woods