BDSM Library - Male Concubine

Male Concubine

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: In a future where men were reduced to sex slavery and kept in special detenton area.
Male Concubine

The curtain parted, and a dark suited professional looking
woman appeared.  She stepped up to the podium and said,
"Ladies, Ladies, Please!  May I have your attention?." The
din from the crowd of women in the auditorium slowly turned
to silence.

"Thank you and welcome to the Detroit megaplex hotel.  In a
moment, we will start with tonight's proceedings.  But first I
want to congratulate all of you for your good fortune in being
the 100 lucky contestants in the most recent lottery.   We only
wish we had more men available."

Beverly recalled how she entered the contest at the radio
station.  It was just one of many venues the government used to
auction off spots for the event.  By sheer luck, she was one of
the thousands of horny women who got a pass to tonight's event.  

The mistress of ceremonies continued, "This is the one time
I am sorry I work government, as no agency employees are
ever allowed to participate in these lotteries.  (A chuckle
arose from the crowd.)  Now to make sure there are no
misunderstandings, I want to cover the rules regarding the
next 48 hours.  As you are already aware, there is intense
security for this event as the commodity we have is in a
stiff demand."  (A few of the women caught her joke and

Upon her arrival, (Beverly remembered) there was a very
thorough determination to make sure that her ticket was
legitimate and she was indeed the genuine contestant.  For
it was the intention of the Federal government, that  only
the authorized women were allowed inside.

She continued,  "As you know, the 10 first place winners
will be called in order and they will be allowed to come up
and choose a key from the bowl.  Each key holder will be
allowed 3 attempts to find a lock which the key will open. 
If you find that your key opens the lock, you must re-lock
your companion and stand next to him until all 10 men (for
the 1st place winners) have been paired.  If, after 3 failed
attempts, I will input the 3 men you have selected and the
computer will randomly select a key and a man for you."

"Finally, as the remaining 90 of you come up, you will be
given the chastity belt key which corresponds to a partner
and you will be directed to him."

"If you elect to continue, you and your guest will be
sequestered in a room in this hotel, where you may remove
the chastity belt from him.  You may spend up to 48 hours
with your partner and at the end of which, the guard will
ensure the key is returned and that your guest has his belt
back on and is totally secured.  He will then be escorted
back to his holding area.  Only when all of the keys have
been returned and the men secured will you be allowed to
leave the hotel. "

"All right, will you please send in the men."  At that, the
100 men (secured in a variety of chastity belts) started to
parade onto the stage in a single file line.  Attired in
only their CB, they were directed to a series of risers
(like a concert choir would perform on) so all 100 males
were on display.  

They were spaced so the audience could see their entire body -
head to toe.  The stage lighting reflected back from some of the
polished stainless steel chastity belts like a mirror and was
blinding if the angle was just right.  The MC continued,
"Concubines with the 10 best sperm counts, step forward."  Ten
men stepped forward and the noise in room reached a fevered

"OK, ticket number 1 please."  Beverly (a slender 23 year
old blond) stood up and raised her hand.  An attendant
directed her to stage area where she turned in her ticket. 
The ticket was again verified as being authentic and she
then put her palm on the security reader.  When the light
turned green, she was allowed to proceed on stage.

The MC said, "The screen says Beverly, but may I call you
Bev?"  "Huh? Ummm, sure" she blurted back.  She was looking
over the men and was picking out the ones she was hoping she
would get a key to.  "Go ahead, Bev, pick out a key from the
bowl."  At that she reached into the bowl of keys, dug down a bit
and pulled up a key.  "You may now start with any man you choose
to see if the key will open his lock", the mistress continued.

Beverly walked over to the front row and viewing the men and
picked out the man in the center of the first row - skipping the
"10 best" men.  (She specifically picked him out because he had a
'Walter' belt on.)  That was the European model that was the was
most secure.  She had heard stories that these men had somehow
escaped and were caught wasting their precious seed.  These belts
were form fitted with a molded ball sac and a separate penis
tube. After this belt was applied, the concubine could not touch
any of his erogenous zones -it was like solitary confinement in

Her  first pick  was tall and lean with wavy brown hair. 
She noted the belt fit tightly, as she traced its outline
where the metal met the skin - across the top, then down
along ball sac.  She grabbed the penis tube and she imagined what
it would be like to have a real cock inserted into her sex.  It
was warm and she thought she could feel it throbbing in its cage.
 Holding him steady, she inserted the key and tried to open the
lock, but it would not open.  The crowd of ladies moaned,

She moved to her left 5 men and chose a man in the next row
because he too had on  'Walter' belt, but that would not
open either.  Since she could see no more young men with a
Walter chastity belt, her last choice was a man  wearing an
either and Access Denied or Jones belt - they both looked so
similar she couldn't tell.  She noticed that these did not fit as
tightly.  The front shield was also warm to the touch, but she
could slip her pinky finger in between the belt and his shaven
loins.  As she felt the thick metal penis tube and a bulging cock
she felt herself becoming wet with anticipation.  However when
she tried to unlock his belt it would not open either.

She had her 3 tries and walked over to the MC and handed her the
key.  The mistress had input the 3 men she selected and now the
computer had determined a match for her. The number 48 displayed
on her monitor.  She called out, "Number 48, step over here!"  

An older gentleman (middle thirties?) stepped off the riser
and stood next to the pair of women. Bev noticed he too was
wearing one of the extra secure Walter CB's.  She wasn't
sure what to think - an old guy in Walter?  Surely the
government would not keep him in a top level belt if his
seed wasn't adequate.  Usually by that age these guys are
dead or have no seed left in them.

Beverly looked him over and just smiled.  

The next nine regional first place contestants followed the
same procedure.

After all 10 of the prime candidates were matched, they were lead
to their assigned rooms.

Chapter 2

After Bev & her mate were inside their room, she heard the
metal door go 'thunk' as it slammed shut.  As she heard the
guard lock the deadbolt from the outside, she felt relieved
that she had her man and she was finally alone.

With a fiendish grin, Beverly asked, "Hey old man, would you like
to get out of your CB now?"  Bill exclaimed, "You bet! I just
want you to know that I am fully qualified to complete your
fertilization, and I know that will make you happy."  Bev said,
"Oh, I know you can make me happy, but I am not here to become
pregnant this weekend."   

Bill was confused.  "Then why", he continued.  Bev
interrupted, "Tell me, why are you wearing a Walter Goethels
chastity belt."   

Bill started, "When they discovered the ozone hole in
atmosphere late last century, they were unsure of its total
impact They though it had to do with global warming.  But in the
last 5 years have they figured out that the lack of ozone
protection allows a form of the sun's light spectrum to enter the
earth's environment which caused most men to quit making  sperm
and semen.   And without adequate quantities of semen and
ejaculation moving though the plumbing there have been many more
cases of prostrate and penile cancer; all of which, for some
reason have had an exceptionally high fatality rate.  All of this
lead led to a reduction in the worlds population by 15% in 5
years and virtually a 0% birth rate."

Beverly replied, "Yes, I know all about that; and without
sperm and semen it was next to impossible to impregnate a
human embryo.  But why are you STILL here?"

Bill continued, "And that's why the government has stepped
in to secure all males to protect the sperm and to ensure it goes
to the continuation of the human race."  Then he asked, "Are they
still putting chastity belts on all males?"

Bev said, "Oh yes!   Now days, they keep all males locked in
chastity belts as soon as they get their first hard-on.  The
really potent ones the lock up in an institution (like you) and
'mate' you every weekend.  The rest are secured and willing
report every other month to be milked of their juices until they
die which is usually by the time they are 25 years old.  By
forcing them to go to bi-monthly intervals, they can sometimes
extract enough quality sperm to allow for an attempt to do in
vitro fertilization."

"But the hell with that nonsense!  The problem I have is
that this damn government hasn't considered my needs.  With
all the males locked up, no girl has the opportunity to
enjoy sex anymore.  I am tired of simulated sex - I want a
real man!"  

"I had to really put on a show to convince them I wanted to
become pregnant.  There is a rumor that once you get on the
'mating' list, you're allowed to keep coming back until you
get pregnant.  But that's why they have kept you guys
captive, you're supposedly the best of  the best - that way
the women don't have to keep coming back.  But me, I want
to!   I have found some old birth control pills and have
been taking them - hopefully if they still work, I'll be
able come back every weekend for at least a several months
before they catch on."

Bev asked again, "Why do you have a Walter Goethels chastity belt

Bill sat down and said, "It all started about 15 years when
they noticed there was a drop in the birth rate which was
ultimately traced to the lack of sperm I told you about
earlier.  So, when I  joined the military, in addition to
the ritual head shaving, they immediately clamped on a
chastity belt. At first, the recruits where unaware of the
reason and we attributed it to the new policy of eliminating
STD's.  Then we were told, we were part of a study program. But
we didn't care because we had the option of being milked daily
and there were plenty of  "facilities" on the bases to take care
of our needs.  What we didn't know then (and didn't care) was
that they were doing semen research on us - we were happy to give
it up!"

"However, when I was discharged, the belt was not removed
and I was told of this new theory regarding the ozone.  They told
us it was our patriotic duty, to give the government all of our
seed.  And to make sure none of it was wasted, we were kept
locked up in a CB."

"When I returned to my small town about 25 miles north of
here, they said there was going to be a sperm bank (relief
location) built soon and we would be able to go in 'donate'
as often as we wished.  But in the meantime, we would have
to go Detroit as it was the closest sperm bank.  At first it
wasn't too bad - counting the drive time it took me about 2
hours, so I went daily after work."

"Bill sighed, "But then the males started really started
dying off and those that were alive couldn't produce much
semen so they said they weren't going to build our local
center.  But I was one of the few who weren't affected.  I
was horny all the time and couldn't wait more than a couple
of days.  Then because of fewer and fewer contributors they
reduced the operating hours of the Detroit center.  I was
desperate for relief, so several times I tried to escape
(from my belt) but could only get out of my penis tube,
before the CB police arrived.  Did you know there is a
sensor that detects when there is no member in the tube, and that
there is a satellite monitoring system which alerts the CB
police.  Most times though (while it was very difficult) I was
able to get relief before they arrived."

"Then I met this really nice gal who now owned a metal
working shop.  She inherited the family business when her
father died of prostrate cancer."	

"She was a tall blond with baby fine hair down to the middle of
her back.  She had a set of firm tits (much like yours - if you
don't mind me saying so) with nipples that seemed like they were
always erect.  She always wore opaque blouses and short mini
skirts.  She was enough to drive an unbelted, let alone a belted
man crazy."

"We got to know each other and as I suspected she too was
very horny, so we came up with a plan.  After all the
employees went home, we would go into the shop and first
created a look-a-like belt, but one that we could get off. 

Then, we created a mechanism that would keep the heat sensor in
the penis tube satisfied.  Finally, we had to find a way to cut
through the titanium belt and remove it.  We felt if we could get
the belt off and run it through the metal shredder, replace it
with our counterfeit model, turn on my penis tube sensor  we
would be able to have sex whenever we wanted to."

Bev's got a grin on her face, "Now you're talking, go on."

"Well, to make a long story short, we got caught and for the last
5 years I've been wearing this Walter because as you know they
are the most secure belt made.  And for the last 3 years,  I have
been held here as part of the mating program."

"Wow" remarked Bev.

Bill continued, "But since being here I only get out of my
belt on the weekends - for the people like you and I can't
wait to get started - got that key?"  

"Not so fast cowboy" retorted Bev.  I want to be made love
to, and get so wet and horny that I can't wait any longer,
then I'll unlock you.  I read that once men cum, they are
interested in nothing else, so lets see what you can do
about earning your way out of that belt - big boy." 

Bill's member was throbbing inside the tube and he wanted
desperately to get out of the belt.  She said, "But wait a
minute, I'm going to make this interesting for both us -
wait here."

 When Beverly emerged from the bathroom, her long red
hair was draped over her shoulders but the red latex halter top
could barely contain her breasts which Bill guessed were about
38 "D".  Her hands, were covered in black leather gloves, and
the key to Bill's chastity belt was on a chain around her neck.
As she stood there - oozing power & control, he noticed her
shiny red hot pants were not completely closed.  The
criss-crossed black laces were not pulled tight and "V" shaped
opening pointed to her clean shaven sex.  Her black nylons were
attached to her garter belt and disappeared into her heels.
"Since you are mine for weekend, I can do anything I want. And
I've always wanted to look alluring and tease a man - the way we
used to do in the old days" said Beverly.  "Like what you see?"
Bill said, "Oh yeah!"  Bill started to walk toward her, when she
said, "ON YOUR KNEES concubine".  Bill dropped to his knees and
shuffled over to her.  When he reached her, she thrust his head
into her crotch and asked. "Like it there?"  "Ummmhmmphh!"
replied Bill.  He could smell the pungent aroma of a woman in
passion.  He longed to give a tongue job she would never forget,
hoping she would soon release him.  He remembered years ago when
sex used to be fun and entertaining, but now it was a job to
complete for the government - that's what happens to nearly all
the women who show up here - they just want to become pregnant.
But she did say, at the beginning, she wanted to have fun - this
is too good to be true.  Next she took her hand and caressed the
penis tube on Bill's belt.  While she was doing this, he only
could feel the heat of her  hand sliding up and down the tube.
While Bill could feel the sensations, there was not enough
friction on his rock hard member to satisfy him.  Then she
tapped his balls thru the steel case, and again, asked, "got
anything in there for  me?"  I want to make you want me so bad,
you will scream!  Then Beverly said, "these pants are made of
licorice and you may eat me out of these pants.  And when they
are gone, you may continue to suck on me until I have come and
only then, if you have done well my little one, will you have a
chance for relief."  As he started to lick the licorice hot
pants, he could feel her squirm.  Then he took one of the black
licorice strings and tugged on it with his teeth.  Slowly, he
bit thru all the laces.  Each time he bit thru a licorice
string, he lapped her sex.  She was moaning, writhing in
pleasure and anticipation.  Finally, he ate away enough of the
hot-pants so her sex was totally exposed.  Bill had never
licked a shaved pussy before.  It was so smooth & silky.  He
lapped her, and sucked her.  Bev's breathing became more and
more rapid, and shouted. "Don't Stop!, Don't Stop!"  Beverly had
never had cunnilingus performed on her before.  Then  she burst.
Her body became rigid and Bill's face was wringing wet with
pussy cum.  In between her heavy, laborous breathing, she said,
'Thank  . You   Slave'.  When she caught her breath, she said,
"now its your turn."  Bill paused and positioned himself, so
she would have easy access to the lock.  "Silly boy", she said,
"not yet, first you have to get me hot - again."  Bill, started
to suck on her nipples and then tried to get her whole breast in
his mouth, alternating from one to the other.  He had his open
hand on her womanhood and ever so gently massaged her there. His
member was almost in pain as it completely filled the chamber
where it was being held and longed to escape.  Finally she asked
him, she we use this key (motioning to the one around her neck)?
When Bev removed the belt, Bill almost came on the spot, but
she was prepared and took several ice cubes from the drink and
held them next to Bills balls, quieting any unauthorized
activity.  Finally, after Bill had begged and made her hot &
horny, she allowed him to penetrate her sex.  Of course Bill
lasted only seconds before exploding.  Bill was tired, but not
exhausted and wanted round two, but Beverly said she needed to
clean up first - she had no intention of becoming pregnant the
first weekend, so she went into the bathroom. Bill thought as
long as she was gone, he would just take things into his own
hands, when she was suddenly standing at the door. AH - HAH!, I
thought you would try something like that.  With Bill's cum
leaking from her cunt and running down her leg, she ran over to
him and handed him his chastitybelt. "Here, put it on - NOW!"
Then she quickly snapped the lock shut. "Click" 

Chapter 3

Sunday evening after an unprecedented weekend of activity,
the announcement came over the PA system that all male
slaves were to be returned to their CB's and to report to

Bev, locked Bill in his belt for the last time and called
the security office.  In a couple of moments two guards
arrived.  The two women were the same ones that usually came for
Bill. They promptly caressed every square millimeter of Bills
Walter belt and pronounced him secure.  Then he was lead off to
his holding area, while Beverly was prepared for exit processing.

At the desk, she was asked if her concubine pleased her. 
She replied, "Yes, he performed adequately, but just in
case, can I come back again next weekend?"  Knowing how
critical it was for her to become pregnant, they immediately
scheduled Bill for next weekend.

All week long, Beverly told the tales of her weekend
activities to the girls at work.  She couldn't wait for
Friday to arrive.  When she dressed for work that morning,
she knew she was going straight to megaplex hotel again, so
she wanted to wanted look special.  She wanted to excite
Bill so he would want to please her like last weekend.

After her shower, she put on a black lace thong and matching bra.
 But now, she thought, what to wear, I can't go to work like
this.  Since there were very few males around anymore, dressing
seductively was not a problem.  Sexual harassment was a thing of
the past.

Finally, she decided upon a black leather micro skirt and a
black blouse.  When she arrived at the office, everyone
teased her and only wished they could trade places with
her.  The day seemed to drag on forever.  She left the
office and drove straight to the hotel.

When she checked in, her room was ready (which was fully
paid for by the government), and she was led to a waiting
area.  Then, she was led to the elevator where she was
whisked up to the 27th floor and shown to her room.  "Wait
here", said the female guard, "we'll be right back with your

Several minutes passed, and the door opened.  Bill was
allowed to enter, then one of the guards handed Bev the key
to Bill's CB and said, "lucky girl, I do you suppose I could
trade places with you later on?"

Bev just chuckled and said, "You've got to be kidding, do
you know how long I've waiting for this?"  The guard said,
"according to my records, "you were just here last week. 
Its been 4 and half years since I last had a man.  How about a
$3000 for a half hour alone with him?"  Beverly felt sorry for
her, but she was determined to have Bill all to herself.  She
felt this thing probably went on all the time.  (Oh how times
have changed she thought to herself. For thousands of years, men
paid to have sex, now the tables have turned and the women were
paying, and paying big bucks!

Bill asked, "Can I say something?" All three of the women
shouted back, "Hell No!".  Beverly dismissed the guards, and said
to Bill, "like what you see?"

Bill replied, "Yes maam, but when can we get started with
your ah, ah, impregnation sessions?"  "As soon as you make
me feel like I'd like to have your cock inside me", said
Bev.  "But give me a couple of minutes alone first."

Bev came out from the 2 bedroom suite and sat down opened
her suitcase and she told Bill he could start with some long deep
kisses and work down from there, but he had to wear a leather
hood.  First she slipped the hood over Bill, and then secured it
with a lock.  There were opening for his nose, mouth and ears,
but none for the eyes.  Then as Bill started to passionately kiss
her, he worked his way down her neck.  Bill caressed her breasts
as he began to unbutton her blouse.  Beverly also started to
undress Bill.

As they slid to the floor, Bill started to slide his hands
up her thin thighs and under her leather skirt.  He felt the
lacey thong and a smile came over his face.  He worked his hands
around the back of her skirt and unbuttoned it and then unzipped
it.  Finally, he slid the skirt off.  While he was doing all
this, Beverly was tugging on Bill's CB lock feigning that it
wouldn't open.

As he massaged her body, he became aware that she didn't
have the key on a chain around her neck and she certainly
wasn't holding in her hands.  Bev had no problem getting
Bill excited, she could feel his loins heating up.  Finally
Bev said, "you know how to please me, I need to be sucked
on."  Bill lowered his head and started to tongue her
snatch, slurping the juices as they flowed.  "Oh, oh, your
doing soooo fine", she exclaimed, "I never realized how good this
could feel".

Ah, ah, aaarrrgggghhhh! And her body went limp.  She was
exhausted.  Bill was hot too and said, "what about me?" 
"You?, you're my concubine, here to please me, remember? 
But lay next to me and soon I'll let you know where that key is.

Twenty minutes passed and she regained her strength.  "OK
Bill, now its your, errh, my turn again" said Beverly. 
"This time I'll just tell you I have the key with me and its up
to you to find it, but you can only use your tongue." 

Bill performed probing kisses but found nothing in her
mouth; he then slid his tongue under her breasts to see if
perhaps she had taped under either one of them.  He checked
behind her knees, and under feet.  Finally he said, "I can't find
it."  Bev said, "you didn't completely probe everywhere.

Bill put his face in her crotch and deeply forced his tongue into
her sex.  He thought he felt something.  "Yes, my little one" she
said, "I have a special capsule hidden for you in there.  When
you get it out, you have earned your relief."

Bill remembered how she said she had never been licked
before, apparently she liked what he did last week and
devised a plan to get more of it.

It took Bill another hour of probing, licking, sucking, to
get that capsule to the point where he could get it out of
her.  All the while, she was enjoying every movement and she must
have cum every 15 minutes!  Finally the moment arrived and she
took the capsule from Bills mouth.  Opening it she produced THE
key.  But before she unlocked his CB, she told Bill he must have
his hands cuffed behind his back.  Then finally, with a click,
the lock was open and Bill's loins were free at last.

His cock immediately stood at attention and his balls ached
to be milked.  He had never had a partner like this before - she
actually enjoyed sex and she enjoyed making him feel good too.

She grabbed his staff, and slowly stroked it.  When  she
felt he was getting close to the moment, she stopped.  After 5
minutes of this torture, she allowed him to penetrate her. 
Within seconds, he exploded.

All weekend long they played games and when Sunday arrived a
disappointed Bill was anxious to know when she was coming back. 
He assumed it would be next week, but she told him she had
commitments and that it would be 2 weeks.  Bill knew he would be
partnered again next weekend, but would like to wait for her, but
also knew he could never wait 2 weeks to be milked.


Chapter 4

The following weekend, Bill did not get a partner.  He was
told, that Beverly had placed him on reserve.  He didn't
really know what this meant and was surprised anyone could
get away with that.  He figured she must be a powerful woman or
have lots of money or both.

That weekend was long and agonizing.  Bill had become used
to the weekly draining and this was the first time in 3
years he had to wait.  

On Wednesday (10 days after he had seen Beverly), he got a
PGP email from her.  He wondered what that was all about. 
Attached to the email was mini-movie Bev had made showing
her in her office having a meeting with 4 other women - all
dressed seductively.  At the end, Bev said, I hope you
enjoyed seeing me work; see you on Friday.

On the Friday, when the guards came to get Bill, he was not
taken to the upper floors of the hotel, instead, he was
taken to the lobby.

There he saw Beverly.  They first embraced and then Beverly
whispered in his ear she had made arrangements for him and
she would explain the rest.  Then she said aloud, "Bill, how I've
missed you.  I have a special treat for you - would you like to
come with me?"  His eyes glowed, but he said nothing.  Beverly
took that as an affirmative and said, "But first you have to put
this collar around your neck".  After the collar was locked in
place they cuffed his hands behind his back.  This brought back
memories of the old days, when he was brought here.

Finally Bev signed some papers and she was able to leave. 
They left the hotel and a chauffeur, opened the door of
limo.  As they drove, there was total silence.

After an hours drive, they pulled into a gated area.  "This
is where we will live Bill, you are now mine", said
Beverly.  Bill's mind raced wildly as he thought about the
pleasurable days ahead.  Finally he thought, I can get back
to daily relief.

First Bill was shown to a room and was told to wait here
until Beverly came to talk to him.

Finally Beverly came in, along with 4 other women.  He
recognized them from the email that was sent to him
earlier.  Beverly spoke, "Bill, I want you to know that you
are now ours and that you will live here until you die. 
While you are here, you will continue to wear a chastitybelt as
when we desire you, we want you to be ready for us at all times. 
If you fail to perform, you will be punished.  But since you are
ours now, I have a special model belt for you to wear, and here
it is."  

Bill looked at the CB, and it looked just like the one he
had on, except there was no lock.  There was an electronic
mechanism instead.  "This belt has been programmed to
recognize our voice print and will only open on our
command.  I am going to put it on you now, but first we must
celebrate and just to make sure you don't get any ideas, I'm
going to secure you to this wheel while I place you in your new
CB."  She tied Bill in a standing position, spread-eagle.  She
took a key and unlocked Bill and removed his belt. 

 Then Beverly said, "Ladies, lets have a toast to our cock", and
she raised a glass of wine.  At the same time the glasses were
raised Bill's cock became erect as well.  One of the women
chuckled, "He wants to raise a toast too." Lets all welcome him
to our corporation and then each came over to Bill and wrapped
their lips on his cock and swallowed it as far as they could take
it in. Then Bev said, "Remember ladies, in order to protect our
investment we must always put his chastitybelt back on when you
are done.  If his cock refuses to cooperate I have procedure for
you to follow, but I would suggest you use it and then lock him
up immediately as I have already caught him trying to waste his

After she placed the CB on and locked it, she said, "If you
decide that you ever want to leave, all you have to do is
ask and you will be allowed to leave.  However there is one
condition - your CB will never come off!  This is made of a
diamond liquefied titanium and cannot be cut off and as I
said the electronic lock can only be opened by one of us as
long as we are on the mansion grounds.  And once you leave,
you will not be allowed back in, so I caution you to make
your decisions carefully.  Do you understand?", she asked.

Bill nodded.  "Well good, then we have an agreement then.",
said Beverly.  

Bill knew he had a good thing going for him - all he had to
was to satisfy these 5 horny women.  He was used to being
milked only on the weekends, he wondered, if he was up to
it.  He figured he would soon find out.


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