BDSM Library - Joan


Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Joan punished for shoplifting then blackmailed into further humiliation and punishment.

by Allene

 I had been shoplifting for years. It had always been so easy. I had just
grabbed a bunch of clothes and put them on in the dressing room wearing the
new things under the clothes I wore into the store.
 I was completely surprised then consumed by fear when the man stopped me
on the way out of the store and said, "I believe you have some things that
belong to the store. Come with me."
 I walked with his hand around my wrist in total humiliation sure that
everyone in the store knew I was a thief.
 He took me downstairs where they stored their stock and to a room way in
the back.
 As soon as we were inside he took some handcuffs out of a drawer and
manacled my hands behind my back. He said, "You are under arrest for
shoplifting. Will you make it easy for both of us by confessing to it?"
 I was desperate and decided to bluff."No you are wrong! I didn't take
 "In that case you are forcing me to search you."
 I was so frightened and full of guilt it did not even occur to me that I
should be searched by a female.
 As soon as he started to unbutton my blouse I realized there was no way my
bluff would work.
 I whimpered, "You don't have to do this. I admit I took some underwear."
 "You lied to me before. I will find out just what you took."
 I began to cry when my blouse was unbuttoned and he pushed it down my arms
to be caught by my handcuffs. Then he unzipped my skirt and let it slide
down my legs to the floor.
 Now the evidence was in front of him as my tiny bra and panties still had
the price tags. The bra was strapless so he just had to unhook it at the
back to take it off. I blushed when he leered at my naked breasts and then
gasped when he took them in his hands to lift and pull on them as he said,
"Why in hell would you want to steal a bra. Your tits are so firm you don't
need one."
 I didn't answer I just kind of cringed and closed my eyes to block out his
leering face. I opened them again when I felt my panties being slowly
pulled down to reveal my own pair underneath. 
 He laughed and said, "You must be really modest. Most women don't wear two
pairs of panties."
 I whimpered, The pair underneath is mine. You don't have to take them
 "Oh yes I do. You might have a third pair."
 I turned my head in embarrassment while he slowly slid them down and
blushed even more when he said, "I guess you aren't so modest after all.
You have shaved off the hair to show off your tight pussy."
 I sobbed and protested, "No! I am not showing it off. It is bikini waxed
so hair won't show around the legs of my exercise tights."
 "You must do a lot of exercise. You have a great firm body."
 After he said this he demonstrated by squeezing my butt, pressing on my
stomach and again squeezing my breasts. He finished by cupping my pussy and
pulling up on it to make me gasp as his middle finger slipped inside to
press on my clit.
 He went to his desk and brought back some lengths of rope. I asked him
what they were for but he ignored me and tied one end to my handcuffs then
looped it over a hook in the ceiling. He pulled down on the other end of
the rope until I had to lean forward to keep my shoulders from being
dislocated. This made me feel more humiliated as my breasts hung down and
moved with the tremors caused by my sobs.
 Suddenly he grabbed my ankle to pull it out to the side to tie to a ring
in the floor and then the other one so I was standing bent way over with my
legs widespread knowing that my pussy was fully visible from the back and
most likely gaping open.
 He cupped my pussy again and laughed when I moaned "No. Please no." Then
he said, "Lets find out how much jewelry you took."
 He went back to his desk as I strained my neck to watch him take out some
rubber gloves. They weren't like the rubber gloves doctors use. They were
kitchen gloves with rubber bumps on them to provide a gripping surface. He
put one on his right hand then stuck his finger in my pussy! I made a
little shriek as the bumps slid on my clit. He felt around a long time as
deep as he could rubbing my clit while I was dying of embarrassment. Even
this wasn't enough, he took out his finger and pushed it in my anus then
moved it around in a circle to stretch my sphincter muscles.
 I gasped and moaned till he took it out to step in front of me wiping off
my shit from his finger with a tissue. He pulled me up by my hair to look
at his face to say, "No luck there. Did I miss something?"
 "No I wouldn't put anything in there." I replied with tears running down
my cheeks."
 "That is just how you looked the last time you lied to me. I had better
check again without the glove."
 He went back behind me and put his finger back in my pussy then he took it
out and I felt my pussy stretch as I realized he was putting two fingers in
me then three and began pushing them in and out going deeper each time till
I was sure he was hitting my cervix. In spite of everything I could not
keep myself from getting excited and wet to the point his fingers were
making slurping sounds as they went in and out and I was beginning to pant
in excitement. If he had kept it up just a little longer I would have had
an orgasm but he didn't want that.
 He stepped in front of me to pull up my face by my hair to say with a
sneer, "You are not only a thief, you are a slut! You are getting off on
 "No! I couldn't help it. You did it to me. Please let me get dressed."
 "Not quite yet. The interview is not over but I will let you stand up."
 He took off the rope to my cuffs so I could straighten up but went back to
his desk without untying my ankles. I felt terribly exposed and hoped my
pussy lips were not wet from my juices. 
 I cried, "If I can't put on my clothes please untie my legs so I can close
 "Naw. You look good that way. I'll show you."
 He reached into a drawer and took out a polaroid camera to take a picture
of me. When it developed he brought it over to show it to me. 
 I looked like a total slut. He cut off the bottom of my legs so it looked
like I was just standing there with my hands behind my back with my legs
spread to show off my body. None of the ropes showed to explain the lewd
pose. To make it worse the humiliation I was going through made my face
just look as if I was in the throes of passion.
 He grinned at me and said, "If you aren't a good girl I will send a copy
of this to all the stores so they can keep an eye out for you."
 That broke me down completely. "No! Please no! Don't do that. I could
never go to a store again knowing they had a lewd picture of me. I'll be
good. I'll do anything you want."
 "Well since I have never caught you before I might let you off with a full
confession. How much have you stolen from this store?"
 "Just the underwear."
 "Wrong answer! You have to be about twenty-two. Shoplifters start out in
their teens.You will get two of these every time you lie."
 While he was saying this he came over to me and took two alligator clamps
out of his pocket and clipped them on my nipples.
 It felt like a little animal with sharp teeth was biting me. It really
hurt and kept hurting. My tears began to flow again. I began to confess to
the things I took that I could remember while he wrote them down in a
notebook. When I could think of nothing else. He said you are lying and
added two more clips until he was finally convinced there were no more.Then
he asked me what other stores I shopped. When I told him, he wanted to know
what I had taken from them. when I said nothing I earned two more clips on
the lips of my pussy. Now my breasts and pussy were now nearly covered with
clips. I was in agony and I confessed to things in each store as he asked
me even if I had to make up something to have at least one thing to report
to avoid more clips.
 It went on and on until I had gone so far as admitting to stealing candy
from grocery stores when I was a kid. The pain from the alligator clips was
getting worse. The pain seemed to radiate from my nipples to my breasts
causing them to swell and throb and the same thing was happening at my
pussy. I stood there trembling and shuddering from the pain. He seemed to
be through with me because he put some paper into a typewriter and began to
type. I begged for relief.
 "I have told you everything, please take off these clips and untie me. I
hurt awfully."
 "I am busy here! You have been a really naughty girl a little pain may
help you remember what can happen when you steal."
 That was ridiculous, even without the pain I would remember this
experience the rest of my life. Saying naughty girl made him sound just
like my father before he gave me a spanking which did not hurt too bad and
did not cause unending worsening pain like the clips. I decided to bargain
with him.
 "Yes I have been naughty. Why don't you take off the clips and give me a
spanking instead. I won't forget that."
 That got his attention. "Alright I will make you a deal. Five spanks in
place of each clip." I looked down to count twelve clips which seemed like
more to add up to sixty spanks.
 I had never had that many but it seemed better than continuing the present
pain including the ache in my legs from having them pulled apart. I said,
"Okay, I agree to that."
 "You agree! That is a laugh. I could whip you if I wanted as long as I
wanted I am giving you a great deal. You should thank me."
 Oh God. That seemed to be the ultimate humiliation but I was committed
now. "Thank you. Please give me sixty spanks and let me go."
 He came over to me and made a big production of removing them. I found
that when the blood returned they stung even more. He took off the clips
from my right nipple then said, "This will help get the circulation back."
 He began to rub then pull on my nipple then kneaded my breast before he
went on to the other one, He spent a lot of time on my pussy. It did make
them feel good again but I was ashamed that I was enjoying this strange man
massaging all my private parts. "Thank you, That feels better now."
 He grinned at me and said, "You are welcome. Let's get you into position."
 He went behind me and unlocked the cuffs. It was a fantastic relief to
have my hands loose so I could cross one arm over my breasts and put my
other hand over my pussy to hide them for the first time in several minutes
so I did not feel so naked while he coiled up the rope and put it and the
cuffs back in his drawer. He came back and I expected him to untie my
ankles but he just held my waist so I could keep my balance and told me to
bend over and put my hands on the floor. My knees locked to cause a greater
stretch to my inner thighs and I looked between my breasts to see that my
pussy would be pooched out behind my legs fully visible and vulnerable. I
was relieved when he put his legs beside my head because he would not be
able to see it and said, "Now we will get that nice big ass massaged." 
 He took off his belt and laid it over my back so I could see the end
hanging between my legs and asked if I was ready. I just nodded my head and
braced myself for what I expected would be terrible pain.
 I was astonished to find that it did not hurt that much. There was just a
sharp sting followed by tingling. It was not nearly as bad as the bruising
pain from my Dad's callused hand. He hit over my back to leave a stinging
sensation from the top of the left side of my cheek down to mid-thigh.
Unlike the teeth of the alligator clips the pain did not get worse it even
seemed to get less as my excitement rose. He kept whipping me very slowly
moving to my left covering every inch of my left cheek and thigh until I
could see the end of his belt beginning to hit my inner thigh. This was
more sensitive but the small increase in pain was compensated by rising
excitement caused by the helplessness of having my ankles tied, my
nakedness and the nearly constant stimulation of his belt. 
 My body began to tremor in excitement as I avidly watched the belt inch
closer and closer to my pussy. He was barely an inch from the lips when he
switched over to my right cheek to again work toward the crack of my butt.
Incredibly I felt frustrated that he had not hit my pussy because I was
breathlessly braced for that sensation.
 Again I watched tremoring and panting from the sensations that now seemed
to go to my clitoris as the belt again began it's incredibly slow movement
toward the middle. Just as it hit just missing my lips I felt this great
need to feel it's sting on my pussy and as the next lash descended I moved
my butt to my right. I moved too far! The belt hit right on the open crack
of my pussy making a new sound of "Splat!" rather than the "Slap" it had
made before and I jumped and yelped at this much greater pain which quickly
lessened as I moved left for the belt to hit the center of my cheek. I
realized that I was very close to orgasm. From that point on he just
brought the belt down in the same spot and let me move my ass to have it
hit another place. I would inch over till it hit one side or the other of
my lips to see them quiver as tingles drove into me then retreat to recover
while it hit my butt till I could work up the courage to have it hit my
pussy again. Finally I got so excited juices began to drip from my pussy
and I just moved very slightly to let it come down on one lip, then the
other, then down the center to let me see the tip hit on or just above my
clit. I began to moan and yip as orgasm after orgasm sent shockwaves
throughout my body.
 Just as I thought I might lose all control he stopped. I sank to my knees
and rubbed my bitten nipples on the rough nap of the rug as shock waves
from my orgasms began to subside. In a few moments I began to breathe
almost normally and said plaintively, "Is it over?" 
 "Yeah, It's over. Just in time too. If your orgasms had gotten any
stronger I think you would have freaked out."
 I was ashamed he knew I was so perverted I would cum from a spanking. I
didn't know what to say so I just straightened up and turned my face to
avoid looking at him while he untied my ankles.
 As soon as I was loose I dived for my clothes but he stopped me by saying
sharply, "Leave them alone! I'll let you know when you can dress!"
 He pulled me over in front of his desk then went behind it to resume
typing. I could not believe that he could be so unaffected by the
experience. I stood there still breathing erratically and trembling while
holding one arm across my breasts and the other hand over my pussy now
squeezed between my clenched legs.
 He looked up from the typewriter to tell me to put my hands by my sides
and to open my legs. It was too late to be modest so I did as he said while
he grinned at my humiliation.
 Finally he finished typing and pushed over a box of tissue saying, "Here
you should clean yourself up before putting on your clothes."
 That was total humiliation to wipe off the juices on my pussy and thighs
that proved how perverted I was to become soaked by my excitement while he
watched and grinned at me.
 After he made me pull the lips around and open to show I was completely
dry he let me dress. I was so nervous I had trouble buttoning my blouse.
 When I was dressed I felt a little more under control and asked him if I
could leave. He handed me the paper he had typed and told me read and sign
 It was my confession with a list of things I had taken and their total
value. I hadn't realized It would add up to so much! It was almost fifteen
hundred dollars. It was true except for the total since I had added false
items to avoid more clips and you could argue with the last paragraph that
said I was signing the confession with no coercion. I signed it then he
signed it and stamped it with a Notary Public seal. It looked very legal.
 I thought it was all over and asked if I could leave. I was shocked to
hear him say, "Are you kidding! Missy you just confessed to grand theft.
You are looking at ten to twenty years in jail.
 I began to cry in frustration and fear. "Oh no! I can't go to jail. I
graduate from college next year. It isn't fair! You said you would let me
off if I confessed. You have punished and humiliated me! Isn't that
 "Well, there is a chance I can still let you off easier if you are willing
to make restitution."
 Fifteen hundred would leave me broke but that was better than jail. I said
eagerly, "I'll do it. I'll go to the bank tomorrow and pay back every
 "No that is no good, the stores don't want the money it will just screw up
their bookkeeping since the losses have already been written off. What I
had in mind was corporal punishment with you paying off at a dollar a
 "Oh God I couldn't take fifteen hundred lashes I would have no skin left."
 "I didn't mean all at once. I was thinking of installments of fifty per
 I tried to determine how many weeks that was but I just couldn't think. He
told me that would be thirty weeks and then went on to say, "I know a judge
who has been willing to settle for punishment other than jail time. I will
run this by him tomorrow and do my best to sell him on the idea.
 If I had any doubt that settled it. I rationalized that in spite of the
humiliation the experience had simply excited me and although I felt
perverse it was certainly better than jail. I thanked him profusely and
said I would be glad to make restitution rather than go to jail.
 He gave me a sheet of paper and a pen and dictated the following for me to
write down.
 "Dear Judge Hooker,
      I am willing to be subjected to fifteen hundred lashes to atone for
the thefts in my confession. I hope and pray you will agree that this will
be sufficient atonement for my crimes."
 I signed it and gave it to him where he notarized my signature.
 He gave me a piece of paper with his name, Ted Devers, and his address and
told me to be there at six PM the next day to find out if the judge agreed.
 The wait was endless I couldn't sleep that night and there was no use
going to school the next day since I would never be able to concentrate on
my classes.
 Of course I was too embarrassed to discuss this with anyone. No-one I knew
would be sympathetic, especially my parents. I was sure they would prefer
me dead rather than a convict. If I had anyone to confide in I would have
known better.
 It was not till months later that I discovered this whole thing was
phoney. I could only have been charged with the underwear which would have
been just a misdemeanor and as a first offence I would have just had to pay
a fine. Also no judge would make a decision on a discussion with a cop
especially a security guard. At the time I could only think of the headline
I had seen where a man was sentenced to fifteen years for grand theft. If I
had read further I would have found he was a habitual offender.
 At the time I just huddled in my bed praying the judge would go along with
Ted's proposition. Although the orgasms I had received from the spanking
were fantastic I felt really quilty I had reacted that way and actually
hoped the rest of my whippings would just hurt so I would be normal.
 I was on his doorstep promptly at six.
 He met me with a big hug. "I did a hell of a sales job baby. He went for
it. Here is the judgement."
 It really looked legal. It was typed on county letterhead and had a case
number and was written in legal jargon. It said I was sentenced to fifteen
hundred lashes to be applied over a thirty week period or less at my option
with the stipulation that if I missed an appointment I would be arrested
and would begin a sentence of ten years at the Walla Walla State
 I was so relieved I hugged and kissed him. He kissed me back then said, "I
know why you are so happy. You think you are getting out of a jail sentence
by having orgasms."
 I blushed and told him that I had no idea why I had reacted that way.
Normally I hated to be hurt and had tried my best to avoid spankings from
my dad.
 "I don't know either. You must just be lucky but I won't be able to go as
easy on you as I did at the store. As part of the deal the judge said I was
to bring him pictures after your sessions and that you had better be good
and red and they have to be spread around so he can count the stripes to be
sure you got the whole fifty lashes. If he thinks I am being too easy he
will have you go to jail so their guards can do it."
 I had a flashback of a picture I saw in a history book where a man was
being flogged by a sheriff in colonial times. There was blood on his back
and several people watching. I was scared to death.
 "Oh Ted, please don't let that happen. You must hit me very hard. I am
being punished I shouldn't have orgasms anyway."
 "Don't worry Joanie we have a lot of lashes I'll work you up gradually so
you will be excited and a little numb when the hard ones come for the judge
to see. Do you think you can stand still for them or would you rather be
 I thought about it. Fifty lashes was less than I had taken the day before
and I had not fought my bonds but then I knew they would not be that easy.
On that session I had just turned red and to my amazement even that was
gone the next day. If the judge wanted to count the lashes I would have to
be hit hard enough to leave welts at least long enough for the photos. I
said, "This will hurt a lot more than yesterday. I am not that brave, you
should tie me up so I can't move to spoil your aim."
 "Yes that will probably be best." He went to the closet for a big box and
took out padded cuffs and rope saying "The judge gave me these cuffs. They
will keep you from getting rope burns on your wrists and ankles. He also
gave me this."
 He held up a whip with a braided leather thong about a foot and a half
long coming out of a handle.
 I had a flashback to the picture of the man being flogged and cringed, "Oh
God! That will hurt awful! Will I bleed?"
 "Don't worry I will never hit you hard enough to make you bleed. It is no
worse than the belt except it is skinnier and heavier to make definite
stripes that will be easy to count but it is soft. Here, feel it."
 I took it from him and pulled the thong through my fist. It did feel
pretty soft as if it had been soaked in oil but the fact remained it was
thinner so the pain would be concentrated instead of the wide belt.
 "Ted, I don't know if I can stand all of them on my butt. I won't be able
to sit down."
 "I know. Also they would be so close together they would be hard to
count.I will spread them around so to make it easier for you because welts
on top of welts are really painful."
 I was convinced it was him and me against the judge and believed he would
hurt me no more than necessary. 
 "Joan. We had better get on with this. The more you think about it the
more frightened you will get."
 He led me to a room that was brightly lit with no furniture except an easy
chair, large mirrors on all four walls and ropes hanging ominously from
pulleys in the ceiling and chains with padded cuffs attached to rings in
the floor.
 He told me to take off my clothes after positioning me under the ropes in
front of the mirror while he sat in the easy chair watching me. Even though
he had seen me naked before it was still very embarrassing and I removed
them slowly. Rather than tell me to hurry he seemed to enjoy the slow
strip. It suddenly occurred to me that I was doing a strip tease and
hurriedly removed the bra and panties only to be humiliated further by
being told to remove my shoes and stockings while now totally nude. He
complimented me on my body as I removed clothing especially when I took off
my bra. He loved the way they stood up firmly with no sag even though I
wore a "D" cup. I had mixed feelings over the compliments, they made me
proud that he thought I was beautiful but his compliments on my flat
stomach, my firm boobs, and my round firm butt as they appeared just
emphasized the fact that I would soon be totally naked and The skin I was
baring would soon be covered in red stinging stripes.
 Strangely I found that along with the fright and embarrassment I was
feeling excitement. I reminded my self that I was to be punished which I
thoroughly deserved for my years as a thief.
 When I was naked He took off his shirt. I complimented him on his big
chest and ridged stomach which really was attractive but at the same time
he frightened me because he now looked like the man doing the flogging in
the picture with his bare chest and black pants.
 He came over and put on my wrist cuffs and tied the rope to them then got
on his knees to grip my ankle.
 I whined, "Can't I keep my legs together? I feel obscene with them spread
because I can't hide my pussy."
 "It is for your own good baby, I can't get to your thighs otherwise and I
want to spread out the lashes as much as possible. If I hit the same place
twice you will be bruised."
 That made sense but now my legs were spread even more than at the store
and my pussy lips opened to show the pink inside in the mirror in front of
me. I looked very obscene and it made me acutely aware of it's appeal as a
target for the whip.
 Now he pulled up my arms till my stomach went concave and my breasts
lifted till the crease under them went away. Seeing myself stretched this
way in the mirror made me feel even more helpless but at the same time I
felt proud, the stretching was making my body look beautiful.
 He confirmed this by complimenting my beauty as he walked around me
fondling my firm body till he got to my left side, shook out the whip and
asked me if I was ready. I moaned and nodded my head.
 He did seem to hit easy but the whip was deceptive. Although it was soft
the oil had made it heavier than his belt and the first lash to my butt
seemed to sink in to cause a deeper pain than the sting of his belt. By the
fifth I was crying and when the next wrapped around my thighs with the ends
hitting the tender inner part I screamed.
 He stopped long enough to tell me to scream all I wanted because he had no
neighbors and it might help me take it.
 I watched the lashes creep up my thigh closer and closer to my pussy That
would be too much and I began to scream "No! No! Don't hit it!"
 He must have agreed because he skipped over it to put more on my back with
the ends coming around to leave welts on my stomach. I stared at the mirror
to see the red stripes climbing slowly up the front of my body until they
began to cover my right breast. When it was completely striped he moved to
my other side to hit the front of my thighs starting the slow march up the
other side of my stomach until my left breast was compressing and dancing
under the lash. I became hoarse from screaming just as a strange phenomenon
happened! It was no longer hurting as much and my breasts and pussy began
throbbing with excitement. The girl in the mirror was no longer me. I was
just a spectator becoming increasingly excited watching the welts appear on
her body. He began hitting directly on the front of my body starting at the
top of my breasts aimimg carefully to add stripes between the ones already
there and working down slowly until my nipples were hit causing great pain
to be followed by less as my boobies sunk and bounced from the lash. He
kept going slowly down leaving welts on my taut stomach until I saw the
girl in the mirror straing to push her hips forward to meet the lash at the
hair line until they came across the lips of her pussy. A final one  made
my pussy lips rip apart as I began a series of orgasms. He stepped behind
me and the lashes came between my legs to snap against my navel. Now the
end started working down with the thong feeling hot against my crotch while
the end worked oh so slowly but inescapably toward my clit. I was actually
straining to lift my body to get the end there sooner. When it hit  I had
such a monster orgasm I passed out.
 When I came to I was lying in a tub of cool water while he held my head
out of the water by my chin. It was amazing There was only twinges of pain
on my clit and nipples that was not even unpleasant. It was like my
experience was just a bad dream.
 I told him the way I felt in total wonderment. I had been sore for hours
after my belting at the store.
 "Yeah. I put on some pain killing salve and the cool water will help. Just
stay there, I will get you a drink."
 He brought back a tall glass of vodka and seltzer that was so strong I
choked on the first sip but it felt nice and warm inside me so I continued
to sip it while he said, "God baby you are just fantastic. I can't tell you
how excited it made me to whip that beautiful strong body. You are really
tough. You didn't quite make it to fifty lashes but I am sure the judge
will be pleased. I'll get the pictures."
 When he came back he gave me the pictures. He took them after I had passed
out but still hanging and had tied my hair to my wristcuffs with string to
hold my head up. He had taken pictures of my front back and sides. I could
hardly believe that poor girl was me. I had red stripes all over me with
dark red splotches like giant hickies covering my breasts, lower stomach,
and my bald pussy lips. My pussy lips were still gaping and a close-up he
showed me revealed my inner lips were dark red and engorged rather than
their normal pink.
 I looked at him and said. "Is this really me? This girl looks nearly dead
and I don't feel bad at all except for being really tired."
 "Yes that is you. I am sure the judge will be satisfied."
 "God, he should be. You can see I was unconscious from the pain."
 "Really? I could not tell if it was the pain or orgasms that made you pass
 I blushed again. "Actually I guess it was the combination. You must think
I am really strange to get off on pain. I know I do. I don't understand it.
I think I will do some research to see if it effects other people that
 "You will find it does but you may never know your personal explanation
since there are so many complex psychological things happening. It may be
from some repressed guilt, a release of inhibitions because you have no
choice, a desire to exhibit courage or a lot of other things including your
body's defense mechanisms.
 I began counting the stripes on the girl in the picture trying to remember
how each stripe had felt. There were more than fifty stripes!
 When I told him that he said, "No there were just forty eight. The stripes
to your back left stripes on your front when the lash curled around your
 I said, "If you just gave me twenty-five to my back we could fool the
judge into thinking I had fifty."
 "Do you want me to do that?"
 It dawned on me that the first twenty or so had just hurt and that the
pain had not turned to pure excitement until I had absorbed over thirty. I
needed the release of orgasms and said, "No. I guess that would be cheating
but could you stand back further to do all my back first with the end
hitting there then do my front with the tip hitting just my front."
 "If you want that but that will make your back hurt more."  
While I thought about it he brought my clothes and helped me dress so I
could go home. I left off my bra and panties as the straps of the bra and
waist were right on welts. When I walked and hit potholes my boobs moved to
make my tingling nipples rub on my sweater. At every stop light I rubbed my
sweater against my breasts and my wool skirt on my pussy to keep the
tingling sensation until I was embarrassed when I saw a man in the next car
grinning at me as he watched. By the time I got home I felt hot again so I
stripped. It made me excited again to be naked so I masturbated till I fell
 By the next morning my body was fine except for several small bruises
where the tips of the whip hit me. I felt very enervated and sexy. I left
off my bra and panties to enjoy the sensations as the cloth rubbed me. When
I met other girls at lunch who were talking about sex I felt very superior
knowing they had no idea the fantastic excitement I could reach. I actually
felt sorry for them for bragging about only occasional small orgasms they
could get to with straight sex. I began to look forward to my next session.
 By friday I began to have mixed feelings. Although I eventually got great
orgasms I remembered all the pure pain before I got to that point. I
finally decided that I had no choice anyway so I should give in to it to
get to the point of orgasm sooner. I was at his house promptly at six.
 He met me at the door with his shirt off and his tight black jeans. Just
seeing his muscle that would soon be working as he lashed me caused a
tingle in my clit. I was anxious to get started because the tiny orgasms I
got from masturbation during the week just frustrated me now that I knew
the absolutely crushing ones. I had gotten in the habit of getting naked as
soon as I got home to work out and began to love the look of my body. All
my former modesty was gone so I faced him while I slowly removed my clothes
so I could savor his compliments. 
 When he came to me with my cuffs I took them from him then spread my legs
even more than before to put on the ankle cuffs enjoying the fact I was
preparing myself for the pain.
 I put on my wrist cuffs and offered my wrists to him to attach the rope
and pull me up and moaned, "Tighter!" until I was stretched to the
 I realized that I was obviously a willing participant to put on my own
wrist cuffs and to open my legs so wide but I had begun to feel guilty that
I was enjoying my punishment and wanted it to start as soon as possible. I
actually hoped it would hurt too much this time for me to orgasm so I could
feel normal.
 When I was stretched he showed me something new.
 "The judge said I did a good job on you last time but  he wanted to make
it easier to count the lashes so he suggested I use this whip."
 This one was also a braided length of leather about three feet long but it
had been braided tighter to make it stiffer and had a knot on the end. It
looked really mean.
 "Oh wow! that will really hurt, won't it?"
 It isn't as bad as it looks. It is very flexible and light but since it is
thinner it will probably go a little deeper and the knot will make a
definite blotch to make them easier to count. Unfortunately I won't be able
to make one lash look like two even if I wanted to."
 "Oh God. Please don't hit my breasts or crotch with it till toward the
It did not even occur to me to ask him not to hit me there since I knew
that excruciating pain was what I needed if I was to be truly punished but
I wanted to work up to it gradually with pain to less sensitive areas.
Looking back on it I know that I was hoping I could get orgasms even to
horrible pain if I was brought to it gradually. The lashes to my butt,
thighs and stomach would be like foreplay.
 "I can do that. Let me know when you are ready for them."
 He brought one across the back of my thigh. As usual the first few hurt
really bad to make me scream and the knot made an extra pain. The pain was
bearable to the point I could count the lashes. He put them on from the
middle of the back of my thighs up to my shoulders closely spaced so he
could get twenty two lashes there without overlapping. They just hurt
without bringing on the excitement so I was happy to see him move to start
on my front.
 He started just below my breasts as I watched the stripes and blotches
from the knot going down my body in the mirror with rising excitement. At
my hips the stripes went across my lower stomach until just above the slit
of my pussy then my thighs protected my cunt as continued down to the
middle of my thighs.
 He stopped and asked if I was ready to have my breasts done. I was panting
and trembling so much from the excitement I could not speak. I just moaned
and nodded my head. 
 He put five stripes across them with the whip burying itself in the skin
then stepped in front of me to bring the whip forehand and backhand with
just the knot hitting my nipples. The pain was unreal and I began a series
of orgasms.
 He went behind me and then I saw a blur as the tip came between my legs to
make my pussy lips jerk out of shape. I just howled and came for the next
four then dropped my head in total exhaustion.
 He let me hang there throbbing and moaning while he took my pictures then
let me down to lay on the floor while I lightly caressed my burning nipples
and pussy.
 When I had calmed enough to sit up he devastated me by saying, "I have bad
news. I counted the stripes and there is only forty five. I thought I would
put on five more stripes vertically."
 "Oh God no! I can't take anymore. It isn't fair! You hit me fifty times."
 "Yeah but the ones to the nipples and pussy did not leave stripes and
those were for you. You needed them to get off. Besides, you owe them. You
didn't get fifty the first time. I will make it exciting for you."
 What he said was true but I dreaded those last five because I knew they
would just hurt.
 He went to a big closet and dragged out a table with folding legs. When it
was set up he had me lie on my back then tied my arms and legs to the table
legs. I began to cry just in anticipation of what was going to happen to
me. To my surprise he dropped the whip and went over to a drawer. He came
back with a thick pillow and a rubber penis that looked as if it was
covered with warts. He turned a switch at the base then held it against my
nipple so I could feel it vibrate.
 "I will get you excited with this so you won't mind the lashes so much."
 He jammed the pillow under my butt to raise my pussy high enough for me to
see it then began rubbing the wildly exciting dildo lightly between the
lips for awhile before pulling my lips apart with his fingers till he could
get the huge head vibrating on my clit. I yelped as it felt like electrical
shocks on it then I began to flow pussy juice and he started pushing it in
to thrill me as it stretched my channel while vibrating. When all eight
inches were in he began sliding it in and out pushing forward to make the
bumps rub on my clit. He kept it up until I was sweating and panting as I
strained to pump my hips. Just before I went into orgasm he pulled it out
to stand between my legs to bring down the whip with the knot hitting my
breasts and the lower part burying itself in my pussy. When the next one
hit my nipple I went into devastating orgasms.
 When he finished the front of my body looked like the ribs of a folding
paper fan with stripes going from the crack of my pussy to all of the skin
of my breasts.
 He took pictures while I was still on the table vibrating with
 He said, The judge will have no doubt now I give you the whole fifty. You
can count them easily. From now on we won't have to prove anything. We
might be able to give you a few less.
 When he let me up from the table I was so grateful he was doing his best
to keep my punishment to a minimum that I hugged and kissed him. To my
surprise he pushed me away. I didn't understand, it did not seem possible
for him not to be excited by my nudity and whipping me. I had to know why.
 "Ted, You know I am grateful you try to minimize my punishment and help me
have orgasms. You really excite me. Don't you want to have sex with me?"
 "I would love to, but I am afraid I may fall in love with you and not be
able to continue your punishment. It makes me sick to think you may have to
have it done by the guards. They are really mean. They aren't satisfied
till their victims bleed."
 That really scared me. "I understand. Thank you for protecting me from
them. If you have to hurt me more to keep the judge satisfied I will
 He told me he was glad I appreciated what he was doing then helped me
dress to leave.
 I was a little disappointed I did not get my cool bath or salve but I had
seen the name of the salve he had used so I stopped at a drug store on the
way home to get a couple of tubes. I was anxious to get home to get my
clothes off because I was so tender the cloth just irritated me.
 When I got home and naked I became excited again seeing my striped body in
the mirror and decided not to put on the salve to feel the tingling as long
as possible.
 I went to bed to finger my pussy but I found I had become so jaded from
the pain and his marvelous dildo that it just felt good to relax me but I
could see I could spend hours doing it without an orgasm. Suddenly I
remembered that lying on my stiff wool rug while wearing my panties to
watch TV had irritated my skin so much I had gotten up and laid down a
 I got off the bed and laid on the rug. It was wild! With my tender welts
it felt like thousands of pins were sticking me. I rolled over on my front
and rubbed my breasts and nipples against it while I buried three fingers
in my pussy and humped my hand. That worked! I had a very satisfying orgasm
so I could go to bed and instantly fall asleep.
 Fortunately I had easy classes that quarter because I went through the
week like a robot. Anytime I was not actively taking notes in lectures or
studying I was daydreaming about my experiences. I also did some research.
 My readings of psychology were counter-productive because they treated
masochism as if it was an aberration that needed to be cured and their
explanations referred to childhood trauma. I could not think of anything
bad that had happened to me as a child. I became much more interested in
books like, "The Story of O," Marquis De Sade works and others that
celebrated the joys of pain. I worked through subjects alphabetically from
corporal punishment to torture. One book really fascinated me. It talked
about nurses that were captured by the Nazis or Japanese who were able to
disconnect themselves from even the most horrendous tortures and described
a feeling of rapture which I translated to orgasms. It was a rare ability
and I was proud I could be included in this favored few. It was a fantastic
relief to find I was not a pervert especially when I discovered a Catholic
religious group called the "Flagellants" That either whipped themselves or
had others do it to get a "Religious experience" which I also assumed meant
 I began to wonder just how much pain I could endure and still be able to
cancel it out. I really appreciated the fact Ted had the large mirror and
for the most part whipped me without blocking my view. I found out why he
did it that way later on. I spent so much time looking at my naked body in
my mirror imagining the whip wrapping around my side to hit my pussy or
breasts I decided to improve on it by going to expensive women's stores
that had large dressing rooms with mirrors on all the walls so I could see
how I looked in different poses and which ones gave the best view of my
gaping pussy. It excited me to perform obscene poses so close to other
people I could hear them talking outside my door. Sometimes I stayed in
there so long a clerk would knock on the door to see if I needed help. Once
I heard a man's voice just after I had put on a tiny bra and panty set I
had brought in as an excuse to use the room. He was asking me if I needed
help obviously curious as to why I was in there so long. I thought this
might satisfy my urge to exhibit myself. I answered, "Yes, could you come
in and see if I have the right size." He probably thought I was wearing a
dress, his eyes got huge when he saw me leaning against the back mirror
wearing a tiny silk gauze G-string and tiny bra of the same material that
brazenly showed my nipples and the slit of my hair-less pussy. He coughed
in embarrassment then turned his head and said, "I think that only comes in
one size." No matter how he turned his head he could see a reflection of me
in the mirrors. I grinned at him and said, "Yes but it is loose here and
here. Can anything be done about that?" At "Here" I touched my pussy and
nipples. He coughed again but no longer looked away. I could see the front
of his pants growing a bulge as he answered, "I think you just have to
tighten the straps."
 His dick really grew when I said, "I tried that but when I do this," I
pulled my elbows back to push my nipples tight against the gauze. "Or
this," I spread my legs so wide I could see my lips open. "They just loosen
up again. See if you can fix it." 
 Sweat popped out on his forehead as he came over to me to pull the elastic
waistband higher and tighter then pulled up on the elastic going through
the crack of my ass. He got braver then and smoothed the gauze over my
pussy pushing in more than he needed to and said "Try it now." I spread my
legs while we both watched it avidly in the mirror as pink appeared then
closed them again. The gauze remained tight. He took a deep breath then
said, "I see the problem. We need to take a couple of inches out of the
elastic. Take them off and I will have our seamstress tighten them up and
you can pick them up tomorrow." I knew he meant after he left but I said
"Okay." and pulled them off to hand them to him. He stared at my nude pussy
while I slipped off the bra. I watched his dick jump under his pants.
 It was exciting at the time to make him horny but I ended up wishing I had
resisted the impulse because he followed me around like a puppy after that
ruining my chance to fantasize in front of the mirror. I was not interested
doing it for him again because he was wearing a wedding band and would only
use me to get horny for his wife.
 I tried rubbing on the rug again but by the next day my skin had healed to
the point it was just irritating rather than painful.
 By Friday I was desperate for excitement. As planned I just wore a loose
dress which I tucked up so my bare butt would be on the car seat. 
 Again he met me at the door barechested. I anxiously waited for him to
tell me how I would be punished since so far it had always been different.
It was to be wildly different.
 He seemed a little disappointed to have me take off my dress to be
instantly naked. He must have missed the strip-tease. I decided that next
time I would wear more clothes. I could always leave the panties and bra
off when I went home.
 He said, "I have good news, bad news, and other news that I don't know
whether you will like or not."
 "Okay, what is the good news."  
 "I made you a new whip. It is just leather boot strings braided together.
Feel it. It is soft and real light."
 I took it from him to study it. He had braided four boot strings together
and nailed them to a short broomstick. It was light and only about a half-
inch thick but there was a real hard knot at the ends of it that looked as
if it may dig in. In any case it was the lightest whip so far.
 I rubbed it across my nipples as I asked, "What is the bad news?"
 The judge thinks at least thirty lashes should fall on your most sensitive
parts. Your breasts and pussy. That is why I made you a smaller whip."
 That was not bad news. It excited me but I was not ready to admit to him
how much pain excited me. 
 "Oh God! I am going to be awfully sore afterward, aren't I?"
 "Possibly. Just in case I have already filled the tub with cool water."
 I thanked him for being so thoughtful and gave him a hug. Again he pushed
me away.
 Then I remembered there was more. "What is the news you aren't sure of?"
 "The judge said I always had you tied up for the whipping and I had told
him you would make retribution willingly. He wants you to take them in
certain poses untied to show you are willing."
 That would allow me to move to direct the lashes where I wanted them. I
was quick to agree.
 He took me to my room of torture. He had put pipe through the cuffs to
make a trapeze about waist high. He told me to rest my lower stomach on it
and hold on to my ankles. I would be able to see the lashes hit from
between my legs. I said excitedly, "Oh this is wild. I will be able to see
you hit my butt and pussy." 
 That seemed to interest him. "Does it help you to see them land?" 
 "Yes. Somehow it seems to make it more exciting."
 "Well your tits are obstructing your view. I can make it better."
  He left for a moment then came back to put alligator clips on my nipples
to pull them up and out to be tied to the trapeze. It hurt awful and worse
than that I knew they would be super sensitive when they were hit by the
lash but somehow this extra pain just seemed to add to my excitement.
 He straightened up and sent the whip whistling down on my ass. The lash
part barely made a line. It was the knot that was the killer. I saw a deep
red polka-dot appear on my right cheek followed by a sharp sting at the
blotch. That made me jump to cause the teeth to take a hard bite of my
nipples. He carefully placed eighteen blotches on my ass cheeks. No matter
how I tried I could not stop from flinching to get more bites on my
nipples. For the final two he put the knot right between my cheeks hitting
my ass-hole. I stood up howling which nearly jerked the clamps off my
nipples. When I leaned over again he used the opportunity to hit my anus
again. It hurt so bad the excitement of the blotches to my ass that had me
nearly to orgasm changed to pure pain. I just hung over the trapeze sobbing
my heart out while he took pictures then removed the clamps to lift me up
so I could lie on the floor.
 I choked and sobbed, "Ted. How could you do that to me. You said you would
try to go easy on me. That was terrible. My nipples are bleeding and I'll
bet my anus is too."
 He went into the bathroom to wet a washcloth he used to dab at my rectum.
The coolness felt good then he put it in front of my eyes to show me there
was no blood. Then he dabbed at my nipples.
 "I am sorry baby but I was ordered to give you at least two on the crack
of your ass. You can't blame me for your nipples. If you had stayed still
they would have been alright."
 "Maybe but I don't think anyone could stay still for that."
 "You may be right. Just rest awhile. I'll get you a drink. When he handed
it to me I drank all of it and asked for another. I sipped that one feeling
the warmth of the strong drink as the alcohol went to my head. He got two
more cold washcloths and had me lie on my back so he could put them on my
nipples and rectum.
 He said contritely, "I am sorry baby. I didn't think that whip would hurt
so bad. I will use any one you want for the rest."
 I was hurting so much I had forgotten there was more.
 "Oh God. I guess you have to give me the rest, don't you?"
 "You know I do but I will use any whip you want and go easy so you can
 It was an easy choice. There had only been one whip that had let me cum
when it hit my pussy. "Please use the one with the thong on the end."
 "Sure honey. Just let me know when you are ready."
 By then my nipple pain was reduced to tingling so I finished my drink and
said I was ready.
 He placed me on my knees close to the mirror so I would have a close-up
view. then had me spread my legs to give full access to my pussy. and put
my hands back so I could grip my ankles. when he was satisfied my legs were
spread enough  and I had my breasts pushed out for him he moved to my side
and brought down the whip. Only the thong at the end hit the bottom of my
breast to lift it and make it dance. He was a man of his word. He started
easy increasing the pain slowly to let my excitement build as the pain
blended and seemed to run down to my wet crotch. I watched the welts form
while my tits bounced wildly as if I was jumping up and down naked. He 
finished with two lashes to each nipple that I relished knowing he would
soon be hitting my pussy to make me crazy. He went from one lip to the
other. By the tenth I needed more and had caught his rhythm so I moved
slightly to have the thong hit the crack. I screamed and began my orgasms.
He stopped to say, "Hold the lips open for me baby."
 That would be the ultimate submission. Anyone whos saw me do it would know
I was suffering willingly but the submissission with the pain to follow
just excited me more.
 I put the sides of my thumbs inside the crack and pulled them open tight
against my thighs.
 The next lash hit right on my clit! I began to pant wildly as I came while
pumping out my hips to meet the lash. I was still pumping after he quit
then fell over on my side to lay there panting with shudders from after
shocks going through my body.
 When I calmed a little he picked me up to carry me to the tub but I
stopped him saying, "No! No. I want the pain to last as long as possible so
I can still feel it at home."
 "In that case I can help you."
 He slipped my dress over my head then rolled up the skirt above my waist
to hold it there with my belt. We walked out to my car that way. He picked
up his straw door mat on the way out. When I was seated he rolled up the
mat tightly and had me raise up so he could slide it under my crotch. It
was savage! It felt like hundreds of needles were poking me from just below
my clit to behind my tender rectum.
 It was a miracle I got home without wrecking my car. Every bump or
movement kept orgasms going that would make me squeal and close my eyes.
 When I got home I was so exhausted I slept for twelve hours. the next day
I was still tender enough to become excited just by squirming in my chair
in classes.
 He had given me a new toy. I decided it would be better if I had another
mat for my breasts so I went shopping. I was getting discouraged because I
could only find rubber mats when I found something even better. They were
steel brushes. Hundreds of dull pins. I bought two of them and hurried home
to rip off my clothes. I had already rolled the mat tightly and tied string
around it to keep it in a roll.
 I put it on a chair then spread my legs and let myself slowly down on it.
It hurt marvelously, especially when I leaned forward pushing it into my
clit to pick up the wire brushes. I pushed them slowly into my breasts
sinking my nipples then I leaned forward and began bouncing up and down on
the mat while I slapped the brushes into my tits in time with my drops. I
was soon in orgasm and began to slide my clit on the mat while I buried the
brushes in my tits and twisted them. Finally I couldn't stand it any longer
and rolled off onto the floor moaning and twitching with sweat rolling off
my body.
 When I had calmed enough to look in the mirror I found I had caused a lot
of damage. My pussy was raw and bleeding in a few places and my tits were
covered with blood. It scared me so bad I threw the brushes and mat in the
fireplace and set them on fire so I would not be tempted to do it again.
 I went into the bathroom to wash off the blood and put on salve. I was
relieved to see the damage was not as bad as I thought. The skin on my
nipples was too tough to be punctured and the bleeding on the rest of my
tits had stopped leaving little red dots that looked like mosquito bites.
My pussy had stopped bleeding too but it was so raw and tender it hurt when
I walked so I went to bed to lay on my back with my legs spread while I 
caressed it with salve, Incredibly just remembering the experience got me
excited enough to have another orgasm which made me go to sleep.
 My pussy felt much better when I woke up but I resolved to let Ted bring
me to orgasm from then on because I had hurt myself more than he had in the
worst experience he had given me. I was very gentle with myself till friday
to be sure I would be completely healed and super horny to help me orgasm
as soon as possible.
 When we met he had what I thought was a pleasant surprise. He showed me a
new whip. It was just a soft leather strap. I hit my leg with it and it
just caused the skin to get pink and a small sting. I thought I may need
hundreds of lashes with it to have an orgasm. Then I became suspicious.
 "This is obviously the good news. What is the catch? What is the bad
 "I don't think there is a catch unless it is how you will be bound."
 I had dressed for his strip-tease but this time he seemed to be in a hurry
for me to be nude. The second I was naked he handcuffed my hands behind my
back and led me to the torture room. There was just a single large hemp
rope hanging from the pulley. I thought I would be tied as I had been at
the store. He seemed to confirm this by running it through the chains of my
hand cuffs but then he brought it between my legs and tied it around my
waist. It was really stickery. I was reminded of the floor mat. He pulled
down on the rope with one hand while he worked it into the crack of my
pussy with the other. I gasped as a sticker hit my clit. Then yelped when
he grabbed the rope with both hands to pull it down forcing me up on my
toes to keep my weight off it.
 He grinned at me and said, "Comfy?"
 "Noo.. It hurts awful. It feels like pins are sticking me. Do you have to
tie me this way?"
 "Yes. You will get your lashes on your tits and pussy. Since this strap is
so wimpy. I thought this would add something. Look at how the lips are
pooched out."
 I looked to see a wrinkle at the top of my slit from the rope being forced
in me so far it was almost out of sight and the lips were pooched out in a
 "Oh God! Hurry and whip me. I can't stand this for long."
 "I am not quite done. Just stand higher on your toes."
 I was already on them but I strained to get higher till my legs were
shaking from the strain.
 He came back with some skinny rope and began to wrap it around the base of
my right tit. He kept making a tight coil till my poor tit was standing out
round and hard. It began to throb before he finished the other one.
 "Oooh! That is too tight. They will burst!"
 He just laughed and said, "These are tits, not a pimple. They won't
 He tied another rope to the center of the rope binding my breasts then ran
it up to the hook and pulled on it to pull up on my throbbing boobs until I
could feel my skin stretch clear around to my back.
 By now my tits were throbbing and becoming dark red from the trapped blood
while my pussy and clit were aching from the constant puncturing. I began
to beg.
 "Please whip me! Do it fast. You can hit as hard as you want! Just do it.
 "Hold on. There is just one more thing."
 He went back to the closet and dragged back a big iron pipe with shackles
on the end. He put the shackle on my right ankle then pulled on my left to
force my legs apart. That was awful. My whole weight was on the splintery
rope in my pussy and to my boobs. When he let go of the pipe after the
other shackle was on about forty more pounds was added. 
 I thought I would be cut in two and my tits felt like they may be pulled
off. I screamed "No! God! No" till he slapped my face and said, "I am
talking to you."
 I moaned piteously while he continued, "Since this whip is so wimpy you
will want sixty lashes instead of fifty so you can get thirty lashes on
your tits and thirty on your pussy. Won't you?"
 "No! No! I don't want to be hit at all. You are killing me!"
 "Well, I'll just let you think about it for awhile."
 He went over to sit in his chair watching me in terrible agony while I
tried to stay perfectly still to keep my pussy from being ripped while my
poor tits began to look purple.
 I realized he may let me hang there for hours if necessary to get me to
agree so I moaned between sobs, "Do it."
 He put his hand by his ear and said, "I didn't hear you."
 I screamed, "Do it! get it over with."
 "Do what?"  
 "Ooh Jesus! Whip my tits, and pussy sixty times."
 "Yes! Hard! Just do it. Please!"
 He began on my tits. It was awful! They were so hard the strap bounced off
them leaving a terrible burn and sting. He was very methodical going around
the balloon of my tits and then the front till every inch was hit. I was
beyond screaming I just waved my head around gibbering and moaning till
there was this new terrible pain to my pussy. It was not just the burn to
the skin. The lash pushed my inner lips into the rope to make me jump to
drive the stickers even deeper in my cunt. I think I went a little crazy. I
spaced out and then incredibly I found I was working my way to a monster
orgasm by swinging my ass to grind the pins into my clit while he burned
the lips. I don't know if he gave me all thirty or not because at the crest
of my orgasm I passed out.
 I woke up in the cool water of the tub with my tits and pussy still
throbbing with pain. I looked at my tits which were now very red with a
dark purple bruise where the rope had dug into them. I touched my pussy and
recoiled at the pain.
 I suddenly realized he was behind me when I heard, "Don't worry. I haven't
put on the salve yet. I thought you would want to be cooled down. You will
be fine." 
 I doubted it. I got out to see my pussy was the same dark shade of red as
my tits. I was astonished to see my pussy was not bleeding although my
tender inner lips were bruised.
 He helped me out of the tub to dry me then had me lie on his bed while he
gently put layer after layer of salve on me.
 It didn't help that much. I was so sore I could not even go to the store
the next day.  My only consolation was his promise when I left that on my
next session I could pick my whip and the pose I wanted to receive them.
The worst thing was he also said that I was truly amazing to be able to cum
under all that pain. I had really hoped he had not known so he would feel
sorry for me and ease off on the pain he was inflicting. I knew I would
have to pick a whip that I could stand no matter how hard he would hit me
with it.
 By using the salve with gentle massage I was well in a couple of days.
Actually I was proud of my recuperative powers and glad I was in the habit
of eating right and exercising to stay in shape. Perversely I was also
proud that Ted was in awe of the amount of pain I could take.
 By Friday I had decided that the only whip that had made me come without
horrendous pain was the light whip with the thong. Now I only had to decide
how I wanted it.
 When I was naked he led me to the other room to point out an array of
whips on the floor.
 My favorite whip was not there! Neither was the soft strap.
 There was the thonged whip he had used the first time, one with seven
tightly braided strands, a long whip I recognized as a buggy whip from
cowboy movies, the whip with the knot on the end, and a weird thing. It
looked like a ping pong paddle except it had holes drilled through it about
a half inch apart and a handle over two feet long. It was obviously to be
used on a butt. a willow switch about three feet long, and finally a wide
thick strap attached to a long handle.
 At least I was familiar with the thonged whip and it did not look as bad
as the others so I chose it.
 "Fine. What part of your body do you want it to hit?"
 I was confused. "All over, I guess."
 "No. It does not work that way. You must choose a different whip for each
body part. One for your pussy, one for your right breast one for the left
then each cheek of your ass, and each thigh."
 Picking a whip was a cruel joke. I had seven whips with seven places to
hit. I would feel them all. The only one I could consider hitting my
sensitive pussy was the thonged whip. I stared at the others trying to make
a decision. When he said, "I will give you a little break. Since there are
seven places I will hit them seven times. You will only get forty nine
lashes. Have you made up your mind?"
 It was a tiny concession but it was a concession, maybe he felt guilty
over my last session and would go easy. I was grateful I would not be hung
up again as I had been before which should make any whip bearable.Since I
could not make a decision I decided to leave it to him with exceptions.
 I want the thonged whip on my pussy at the end and the paddle is obviously
for a butt-cheek. I don't know about the others. You must know which whip
is best for a part. I will leave it to you."
 "Fine. Go over and put on your wrist cuffs. Since you are letting me
choose I won't stretch you tight."
 I thought that was a real concession and thanked him profusely. When he
was done my hands were just above my head high enough to keep my arms above
my breasts and my legs although widely spread were not pulled open so far
the inner thighs ached as they usually were. I actually felt comfortable
and thanked him again.
 "You're welcome. Since you are being so nice I will give you another break
and let you rest betwwn spots."
 "Oh thank you. I am sure I will need time to recover." How can I thank
 "Well I am a little tense. If you want I will loosen your wrist ropes so
you can get on your knees to suck my dick."
 I had never done that and it seemed terribly shameful to agree to do such
a disgusting thing.
 "No! I have never done that! It sounds disgusting."
 "Okay. I will just take off the tension by whipping you. I'll start on
that fine ass."
 I had noticed when he was pulling up my wrists that he had put another
mirror on the ceiling which let me see my butt. I stood there shaking with
fear as he picked up the paddle and moved away from me sliding the paddle
over my butt till it was centered on my right cheek. He pulled it way back.
I heard the air whistling through the holes and then a fantastic burn as it
sunk into the loose muscles of my butt since I had not been stretched. The
holes in the paddle served two purposes. It cut wind resistance and caused
my flesh to go into them to leave dots even redder than the rest of the
area. I screamed on each one that were all put on the same spot of my
cheek. That proved to be a good thing. It was so bad my nerves went dead so
the last few were not nearly so bad on my butt that I was now keeping very
 He gave me a nice break by fondling my red swollen butt cheek until the
sting and burn receded.
 Then he picked up the strap. It was very heavy and I knew I would be badly
bruised. Even though I tried to keep the muscles tight it buried itself in
my ass and worse when I screamed loudly when the tip went between my butt
cheeks to rip it open he aimed to make them all go there.
 When the ordeal was over he let me hang there for a while with tears
rolling out of my eyes sobbing my heart out knowing there was no way I
could overcome this much pain. Again he stroked my swollen cheek until the
pain lessened.
 When I got my breath he picked up the willow switch to step forward and to
stand just enough to my side to keep my body in view in the mirror. I had
hoped he would hit the back and front of my thighs but this was not to be.
It whistled through the air and hit my sensitive inner thigh. It hurt
terribly and worse there were delays while he would rest the tip on my
inner thigh to aim for the next lash. I watched the red lines creeping
closer to my pussy. Finally it was over and he stroked up and down on my
striped thigh letting his thumb slip into my open gash on the up strokes.
That helped and incredibly I saw his thumb getting wet from my juices.
 He  picked up the buggy whip. It was twice as bad. I became mindless with
pain while it sunk in to leave purplish welts laddering from the middle of
my thigh to just barely missing the lips of my pussy.
 Again there was no way I could overcome this much pain all to fresh nerves
and I was on the verge of passing out when he finished and said, "I will
give you a little break."
 I wanted to pass out to stop the pain! I begged him to get it over with
but he refused saying, "No. You need time to recover."
 He let me stand there on my burning, quivering legs until I began taking
deep breaths and stopped sobbing enough for him to give me a drink of
water. Then he fondled my breasts reminding me they were about to explode
in pain. I gasped and moaned, "No. Please no more. I will suck your cock
for you if you stop."
 "You know I can't stop. You have to take them all but I may not hit as
 Even that sounded good to me. "Please let me suck it. I want you to be
grateful to me. I promise to make it good for you."
 He reluctantly agreed as if he was doing me a great favor and loosened the
ropes to help me to my knees. He pulled his pants and shorts to his knees
to reveal a gnarly big dick so hard it was pointing straight up. He told me
to open my mouth and pushed it down to press on the roof of my mouth. It
tasted terrible. He must have not washed it in weeks and  he made my
humiliation last as long as possible. Every time I could tell from his
breathing that he was about to cum he would pull it out to have me lick and
suck on his balls till he calmed down. 
 Even though I dreaded the idea of having his snot-like cum shooting into
my mouth I wanted to get it over with so I sucked him as hard and fast as I
could. He finally made a grunt and came. It would have been better to have
him cum in my mouth. He added to my humiliation by jerking out his dick to
shoot cum all over my eyes and face. Even that was not enough degradation.
He used his finger to scrape the cum off my face and made me suck it off
his finger.
 I was so ashamed I could not look at him while he pulled me back up by the
ropes to my hand cuffs.
 When I was back in position he picked up the whip with the small braided
 When he hit me with it my right tit seemed to explode with pain. The
thongs were braided so tightly it was like being hit with wire. I also
found it was worse not to have my tits pulled tight by stretching me. Being
loose it was ripped into grotesque shapes with every lash. If he was being
easy on me now he would have ripped off my tits by doing it hard. When he
finished my tit was glowing with red stripes and seemed to have swollen
tight. He confirmed that by fondling it and saying, "It is nice and round
and firm now. I will get the other to match."
 He picked up the whip with the knot and although he did not hit as hard he
tried to hit my nipple with the knot on every lash.
 Incredibly it began to excite me. I watched my nipple avidly as it went
out of sight from the knot only to pop out harder than ever for the next
while I pumped my hips trying to rub my engorged clit that seemed to twinge
with each lash.
 He quickly picked up the thonged whip and went behind me to bring the ends
between my legs to slap against the lips and my clit with a loud, "Splat!"
I got his cadence and began to squat to meet the thongs as my orgasms
became breathtaking.
 Finally it was over and he let me hang there for awhile panting and
shuddering with my body glowing with perspiration and juice drooling from
my tortured pussy.
 When I began to breath deeply  accentuating my maroon breasts he got me
loose and carried my limp, exhausted body to the cool tub.
 The burning stopped immediately. I rocked my body to let the water swirl
around my floating breasts. Then I began to caress my pussy that had
brought me to new heights of excitement. 
 He stared at me in absolute wonder then said, "You are unbelievable! I
know that must have been a terrible ordeal but you were shuddering in
obvious orgasm and pushing down to open your pussy even more to meet the
 "It was only the last part that excited me. Everything in front of that
was just pure pain. Since I have suffered so much I may go to the judge to
see if he will lessen my sentence."
 He looked shocked and dismayed. "That is a terrible idea. You are so
beautiful in person I am sure he would just want his guards to do it so he
could watch. Once he found out you are able to have orgasms from pain he
would make it worse so you would just be punished. To make it better for
you next time we will just use the thonged whip and you will be untied so
you can dodge if it gets too much."
 I got a picture in my mind of two burly guards whipping me with the
terrible tightly braided whip while the judge yelled "Harder! Harder!" from
his chair. I shuddered and said, "Really? That would be wonderful. Could
you just give me thirty with the thonged whip then finish with the little
strap on my nipples and pussy? I will hold my pussy lips open for you. If
you want you can hold them open with the clips."
 I could tell the idea excited him. "Sure. I would be glad to do that for
you. The clips are a good idea. You get so excited you may let your lips
 This time I was a long time healing. My bruises did not fade away until
the fourth day. I was consoled in the knowledge that my next session would
be pure excitement. He had even said I could control the cadence and ask to
be hit softer or harder. I could even pick my pose!
      Once the soreness went away time dragged as I looked forward to my
next experience. I was disappointed when he called me friday to say he had
to work a little late but he told me where he had hidden a key to his house
so I could get in and be ready for him as soon as he got back.
 I decided to go early so I would have time to work up my excitement with a
little masturbation in the torture room while I fantasized over my coming
 Once I got in his house I became curious about the drawers and closets
where he stored his punishment things. I thought I might find a whip I
would like even better. There were frightening things in there. "C" clamps
that could crush my nipples, Gobs of alligator clamps in different sizes
some so strong I couldn't let them stay on my finger and dozens of
different whips and paddles. One whip was just terrible. It was made of
four lengths of barbed wire. There would be no way I could be hit by it
without bleeding a lot even if the lashes were easy. I shuddered at the
thought and was happy that Ted thought I had suffered enough to let me off
 Another drawer contained a soldering iron that had a hole drilled in the
end to hold the letter "T" made from wire. It was obvious this would be
used to brand his initial on skin. On further checking I saw he had all the
letters made. He could brand his entire name if he wanted!
 I became frightened he might get mad at me later and decide to use the
barbed wire whip and possibly brand my breasts or pussy. I decided to
search the house to find my confession. Without that evidence I might be
able to get a lawyer to commute my sentence. 
 I found a big four drawer file cabinet in his office. I was sure my
confession was in it but it was locked. My dad had lost the key to his
cabinet so I knew it was easy to break the lock. I was really tempted
because he had a big tool kit in the corner he must have used to build his
tables and stretching devices I had found in the closet. Unfortunately he
would know it was broken and who did it. I decided to wait and see if he
would really be easy on me. If not I could now get into his house while he
was at work to get it.
 I decided to go back to my original plan to work myself up to my coming
experience. I had barely undressed when I heard his car door slam and the
front door open. He was very angry! I was relieved to find out he was not
mad at me but at his boss for making him work overtime to guard a truck
that was being unloaded.
 I didn't want him to be in that mood with me under his whip.
 "I am sorry. Would you like me to suck your dick so you can feel better?"
 "Yeah. That might mellow me out."
 "Shall we go to your bed?"
 "Naw. I like it better with you kneeling like a cheap hooker. You still
have too damn much pride."
 "That hurt. I really wanted to be in bed with him to make it seem like
normal sex. He obviously enjoyed humiliating me and making sure I would not
get any enjoyment.
 He took off his uniform and sat on the edge of his chair so his dick and
balls could hang over. I was surprised and dismayed to see it was soft.
That meant it would take more time for him to get off.
 When I knelt between his legs he lifted my chin to look at my face and
said, "That big dick just makes your mouth water doesn't it slut?"
 That was not true. Actually I felt a little sick. I was only doing it to
get him out of his nasty mood but there was no use arguing the point. I
mumbled, "Yes." 
 "Well then show some appreciation. Beg me to let you suck it."
 I cringed thinking even a cheap hooker would balk at that but I did not
have the option to say no. I whined, "Please Ted. Please let me suck your
beautiful dick."
 "Well alright but you had better do a good job. If I feel teeth you are in
deep shit."
 I picked up his limp dick to put it in my mouth but that was wrong.
 "Hold it. No hands. Just mouth, lips and tongue. I'll make sure you don't
 He went over to his drawer to bring back some twine and two alligator
clips. He tied the twine around my wrists and to the clips then put the
clips on each lip of my pussy. The bastard let them snap shut and I jumped
and yelped as it felt like two rats had bit me.
 Actually he did me a favor I began to forget the humiliation as he
directed me to lick his balls and the head of his dick because the bite to
my lips with my hands so close made it natural to begin rubbing my clit. As
my excitement rose I began gobbling his dick with gusto ignoring his
comments about me being a whore and slut. Just as he and I were about to
cum he grabbed the back of my head and jammed his dick down my throat. I
panicked because I was choking and couldn't breathe. I jerked up my hands
to push him away ripping the clamps out of my pussy causing a tearing pain.
He was too strong for me to push away! I thought I might pass out from a
lack of air when his dick got soft enough for me to suck air around it.
 When he took out his dick he said, "You are a pretty good cocksucker for
such a classy cunt. You could probably make a living from it. Would you
like me to have some friends contact you?"
 The idea of sucking strange men without being forced into it was too much
to muse on. I said, "I only want to suck your dick."
 "Thanks. I like that idea.
 He reached down to take off my clips and found they were loose. He looked
at me suspiciously and said, "When did you take off the clips."
 "I didn't. I ripped them off when you came."
 He had me stand up so he could see the scraped skin on my cunt then looked
up at me to say, "Wow! You really like an extra burst of pain when you cum,
don't you baby."
 The idiot thought I had cum when he did. I couldn't let that go by. 
 "Actually I did it when your dick went down my throat choking me."
 "Yeah. It takes timing to be able to breathe around a dick in your throat.
We will keep working on it."
 Shit! Now he thought I liked sucking him. I may have been better off not
 Now it was time to whip me.
 He laid out the thong whip and the small strap then said, "Since this will
be easy you don't need to be tied. You had better not try to get away
though. If you do I will put big safety pins through your nipples and cunt
and tie you with them."
 I shuddered at the thought. I had seen the huge pins in his drawer and
wondered why he had them. Now I knew.
 I babbled, "I won't move unless you want me to. I promise!"
 "You better not. You can cause real damage fighting those pins."
 He placed me under the ceiling mirror and facing the wall mirror then had
me bend over telling me I could see the lashes hit in the mirror on the
other wall through my legs.
 He really was nice! The thongs barely stung as I watched my butt redden.
By the sixth. I actually asked him to hit harder but he said he didn't need
to and my ass was just too tough. He told me to pull my ass cheeks apart
with my hands. That did it! The thongs went into the tender crack of my ass
to hit my anus and although he hit no harder the pain doubled.
 I was beginning to pant and shudder when he brought out a foot stool for
me to kneel on. He told me to put my hands on top of my head and push out
my tits. When I did the thongs began making my tits red as they gyrated
wildly. By the time he had finished the ten I was so excited I could hardly
wait for him to start on my pussy.
 He had me stand with my legs spread with my hands on my butt to push my
hips forward. He began to swing the whip around in a circle like a soft
ball pitcher just fractions of an inch from my pussy.I pushed forward to
have the thongs bury in it then back off only to push forward again till I
was pumping in time with the lashes. That did it! My orgasms became so
great I could not stand up and dropped to my knees still pumping while he
picked up the strap and began hitting my nipples. I grabbed the bases of my
tits to squeeze them and push out the nipples. 
 He stopped and put the foot stool under my butt. I fell back on it then
spread my legs in a split like a cheerleader and grabbed my lips with
thumbs and forefingers to stretch them widely apart so the whole strap
could hit inside. He didn't stop at ten he kept hitting me until I could
not cum any more and rolled off the stool onto the floor.
 I laid there pinching my nipples and pushing my fingers into my pussy
until I could talk. 
 I got up on my knees and hugged his legs murmuring "Thank you. You are
wonderful. I never knew I could feel this way."
 "You are most welcome baby. Now rest. I will get you a drink."
 I laid there caressing the nipples and clit that had brought on this
fantastic experience. I noticed that he had come back and was leering at
me. I knew I must be the embodiment of all sluts but I just didn't care. At
that point I would have done it on the fifty yard line in front of a
stadium full of people.
 He stopped me by saying, Here. Take this."  He held out a glass of
whiskey. After a few swallows that burned my throat. I began to calm down.
 "I have more good news. You know that mirror I put on the ceiling?"
"Oh yes! Thank you. It allowed me to see my butt being hit."
 "Yeah. Well it isn't a mirror. It is one-way glass and I mounted a cam
corder in the attic. I have a great tape of your orgasms. I think you will
want to watch it over and over."
 That was an understatement. As soon as I left I rushed to a video store to
rent a VCR. I watched it over and over including slow motion and frame by
frame. I swear if it had been anyone else I would have been sure the tape
was faked. By just watching I could feel the lashes and with the vibrating
dildo he loaned me I could cum every day till I went to sleep. The more I
watched it the more I wondered if the movies I had seen where girls were
whipped were really faked. The way I was screaming and contorting my face
you could not be sure if I was in pain or orgasm. The movie people might
just have girls like me that could get off on it.
 About wednesday I remembered his parting comments and became frightened.
He had said that since that session had given me so much pleasure he would
have to plan something much more severe for next time so I could actually
be punished. At the time I had been so excited I had agreed I owed more
pain but now I began to picture myself hanging from pins through my nipples
while being hit with barbed wire. I became more and more frightened as I
remembered the instruments of pure torture in his closets. 
 I would never know. On the way home from school there was a news flash on
my radio saying Ted had been shot trying to apprehend a criminal and was
not likely to live. It immediately occurred to me that someone would be
going through his things if he died and they would find my confession. I
changed course to his house and found the key. I went directly to his
office and used his tools to break in to the cabinet. In the top drawer I
found my confession along with other girl's. There was also a folder full
of paper with the county courthouse letterhead. By opening the top drawer
the other drawers were unlocked. I opened them to find hundreds of video
tapes. I went to his kitchen and found a couple of large garbage bags and
emptied every thing in the cabinet. As an after thought I went to the
torture room to get my favorite whips.
 I occurred to me the cops might drop by looking for a relative so I sped
out of there directly home.
 I sorted out the paper and went through the large manila envelopes till I
found one with my name on it. My confession and sentence was in it along
with some more pages with notes describing my punishments in detail with my
reactions to each one and the description of the next punishment planned.
His final note on his plans for me made me happy he had been shot. It said,
 "I believe Joan is now completely submissive. She has agreed to severe
punishments to her tits and pussy, has begged me to let her suck my cock
and in the last session took her punishments without restraints and
actively participated in punishments to her most sensitive parts reaching
multiple orgasms in the process.
 I believe she is ready to go into the next phase. I am going to tell her I
love her and can't do what the "Judge" wants me to do unless she is willing
to ask me to do it. If not I will have to inform the "Judge" that his
guards will have to do it in their new sound-proof interrogation room. I
think she will beg me to do it rather than have them torture her. At that
point I will tell her I was ordered to pierce her nipples for rings to keep
her in restraint then whip her butt with the barbed wire whip and her
breasts and pussy with rose branches till she bleeds. I will tell her if
the guards do it they will use the barbed wire on all three places for the
full fifty lashes while I will quit as soon as there is enough bleeding to
make the "Judge" think she got all fifty. The truth is I will whip her till
she has passed out and is hanging by her nipples. I have a Japanese market
that will love that tape."
 I realized I had been "Conned" and worse I would have gone along with him
even on this fantastic ordeal since I had already decided the "Judge" and
his guards must be horribly sadistic. Anything Ted done would have been
better than submitting to them.     
 I began shuffling through his correspondence and found letters thanking
him for video tapes saying their check was enclosed or notes of rejection
saying the tapes were too severe with the suggestion he submit them to
outlets in Mexico or Japan.
 I began to read the confessions. I decided to do it chronologically to see
how this had got started. The oldest was six years ago and the first of
twenty girls.
 It seemed he had begun by accident. He had picked up a twelve year old
girl for shoplifting and she had begged him not to notify the police or her
parents because they would kill her. She offered to let him spank her with
a willow switch like her dad would only longer and harder. Interestingly he
used the same format of lashes in payment but those who had not taken very
much had to take more lashes per dollar. After the first two girls no-one
got less than five hundred lashes.
 I read his notes on the first girl. On the first two sessions he was
satisfied to whip her butt on top of her panties but then he said the girl
complained that her butt was so sore the next day she was afraid her folks
would notice the face she made when she sat down. He said that when he
suggested spreading the lashes all over her body she agreed even though her
body would have to be nude. She obviously began to enjoy it because on her
third visit she wore a bikini bathing suit under her clothes and asked him
to mark around it with a washable magic marker and just hit her where the
marks would be hidden. He was amazed and delighted when she turned her back
for the marking and found she had tucked the seat of her suit into the
crack of her ass. That meant that all fifty lashes would hit her on the
crack of her ass, her breasts and the small triangle covering her pussy.His
delight increased when he said she should be tied up so she would not move
to spoil his aim and she not only agreed but suggested her legs should be
spread so he would not hit her thighs to show the marks. He must not have
hit as hard then as he did with me. That many lashes on such a small area
would have caused bleeding.  He said she screamed at first from the lashes
to the crack of her ass and to the nipples of her small breasts but her
screams had turned to moans when he got to her pussy and the pain put her
into some sort of "Rapture." He was still dumb enough at that time not to 
realize she had reached orgasm from pain alone.
 He caught on at the next session when she brought a leather whip she had
made by braiding leather bootlaces and offered to spread her legs into the
"Splits" for the lashes if he would use the whip rather than the switch. He
couldn't miss that because he said the whip became soaked from the juices
coming from her pussy. She kept coming long after she had repaid her debt
and although he could not hurt her as much as he wanted in fear her folks
would find out he missed her a lot when her father was transferred out of
 I recognized the next woman. She was a single woman about thirty with huge
tits who worked at the student store. She admitted to being arrested before
and said the judge told her if he saw her again she would be put in jail.
He said she cried hysterically saying she would lose the house she had
saved for years to make the down payment, her car, and her job. She offered
to do anything if he would let her off. He said he assumed she meant sexual
favors since she leaned over his desk to show her ample boobs. Then he said
a strange thing, "Naturally I was not interested in sex with a woman when I
had sweet little Joe."  This explained why his only sex with me was
demeaning blow jobs. He hated women, he was a faggot and possibly a
 In spite of the sexually charged situation of being nude in front of him
she could never convert the pain to excitement. He said she would begin to
cry before she even had her clothes off. He loved to hit her massive tits
and hit them with every thing imaginable. Whips, five foot long willow
switches, bamboo canes, wooden paddles and even a billy club. He said that
she would often show up for a session still showing bruises from the last.
He only gave her one break. In one session she showed up with so many
bruises from her last session where he had used a rubber hose on her tits
for forty lashes that she came through the door crying. She told him she
could not take it any more and decided she would go to jail. He told her
that if she sucked him off he would let her choose the whip and where she
would be hit. He made it as demeaning as possible. She had to crawl to him
with her breasts dragging across the wool carpet and then made her beg to
kiss his ass and suck him. He even made her stick her tongue in his ass-
hole. When that ordeal was over she chose a strap to be used on her butt
and back. He said he hit her so hard he was drenched in sweat and his arm
got sore. He thought it was funny she had to drive home over a rutty road
with her flaming ass.
 I could never see her again without imagining the way her tits would look
while being hit with all those instruments.
 He said he did not want to forget how her tits looked under torture. That
is when he installed his first camcorder. by the time he had got to me he
had them in all four walls and the ceiling so his view would never be
 He was busy for awhile. He picked up two more girls so he was scheduled on
monday, wednesday and friday. Unfortunately for him they had not stolen
much so he was only able to give them five hundred lashes and that only by
inventing the cruel judge and guards. They could not get off on it either
and were willing to blow him with dildos crammed up their asses or pussies.
Sometimes in both in order to be able to pick their whip.
 I was reading till two o'clock in the morning. There were eight girls
including me that reached orgasms. Four of them were still active like me
still owing lashes. I planned to contact them  and two other girls that
hated it to give them their confessions and let them know they had nothing
to worry about.  There was another girl named Jan I wanted to meet just
because she was so incredible. She had continued to come to him long after
she had paid her debt. She not only got off on the things he would do she
even suggested things to cause so much pain she must have had to stay over
sometimes just to recover. She told him she was a slut and did not care who
knew. She had him brand her left tit with "Slut," Her right with whore, and
finally had him burn off her pussy hair with a candle and brand her pussy
by writing "Cocksucker up her right lip just above the slit and down the
left one. Since he had to put them on one letter at a time he had done it
two letters at a session. It was at the end of the sessions after the area
being branded had been whipped. She was also the girl who had given him the
barbed wire whip.
 I had an orgasm just reading about her while pinching my clit and had to
wonder when if ever I would have refused his punishments. I had already
admitted I would have gone along with his next plan for me.
 I then began sorting the video tapes. They all had stick on tapes with
just the girls first name. There were a lot with my name on them more than
I had sessions but then I remembered there would be a tape for each camera.
By the time I had them all sorted by name and date taken it was daylight
and I fell into bed exhausted.
 I slept until a barking dog woke me at eleven. I decided that since she
was so handy I would take the confession to Marie at the student store and
I could see her during her noon hour. I got there just before noon and
caught her just as she was leaving to go to lunch. I went to her and said I
would like to take her to lunch because I had something private to discuss
with her. She looked puzzled but followed me to my car.
 When she got in she said, "What is all this about?"
 I told her that we had something in common since we had both been punished
by Ted and I had her confession that I would give to her.
 She began to cry between sobs saying, "How did you find out? He promised
only he and the judge would know. I am so ashamed."
 I told her not to worry and that I would not tell anyone. I had brought
her confession so she could burn it and not have to worry about anyone
finding out since Ted was dead.
 "But how did you get it from the judge?"
 When I told her there was no judge and that Ted had made him up and used
the judges name on the sentence Ted had determined.
 She did not want to believe it. "But I saw the sentence! It was perfectly
legal and came from the courthouse. Even though the whipping was terrible
it was better than losing everything by going to jail."
 I gave her the confession and sentence saying, Look closely at them. They
were both typed on the same typewriter. See how the "T" is crooked and the
"M" is blurred."
 "Oh God! Now I don't know what to think. I would have gone to jail if he
had turned me in and I am grateful for that but I hate the fact that he
progressively made the punishment worse to keep me coming rather than
suffer jail along with what I had already repaid. As bad as it was there
was an end in sight and when I got to the point of not being able to take
any more he would give me a lighter session."
 I know. There is more. Here are the notes he took saying what he did to
 She began to cry again as she read them saying, "Oh God. My breasts are
aching just remembering this. Towards the end they received almost all the
 "These notes aren't complete. It was even worse. I didn't just take off my
clothes. He made me do an obscene strip-tease shaking my breasts and
slapping them together."
 She read on then sobbed and said, "Did he hit your breasts with a billy
club, or weighted rubber hose?" 
 "No. Just whips, or straps."
 "How many sessions did you have?"
 "Five. I had twenty five to go."
 "Wow! You would have taken a lot. I only had eighteen sessions. You have
pretty large boobs too. Eventually he would have used clubs on them. You
can't imagine that pain. My breasts would be sore all week."
 She continued to read then sobbed again saying "Oh God. He tells about the
time he made me suck him. I am so ashamed. You have to understand I was
desperate to get a lighter session. My breasts were a solid bruise."
 "I understand. I did it too."
 She seemed relieved then said, The note is not complete.Before he made me
crawl to him with my hands cuffed behind my back he spread a bucket of
cockle burrs on the rug.My breasts and belly were raw by the time I got to
 Perversely that excited me. I decided to find some so I could see what
that felt like.
 She finished reading then looked up with alarm. "Where are the rest of the
notes? I had eighteen sessions. I can't bear to think someone may read
about them."
 I told her not to worry about that. I had taken every piece of paper from
his filing cabinet and desk that had writing on it and dumped it in garbage
bags. The notes did not have page numbers so I could only collate them by
dates. I did not have time to finish and was sure I had the rest of the
 Then I got curious. "What would be worse than this that would make you so
 "Oh God. I guess you will read it anyway so I will tell you so you can
make sure you have found it so I can burn it.
 Later on he began giving me options of punishments. If I wanted the lesser
one I would have to do something vile for him and then beg for the lesser
punishment. Once he was drinking beer when I got there and after I was
stripped and kneeling in front of him he showed me a metal chain on the end
of a handle and a thin leather strap."
 I broke in to say excitedly "I know that strap. He used it on me."
 "Then you can appreciate how much better that would be than the chain. He
said I could have the chain hit my breasts or the strap hit my butt and
pussy. Naturally I wanted the strap since my breasts were still sore. The
payment was terrible. He said he had to piss and if I wanted the strap I
would have to drink his piss. I just could not stand the thought of that
chain hitting my tits. I agreed. He had to piss a lot. It made me sick and
I had to run to the toilet to throw up while he laughed at me.
 Then he had me lie on the floor and put ankle cuffs on me with rope going
to the tops of the opposite walls. He pulled me up till I was resting on my
shoulders and my legs were spread wider than they had ever been before.
Then he went behind me to do my butt. He cheated. Part of the strap hit my
butt at the crack but the end was hitting my pussy. After my other tortures
it felt almost pleasant because he started easy and increased the pain
gradually. After twenty-five there he moved to my front to put them dead
center on my pussy that had opened from my legs being spread so wide. I
don't know what happened. It was exciting me and I began to have orgasms.
Worst of all he knew it and began to call me a slut or whore with each
 I said, "Don't be ashamed. It is a defense mechanism to conquer the pain.
It happened to me too."
 "It gets worse. At the next session he had a boy about ten years old with
him he introduced as 'Joe.' He told me that Joe was mad at his mother so he
had told him he could take it out on me. This time he had the chain and a
leather thonged whip. He said I could either have him use the chain on me
or the boy use the whip. I was suspicious. What do I have to do to have the
boy do it?"
 "Nothing special. You will like it. You just have to spread your legs
standing untied and ask for the lashes to your pussy. by counting from one
to fifty he will hit you at each count. You can make it last as long as you
want. The only catch is that if you move out of position I will tie you and
give the remainder of your lashes with this chain. For the fun part. When
this is over you can suck his dick."God, That was sick. He was just a
little boy but that chain would ruin my pussy. I begged him to let me rest
my shoulders against the wall to help me stay in position. He agreed but
left for a moment to go in the other room."
 I knew what that was for. With her on the far wall he would want to zoom
in with the camcorder.
 I leaned against the wall with my hips forward and legs spread. I could
see myself in the mirror on the opposite wall. I looked utterly obscene
and felt worse seeing the boy grinning at me. Ted came back swinging the
chain ominously. I knew I had to stand still no matter what I felt. They
stood in front of me eagerly and I remembered I had to ask for them. When I
said 'One.' I delayed a moment to absorb the pain to my open lips then said
'Two' even though the pain was worse than the strap I began to get excited.
I began counting faster and faster until orgasms started in the thirties
and got stronger and stronger. At fifty he stopped and I dropped to my
knees to take off his jeans and take all of his hard little dick in my
 "Do you understand now. I can't let anyone see that. I had become such a
perverted slut I enjoyed the whipping and even sucking a little kid. I was
so ashamed all week that on the next session I asked Ted to use the barbed
wire whip from my thighs to my shoulders in the back and from my thighs to
the top of my breasts in the front. I was so sore I had to stay over and
call in sick the next day so he could put salve on my cuts but I was glad
because it had hurt too much to reach orgasm and I felt the punishment was
right to pay for my disgusting behavior."
 I could hardly wait to see that tape. I promised to find the rest of the
notes and hurried her out of the car so I could rush down to buy the best
VCR available even though that meant I would be skipping a lot of meals.
 Her tapes were fantastic! I could hardly believe she had the courage to
keep coming back. I did not blame her for her orgasms when the boy whipped
her. He did not hit her really hard although her pussy lips twisted and
contorted with each lash which I knew had to provide fabulous stimulation
to her clitoris. I would have sucked that little boy until he was totally
 I could see it was going to take a long time for me to see all the tapes.I
ran the boy tape in slow motion since he had zoomed in so all you could see
was her torso with great close-ups of the lips contorting. I would lay back
watching them while using the strap on my own pussy in time with the lashes
she asked for and began to cum about the same time she did.
 The tape where he used the barbed wire on her was just too much. She
screamed herself hoarse by the time he had got to the top of her butt. It
was so bad that she passed out twice. When she did he just slapped her face
with a wet towel till she was conscious and moaning then continued. At the
end blood was running down her legs in rivulets. It made me feel sick and I
did not watch it again.
 He must have known how guilty the little boy made her feel and that it
might stop her from coming back because he never appeared again.
 He loved torturing her big tits. In one tape he tightened the big "C"
clamps on her nipples so tight she was blubbering in pain then hung her
from the ceiling horizontally to tie big dumbbells to the clamps to stretch
her tits into narrow cones. Then he tied her head up out of the way with
twine in her hair and whipped her tits to make the weights bounce. He also
put cords around the bases to balloon them and tied the cords to a hook to
lift her entirely off the floor and then they were whipped.
 Occasionally he would just use a paddle or light whip on her pussy to make
her cum so he could call her a slut and pervert for getting an orgasm.
 Towards the end he put big metal rings through her nipples making the
holes with a nail and from then on he used them to hold her in position. By
the last tape her breasts were covered with stretch marks and scars.
 After the marathon of watching all her tapes I decided to just watch one
per night of the other girls to allow me to get an orgasm every night for a
long time.
 That gave me time to match up all the notes and make sure I had all of
Marie's. There was one note she had not mentioned and was not on tape. He
said that he was degrading her fat and huge tits and said her pussy was so
huge he could get his fist in it. She begged him to do it and he did
wearing the rubber gloves with warts. He said she liked that so much he
used it as a reward when she suggested extreme punishments. It turned out
that not only did she ask for the barbed wire whipping she also asked to be
hung up by her tits and had brought him the rings for her nipples with a
standard unsharpened nail to make the hole.
 I thought she had suffered enough so when I brought her the rest of the
notes I lied and said I had not read them.
 I suddenly realized that with the time taken in reading all the notes, and
watching the tapes I had missed a lot of school.
 After one class the professor said he wanted to talk to me. He told me
that considering the classes I had missed and my poor grade on the last
test he though it best for me to drop his class and take an incomplete
rather than flunking out. I couldn't do that. My dead father had left a
scholarship fund that demanded a minimum of fifteen credit hours and a "B"
average if I dropped my weekly allowance would stop until I had that
minimum back.
 I missed the orgasms from whipping so decided to see if I could sell the
professor on an idea.
      "Oh please Sir. I can't do that. My dad used to whip me when I was
bad. If you give me some time to catch up you could provide my motivation
by whipping me every Friday till I have a "B"."
 He coughed then said, "Is whipping a euphemism for a little hand
 "No. With a leather thonged whip. My Dad made me study with it so I could
get into college. He used to hang me from the ceiling and whip me while I
was just wearing my panties but if you want you can whip me while I am
 His face flushed and I saw his dick growing in his pants.
 "Well that would certainly provide an incentive but there is nowhere we
could do it. Certainly not here."
 We can do it at my place I live in a little farm house on a ranch Dad
bought before he died. It is a half-mile from the nearest neighbor. No-one
will know. Please!"
 "Well if you think it will help I guess it is my duty as a teacher to
provide incentives."
 What a crock! His dick was so hard I could see it perfectly outlined
running up to his belt."
 Oh thank you. Tomorrow is Friday. Could you come to my place around seven.
I have to go to a hardware store for rope and some padded hobbles for my
wrists. Oh yeah and a hook for the ceiling."
 That really got to him. He began to take short breaths. I decided to make
him crazier. "Should I get some hooks for the floor too so you can tie my
legs apart. Dad said I looked great all stretched."
 "Oh Jesus. Yes! That is a wonderful idea."
 I started to walk out when he said, 
 "Wait. How will we determine how many spanks you should get?"
 "That is easy. Bring your grade book. You will give me a spank for every
point I need to get an "A"."
 That could be a lot. Your grades are pretty low."
 "Well I guess that will just provide more incentive. Won't it."
 This was great! I was sure he would not be as mean as Ted and was much
better looking. If he wanted me to suck his dick or fuck him I would love
 I decided I would get some sexy lingerie for him so I stopped at a sex
shop that had tiny panties in the window. It was perfect. I not only found
some tiny sheer panties I discovered the back of the store had the cuffs I
wanted along with an assortment of whips, nipple clamps and other esoteric
 When I paid for it the clerk said, "If you would like to try out some of
the whips I will be glad to give you a sample so you will know how they
 I just grinned and said, "Maybe some other time."
 I was amazed it was so easy to find people willing to whip me. I had never
even been spanked by anyone till Ted. I had lied about my dad he was such a
workaholic I never saw him except on weekends.
 I found the hooks with a cheap hand drill and bit to make a hole to screw
them in at the hardware store. I hurried home to put them in front of my
mirror. When they were up I stretched up my arms and spread my legs to see
my mirror was not big enough to see all of me. I wished I had one of Ted's
then remembered the paper said they were holding off Ted's funeral till
Monday because his only living relative, a younger brother, was in the
service in Germany. It also said the Police had finished their
investigation. I rationalized that he owed me and went back to his house
for the mirror. 
 I could not see any screws through them to hold them in place. In
frustration I pulled on one of the side wall mirrors and it swung out.It
had a long piano hinge on the right side. I used his tools to take out the
dozen screws in the wall and dragged it to my old station wagon. I realized
that with a swing out mirror I could mount the camcorder in my house. He
had an elaborate system to operate the camcorders remotely but I didn't
need that. I just took the camera and a bunch of blank tapes I found in the
cabinet. As an afterthought I came back and took some more whips, handcuffs
and nipple clamps.
 It was a perfect crime. When his brother showed up he must have been
ashamed about the torture devices because he never reported the break-in.
 I spent the whole next day putting up the mirror and playing with the
camcorder so the zoom was perfect to show my whole body. Since I was closer
to the mirror than at Ted's house I would be able to see perfectly. 
 When he got to my place he seemed really nervous as he stared over my
shoulder to see the rope hanging down with the wrist cuffs separated with
chain. I wanted him confident so I offered him a drink I made strong. 
 He sat down sipping at it with glances at the rope from the ceiling and
the ankle cuffs attached to hooks about four feet apart.
 He cleared his throat and said, "You may want to change your mind. I added
your scores you only had a grade of fifty on the last test. You need a
minimum of ninety-five for an "A". That is forty-five spanks and there were
other tests and homework you didn't do well on."
 "Oh that is good. I thought there would be more. Please don't call them
spanks. That sounds childish. With this they will be lashes." 
 I handed him the thong whip.
 "Jesus. Your Dad hit you with this?"
 "Yes and it helped me get a 3.6 average. It leave no scars. See."
   at that I stood up and dropped the robe I was wearing to turn slowly in
my diaphanous panties and bra.
He let out a low whistle and said, "God, you are beautiful."
 "Thank you but I think you will like me better stretched. Are you ready?"
 "I have never been more ready."
 I slowly pulled off my bra to show him my erect pink nipples and then
slowly slid down the panties. 
 He stared at my pussy and exclaimed, "It's bald! You look about six years
old. You can't get any more naked than that."
 I wanted to see him too, at least more of him.
 "I feel terribly naked with you dressed. Could you whip me in your
 "Yes, I feel hot anyway."
 He was wearing jockey shorts which outlined his big hard dick. It twitched
when I moved to the rope to begin putting on my wrist cuffs and spread my
legs close to the ankle cuffs for him to buckle. 
 When he stood up I told him to tighten me by tying the rope to the
doorknob on the other wall. He pulled up my arms but not tight enough.
 "No, tighter. I like the way I look stretched."
 He slowly tightened the rope watching my face in the mirror. When my heels
came off the floor and I gasped in rising excitement he immediately stopped
pulling and tied the rope to the door knob.
 He nervously picked up the whip and said, "I still think forty-five is
more than you can stand on that cute bottom."
 "No! I don't want them all on my bottom. I have to sit on it. Spread them
around. Five on my bottom, five on the back of each thigh, Five on each
inner thigh and the rest on my front."
 "You mean on your stomach?"
 "No. From the middle of my thighs to above my nipples and then back down."
 "Really?" He asked incredulously. "You don't mind if I hit your lovely
breasts and that cute bald crotch. That will hurt a lot!"
 "Yes it is supposed to. That will give me motivation and you satisfaction
that I am trying to do better."
 "Well okay"
 He began with little wimpy slaps on my butt. I had to tell him they did
not hurt at all before he got enough nerve to hit harder to let my
excitement build. 
 Fortunately when he got to my front he became excited enough you hit even
harder. He must have had a little Ted in him because when he got to my tits
his eyes got wide and he began to pant while he gave them more than their
share watching them bounce and contort. He did not hit my pussy quite as
hard but it was enough to give me an orgasm. 
 He watched me fascinated as I whimpered with my body shuddering from my
short breaths as I felt little aftershocks of my orgasm.
 He misinterpreted my orgasm as suffering and became alarmed saying, "Oh
God. I hit too hard. I'm sorry."
 I was afraid he would never come back so I moaned, "No! Please fuck me!
Let me forget the pain."
 He was more than ready. He dropped his shorts and drove his glorious dick
in me and grabbed my ass cheeks to drive me into him. That restarted my
orgasms and I squealed in delight when our stomachs slapped together.
 He came then dropped to his knees to unbuckle wy ankle cuffs then got up
to take off the wrist cuffs. I was so grateful for the orgasms I put my
arms around his neck and kissed him then began kissing his chest and on
down as I said, "Thank you for relieving the pain."
  When my chin got to his dick he was starting to harden again. I said
"Thank You so much!" and took it into my mouth. It quickly grew to full
size then he sat and then laid on his back pulling down on my hips as I
directed it into my pussy.
 I had never been on top before. It was wonderful. I could move anyway I
wanted to get maximum effect.
 He began jerking himself into me faster and harder by my ass-cheeks until
he made a horrible face and grunted. Then he began to grin while he moved
me back and forth slowly. Then he fell back hugging my breasts tight
against him and said, "God. You are wonderful.I haven't been able to cum
twice in a row since I was a kid."
 "It was good for me too. It wasn't punishment though. Those wimpy little
spanks just excited me."
 "Really? I thought I was hitting pretty hard. You turned red."
 "Of course I turned red,silly. I have real white skin. The waistband of my
panties makes me red but it doesn't hurt.
 That made him a little mad. "Silly huh? Maybe I should do it again a hell
of a lot harder."
 I giggled, "You had your chance. Now you have to wait till next Friday.  I
jumped up and put on my robe then said, "Thanks. You can go home now."
 That made him madder.
 "Shit I feel like I have been used."
 "Well next Friday maybe you can use me."
 He left saying, "You had better believe it!"
 I wanted him mad. I wanted him to hurt me so much I could feel like his
slave and totally uninhibited because I had no choice. 
 I teased him all week by leaning over to show my breasts in scoop necked
blouses or crossing my legs in my micro skirts to flash my pussy. It was
fun to excite and frustrate him. Worse for him I got a good grade on a pop
quiz to raise my average. He stood there glowering over my perfect score
while I grinned at him.
 I also located some of the girls and gave them their confessions and
notes. I did not mention the tapes because I wanted them for myself. I
found the girls that got off on pain had already found men who would
mistreat them. The girls that hated it were embarrassingly grateful so I
left early so I would not be tempted to give them their tapes as well.
 When he showed up Friday he said, "You think you are pretty smart, don't
you, you little bitch. You frustrated me all week and now you only owe
forty wimpy little spanks."
 "Yeah. Maybe next week it will only be thirty."
 "After tonight you will be hoping for twenty."
 This time he really stretched me tight. Then he said, Since I only have
forty I am just going to hit the fun places. Ten on your butt and fifteen
to your tits and pussy."
 This time he hurt! even the ones on my butt were directed into the crack
of my ass and after he turned my tits deep red he squeezed my right one as
hard as he could jerking on it with each pussy wrenching lash to my pussy. 
 When he finished I was so out of it from orgasms I continued to stand
there panting with sweat running down my body to mingle with my pussy juice
till he growled, "Thank me for my hard work. Get your mouth over this steel
hard dick."
 I dropped to my knees and began swallowing his dick so excited I lost the
tendency to gag. I never got to taste his cum. It all went down my throat.
 I was so impressed by his change to such a powerful man I let his
softening dick slide out of my mouth applying suction all the way to get
every drop out of it then looked at him reverently and said, "Thank you
 He looked taken aback but quickly recovered and said, "Yes. Never forget
that I am your Master. Now get on your hands and knees. I am going to whip
your ass till I am hard enough to fuck it."
 Oh Jesus. I had never had a dick in my ass before. It sounded wonderfully
degrading. I got on my hands and widespread knees then bowed my back so my
pussy could pooch out from behind in case he might want to hit it as well
as my butt. 
 I had to take a bunch of lashes before he was satisfied he was hard enough
but that was great especially since the last few hit right on my pussy. He
dropped to his knees and buried his dick once in my sopping pussy to get it
wet then began forcing it into my tiny puckered anus making it stretch
until it began to be buried in my guts. He reached around me to pinch my
nipples and rub my clit till I was squealing with orgasms.
 When he came I collapsed to the floor totally exhausted. He carried me to
my bed and I must have instantly gone to sleep. I didn't even know when he
 The next Monday I went up to him after class to thank him for the
marvelous orgasms. He was still very dominant. He said I would earn them
and that from now on there would be no limit on lashes. I would be hit
until I could not continue my orgasms or till he became excited enough to
want sex even more than whipping me. As an afterthought he said I would get
an "A+" if I continued to take my whipping without begging for mercy.
 That made me want a drink I stopped at the first bar. When the barmaid
came over She looked familiar. I suddenly realized she was Jan. 
 I introduced myself and told her I had her confession and explained that
Ted had whipped me as well as her and when I heard he was dying I stole all
the confessions. I told her how to find my place and for her to come over
after work to get it. 
 She said for that, she would get off early. She ran to her boss and came
back to tell me the night girl had agreed to start early and she would be
over in about an hour.
 She read the notes eagerly and began to rub her crotch. She moaned then
said, "I still don't understand what happened with Ted and me. He made me
feel slutty and degraded and the less I thought of myself the more I wanted
to be hurt."
 "I know. He had the same effect on me. I still enjoy pain."
 "Oh God! Me too! I met Buck. He is a member of a biking gang. He likes to
hurt me while all the other guys and girls watch. It is fantastic. You
should try it. It is twice as exciting being hurt in front of an audience."
 I could feel myself getting wet just thinking about it but then she ruined
it by frightening me.
 "My marks are a kind of badges of my courage and I can get hot just
looking at them and remembering how they got there. I'll show you!"
 She turned her back and began pulling off her dress. She was not wearing
underwear. When the dress went over her butt I saw it was covered with
lines of scars. She looked over her shoulder and said, "Remember the notes
describing the barbed wire whip? That made the scars. When I get Buck mad
he uses it on me too. The only bad part is it takes awhile to heal and
sometimes they get infected. Especially if they piss on me afterwards to
make the cuts burn."
   She turned around and I felt sick. Her body was horribly scarred. It did
not bother her, she became excited telling me how they had burned her with
candles and cigarettes and said that they had slowly pushed big nails
through her skin to put the thick rings in her nipples, stomach, and the
three in each lip of her pussy so she could be hung from them for whipping
on her front. Finally lit cigarettes were pushed against her to make her
move causing more stretching from the rings.
 I cringed and said, "My God, How can you stand that. I only like to be
 "I deserve it! Don't you see? My mind lets me know when I have paid enough
by letting me pass out. We are all different. Some of the girls pass out
just from spankings. That is all they deserve so they are released by
 "No that is too much! I don't want to be scarred."
 "That is alright. Other girls don't want that either. Buck and the other
guys would love you. You are beautiful. They will only hurt you as much as
you want."
 I told her I would think about it. The idea did excite me but I was not
sure I could trust them to stop since they were evil enough to do that to
 The next Friday John was especially horny. He brought his own leather
strap and just put me over his knees for a spanking that mostly just hurt
more than excited me. He fucked me and had me clean his and my juices off
his dick and balls with my tongue them he left. I felt totally unfulfilled.
My only consolation was the fact that I would be getting an "A+" in his
 That gave me the thought that I may get great grades in my German class
that was giving me trouble. I had never considered that teacher in a sexual
way since he was old, about fifty, but he seemed really stern and kept
lecturing us on developing self-discipline to be successful. At his next
class I pictured him in a Nazi uniform torturing me and became so excited
my panties got wet from my pussy's lubricating fluid. 
 After class I went to him to tell him that I agreed I needed discipline
but now that I was away from my dad there was no-one to provide the
punishment to keep me from getting lax and since he reminded me of my Dad
he might be able to help me so I could get a better grade.
 He looked at me strangely then said, "I suppose you mean like extra
assignments, but how did your Dad punish you?"
 "He would spank or whip me."
 "I see. Do you realize that is against school regulations for me to spank
 "Yes but you could do it away from school. Maybe at my house after
 "He said sharply, No I would prefer to do it at my home. Here is my card
with my home address. Be there promptly at seven tonight."
 His sudden gruff manner thrilled me to the core.I was sure he would
provide the ultimate pain John was reluctant to give me.
 Later I recalled that he planned to spank me. It would not be good if he
just raised my skirt to spank my bottom. I wanted the extra thrill of being
naked. I decided to wear a thick jump-suit that would pad my bottom. This
way he would have an excuse to have me take it off and I would just have my
panties underneath it. I had stopped wearing bras long ago so I could feel
my nipples rubbing against my tops.
 Time dragged till I knocked on his door shaking with excitement.
 I was shocked when the door opened to reveal a tall blonde woman.
 She put me at ease by hugging me and saying, "You must be Joan. I am
Nina.Kurt told me about you. We will be glad to help you. My daughters are
both "A" students with the help of proper discipline."
 She called to her husband and he came in to lead me to his office. Then he
looked me up and down then said, "You can't be serious about being willing
to accept discipline in that outfit.I would have to hit you with a two by
four for you to feel it. Is that what you want?"
 "Oh no. I will take it off if you feel it would be better."
 "That is up to you."
 I took it off and stood in front of them with my shoulders back and my
tummy tucked in hoping for compliments instead I heard.
 "Those panties are disgraceful. Only a loose girl would wear them. Your
parents would be ashamed of you. Take them off!"
 I was hurt they were not impressed by my body that I worked so hard to
keep perfect and that they thought I was a slut. I took them off then stood
there sniffling holding my arms over my boobs and my hand over my crotch.
 He told me to lean over with my hands on his desk. There was a"Slap!" and
a burn hard enough to make me turn my head to see what he had hit me with.
I was amazed to see it was just his hand. He kept spanking me faster and
harder. We had not discussed how many I would get but after the first dozen
I felt it could go on forever.
 I took the spanking with just gasps which must have let him know I was not
being hurt badly because he said, "I believe this is hurting me more than
you. This should make you scream."
 He showed me a large fraternity paddle and then moved me to the corner of
his desk with my legs open to push my pussy into a carved knob.
 The first spank burned horribly and pushed me forward to bury the knob in
my open slit. Now the pain was much worse but the knob rubbed my clit to
just make it more exciting.
Nina sat on a chair in front of me watching my breasts jump with the
impacts and my face I know was contorting in my effort to get over the
threshold to orgasm. Finally with my butt on fire the orgasms came and my
moans turned to squeals of delight. I finally got so weak I laid on his
desk mashing my boobs panting and squealing.
 They let me lie there for awhile watching my shudders then Nina said,
"Just as I suspected. She asked for spankings or whipping for discipline
because she enjoys it. She went into multiple orgasms."
 Kurt agreed, "Yes that was obvious. Her bartholin glands produced enough
fluid to drip out of her vagina. I believe she needs your type of
 Her type of discipline amounted to tying me in terribly strenuous poses
that made my joints and muscles ache and then torture my tits and pussy
with clamps, clothespins,or by puncturing with hatpins. Just when it got so
bad I thought I might pass out she would stop to lick my clitoris until I
went into orgasm. She didn't stop until I was so exhausted I would just lie
there passively in spite of the pain of having the large hat pins pushed
intirely through my nipples.
 On my later visits after the initial spankings or whipping to give me a
starting orgasms all the tortures were different. They were very
imaginative. They managed to provide great pain without causing scars that
may have kept me from coming back.
 My life is full. Between Kurt, Nina, John and the videos to give me ideas
for John to perform I am getting all the orgasms I want while I maintain a
"A+" average.
 I see Jan at the bar once in awhile. She has told me Buck and the guys
would not scar me although I would get to a new level of pain and
humiliation. I told her I might do it during summer vacation. I didn't mean
it at the time but after thinking about the thrill of a large audience I
think I will. 
                                  The end

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