BDSM Library - The Long Embrace of Change

The Long Embrace of Change

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: A young scientist is compelled, through drugs and hypnosis, to enthusiastically participate in his own feminization and subjugation.
The Long Embrace of Change

The Long Embrace of Change


Part I



“OK – tell me again why we targeted this guy?”


I looked down at the body crumpled at our feet.  He was a young dark-haired man, mid-20’s, average height, average weight.  Average clothes blue jeans.  Average shoes on his feet.  Average haircut.  Everything about him was just…average.  Nothing made him stand out from anyone else.


Kim and I looked at each other.  “No real reason,” she said, prodding him onto his belly with her foot.  The small black dart we’d shot at him jutted up from the back of his neck, right at the base of his skull.  “He’s here.  We’re here.  Wrong place, wrong time for him, I guess.”


His green eyes were still open, a look of complete astonishment on his face.  “Actually,” Kim said, “we selected him for a few reasons.  No connections to anyone outside school.  He also behaves like someone who would be submissive if given the chance.  Although – “ she looked back at me – “he probably has no idea about that.”


She bent down and pulled the dart from his neck.  “Nice shot for a first timer!” she said, handing the dart to me.  “Usually, first timers miss, or they hit the target in the middle of the back.  It takes two or three darts if that happens.  You nailed him right off.”


“I have to admit – I’m a little nervous about all of this.”  I looked up and down the alley.  It was deserted, as it usually was this time of night.  Our target was probably taking a shortcut on his way home.  A few people did that.  Some became targets.


I pulled the backpack off his shoulders and peeked inside.  There were several textbooks inside, all with his name written on the cover – “Chris.”  Scientist of some sort, based on the book titles.


Chris’ former life was now over.  His new life was beginning.  He wouldn’t really know it for a while, though.  A shame to waste all of that education, but he’d be happier in the long run.  And I would make him happy, just as he would make me happy.


I could see why Kim chose this particular alleyway – no windows looked down on the dimly-lit pavement, and our van blocked anyone on the street outside from looking in.  A couple of nearby colleges provided a steady stream of students as raw material.  And none of the targets ever actually disappeared – not right away, anyway.  In fact, they never even noticed the fact that they got home about an hour later than usual, or the painful welt that looked to have been left by a needle of some sort, or the odd bruises and scrapes that spoke of a fall onto the sidewalk - a fall they couldn’t remember, and didn’t even care to remember.


 “He’ll be on his way home in no time,” Kim said.  “He went down without so much as a grunt.  Seriously – he was out before he hit the ground.  No worries.  We’ll brush his clothes off and he’ll never know what hit him.  Heck, he’ll never know he was hit!  Let’s get him into the van.”


We grabbed his arms and, together, pulled him into the open back doors of the van.  Once he was lying on the cot set up inside the van, we closed the doors.


Kim started an IV line into his left arm.  “This’ll take a few minutes to work.”


“What’s in it?”


“Combination of drugs.  One of them counteracts the sedative from the dart.  Another keeps him paralyzed, so he’s awake but can’t move.  Others work on different parts of his brain.  They keep him in a state of strong suggestiveness while we program him.”  She finished setting up the IV line and said, “we should probably step outside – it’s hard to tell when they can start hearing you.”


We stepped out of the van and into the alleyway to wait for the new drugs to take effect.


 “OK,” I said, “now what?”


“First, we get him conditioned to the sound of the whistle.”  She pulled a whistle out from under her shirt, hanging by a chain around her neck.  She’d given me an identical whistle that morning.  It was unique– it made a strange high-pitched sound humans could just barely hear.  Not quite a dog whistle – dogs didn’t start barking if they heard it – but just barely within the hearing range for people.  Nothing else sounded like it – which was intentional.  If we were to program our targets to sounds they might hear anywhere else, the process would be ruined.  “Second, we give him his first set of instructions.  Then we wait.”


I was anxious for this whole thing to end.  Kim had finally let me in on the secret operation she and her Circle ran – and now, I couldn’t wait to be one of them.  To be an owner.


But ownership meant subjugation, and that took time.  Just kidnapping and brainwashing someone didn’t work very well – it was quicker, but sloppier; and it carried too much risk of having the target revert back.  Better to get someone willing to become a slave than to enslave the unwilling.


As time went on, their friends noticed the changes – but the targets never really did.  And when the time came, they’d pull out of school and – best of all – willingly come to us.  We weren’t kidnapping them at all.  It was all done voluntarily.  Eagerly, even.  They wanted to serve us – they just didn’t know it yet.


That’s why the Circle chose submissive men.  One can mess around with free will only so far.  It’s amazingly hard to get someone to do something they really find repugnant, no matter how much you dope up their nervous system and hypnotically condition them.  The trick wasn’t to change their minds about what they wanted to do – rather, it was to awaken interests they probably didn’t know were there. 


We leaned against the doors of the van for a little while.  “The first six months will drag on,” she said, “ but then things get a little intense – for him as well as for you.  But it’ll be worth it.  We’ll check in with him every couple of months, give him a new set of instructions.  And don’t forget – members of the Circle will be involved every step of the way, and they’ll contact us with progress reports.  He meets up with his first Circle member tomorrow night, so if something goes seriously wrong, we’ll find out soon.”


She glanced at her watch.  “Should be ready about now.  Let’s get to work.”


The Long Embrace of Change

The Long Embrace of Change


Part II


I felt groggy the next morning.  I had no idea why – I stayed late at school, but no later than I’ve done in the past, and I came straight home.  No beers with the guys, nothing.  Just home.


My name is – was – Chris.  I was a biologist.


In hindsight, it’s incredibly ironic that this happened to me, an expert on solitary wasp behavior.  To know why, one must first understand solitary wasps. 


Solitary wasps don’t build big nests like hornets do.  They live alone.  And their reproductive behavior comes right out of science fiction.


The tarantula hawks (Pepsis formosa and Pepsis thisbe) are good examples.  They live in deserts where tarantulas can be found.  When it’s time, the female finds a tarantula and stings it.  Her venom paralyzes the tarantula, which is then dragged into a shallow burrow.  An egg is laid on the paralyzed tarantula.  When the egg hatches, the larva feeds on the tarantula until it becomes an adult wasp and digs itself out of the burrow.


But here’s the totally creepy part – the tarantula isn’t killed.  It’s paralyzed.  That means it’s still alive when the wasp larva starts eating it.  And it can’t do a damn thing about it.


Different solitary wasps target different prey.  Some only attack cicadas, for example.  Others find grubs burrowed in wood and insert long, thin ovipositors right through the wood, laying an egg on the grub.  In some cases, the larva deliberately leaves the vital organs of its host for last, keeping it alive as long as possible to keep it from starting to rot.  


No one knows if the victims are conscious or able to feel pain while their being eaten alive.  Part of me wants to believe they’re not, if only because the alternative is too horrible to imagine. 


But a few solitary wasps are much cooler than that.  They actually manage to direct the behavior of their host.  Biological mind control.  One of them injects venom directly into the brain of a cockroach.  As a result, the cockroach lets itself be led into the burrow and is uninterested in escape.  It’s not paralyzed - it just sits there, being eaten alive.


Then there’s Hymenoepimecis argyrophaga.  It’s a Costa Rican wasp that attacks a small spider called Plesiometa argyra.  Like the roach-controller, Hymenoepimecis doesn’t paralyze the spider and is more interested in mind control.  But in this case, the control is much more elaborate.  The tiny mother wasp simply lays an egg on the spider and flies away.  When the egg hatches, the larva begins to suck on the spider and, while doing so, drools a bunch of chemicals into the wound.  At a particular time, these chemicals cause the spider to stop spinning its own web and start spinning a cocoon for the larva.  The spider never knows why it suddenly decides to build cocoons – it only knows it must.  It works furiously, as if the future of the whole world rests on the completion of this one cocoon.  Once the cocoon is finished, the larva kills and eats the spider, crawls into the cocoon, and finishes its transition to an adult wasp.


Food, clothing, and shelter all from one easy source.


My own work was simple enough – I was trying to figure out how, exactly, the chemicals made by these wasps control another animal’s behavior.  And that’s why what happened to me was so ironic – a few chemicals, along with some other behavioral conditioning I still don’t completely understand, made me want to change to please – to serve – another. 


So anyway, I felt stiff getting out of bed.  I ran my hand along the back of my neck – it felt sore for some reason – and noticed a bruise on the inside of my left elbow.  I had no idea how that got there.


I washed up and started to get ready for class.  I taught two labs and had a late-afternoon seminar.  We were two months away from the end of the term.  But, just as I was putting my jeans on, I stopped. 


There was something in the air - a high-pitched sound of some sort.  I didn’t hear it as much as felt it.  It wasn’t loud – in fact, it was barely audible.  It was almost painful.  It stopped me in my tracks.


And then, for reasons I still don’t understand, I found myself walking into the bathroom, picking up a pair of scissors, and cutting my goatee off.  I didn’t consciously want to remove my goatee – I thought it looked good on me – but for some reason, I felt compelled to shave it off.  It had to go.  It was as if nothing could be more important at that moment.  I managed to keep my hands from shaking as I lathered up my face and razored the rest of the whiskers away.


Once that was done, I finished getting dressed and sat down for breakfast.  And as I did so, I opened the medicine bottle sitting on my table and took two pills – one yellow, one blue.  I closed the pill bottle and headed out the door.


That the bottle had no prescription label didn’t bother me in the least.  That I couldn’t remember being told to take pills, or having ever taken these pills before, or what the pills were for – those didn’t bother me either.  It was simply what I did in the morning – one yellow pill, one blue pill, taken down with my morning orange juice. 


I had a sense of excitement all day.  I can’t describe it.  It wasn’t the fact that I’d shaved my beard off – I kept rubbing my denuded chin all day, but I tended to grow and remove goatees fairly regularly – it wasn’t unfamiliar.  I couldn’t think of anything scheduled for after seminar.  I didn’t have anything special planned for my students.  There weren’t any deadlines coming up, and I wasn’t expecting a package.  I just felt as though I had big plans, and I couldn’t wait. 


I felt sorry for my students.  I must have spoken a mile a minute, stuttering the whole way.  I just couldn’t finish my classes fast enough.  By the end of my second lab, I was pounding the chalk against the blackboard, sending chalk chips flying though the air with every letter I wrote.


I found sitting through seminar intolerable.  I don’t even remember what we were talking about.  I just had to get out of there.  I fidgeted in my chair.  It was impossible to take notes.  The professor and the other students in the room kept glaring at me as I tapped my pencil against the table, staring at the clock, practically willing the clock to hit 5:00.


Once 5:00 arrived, I leapt from the chair and bolted from the room.  I hastily threw my textbooks and homework to be graded into my bag and ran for the door.


And, once I was outside, I turned left.  Why, I didn’t know – home was to the right.  But I just had to go left.


The stores along this stretch of the street were mostly fast-food restaurants catering to students.  There were also one or two nightclubs and a couple of bookstores.  My pace quickened.


I walked a few blocks and stopped at a door.  The sign over the door said, “TATTOO & BODY PIERCING.”  I stepped in.


My heart was pounding.  Why was I walking into a tattoo studio?  It was as though someone was making me do this – and oddly, I didn’t seem to mind.


I walked to the front counter.  It was empty except for a woman at the front counter.  She had black crewcut hair, harsh makeup, a ring through her nasal septum, and at least ten piercings in each ear.  She looked up.  “May I help you?”


The words were out of my mouth before I realized I’d said them.  “Yes – I’m here to get my ears and nipples pierced.” 


I stood there with what must have been a completely dumbfounded expression.  Never, in all of my life, had I ever thought of piercing an ear, much less my nipples.  The thought never crossed my mind.  I wasn’t opposed to the idea, mind you – lots of my students had piercings.  But me?  Wasn’t my style.  And I said “ears,” plural.  Both ears?  I knew some guys did that, but most men pierced only one ear, not both. 


And yet I just couldn’t wait to be pierced.  I can’t really describe how I felt.  It was as though someone was living in the back of my head, whispering the idea to me.  It wasn’t an instruction – not really, anyway.  It didn’t feel like I was being made to do this - I honestly wanted it.  Someone had made a suggestion, and for whatever reason it seemed like the most brilliant idea I’d ever heard.  I don’t know why I wanted it; I’d never wanted it before, and I could think of no compelling reason why I should want it now, but I wanted it nonetheless.  Wanted it badly.  Needed it, and needed it now.


She looked at me..  My intense need to have my ears and nipples pierced must have shown through in my voice, and I can’t imagine how that looked.  But however I looked, she didn’t seem surprised.  In fact, she almost looked as though she expected me to come through the door at that very moment and ask for those specific services.  “OK – your name?”




“OK.  Fill this out – I have to make a quick phone call, and we’ll get started.”


She handed me a disclaimer form and a pen.  While I was filling in my name and address, the piercer stepped away from the counter and made a call on her cell phone.  I couldn’t hear what she was saying, but she occasionally nodded and glanced in my direction while she spoke.


She finished her conversation just as I finished filling out the form.  We walked through the main part of the studio.  The walls were covered with sheets of colorful flash – ships, roses, snakes, pinup girls, dragons, abstract designs of all sorts.  She led me into a small room in the back of the studio, turned on a light, closed the door, and said, “OK – shirt off and have a seat.”


Almost mechanically, I pulled my shirt off and sat in what looked like a dentist’s chair.  Meanwhile, the woman from the counter pulled on a pair of latex gloves.


“14 gauge OK?”  I had no idea what she meant, but nodded anyway.  Whatever she was doing was what I desperately wanted done, and I still didn’t really know what that was.  And as I awaited the needles, I found my cock growing hard.


She stepped over to me and touched my earlobes with a felt-tipped pen.  “Placement OK?”


She held up a mirror.  Each of my earlobes had a small black dot.  I nodded again.  I grew stiffer still.


 “This’ll sting a little, but not too badly.”  In the space of a minute, she’d slipped a long, thin needle through each of my earlobes and threaded a stainless steel ring behind each one.  The rings were each about half an inch in diameter – much bigger than I’d imagined.  She closed each ring with a small steel ball.  They hurt a little. 


By now, my erection was clearly visible as a bulge in my jeans.  Sitting was painful.  The woman piercing me glanced down every so often, betraying her knowledge of my condtion with the slightest fleeting grin.


“Nipple time!”  She changed gloves and placed a small black dot on each side of each nipple.  She then clamped what looked like a hemostat on my left nipple.  The tips of the hemostat were loops. 


The clamp was very painful – but not nearly as painful as having the needle actually go through the loops and pierce the nipple itself.  That has to have been the most painful thing I’ve ever felt.  My whole gut seemed to clench, as though the needle passed right through my stomach.  I cried out.  But it was mercifully quick, and in no time at all I was looking down at a half-inch ring, just like those in my ears, dangling from my left nipple.


A minute later, the other nipple was pierced.  It was just as painful. 


“Can you excuse me?” I asked.  She nodded and pointed to an open door across from the chair.  I practically dove through the door, which led into a small bathroom, and closed it behind me.  I almost came right in my pants – as soon as my underwear was pulled below my balls, a jet of semen shot straight out and hit the mirror behind the toilet.  In my reflection, I stared in amazement at the steel rings fastened to my chest.  They looked amazing!  And somehow, I knew they would look amazing. 


I finished coming, trying very hard to keep from moaning, cleaned up the mess, and pulled my pants off.


I needed a minute to catch my breath.  When I was ready, I stepped out of the bathroom to find the piercer on her cell phone.  As soon as she saw me, she hung up.  “Are you OK?”

I was still panting.  “Yeah.  Yeah….must have been a little nervous about this.  Got sick.”  I wiped my chin with the back of my hand, as though to wipe my mouth clean.


She nodded.  “That happens a lot.”


I put my shirt back on.  The piercer handed me a bottle of saline solution and a care sheet.  I paid her and left.


I walked home.  As soon as I was in, I pulled my shirt off and looked at myself in the mirror.  I couldn’t pull my eyes away from my ears and chest.


After a while, I found myself rubbing my groin, making myself hard again.  While staring into the mirror, I brought myself to another climax.  I hadn’t had two orgasms – both of them large - within the space of a couple of hours in years.  But soon, the events of the day faded into the back of my mind, I crawled into bed, and drifted off to sleep. 


I couldn’t put my finger on it, but it felt like my whole life was changing at that moment.



The Long Embrace of Change


The Long Embrace of Change


Part III



Kim and I sat on the roof of one of the buildings over the alley.  It was morning.  The sidewalks were almost deserted – exams at the universities had just ended, so most of the students had gone home for summer break.  But Chris, being a dedicated graduate student – at least for the moment   was still spending time in his lab, and we expected him to pass this way any minute.


At least, he should be on his way here if the two-month-old instructions still held.


“Don’t worry, Kelly,” Kim said.  “We got the report right away that he got his piercings as instructed.  He’s been showing up at the gym almost daily, taking the aerobics class we told him to take.  It’s working out fine so far – no reason to think it’ll change now.”


“But what if something goes wrong?  What if something keeps him from coming?”


“We sack him later.  The programming never actually wears off.  It’d add a few weeks to the whole thing, but that’s it.”


“And if someone else sees?”


“What’s to see?  No one else can hear the whistle; all he’ll do is turn around and walk the other way.”


We waited for a few more long minutes.  Then, Kim touched my shoulder with her right hand and pointed with her left.  “Here he comes – get ready.”

I had to admit, the procedure was working.  His hair was getting longer, and I could clearly see the earrings. 


.“The hormones are starting to give him tits!” Kim whispered.  I could clearly see the bulges in his chest.  They were small, but given another few weeks, and it would be painful for him to walk around without a bra.  His ass was starting to get some padding as well.


He was starting to become she, and she was starting to look good.


I pulled out the long brass whistle I carried on a chain around my neck and put it to my lips.  “Remember,” Kim said, “ two long blasts, then a short one.” 


Two long blasts – two seconds long – followed by a half-second blast.  I blew hard into the whistle, even though I knew it would be all but silent regardless.


Chris immediately stopped in his tracks.  His head was cocked to one side, and his face seemed to betray confusion, as if he couldn’t decide whether someone had called out his name or not.  But a couple of seconds later, he turned right around and started to walk back the way he came.


His pace quickened with every step, and by the time he was at the end of the alley, he was almost jogging.  He turned the corner and disappeared from view.


True to Kim’s assurances, the two or three people on the sidewalk took almost no notice.  All they saw was someone decide to turn around in a hurry.  Maybe he’d forgotten something at home.


That, Kim and I knew, was not the case.  He had – absolutely had – to go to the store, buy some items, and then go home.  Then his day was just beginning.


The Long Embrace of Change

The Long Embrace of Change


Part IV


I fumbled with the keys as I unlocked the door to my flat.  Eventually, I got the door open and I rushed in.  I nearly dropped the bags I was carrying as I did so.


I’m not sure when I made my decision.  In fact, it wasn’t even clear, deep in the deepest hollow of my mind, that the decision was mine at all.  My ears felt as if I should be hearing a faint noise, but I couldn’t really hear anything.  Once the decision was made, it became a mission.  It had to be done.  There were things I just had to buy right away and use that very day.  Nothing would stop me.  So I turned around and went to the store.  Now I was home again.


I lined up what I’d just bought around my bathroom sink – a new set of electric hair clippers, a new razor (one of the type used by women to shave their legs in the bath), a satchel of bath crystals, and a couple of red candles that smelled like roses. 


I took off my clothes and looked in the mirror.  My clothes didn’t fit very well anymore – I’d been going to the gym, and for the past two weeks my breakfasts and lunches consisted of weight-loss shakes, supplemented with my morning pills.  My waist was much flatter and firmer than before.  I wasn’t doing weights, so I wasn’t sure why my chest looked a bit larger, but I didn’t really mind.  In fact, I liked the way it looked.  And now that the nipple piercings had more or less healed, my chest felt really good.  This was especially true when I gently fingered the rings, making my nipples – and often my cock – erect. 


I turned out the lights and lit the candles.  The bathroom didn’t have a window, so the room was lit only by the warm glow of the rose-scented candles.  I put on some music – Beethoven piano sonatas – and started the bath.  I put some of the fragrant bath crystals in the filling bathtub.  And, while the bath was pouring, I took out the clippers.


There wasn’t a moment’s hesitation in my actions.  I turned the clippers on and ran them up and down my arms, chest, armpits, and legs.  I stood with my back to the mirror, looking over my shoulder, as I ran the clippers over my shoulders and back.  Finally, I pressed them against my butt and sheared off the hair on my ass.


I was already half-hard by the time I got home, but I was at full attention now.  Clumps of dark, wiry hair tumbled the ground.  The cold, vibrating blades felt good against my body. 


My body was being stripped of its hair!  I couldn’t remember ever wanting to do this, but I worked as though my whole life had been meant for this one moment – as though I wanted this more than anything else in the world.


And then it was time for my crotch.  I hesitated for just a moment – long enough to enjoy the feeling of the clippers in my hand – and then dove them into my pubic hair.  Before long, I had removed everything but a little inverted-triangle patch right over my stiff cock.  Gently, I ran them along my cock’s shaft and, more gently still, my scrotum.  I trimmed the hair of my over-cock triangle down, but didn’t shave it off completely.


The vibration against my genitals was almost more than I could take.  I felt my hands begin to shake with anticipation, forcing me to slow down a bit.  Once or twice, I found myself holding the clippers against my balls just to enjoy the sensation.  Pre-cum began to drip from the tip of my penis. 


After a few moments, it was done.  I stood surrounded by the cloud of hair clipplings around my feet.  I was breathing heavily.


By now, the bath was full.  I stepped in.  The hot perfumed water soothed me.  I soaked for a few minutes and then smeared shaving foam all over my body.  Running the razor over my skin was as erotic as the clippers – I was familiar with the feeling of a razor blade against my face, but against skin that had never been shaved, it was more intense.  The newly-bare skin, exposed to the air for the first time since puberty, seemed extra-sensitive. 


I carefully shaved my cock and balls, making sure to leave sharp, crisp lines along the sides of the triangle.  My balls were engorged with cum and ached for release.  I left my ass for last, carefully shaving the hair from around my asshole.


Once I was fully shaved, I soaked in the bath for a while, enjoying the feeling of warm water against my nakedness – a nakedness greater than I’d felt since I was a child.


I remained stiff the whole time.  Finally I stood in the bathtub and rubbed myself to climax, spraying cum into the air above the water.  It was one of the most intense orgasms I’d ever felt.   


I soaked in the bath for a while after coming.  I really should have been drying off, getting dressed, and heading out to the lab – instead, I lazily stroked my bare skin with my fingertips, enjoying the glassy smoothness. 


After I got out of the tub, I gave myself a good, long look in the mirror.  I looked amazing.  I felt liberated, as though the body hair had been holding me back from…..well, from something I couldn’t really define.  My hands began stroking my body up and down.  It wasn’t long before the sight and feeling of my freshly-shaved body got me good and erect; as the last of the Beethoven sonatas finished, I came again.


I decided to go to the lab after all.  It was mid-day, but I could at least get some writing done.  But I had a hard time focusing on my work – between the memory of what I looked like, naked, no body hair, swelling chest bejeweled, and the way my clothes felt against my skin, my thoughts were elsewhere.  I could’t wait to get home and see what it would feel like to sleep naked without body hair.


On the way home, I took a detour to the same body piercing studio where I’d had my ears and nipples pierced before.  I’d decided to get a second set of piercings on my earlobes.  The same black-haired woman was working; the sides of her head had been shaved, giving her a short black mohawk, but little else had changed.  I signed the disclaimer form while she made a quick phone call (occasionally looking at me through the corner of her eye), and then I had my ears pierced again.


Just as I turned to leave, I felt compelled to stop.  The same weird sensation of hearing something I couldn’t hear hit me, and I turned around almost mechanically.  The piercer stood before me, putting something I couldn’t see in her pocket, and she said, “You will follow me.”


I did.  I don’t know why I did – I just did.


We went back to the room where my nipples had been pierced two months earlier.  She closed the door, looked at me, and said, “Strip.”


Again without hesitation, I pulled my clothes off, standing before her with my newly hairless body.


She looked at me up and down, then pulled out her cell phone and dialed a number.  “Yes, he’s shaved.  Did an acceptable job.  You want me to go with the PA?”  She nodded and put the phone down.


“Sit in the chair.”  I did so.


“You will relax.  You will not move.  You will not speak.  Is that clear?”  I nodded.


For some reason, I wasn’t getting aroused.  I should have been – the piercer was very attractive.  Was it the embarrassment of lying naked before a stranger?  Was it something in her voice?  I still don’t know, but I remained flaccid before her.


I even remained flaccid as her rubber-gloved hand picked up my penis.  Her other hand slipped a thin plastic tube a short way up my urethra, causing a strange burning sensation.  She then took a needle and pushed it into my penis just behind the head.  In a few seconds, a steel captive-bead ring had been threaded through the hole and out through my urethra.  I’d been pierced yet again.


It hurt, though not quite as badly as the nipples. 


“This will bleed a little tonight and tomorrow, so make sure you keep it clean.  You will also have to sit to pee from now on.  Is that clear?”  I nodded.  “You will always sit to pee from now on.  Get dressed.”


I’m not quite sure what happened after that.  I vaguely remember seeing her pull a long, brass tube from her pocket, but my next memory was of me walking home, trying not to let my underpants chafe my newly-pierced cock.


That night, sleeping was pure torture.  The feeling of the sheets against my hairless body was erotic.  This tended to make me erect, which caused the new piercing to hurt and bleed.  So I found myself lying naked, without sheets, just to keep myself from the agony of an orgasm.  And I dreaded having to use the toilet – the head of my dick burned furiously when I urinated – seated - for the first time.


Later on, the inner sense I’d been having on and off over the past few months – that my life was somehow changing course, and that someone else was helping chart the course – hit me again.  And I didn’t mind – didn’t mind at all.  That put the thought of the pain in my cock aside, and I dozed off.




The Long Embrace of Change

Part V

“Wow shes really coming along!”

We sat at a window in a coffee shop downtown.  It was a couple of blocks away from the campus where Chris worked, and she (though, biologically, Chris was still he) was headed home.  It was a late Monday afternoon.  She walked along the sidewalk on the other side of the street.  She had no idea we were there in fact, had no conscious idea we even existed.

I had to agree with Kim.  She really was coming along.  Four months after Id last seen her six months after wed started her conversion she was really starting to look like the woman she was becoming. Her hair was now tied back in a short ponytail.  Her ass was rounding out nicely, and her tits were visible as a pair of bulges under her shirt.  People who worked with her every day probably didnt notice them, but I only saw her sporadically.  She wore jeans, but if wall was going well, her body under those clothes was as smooth-shaven as her face.  The drugs she was taking caused her facial hair to come in more lightly, so at the end of a long day, there was virtually no shadow.  I wondered if she even had to shave every day anymore.

“Not too much longer now, you know.  You come up with a new name for her yet?”

I turned back toward Kim.  “Shell be Tina.”  I nodded.  “Yes.  Tina.  My Tina.”  I liked the sound of that my Tina.


Up to now, most of the changes had been cosmetic.  She could now clearly see the changes in his appearance, and her attitude toward herself was changing, but as far as she was concerned, she was still Chris a he.  It was fundamentally no different from making someone play dress-up or wear a costume.  We had to awaken a new self within her one that would grow as her body changed and eventually consume the former self.  She would replace him, as though his past was nourishment for another. 

And the new self Tina would submit herself completely to me. 

Behavioral changes were also underway.  She started shaving her body two months ago we would soon see if the practice had become routine and, at the time, got a Prince Albert that forced her to piss sitting down.  The latter behavior was reinforced hypnotically by the Circle member who operated the piercing studio.  But so far, it was all just motions nothing that really reoriented her view of herself.

I was really becoming drawn toward her.  Partly, it was appreciation of what was, in part, my own creation but something about the former Chris was really taking root in my soul.  I could see this person becoming a lovely young woman.  The more I watched her, the more I found her quirks endearing.  The more I appreciated her developing curves, her face, her eyes.  Yes, I was going to own her but I was also starting to really love her. 

Its hard to explain the kind of love I felt.  It was somewhat like the love felt by an owner toward a pet.  This was someone I would care for, and she would care for (and serve) me.  I would be everything to her.  But it was more than that.  Not quite romantic love, but there was also the growing realization that this person soon to be a male lesbian would be able to satisfy me in many ways. 

Odd that I should feel this way, since Id never really spoken with her.  Id spoken to her, but it was only to issue instructions, and she was in a deep trance every time.  I really wanted to snap my fingers, get her out of her trance, talk to her.  But I couldnt.

This was soon to change. That morning, Id moved temporarily into an apartment near Kims business.  It wasnt far away from where I worked, and I would only live there until we finished the conversion process a few weeks.

The name of the apartment complex was wonderfully ironic “Silk-Trappe Apartments.”  The name had nothing to do with the silken traps spun by the Circle when they converted young men into male lesbian slaves the building happens to be on the corner of Trappe Avenue and 10th Street.  Trappe Ave. is named after a tycoon who once controlled much of the city.  Peter Trappe made his fortune from silk.  He was able to import silk thread from overseas cheap he owned the silkworm farms in Asia and a fleet of clipper ships and sell it to the people who made the silk textiles that made our city famous.  The silk factories were all clustered along this stretch of 10th St., which has always been called “Silk Street.” 

The silk industry was long gone, and the old factories had all been converted to other things coffee shops, clothing stores, even a couple of lingerie shops.  The piercing studio where wed had Chris pierce his ears, nipples, and cock was at one end of old Silk Street the end closest to the university campus, where more upscale shopping gave way to cheap eateries.  And Kims business, a beauty salon and day spa, was right in the middle.

We left the coffee shop and followed Chris.  It wasnt far to the alley that she took to her apartment, and as soon as she turned to it, Kim blew through the whistle a few times.

I heard nothing.  Neither did anyone standing around us.  But it stopped Chris as though an invisible wall had suddenly sprung from the ground.  She didnt stagger or stumble she simply stopped walking and stood still, with her legs spread out slightly and arms to the sides.

We walked over to her.  Her face was completely expressionless.  Her eyes were open, but not widely there was no appearance of surprise.  Her lips were slightly parted. 

We checked to make sure no one else was in the alley unlikely at this time of day and hiked up her right jeans leg a few inches.  The exposed skin was hairless.  She was shaving her legs, at least.

We gently pushed at her shoulders, forcing her to back up against a wall.  An abandoned refrigerator stood between Chris and the opening to the alleyway no one could see her but us.  Kim nodded to me, and I quickly undid her belt buckle and unfastened the top button.  Thankfully, her jeans had a zipper and not button fly, so I was able to quickly and smoothly draw her jeans open.  I pulled back on the elastic of her briefs and saw that, apart from a fuzzy dark brown triangle right over her ringed dick, her crotch was still smooth and clean. 

I turned to Kim and gave her a thumbs-up sign.

We faced Chris and gave her instructions.  She stood passively and soaked them in.

The Long Embrace of Change

Part VI

I couldnt believe how much my life had changed in just a day. I reflected on this as I walked toward the doctors office. 

Actually, Id been changing for a while.  On the outside, this was obvious, and it wasnt just that Id pierced my ears or hadnt had a haircut in months.  My bodys shape was changing, and I wasnt sure it was all exercise and diet.  My abdomen was thinner than ever, so I suppose thats why my hips seemed to spread out further, but my chest was also expanding.  It almost looked like Id started to sprout a pair of budding breasts.  Physically, I felt fine my nipples felt tingly from time to time, but I assumed that was from the piercings.  And I wasnt obese, either quite the opposite, in fact so what I had werent the kind of man-tits you see on fat people. 

Rationally, I should have seen a doctor.  I didnt know why it was happening.  But I did nothing.  In part, this was from embarrassment.  I mean, how does one go to a doctor and explain that he seems to be growing a pair of tits?  But more than that, I didnt dislike it.  In fact, part of me deep in my core actually liked it.  My nipples were becoming more sensitive, and I found myself rubbing and pinching them after each bath.  In public, I wore loose clothes to de-emphasize my proto-bust; but at home, I would strip and look at myself in the mirror.  My hairless body, my pierced ears, my tits the effect was almost, well, girlish.  I dont know why I got excited, whether it was fact of the change or the image in the mirror.  I would get hard, and while I looked at my feminine chest, my hands would play with my masculine genitals until I came.

My mind was changing, too changing in ways I couldnt actually name.  My attention was less and less focused on research.  I no longer had a future in science.  My work was getting slow and sloppy, as if I didnt really care, as if it was all an afterthought.  I was wasting my time and didnt belong.  I needed to get off the path I was following and find another. 

So yesterday, a Monday morning, I quit grad school. 

My advisor wasnt surprised.  Hed seen my dedication slip over the past few months.  Hed seen the careless mistakes I was making, and hed watched me daydream for hours at a time.  Id stopped participating in seminars Id just sit still while the others discussed the subject.  I was going through the motions, but thats all I was no longer progressing.  Whatever inner drive Id had when I started was long gone. 

I didnt really tell him I was quitting for good.  I mumbled about needing time off, about finding myself, about looking for direction in life.  Maybe Id come back, I said.  I knew I wouldnt, and I think my advisor understood that.  So he wished me well and helped me clean up my bench.

The hardest question to answer was what Id do next.  I had no real idea.  I was distracted away from my work, but not toward anything in particular.  I really didnt know where I was headed. 

Quitting school meant giving up my fellowship.  That meant getting a job.  I didnt mind that, really something mindless, mechanical.  Something to keep the bills paid and my hands busy while I sorted things out.  I was also asked to leave subsidized student housing near campus, so Id have to find another place to live.  They would have let me stay through the end of the month, but I wanted to get out.  Not sure why I just did. 

I got really, really lucky.  Unbelievably lucky.  Right after telling my advisor of my decision, I decided to go for a walk.  Instead of heading toward my apartment, I went the other way.  Something compelled me to go that way I dont know what it was, but I couldnt think of a reason not to go that way, so that way I went.  And eventually, I came across a white building on a corner with a sign in the window that said, “HELP WANTED.”

It was in the window of a beauty salon called “Kims Circle.”  The rest of the building was taken up by apartments.

Id never been in a beauty salon before and Kim, or whoever ran the place, was probably looking for someone specifically trained to work in one.  I was nervous about going in; what if someone saw me?  What would they think?  Did straight guys even straight guys who were looking less masculine work in beauty salons?  But something in my head was telling me I should do this, that I was supposed to go in.  Besides, I had nothing to lose.  If they wanted a hairdresser, they would say so, and I would be on my way.  If they wanted someone to sweep floors, Id have a job.  So I gulped and walked in.

The first thing I noticed was the smell a mixture of the chemicals women use on their hair.  There was a row of chairs facing a long mirror against one wall.  A couple of women were having their hair done, but they were seated toward the back of the salon.  A tall woman stood at the front counter.  She had jet-black bobbed hair, and when she looked up, her dark brown eyes seemed to see right through the back of my head.  She intimidated me. 

“Uh….hello?” I said, stuttering a little.  “I saw the help wanted sign out front….Im looking for work….”  The back of my throat was very dry, and the words were coming out in squeaks.  “…Im not a hairdresser or anything, but ….well….I can lift things and stuff, push brooms…..that would...” 

She introduced herself as Kim. I felt frozen in place while she spoke, glued in place by some invisible force that almost seemed to come straight from her eyes.  She expressed surprise that someone would be asking this soon the sign had just gone up a few moments before I walked in but for some reason I cant explain, her face didnt seem surprised at all.  And it wasnt just that she wasnt surprised to see a man ask about working in a beauty salon.  It was as though she knew I not just some guy, but me would be asking at that particular time. 

“Were just looking for general labor at this point someone to help clean up, keep inventory, maybe stay at the front desk while the rest of us are occupied.  Keep the magazines stacked neatly.  Whats your background?”

Whatever kept me immobilized suddenly snapped, and I blinked once or twice before responding.  Her eyes seemed to soften a little as I relaxed and told her Id been in school studying biology, but that Id recently dropped out and was looking for something to keep me going.  I didnt say anything about trying to make sense of my life, but her eyes seemed to whisper the truth to me that I was adrift, and she knew it. 

The job paid minimum wage, but it came with basic benefits and, since Id had been educated, I might be given extra pay if I could keep some of their computer work in line. 

She handed me an application form.  I hesitated after filling out my name, when I got to the address lines.  I looked up at her, but before I could tell her of my status, she asked, “Got a place to stay right now?”

I shook my head.

“Well, you know,” she said, her eyes drilling right into mine, “I also manage the apartment complex in this building.  If youre willing to help out with maintenance and cleaning around the complex, you could stay in one of the studios up on the top floor.  Its small, but you cant beat the location.”

I stood still, unable to speak.  I hoped my eyes were expressing the gratitude I felt.  They must have, because she took the application form, filled out the address for me, and handed it back.

Once the form was finished, I handed it back to her.  She didnt actually look at it, though.  No one else had applied, she said, and she thought Id be perfect for the job.  I could start work the following Monday, but could move in to the new flat that afternoon.

“Just a couple of things, though,” Kim said.  “If youre going to live at Silk-Trappe, were required to have you checked over by a doctor.  A liability thing the insurance people insist on it.”

I gasped.  It had just occurred to me that, because I was no longer in school, I could no longer use the student health clinic on campus.  “No problem,” Kim assured me, “theres a doctor who works through our system who can see you at no cost.  In fact, wed prefer that you saw our doctor.  Ill arrange the appointment for you. How long before you can move in?”

“I can be back in a couple of hours,” I said.  I didnt plan on keeping most of the stuff in my old apartment.

“Good.”  Her smile was bright, but her eyes continued to radiate power.  “Come on by when youre ready, and I should have your exam scheduled by then.”

By mid-afternoon, Id gotten the few belongings Id decided to keep some clothes, a couple of books, some cooking things and moved over to Silk-Trappe.  I told the student housing managers they could give the rest of my things to other students.  Kim met me on the sidewalk and took me to my apartment on the top floor.  It was a small efficiency it had a single room with a bed, a simple kitchen set against one wall, and a clean bathroom.  There was a TV on a wood stand in one corner.

“Help yourself to whatever food is in the apartment.  We keep some things for one of our employees here clothes and such.  She wont be here for several weeks, but we have no other place to put them.  I apologize if they get in the way; you can move them if you like.”  The look she gave me when she said that was almost predatory, and it gave me a shiver for reasons I didnt understand.  “Come by the salon Monday morning at 8:00 sharp.  Well set you up with a uniform, maybe clean you up a little.”  She ran the fingers of one hand along my ponytail as she said that.  “Well probably have some work around the apartment complex later this week as well, but Ill give you a couple of days to settle in first.”

As she turned to leave, Kim held out a slip of paper.  It said, “Dr. Allen, 2550 10th St., noon tomorrow.”  That was only a couple of blocks away. 

Until then, I had little to do.  It took very little time to unpack, so I looked through the apartment.  The kitchen cabinet was stocked with bottles of fortified water, and there were cans of diet milkshake in the fridge.   The closet held some blouses and pullover dresses, a couple of which had the name “Tina” embroidered on them.  I didnt know who Tina was, but the clothes suggested someone approximately my height and weight.  They were about the same size as the shirts I was hanging up next to them.  The drawers attached to the base of the bed also had some of Tinas clothes panties, bras, some socks and stockings.  My own belongings fit easily in the remaining space.

After unpacking, I grabbed a bottle of water and started flipping through the channels on the TV.  I hadnt watched much television in my former life as a grad student odd how in less than 12 hours, Id already thought of it as a “former life” so I didnt know what would be on.  I settled on a channel that was showing nature programs and began to relax.

I dont actually recall what I watched, but it must have kept my attention.  Something snapped me back to attention, and I realized it was midnight.  I turned off the TV, brushed my teeth, and hit the sack.

The next morning, I had breakfast a diet shake, with my usual pills washed down with protein water and took a shower.  For some reason, I decided to shave my face, but not my body.  While waiting to head out for the doctor, I turned the TV on.  The same blank feeling came over me, and before I knew it, I felt slapped back to reality just in time to get dressed and head out to meet Dr. Allen. 

I opened the drawer to pull out some clothes.  I pulled out a pair of briefs, but as I did so, my hands brushed against a pair of satin panties evidently belonging to Tina, whoever that was.  They felt cool and smooth, and something inside me stirred.  Im not sure what it was whether it was the simple feel of the fabric against my skin or the image, coming without warning from deep in my head, of me actually wearing them.  I could almost hear a voice saying I should put them on, that Id feel good wearing them, that theyd flatter my almost girlish figure.  I found my right hand reaching for them, but I held it back and stared at it for a moment.  Part of me was actually going to pick up the panties and put them on!

The thought of wearing panties wasnt exactly disturbing, mind you - but Id never even thought about wearing womens clothes before.  Id heard that most transvestites are straight, and I had no problem with the concept of cross-dressing, but Id never had any urges before.  Thats what caused me to stand still, staring at my hand the feeling that these panties would feel good against my still hairless thighs seemed to come from nowhere.  It had simply never occurred to me before.

After a few moments, I decided that since the panties werent mine they belonged to Tina I should probably wear my briefs.

I grabbed a shirt and pair of jeans from the closet.  My eyes looked at one of the sun dresses left for Tina in the back of the closet, and a similar image sprang to mind one in which I was actually wearing the bright yellow sleeveless dress, my smooth legs emerging gracefully from below the knee-length skirt, my hair let down and falling around my shoulders.  I shook my head and stepped back, amazed with the ease at which this feminized image of me came into being.  My face, hands, and legs were those of a woman, not of a man and yet, they were mine.  A voice seemed to whisper in my ear that this was right, that it was how things were supposed to be.  And I actually liked it.  I shook my head again, trying to shed myself of this surprising mental picture like a dog shakes water from its fur, and put my own clothes on. 

As I walked toward the doctors office, the changes of the past 24 hours coursed through my head.  So did my recent sudden thoughts and urges Id never had anything like them before. 

The Long Embrace of Change

Part VII

We watched Chris walk along toward his doctors appointment from my new apartment window.  My apartment was much larger than his, but was strategically located so that every time he walked up or down the stairs, he would pass my door.  And very soon, we would meet.

“She still has no idea,” Kim said.  I knew of the subtle messages Chris was starting to get, some subliminally through the television, others as barely-audible voices broadcast through small speakers throughout the apartment.  She was being given suggestions to wear the womens clothes wed left there.  We could see she wasnt wearing a dress, and we suspected she hadnt actually put on the panties, either but the seeds of desire were nonetheless being sown.

Her gait was taking on a decidedly womanly manner.  Her ass wiggled just a little as he walked not enough to raise the attention of onlookers, but enough to suggest a feminine side if one looked for it. 

The Long Embrace of Change


The office of Emily Allen, MD, was empty when I arrived except for a pretty blonde receptionist behind a desk.  I gave her my name, and she looked at a monitor screen in front of her, but she seemed to know who I was anyway.  Perhaps mine was the only appointment that day?

“Ah, yes,” said the receptionist. She wore green scrubs and a name badge that said, “Leila Baxter, RN.”  “You have a noon appointment.  Come with me.”

First, she handed me a plastic jar and pointed toward the rest room.  I didnt have to piss very much, but I was able to provide a sample anyway.  She then took me back into an examination room, where she asked me to strip down to my underwear.  After taking my weight, blood pressure, pulse and temperature, she had me sit on the paper-covered exam table.  A plastic tourniquet was tied around my left bicep, and she inserted a needle into a vein to draw some blood.  After taking the blood sample, she left.

I only had to wait a moment or two.  Dr. Allen was a tall woman with graying chestnut hair that shed put back in a bun.  Her approach at first seemed very businesslike and detatched, but her face projected warmth and trust.  Her dark eyes looked over the clipboard with the vital stats recorded by Nurse Baxter, then she looked up at me.  “Im having the nurse run some tests on the blood and urine samples you gave us.  Routine stuff.”  The first things Dr. Allen did were indeed routine she listened to my back with a stethoscope and looked into my eyes, ears, and throat.”

“How are you feeling?” she asked.

I wanted to tell her about my recent concerns about my chest.  Dr. Allen seemed to be someone I could really confide in.  Still, I was reluctant.  “OK, I guess.  Tired.  A lots been happening in my life.”

“I understand youve recently left school and accepted a new job?”

Kim must have filled her in before I arrived.  I nodded.

Her hands felt around the lymph nodes of my neck and then around my chest and abdomen. 

I must have flinched when her hands probed around my pectoral region I wasnt ready to admit I had breasts.  She looked up and asked, “Did I hurt you?”  I shook my head.  “Did I pull on one of your piercings?”  Again, I shook my head.  “Hmmm.  Something you want to tell me?”

“Well…..”  I took a deep breath, trying to collect my words.  “I dont know if somethings wrong or not.  Over the past few weeks, my chest seems to have….well…expanded.  Just a little.  Its not really uncomfortable or anything, just….I dont know….Ive been working out and dieting, and taking vitamins, so maybe its just that….”

Dr. Allen looked more closely at my chest.  Her hands then moved around the margins of my breasts, giving each a soft squeeze.  I exhaled when she did that it actually felt good!

“I cant feel any abnormal tissue in here.  The vitamins and diet could be doing this.  Are you comfortable with it?”

I thought that was an odd question.  “Uh….to be honest, yes.  No pain or anything, though if Ive been standing for a long time my chest tends to be a little sore.  A little increased sensitivity, too Id figured that was from having my chest rub against my shirts.”

“Could be,” she said.  She seemed to think for a moment.  “As long as theres no real discomfort, theres no reason to do anything though if you want your figure improved down the road, we could always do that.”  That surprised me; usually, when people spoke of “improving” the figure of their chest, it was in the context of a woman having her breasts enlarged, not reduced.  “But the soreness youre feeling from standing can be taken care of fairly easily.  Its a matter of reducing the amount of weight being supported by your chest.  Have you considered wearing a bra?”

My eyes popped wide open at that.  “Wear a bra? I……”  I was speechless.  I dont know what shocked me more the suggestion, or the ease with which she made it, as though it was a perfectly normal thing for a guy to do.

“Were not talking about anything major here.  Just a small bra an A-cup.  As long as youre wearing normal clothes, no one would know.  Believe me, it would help.” 

I was still unable to speak. 

“Look its nothing to be embarrassed about!  This happens to lots of men your age.  Wearing a bra under your clothes doesnt mean youre a homosexual or a pervert.  Its just a practical solution to a minor issue.  Just give it a try.”

She continued her exam.  “Take of your underwear, please.”  I hesitated Id been seen by female doctors before, but never down there.  “Its nothing I havent seen before, Chris.  Please pull them down.” 

Once my underpants were off, she had me scoot back on the table and to put my feet into hoops at the front on either side.  Once in, she strapped my feet in and pulled each leg up and out.  This left my genitals and ass completely exposed.

“Relax,” she said. “This is a necessary part of the exam.  It wont hurt.”

She felt around my genitals and tugged on my penis once or twice.  “You keep this clean, dont you?” she asked, flicking my PA ring with her finger once or twice.  I nodded.  “Good thing youre already circumcised with that.”  My cock began to get aroused. 

“Im sorry, doctor,” I said, embarrassed at my lack of control, “its just that you….”

“I know,” she said.  “Again, nothing I havent seen lots of times before.  Just relax.”

Dr. Allen walked over to a set of drawers against the wall.  I could hear various implements being moved around.  When she turned back, she held two objects a pair of calipers and a hypodermic needle.  She swabbed my right shoulder and, before I could say anything, injected me.

“What was that!?”  I rose up a little on the table, which was awkward because my legs were strapped into the stirrups.  No one had said anything about injections!

As I struggled to rear up on my elbows, Dr. Allen pulled a chain from under her lab coat.  On it was a thin brass tube.  Something about the tube seemed familiar, but I couldnt actually recall having seen one before.

She put the tube to her lips and blew into it once.  I dont know what happened; I didnt hear anything, but I suddenly felt much calmer and relaxed my arms.  “Just a booster.”  I figured it must have been a vaccine booster for measles or something; last time Id been given the normal vaccinations was early grade school.  I immediately began to calm down.  (In hindsight, I wonder if something in the shot helped relax me.)

With the calipers, she measured each of my testicles. 

She pulled a pair of rubber gloves on her hands.  I couldnt really see what she was doing, but I felt her hand smearing something cool and slippery along the crack of my ass.  One of her fingers slipped in my anus, causing me to gasp in surprise.

Id never had anything up my butt before.  Id never had a prostate exam or anything.  So I was astonished to find that the experience wasnt very unpleasant at all. 

Her finger probed my ass for a couple of minutes.  She must have found my prostate, because my cock started getting very hard.  “Im sorry…..embarrassing…” 

“It would only be a problem if that didnt happen,” she said, nodding to my erection.  Once my cock stopped growing, she measured it with the calipers.

To my shock, I was actually disappointed when her finger was withdrawn.  She wiped my butt with some tissue.

Once again, she put her lips around one end of the brass tube.  Things got a little fuzzy after that; next thing I knew, I was standing up and buttoning up my shirt.  For some reason, I wasnt concerned about my lack of memory over the past couple of minutes.

The nurse came in with a sheet of paper, which Dr. Allen read.  “OK,” she said, looking up at me, “your urine and blood both came back clear.  Youre physically fine.  Keep up with the exercize and diet its keeping you very healthy and youll need to come in for another booster next month.  And dont forget what I told you.  Your choice, but I really think it would help.”

I walked back to my apartment and sat on my bed.  Wear a bra?  Me? 

My feelings were muddled.  On the one hand, I was a guy, and guys just didnt wear bras.  What would people think?  But on the other, the doctor seemed positive it would help, and the soreness I sometimes felt at the end of a long day really was a drag.  And its not like Id be walking around in public just wearing a bra. 

As I thought this over, my earlier urge to put on a pair of panties came back to me.  There was something erotic about the idea of wearing womens underclothes, and that now included a bra.  Even if I hadnt been dealing with an expanding chest, I felt like the desire would have eventually come to me on its own anyway.

So Id decided to give it a go when I realized another obstacle the act of actually buying a bra.  Thats something guys definitely did not do. We might buy sexy lingerie for our girlfriends, but not everyday bras.  I wouldnt even know where to begin.  Id have to ask the salespeople for something that would fit me.  And I might as well be wearing the bra in public people would see and draw the conclusion that I wore womens clothing.

Then it occurred to me.  Tina.

Whoever Tina was, the clothes in the closet suggested someone of roughly the same height and weight.  And, Kim had told me, she would be gone for a long time.  I could get them washed, and shed never know.

I opened the drawer and pulled out a bra.  Sure enough, it was an A cup precisely what the doctor had recommended.  I looked at the bra for a few minutes, playing with the back strap to make sure I knew how it fastened.  I took a deep breath, pulled off my shirt, and put the bra on.

Getting the back of the bra to hook up was tricky, but I managed to get it done.  I went to the bathroom, where there was a full-length mirror against one wall, and took a look.

I had to admit, it looked good.  Im not sure why it just did.  But something was missing. 

“Ah, what the heck,” I said.  I removed my jeans and underwear, walked back to the drawer, and pulled out a pair of black satin panties.  They slipped over my legs and settled around my crotch like a glove.

Looking at myself in the mirror, the image was stunning.  I undid my ponytail and let my hair drape my shoulders.  I was a man, but I wasnt my earrings, my hair, my smooth skin, and now Tinas clothes, all together, gave the impression of an attractive, seductive person.   Its hard to describe not quite male, but also not quite female.  Change the clothes and put the hair back, and I would be a man.  Add some makeup, maybe do my nails, and Id be a woman. 

I became aroused looking at my image.  The bra and panties felt so good against my skin, and could already tell that the support the bra gave to my breasts for some reason, I now felt better about calling them breasts would make me more comfortable.  My hand slipped beneath the panties waistband and felt around at my growing cock, stroked my scrotum. 

Before I knew it, I was masturbating with real enthusiasm.  I exploded, jetting spurts of semen all over my hand and the panties. 

Once I was finished, I sat down on the toilet, caught my breath, and enjoyed the feeling for a moment.  But then, I realized Id just soiled Tinas panties with my fluids.  I pulled the panties off as fast as I could and ran water over them in the sink, hoping to wash it all off.  Once I thought the stain was gone, I wrung them out and draped them over the towel bar. 

”Ill have to wash those,” I thought, looking at them hanging limp. 

I didnt know what was happening to me.  Only a day after first feeling the compulsion to wear womens clothes, I found myself actually putting some on, and found myself getting excited over the fact.  I had no idea what this meant.  But before I knew what I was doing, I saw that my jeans were being pulled over yet another pair of panties white ones that Id pulled out of the drawer without even thinking about it.  I shrugged, put on a shirt, and sat down.  The panties and bra actually felt normal, as if I was supposed to be wearing them.  I had a few days before the job started, so I turned on the TV and gave it my full attention.

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