BDSM Library - The Sick Fucker Mansion!

The Sick Fucker Mansion!

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: Michael is one sick teenage sadist who with his friends loves to torture and abuse young boys for there enjoyment!

Paul sauntered into the lounge; his full ass hung out and jiggled as he skipped to each of the guys. He handed out the cocktails and stood waiting for instructions.

Michael swigged his drink down and his expression turned to one of disgust.

“What the fuck is this faggot?”

“Err a margarita Sir?”

He spat out the remainder of the liquid onto the floor and slammed the glass down. “More like fuckin shit you mean.” He pointed to the glass.

“Everyone elses drink ok? Riki, Sean?”

The other two followed suite with there friend and agreed with him.

“Yeah dude kinda tastes like it was made by a kid or something,” Riki butted in,

“Well it was made by a faggot Sean kinda of expected an all!”

Michael laughed and ordered Paul to prepare more drinks, he shouted to him as he left the room,

“And thats another punishment comin youre way faggot. Now youll eat my dogs shit after you suck him off.”

The two boys made sour faces, Paul cringed at the thought. He had to make the drinks properly and did so with extra care, this time pouring the measures to exact specifications.

How could they make him eat dog shit? How had all this come about? If it wasnt for his pathetic low life friend getting him involved in drugs he wouldnt be in this mess. He wouldnt have the huge debt to Michael who was now bribing him into sexual humiliation to pay it off.

When he returned the three boys were watching a sick porno. The girl on the screen was being double fucked by two black men with humongous cocks.

Tim was comfortably rubbing his big cock from within his pants and Michael was laughing at the bitch getting fucked.

He snatched the drink from Michael and pointed to the screen.

“Look faggot that will be you in no time at all. When I invite Errol round for the big fuck fest I have planned jeez youll know about it!”

Paul cowered and handed the other boys there drinks. He returned to the side of his master Michael and perched down next to him, then he spoke.

“How do you mean Sir?”

Michael pouted his lips and snickered he grabbed the attention of the two guys watching the video tearing them away from the awesome sex scene they were getting into.

“I didnt tell you two guys did I?” He continued, “Well I know this guy, big Jamaican dude from in town, sorts me out with weed and shit whenever I want. Well basically he loves faggots cant get enough of them, so when I told him about pansy boy here he couldnt get enough!”

Paul looked worried, “You here that sweetums, I showed the nigger your profile an all the pics vids and everything about you and hes totally up for it.”

Riki and Sean tapped there glasses together, “Dude you never cease to amaze me.” Sean said to Michael who was using Pauls mouth as an ashtray now.

“I know dude I always have another trick up my sleeve waiting for faggots like him to enjoy, cant get enough of it, open the mouth more bitch?”

He tilted Pauls head backwards and gripped open his jaw Paul squealed at this and moaned. “Thats better.” He said as he flicked more ash into the boys mouth it was searing his gums the pain was excruciating but he knew not to move.

“Anyway Riki as I was saying big Jamaican man Errol is comin round here next week when my mas away on vacation. Told him to bring his boys and stuff.”

He patted Paul on the top of his head, “And little fag here is going to have a very busy night ahead of him, and you know black guys they fuck till they drop. So I said he could fuck him in the sling all night if he wanted to, him and his friends.

“And they comin round for deffo?” Sean asked sipping the last of his drink.

“Course dude dont be silly, Errols bringin his new pup, pit-bull along too have a go on faggot too, says the dogs needs some release. And what better to cum inside of than a pretty faggot boy like him eh?”

Paul whimpered his eyes rolling with tears. The degradation and humiliation was about to get a whole lot worse, all because of his druggie cravings.

The door slammed and the four of them heard barking, loud gruff barking it was Jimmys dog. He walked in the dog attached to a leash, it began to sniff around the exposed faggots ass.

“Whoaaa someones in the mood for pussy tonight aint yaw fido?” He said, “Dont move Paul let your husband feel up his sex for tonight.

“But Sir?” Pauls feminine voice sounded out, He felt the large tongue of the dog swish its way down his crack and in and around his asshole, he felt crushed.

“But nothing fidos hungry for pussy so you just kneel there and let him enjoy his treat. Gosh what does a dog have to do to get what he wants from a bitch eh?”

Jimmy laughed and pulled the leash taught a little, “He sure is horny tonight dude, I mean howd you feel not having blown your load in over four weeks?”

“Damn dude dont even go there, jeez id fuck anything with a pulse!”

The other two agreed and gazed on as the obscene display in front of them.

“Anyways Paul its good to have your pussy licked gets it primed ready for the big fuck from Errol and the boys eh?”

Fido or as Michael had referred to him as, cock had swollen profusely, it tipped out from behind his hind legs and his balls had tightened up.

Riki noticed and pointed to it, “Didnt realise a dogs prick could get so big  eh Jimmy?”

“Thats not the only thing dude you see the sheath how it pulls right back, well thats a thing all dogs have. So when it gets so large like that and swollen, they fuck whatever there fuckin, but after it stays swollen, ballooned if you may. And so it takes ages for it to subside unable to pull out from whichever hole its in!”

“So your tellin me the faggot would be hoppin around on his bare knees with the dogs cock wedged in his ass unable to break free?”

“Yeah!” Said Jimmy.

“Ha-ha classic this we gotta see, but first I wanna see the faggot suck its cock?”

Michael set his glass to one side and rubbed the massive bulge in his pants, “Yeah dude youre right, hey fag?” He instructed move aside and give fido some lovin.

Jimmy let go of the leash and the dog kind of sat back with its paws ready to be sucked.

Paul felt nauseas, his stomach lurched with the thought.

“Dude how it know that, how it know hes about to get sucked eh?”

“Animal instincts just like me and you I guess?”

The dogs cock spurted a few drops of pre cum onto the carpet, “Lick it up fag?”

The doggy cum splattered a few feet away from where fido was sitting and Paul crawled over to the mess and slurped at the foul splooge.

“Ewww, nah no way!” Said Sean, “Hes actually doing it?”

“You should have seen what he was doing last night dude, made him eat his own shit from the toilet bowl this is nothing to what he has done.”

Paul felt so crushed and weak after he finished off the remaining mess, his master clicked his fingers motioning for him to start sucking the dog and he came up to it right close. This was the big moment, where four high school jocks would see a faggot suck off a dog, how disgusting is that? It was anew for Michael but the other three were anticipating the display, a thrill ran through them like no other.

Paul stuck his tongue out and touched the end of the swollen cock. It smelled musty and putrid like a dogs cock would, Michael tilted his bitches head further inwards.

“Come on fag show your worth?” The dog began to dribble saliva in big gobs from its mouth and moaned in excitement.

Paul wrapped his lips around the head and his eyes welled up from the task.

“Thats it now your doin good bitch all the way in now.”

Riki and Sean moved from the sofa to take a closer look they shifted down to Pauls height and gazed on in amazement as the fag took the cock in his mouth.

“Up and down now baby show fidi some lovin show him how a bitch makes love to a dog give it some effort?”

The four of them laughed Jimmy undid his trousers and was casually wanking his fat cock.

Michael picked up his camera phone and began to take multiple shots side view of the display.

“Fag this will be so cool for your profile, a little added something for my more select customers.”

Paul now had the engorged thing right down his throat and was going up and down on it like it was a lollipop. The dog was surly excited and began humping vigorously!

After a minute or too Paul felt its cock bulge, and spurt after spurt of doggy cum ran down his throat and into his stomach, sick!

“And thats four weeks of cum goin into his gut dudes!” They all laughed Michael was in stitches Sean and Riki were now wanking there own cocks in excitement.

The dog pulled off not before Paul had finished the remainder of the cum, “Get up?” Ordered Michael who saw it, “Gargle with the doggy juice fag?”

If not to feel even more degraded than he already was Paul complied and got onto his knees, “Wait wait, one moment keep it there keep it all in your mouth!” Michael said.

He played with his phone and began to make a small video,

He began to narrate the video like it was a documentary on animals, not far off in all honesty.

“This is the moment everyone where faggy boy Paul here gargles on a dogs cum. This is the moment that all his druggie ways have brought him too, how pathetic. Now do it!”

Paul gargled the mess in his mouth like he was brushing his teeth with water. It was all sloppy and watery in his mouth, dogs tended to cum copious more amounts than humans.

He finished it and gulped the rest of it down.

Afterwards the dog returned to his owner happily wagging its tail after all the fun. “Good doggy, good boy.” Said Jimmy,

A strong odour began to fill the room Riki was the first to notice.

“Hey you guys smell something?” Said Riki covering his mouth nose with his hands,

Jimmy knelt down to his dog and could smell the pungent fart wafting through the air.

“Uh ohh think he needs a crap?”

A big smile painted Michaels face, and he quickly rushed to his feet. Paul now feeling like he was about to be sick with all that cum in his mouth let out a cry”

“Shut the fuck up faggot!” Yelled Michael.

“Hey dude if fido needs to take a crap then theres no time like the present and my mas lawn aint gonna be where hes doin it?”

The four of them smirked knowing for full well where the dog was gonna defecate, into the confines and stomach of the fags mouth, yummy!

Pauls stomach lurched but before he could protest he was ordered into the garage, the rest followed on behind as the boy crawled to his humiliating grave. His dinner was just about to be served, doggy style!

The garage light was dimmed as the faggot entered still crawling pathetically on his hands and knees. The four boys followed behind and the dog was barking as it trotted.

“Easy boy! Eh Michael hes a bit leery think he needs to crap real bad?”

Jimmy pulled the leash taught on his dog, its tongue came out of its mouth as it gagged.

“Well he sure is excited about something must be the faggot?”

He ordered Paul to the floor, making him lie flat on his back. His mouth wide open!

“You close that pussy hole, and all of us here will beat you till you can breathe no more!”

Fear ran through Paul who assumed his demoralising position on the floor. The guys whispered to each other cracking jokes and deciding what was the best plan. Paul lay there in just his tight thong and his pretty little face stared up at the grey ceiling wishing he was some place far away from these bullies.

Riki decided he wanted Michaels point really embedded in the faggots mind so he knelt down to his face and pulled his jaw wide open.

“You hear what your master says bitch?”

Paul shook his head from side to side in agreement and his eyes filled with emotion, tears forming just a little, “Cus if you close your mouth whilst fidis doin his business in there Ill do worse than beat the shit out of you Ill kill you!”

His words were stern and harsh, his tone nasty and Paul realised there was no way out of this mess; he was going to have to eat whatever he was fed.

Riki hocked up a greeney from is throat, “Jeez this is a slimy one” Then in one full go he let the huge glob of snot out of his mouth. He held the faggots jaw open and it fell in touching his tongue. The taste was vile and salty but as Paul was unable to move it just rested there and seeped over the edges into his mouth.

Riki got up and Jimmy handed him the leash, “You do the honours dude!”

The dog eagerly got into place directly over Pauls face and after a firm push on its hind from Riki it squatted down over the boy, sick!

“Hey hes waggin his tail dude!” Sean pointed and felt the lurch in his pants.

“Hes happy I mean hes takin a crap, just blew a load and now takin a crap hes a dog dude they aint fussed!”

Paul kept his mouth open as instructed and could smell the strong odour coming from the dogs ass hole it stunk! Then Michael had an idea.

Fido was but an inch or so from Pauls mouth and the four boys could see what was about to happen, “Hey faggot put your tongue out, if you got the privilege of having your own pussy sucked before then show your respect back and give your husbands ass a lick?”

Paul had already had its cock in his mouth and cum in his belly so it couldnt get much worse could it? He thrust his tongue upwards and licked the puckered hole. The dog moaned and in the moment of excitement his bowels opened and a big wad of brown shit appeared.

A huge wod of doggy shit splodged out, but not human like, it was mushy and green and it seemed to seep out continuously. “Swallow it all chew it Paul?”

Paul did his best but as the horrible taste hit his senses he thought he would be sick. He was laid down on a garage floor eating shit from a dogs ass hole whilst four guys watched for there own enjoyment, how sick and perverse was that?

“Thats a good boy fido?” Said its owner, “Youre a good boy arent you?”

The dog responded to this gesture of good behaviour and wagged its tail and barked.

The other three laughed.

“Dude you forgot the camera?” Said Riki

“Damn!” Said Michael fidgeting in his pockets but he had left it on the sofa in the lounge.

Paul scoffed down the remainder of the putrid shit from the dog. He had never done anything sicker than this, sure Michael was an evil boy but this, this was shocking!

The dog kicked its legs and busied its self in the corner where it had found an old bone which it was chewing on. The four boys all huddled around Paul and each began spitting wads of spit and snot all over his face.

An hour or so passed. The four boys had forced the faggot to first suck the dogs dirty stinking dick, and secondly eat its slimy shit, gross!

Michael returned with a leash wound around his hand. He kicked the faggot who was curled up into a tiny ball and whimpering softly after his ordeal.

“Here boy.” He said in a demeaning voice as though he was referring to a dog, “Now its youre turn to be doggy for a while!”

He ordered Paul to his hands and knees and sharply fastened a heavy iron collar around his neck. It weight Paul down his neck brought forward hanging with the weight.

Then he attached the leash pulling it taught so his neck was thrust backwards.

“Thats it bitch just like a doggy now eh? Go on give us a woof doggy?”

Paul hesitated then let out a half assed attempt at a woof, Michael was unimpressed.

“You do it properly or it wont be only Errol fuckin that pussy of yours. Say I might even put you in farmer Magregels pound for the night see how you like twenty pit bulls fuckin your ass?”

“No please master not that?” He pleaded,

“Ok then give us a woof, a big doggy woof show your worth!”

“Woof, woof, owwww, woof, woof owwww.” The pathetic boy sounded out in the room.

“Now thats better from now on no speaking only barking, dogs, or rather bitches in your case should I say cant speak only bark!”

Paul nodded his head in agreement and Michael whipped him into a steady crawl out of the garage and into the kitchen. There smack bang in the centre of the room was a dog bowl. The scent filled Pauls nose straight away a warm sickly smell.

He bit his lower lip in fear of what meal lay waiting for him.

“You didnt think id let my lil doggy go hungry now did you? Anyway I cooked up some real fresh grub for ya. Cant be nice to have all that doggy poo in your gut need something else to perk you up so I prepared you this.”

Michael kicked the boy on his bottom and moved him closer to the disgusting meal that was awaiting him. Paul almost barfed when he saw what It was!

There was a big pile of fresh lumpy shit mounded up high. At least six or seven thick pieces of it. Around it was copious amounts of fresh cum finished off with a lake of urine.

“Yeah jimmy and the boys insisted they give you a farewell present before they left. I said they could use the toilet if they liked but when Sean had this idea I couldnt refuse him.

“Not again master please, not this why do I have to do it?”

His face went a sudden shade of deep green and his stomach lurched.

“Hey I thought wed decided that you was doggy for the day. And if your faggot brain can even remember what I said that means no talking only barking!”

He shoved the doggy boys face right down into the pile of mush. He squirmed as it covered his face the nasty filth covering hi entirely.

“You see this is what happens when doggies dont learn!”

Michael was sadistically smothering his bitches face in the shit. He calmed the boys head down and prevented him from moving.

Paul gasped as he inhaled the stench, bits went in his eyes mouth and eyes. He was literally covered in shit. What was worse was that his torment had only just begun.

Michael let go and stood up, “Now listen up faggot, Im having some pussy come round now gonna fuck some ass. What youre job is which you better fuckin do by the time I get back is to eat this filth your druggie ways have created, understand?”

Paul nodded, Michael continued “And if I get back and theres even a speck of my shit, Seans cum and Jimmys piss still in that bowl Ill punish you in ways you cant imagine.

He didnt wait for the boys reply, he couldnt speak any way only bark or moan softly as he was doing now. He attached the end of the leash to a table and fastened it securely so the boy couldnt move then left him to his dinner.

Paul stared at the filth how was he going to do this? What would his master do to him if he didnt finish he just didnt know?

He heard the doorbell ring and the voices of three pretty thirteen year old girls. They giggled and swapped kisses with Michael who was about to fuck them senseless.

Did they have any idea of the sick depraved things he was forcing Paul to do?

With all his effort he began to take mouthfulls of the filth in his mouth. He held his nose as he gulped down the larger pieces. Once he had finished he was left with the lake of piss and stringy pieces of cum lying on top of it.

In one full swig he downed the liquid and barfed when it reachded his stomach. Then he licked the bowl clean as instructed no leaving any room for deafeat in his task.

As he crumbled with the humiliation and pain he heard rocking in the bedroom someone was having a lot of fun, guessed by the screams of pleasure ringing through the house!

For Paul it was a never ending nightmare!

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Part 2

“Dude just take a look!” Michael said with a big grin on his face.

“Nah dude you havent…..”

Riki thought back to the conversation he and Michael had the other night. They were both as high as a couple of coots and discussing there deepest fantasies. Never did he imagine that Michael were to go through with this!

Riki peered in front of the door and his face dropped, “NO way dude, no way! Your fucking with my head man this aint happenin bro, fuck.”

He threw his hand out and high fived his best friend, “I told you Id make your fantasy come true and thats exactly what Ive done.”

Riki was astonished and horny. In fact he couldnt believe this was all happening but he sure was getting very excited and fast.

“Either Im smoking some dope weed here dude or this is some fucked up shit, but you know what, I like it. Dude can I use him now?”

The two boys walked up to the toilet, and peered over into the bowl. There with his head faced upwards and his mouth wide open was Paul.

“Dude how you keep his mouth open like that?” Riki asked.

“Oh yeah just got an old mouth piece my bro used to use for football an all. Kinda played with it a bit, you know made a few alterations and shoved it in the fags mouth.”

Rickys face lit up. He was amazed! Paul on the other hand was more frightened than he had ever been before. His heart was beating so fast he thought he was going to have a panic attack. He wasnt the brightest boy but he knew all to well what they had planned and it made him sick to the stomach!

Michael continued, “I made a few slight alterations on the toilet as well. Just so I could fit him in perfectly. And if I want I can remove him as well easy as that.”

Instead of water in the bowl, it was just Pauls head. There was just enough space for him and it was a snug fit. The user would like any normal toilet simply plonk himself on the seat and do what he had to do. Except in this instance the waste was not to go down a set of pipes, but instead into the mouth of Paul.

“And you know the beauty of it Riki mate?”

Riki smiled, “Go on dude!” He spat just at that moment letting a big gob of saliva fall onto the forehead of Paul. It steadily ran down his face and onto his lips and then ran into his mouth.

The two of them laughed, “Well he cant do nothing about it. Absolutely nothing. If he tries to move his head he cant. No room! Close his mouth, he cant! And thats due to my ingenious mouth piece of course.”

Riki interrupted, “So what your saying is hes forced to eat whatever hes fed?”

“Exactly and Im sure youve got lots to feed him.”

The two sadistic boys laughed with one an other, whilst Paul stared up to the ceiling fearing for his life. He was going to have to eat shit! Sweat mounted and he felt a tear well up in his eye. But there was absolutely nothing he could do.

“So how long you had him like that man, Doesnt look comfy?” Ricky asked.

“Ohh about three hours. I fucked him a couple a times before I put him there then had one of the house slaves lock him in. He cant move, completely secure.” He said with a sickening grin.

Riki licked his lips, he was excited about this. It had been one of his fantasies for a long time now, but never had he dreamed it would come true. That was all about to change thanks to his good friend.

Riki nealt down to the bowl and stuck his finger up his nostrel. He plugged out a big glob of sticky green mucous onto the end of his fore finger.

“Here you go faggot a little starter to get them taste buds goin.”

He thrust his finger into the faggots mouth and swirled his finger around, letting the snot fall perfectly onto his tongue. Unable to move, or close his mouth paul could do nothing but let the acrid taste of snot fill his senses.

“All of it down now!” Michael said sarcastically!

“Theres a good boy! Do as your owner tells you or it wont just be my shit youll be having for main course.” Said Riki. It wont just be shit? Paul thought, what worse things could there be to force him to eat? This was a complete nightmare he wished he were some place else, how could he endure this without going insane? 

It slithered down his throat and he was glad when it was over. The two boys got up and Michael turned for the light, Riki had some final words.

“Remember what I said faggot, relish that starter, cus well if you know what I ate last night well its gota come out some time, and you know where ha-ha.” They both laughed as they left leaving Paul to prepare for the worst.

“No way man cant believe Im gonna do this. Were a couple of sick mother fuckers man, what would people think eh?”

Michael had just lit his spliff and exhaled a big puff of smoke from his mouth.

“Who cares man Im a sick bastard, youre a sick bastard hey everyone is. You should know me by now man I got no feelings. And neither do you do ya?”

“Course I dont not for that little faggoty bitch anyways.”

“Good cus its his mouth thats gonna be takin your stinkin shit dude, how fuckin good can it get!” He nodded his head in self admiration and thought of the depraved work he had carried out on the toilet boy, and the brilliant feeling it gave him.

He had to get his camera later and film the spectacle that would be even more embarrassing for the boy. He passed the spliff to riki, who was about to speak.

“Oh yeah. Its makin me horny man I got some big ones stored up there today, chilli burritos last night man, gonna be a little bit fiery!” They both laughed at Rikis remarks and walked into the lounge.

As they pushed passed through the door one of Michaels younger house slaves was cleaning the carpet, the hovering rang out and it pissed off Michael.

“Yo turn that thing off and fix me and riki here some drinks!” He ordered.

“Yes master!” The timid boy replied. He was at the most thirteen and had cute little wisps of blonde hair which fell just below his ears. Michaels orders were that all house slaves work naked at all times and with this kid it was no different.

“Dude watcha avin?” Michael asked Riki as he took an eye to the sweet boy on display in front of him. “Er just a coke man!” He was far to interested in the boy to warrant a decent response. This pissed off Michael, who glared at his friend.

“A coke man. Not want summit stronger? Brandy vodka? Or even a beer you know the kinda shit we have here!”

“Yeah a beer man thatll do, cheers.” He said whilst gently prodding at the boys naked ass. It was so soft and velvety. He cupped the boys buttocks and gently massaged them with his palms. The boy knew better than to move Michael had taught him very strict rules to abide by. If any visitor wanted to touch he had to go with it whether he liked it or not. Some times if house slaves were well behaved then Michael would treat them, so he wanted to show his master he was a good slave.

“Dude your fingers just dont stop getting busy. You can fuck the kid later man I wanna show you summit.”

“Ok dude.” Riki replied, “And Ill be seeing you shortly. The boy froze for a moment he hated being fucked it hurt so much. He picked up his cleaning materials and headed for the door.

“And be quick!” Michael shouted, “Im timing you! If you aint back in five minutes then Im shovin Rikis shoe here up yout pretty little ass!” He said laughing as the terrified boy left the room.

“Nah man these are nikes man. There new I aint havin them thrust up some kids ass hole, no way!”

Michael tutted sarcastically and set his spliff to one side. “I was only jokin man shove your cock up instead then youll like that. Now here look at this.”

Riki turned his attention to what Michael had in his hand, it was what looked like a photo album of some sort.

Opening the album Riki was amazed. His eyes almost shot out of there sockets. Michael pointed to a photograph of him and his father on vacation in Switzerland.

“Switzerland aint just about cheese and expensive houses you know, oh no. My dad has a very close friend over there who rears the slaves that we own. That little fella is Amish a Latvian bought by my father as an early 21st birthday present cool init?

Riki was gob smacked and continued to point at the photo, “But he aint got legs Michael.”

“Yeah stupid! Or arms!” He replied laughing to himself.

“Whys that then? Was he deformed from birth or some thing not sure if Im into that kinda shit bro?”

Michael turned the page which pictured a laboratory some where beneath the swiss alps. In actual fact it was and it was where slaves could be surgically altered to meet there owners specifications and needs.

“My dad said I could have any type of slave I wanted. Any shape or form and this is what I asked for. You see the reason why he has no legs or arms is because he is to fit perfectly at the sid of my bed.”

“Why though?” Riki said confused.

“You know me dude. I like a blowjob and I like a piss and not having to get outta the bed to take one or the other suites me just fine so you see……”

Riki butted in, “I see a kinda personal slave just for you?”

“You could put it that way! But to put it bluntly the only thing this slaves gonna be doing is well suckin my dick dry of cum and swallowin my piss.”

“Whens he getting here?”

“Like I said for my 21st. Oh am havin a big party that night booze, drugs slaves the whole shabang and your invited!”

Just as Michael was about to show riki another interesting photograph, the little blonde boy came in holding a tray with two drinks on it.

“About time faggot!” He came over and served them both the drinks. Riki couldnt tke his eyes off the kids sweet face and innocent looks, he wanted to fuck him and now!

“Not bad faggot, not bad at all. Now show me pink I wanna see that pussy of yours. I wanna see that youve been workin on it good and proper.”

In an instance the cute boy placed down the tray and turned around. Steadily he knealt downwards and assumed doggystyle position on the floor. His beautiful bum spread open and in full view came his lucious puckered ass hole.

“Now pucker that rose bud, show me some wink!” Michael commanded and gave the boy a few kicks to get him going. The boy began to clench and uncleanch his hole and it moved in and outwards in a nice slow rhythm.

“Wow man! Let me feel dude!”

Riki rushed downwards and placed his fingers on the boys ass hole. He prodded and toyed with the puckering hole. All whilst the boy strained to do a good job and please his master.

First he inserted one finger, and then two and he began to fuck in and out.

“So you like my boy Riki?”

“He sure feels tight man, he ever been fucked before?”

“Are you jokin this bitch has been done each and every way possible. Black men, dogs you name it hes had it?”

Riki looked confused whilst he worked his fingers into the orifice of the boys abused hole, “But I dont get it hed be like well loose by now. I mean nigger dick and dog dick the boy should be bucketed by now!”

“Ahh well!” Michael replied with a smug grin on his face, “Theres a reason for that, but Ill let you in on that another time.”

“Oh well Im gonna fuck him anyways am horny man. And then perhaps Ill take my big shit in that faggots mouth, oh yeah forgot about that.”

Michael picked himself up from the chair and headed out of the door, “Cool man. Im takin a shower give us a shout when you fucked this bitch and Il get my cam ready dont wanna miss our little toilet fun for the world.”

“Of course cant wait either.” Riki said whilst he unbuttoned his jeans and let them fall to the floor. His big fat cock sprung out almost nine inches, the boy gulped at the prospect of having to take it all I nbut he would!

The boy squealed as Riki pushed him forwards to the couch. “You heard what was said bitch! Im gonna fuck ya good and hard and then you can fix me summit to eat!”

“Yes Sir!” He said as he felt Riki prize apart his legs. His little cock and balls dangled freely from behind, he looked so cute and fuckable. Riki licked his lips in ore at the prospect of fucking him.

“Sir, can I ask you a question?” The terrified boy asked. He bit his lower lip knowing for full well that he was never to speak out of terms.

“Yeah what is it?” Riki said as he toyed with the boys ass hole. It felt so good to run the length of his cock up and down the slit. His asshole was hairless and the pink hole was as tight as could be.

“Is it true that the boy in there…well Ive heard…….”

Riki stopped him and pushed the tip of his dripping cock into the boys hole, he yelped at the pain it stung but he held still, “Yeah heard what?”

“Well some of the other boys have been askin? Is it true that my owners made him into a toilet, a human toilet?”

“Yeah and….you want in on it too?” He joked, “Cus if you want Ill arrange it for you just one word and Michael will do it for me one word.

“Oh no please no not that, anything but that…….”

“Well you shut your fuckin mouth whislt I give you a good fuckin and perhaps I wont mention it!”

“Yes sir?” the boy feared the worst, he had to please Riki now to his fullest capabilities. So he rocked back on the cock, and settled himself on the massive organ.

“Ohhhh yeah theres a good bitch, thats it!” Were Rikis words as he smiled in lust for this thirteen year old boys tight ass. He gradually picked up pace and began fucking him wildly. He loved the feel of a tight ass hole, gripped around his huge cock, it gave him the feeling of power.

The boy rocked backwards onto it riding it like a whore. He felt his own cock grow as Rikis bashed against his prostate in a fast rhythm.

“Ohh yeah take it you bitch, take it you fukin fag!” He gripped the boys neck and thrust it backwards. The boy moaned as Riki began to roughly fuck him. He shoved his fingers in the kids mouth and mounted him like an animal. All thre sounds that could be heard in the room were that of Rickys giant, egg sized balls slapping the boys ass again and again as he fucked mercilessly into him.

“Take it bitch, come on fuckin take it. Ride my big cock!” He screamed in ecstasy! This carried on for a further ten minutes until he felt Rickys cock stiffen. He unloaded copious amounts of cum into his as hole making sure he bunged him up with it good and proper.

As Riki dismounted him the boy crumpled on the sofa with Riki slapping hi sass a few time for good measures. “adda boy, good fuck you were, Im pleased!”

The boy regained his breath and quickly assumed an upright standing position, it was his duty as slave to meet the requirements of guests, and that meant as soon as they were done with him he was ready to offer them any other requests.

“Thank you sir, could I offer you anything now, you said you would like something to eat?”

Riki slumped in one of the chairs still half naked. “Yeah but first come and suck my cock clean. I dont want your dirty ass slime on my cock.”

“Yes sir.” He said and scrambled on his feet between Rickys legs and began working on his cock.

Meanwhile Michael was upstairs and had just finished his shower. He had donned his comfy dressing gown and was currently making a call to his father. Underneath him crouched down was one of his personal slaves whose name was Marcus.

“Make sure you get the cream right between the toes boy!” Michael barked to the boy in a rough tone.

“Yes sir.”

He expertly applied the cream and massaged and worked it into Michaels toes and within the grooves of his feet. Michael enjoyed nothing more than to have a slave massage his feet, it wasnt all sex for him but sometimes a little bit of tender care.

Marcus had been promoted just recently to his personal slave and he was glad of it too. Before hand he was just one of the stable boys and that meant he had to sleep outside in the barn where it was cold. Now he slept in the house and got a decent meal each night, if he performed his duties correctly.

“Do you know Marcus….”

“Yes Sir?”

“I didnt tell you to stop!” His eyes lit up and the worried boy quickly resumed his work, he thought it strange how his master was asking him a question. Normally hed just get ignored.

“I guess you and the rest of the slaves have been asking questions eh?”

He pretended not to know what his master was talking about, and bowed his head from view. “Look at me when Im talking too you!” Michael flicked up the boys cute chin and gazed directly into his eyes.

“I asked you a question and I expect an answer.”

“But sir…Im not sure what your talking about, really?”

Michael slapped the boy twice with his back hand, sending him off balance and a little shocked. “Dont play dumb with me Marcus or it will be you in that toilet!”

“Im sorry sir I just…I was afraid I would say the wrong thing…… and you would be cross with me thats all.”

Michael huffed bringing his toes away from the boy. “Always say the first thing that comes to mind boy, speak your mind in future.”

“Yes sir.” He said softly thankful that his master was not to punish him.

“And now you can continue……….”

He steadied himself and bowed down to the feet of his master before beginning.

“Well the others have just wondered who that boy in the toilet is? We have never seen him before and dont want to end up like him Sir. In fact everyone is real scared youll do the same to us.”

Michael smiled wickedly, he loved the power he had over his slaves and the torment that they were going through. “Ive just had a thought hey Marcus.” He decided to be very cruel and had come up with a little game for the young boy to participate in……..

Paul felt cramped in his little toilet hole. His jaw ached from the pressure of the mouth gag and he yearned for some water. He was so thirsty. He thought things through again and again in his mind. How was this all happening to him? Were they really to go through with this? He knew a lot of sick shit happened in the world but this? It was beyond comprehension.

He could barely move his head from left to right and just stared upwards at the vacant ceiling and the grey tiles in front of him. He had no notion of the time and had built up a steady sweat which soaked his body. He was naked and the toilet was cold but all his anxieties had made him hot and bothered. He began to cry tears falling down his cheek.

It was then that he heard noises from outside and the door slowly creaking open. The light was switched on and Michael peered his face around the door.

“You still awake fag not dozed off dreaming of your dinner have you?” Riki laughed at Michaels joke and the two teenage boys made there way over to the toilet basin. Paul was livid how could they joke like this? Asleep that would have been a miracle, what person thinks of sleep when they are about to be forced to eat human shit.

He made a few muffled sounds, prevented from speaking due to the mouth gag. “Awww baby not able to talky walky.” Said riki who admired himself in the mirror.

Michael stood legs apart in front of the toilet seat and gazed down directly into the eyes of Paul. “I know your going to enjoy this Paul so chin up eh! First I wanna offer you a little drink!”

Paul was so thirsty and was glad to here those words from Michael. But it didnt last long. He began to squirm with a lot of wasted effort, his cute innocent face began to shake.

“Awww did baby think I was gonna give him water?”

He continued to writhe but to no avail. He couldnt speak or move it was useless. Riki hearing Michaels sick words came over too and patted his friend on the back.

“Your doin some mighty good work there buddy. Go on giv him a little taster. Hey hes had my boogers for starters, your piss for mains, and then well Shit will be desserts. A strange order of things but hey I dont think he minds.”

He knelt down to the frightened boy and flicked his ears a couple of times. “Do you faggot you dont mind what order we feed you, just as long as you get it ha-ha!”

Michael unzipped his jeans and let them fall to the floor. Then he removed his boxers. All the excitement had made him hard but he needed to piss real bad. Paul gulped at the size of the big drooling cock in front of his eyes. It was so big, and the bulbous head a deep purple colour. It throbbed and Michael toyed with it in his hands for a moment.

Gradually he knelt down and rested the tip of his cock onto the lips of Paul, “Tongue out and give it a lick.” Were his words.

“Yeah right in his piss hole.” Riki added. Paul complied and stuck his tongue out and gingerly ran it up and down the slit of Michaels cock. It tasted awful and the stench was vile.

“Thats it fag. Now you better drink all of my piss. If you drop one bit, let one drop fall out of your mouth then ill send each and every person in this house, lining up in order one by one to take a shit in your mouth. Howd you like that eh?”

Paul froze he was out of his mind with worry. So he gladly took up Michaels warning and  made sure the opening to his throat was free to take in the acrid urine he was to be given.

He made a few sounds and lightly nodded his head, with that Michael began to piss.

“Ahh that feels good real good.” Michael said in his proud stance. He stood over the toilet bowl like he was a man wedding his wife he was that proud. Instead lay a suffering fourteen year old boy beneath him. With his mouth open he was the make-shift human toilet hole!

For Paul it was dreadful, he could do nothing. He was bound and could do nothing to break free. The piss seemed never ending and he drank every drop of it as instructed by his master. Unable to open and close his throat it gushed down and at one point he thought he might splutter it upwards and vomit but he managed not to.

Perhaps it had been an idle threat he thought? No not Michael he was a sick bastard hed do anything for sexual gain.

Michael sighed, “Arghhh its nearly up man. And there was me thinking I could go on for longer.” He tugged at his cock letting a few remaining drops flicker down onto Pauls face.

Paul felt his gut heave and his face stung from the acidity of the piss.

“Not to worry man.” Riki said, first removing his jeans and then his boxers. “I need to take a whizz too step aside! He can have seconds for good behaviour.”

“One sec dude I just wanna do one more thing.” With that Michael knelt downwards and wiped his big floppy cock, stinking of sweat and piss over Pauls face. The boy squirmed beneath it and for a second Michael popped it into his mouth. Riki signalled to his friend to move to one side and hopped up and down,

“Dude Im gonna burst. Dont wanna get it on you, move aside so I can get the fag!”

“Oh shit, yeah.” Michael moved and riki stepped up, he really was bursting. With out warning his piss shot out and he directed it right down Pauls throat.

“I really needed that! Was saving it up!” Paul took what he could but unfortunately for him he could take no more and he spewd. A moment later he barfed up, and yellow piss mixed with other grotesque things from his stomach spewed from the side of his mouth.

But Riki continued to piss and it wasnt until a minute later that it finally let up and the last trickle fell into a few final drops. “Fewwwwww. That was good!”

Riki came within an inch of Pauls face, “Id pat you on the back for that faggot but dont fancy getting my hands covered in piss.”

Michael laughed at Rickys remarks whilst he opened the side cupboard and retrieved what looked like to be a camcorder. “And I bet you thought we was gonna stop there didnt you?” He said sarcastically as Paul regained his breathing and was brought back around to his surroundings.

Next thing he knew Michael was dangling the camcorder by its strap in front of his eyes and swaying it from side to side. Michael peeked his head round!

“And you know what time it is now!”

“Time for him to taste my shit dude thats what fuckin time it is.” They both high fived each other as teenagers do. Pauls heart raced so fast he thought he were having a heart attack. NO! They were about to shit in his mouth, first piss, and now shit? How on earth could he do this? How on earth could anybody do this?

“You got the camera ready?” Riki asked.

“Sure thing, ready now! Michael said eagerly and pressed the record button. He aimed the camera downwards to get a final look at the sufferers face before his inevitable fate.

“Any last words from the fag?” He put his hand to his ear humouring the boy, and edged closer. “I guess not then ha-ha!”

Just small yelps exited Pauls mouth. Nothing more! Riki strained and felt bowel movements from within himself. It was going to be a big one he could feel it. The time had come and all was ready, he trod over to the toilet basin and clambered up over the seat.

He plonked himself down and Paul for the first time saw the horrid, putrid smelling ass hole before him. Rickys ass was hairy and his rosebud hole was puckering with the need to shit. He strained once more letting a big fart out. Paul unable move could do nothing but inhale the foul stench and he coughed as it almost suffocated him.

Riki was definitely enjoying it. His big floppy cock and balls dangled beneath and Paul had a clear view of them as they swayed. “Ohh am getting hard faggot just thinkin of this. Who would have thought that all this were to come true eh?”

He let out another fart, this time wetter than the last, “And I think its about time to let last nights dinner go down its toilet hole.”

“What was it you ate last night dude?” Michael asked smiling the camera in his hand.

“Oh ya know, burritos, cheese and cake the hole lot really.”

The two sadistic boys found it hilarious, and not long after Pauls heart really did begin to race faster than it ever had before. He gazed upwards as the beginning of one big shit emerged from rikis hole. Slowly but surly he felt it touch his lips. With no movement left or right, and his mouth fully wedged open he took the tip of it into his mouth. The sloppy mess fell on his tongue and before long his mouth was engorged with the vile excrement.

He panicked realising this was it, this was the end. He had succumb to such a low that he barley felt human anymore. He bit into it and chewed the disgusting mess. It had a nutty taste and a thick gooey slime coated the outer parts of the shit as he chewed.

“Ahh there we go dude. Number one out! You hear me faggot thats just the frist one wait until you see what else I got to giv ya.” Rikis evil words echoed out in the bathroom whilst Michael expertly filmed the whole spectacle. His cock was now rock hard and jutted upwards from his groin. He could have cummed right now whilst shitting in Pauls mouth. The thrill it was all giving him was immense his ultimate fantasy had come true.

Paul had never tasted anything so bad in his life he felt inhumane, degraded, humiliated worthless. Like an animal pawned in a ring and tangled in a webb of two teenage boys sick and twisted fantasies. He chewed down the reminder of the first log and was horrified to se that the second one currently emitting from Rickys asshole was much thicker and more slimy. Gradually it fell slithering into the confines of his mouth. He began to chew!

“Dude this is so hot man. Like the best thing ever.” Riki said hooting to himself.

“And after hes done eatin his dinner, he can lick you clean too.”

“Sure fucking thing he can.” Riki said agreeing with Michael. He stood up and turned around gazing down at Paul he was met with a horrid sight. Tears fell down Pauls face shit covered his cheeks, lips and teeth, and still he had some left to finish. Riki completely subdued in this brilliant moment, jerked his cock back and forth. His full balls ached for release and his cock throbbed with his movements.

Moments later he orgasmed and ropes upon ropes of cum flew out of the end of his cock, right onto the cute face of Paul, although all he was now was a fuck pig who had well and truly been used…………………..

Part 3.

The doorbell rang, and Michael dashed to his feet to take a look at the cctv.

“Errols here.” Michael said in an excited tone, “Yo Riki take the bitch out back and shove him in the kennel.”

They had just both roughly fucked a thirteen year old kids asshole Riki had fucked his face whilst Michael had odne his pussy. Michael had fucked him so hard that he had made the boys ass bleed. Riki picked him up with ease and hauled him over his shoulders.

“Well be in the lounge think Errol brought the big African nigger Akende with him and not met the guy before.

“No worries.” With ease Riki briskly walked through the garden and too the dog kennels at the back of the house. “I hope your hungry, hungry for doggy dick today, cus old rustlers cock needs a lickin.

The boy too fucked to even talk just emitted a few small murmurs and non coherent gibberish.

“Michael sure fucked you up this time kid. Ahh better still the Rottweilers will have a bitch to play with now too. It was far from the worst the kid had been put through but Michael had evilly made the kennels a daily duty for him it seemed.

Riki unlatched the gate and thrust the kid to the kennel floor. He landed with a thud and almost straight away three large Rottweilers and one German Sheppard came over ready to taste there meal for the day.

The boy managed to see Riki leave from the corner of his eye but it was too late now and before he had even managed to think one of the dogs had begun to mount his sweet ass from behind. They were in doggy heaven. He just heard Riki shout

“Be back in a couple of hours kid…” And then he was gone left to the bewildering madness of a pack of ass hungry dogs waiting to pound his ass. How he wished he had never crossed Michaels cousin in the first place now he was captured, abused and doggy fucked.

Meanwhile back In the house the big Jamaican Errol had arrived. He brought with him his African friend Akende who carried with him a large suitcase. “You want any help with that Akende?” Michael asked in a warmly manner.

“No brother tis fine jus gotta get ma case through then I show ya want big Akende brought back from Zimbabwe.”

The three of them laughed Michael rather intrigued to see what treats and delights Akende had brought.

“So hows it been hangin bro?” Errol asked patting his old pal Michael on the back with his big black hands.

“Ahh ya know 21 now dude. And my dad gave me a new slave all the way from Latvia some eastern European bitch a bit cut up to be honest?”

Errol frowned, “What ya mean cut up?”

Michael laughed and handed Errol a rum and coke from the side bar cabinet. Ill show ya later youll see.”

Akende was bigger than Errol but still the two of them together were two mean mother fuckin niggers. They took no sit from nobody and just like Michael they especially enjoyed to abuse and degrade young slave boys for pleasure.

“You still got the brothel then Errol?”

“Yeah sure thing bro got a couple a nice new boys there as well ya know. A fresh couple a new pussies with ripe holes waitin to be abused. Its there first stint tonight so cant be stayin long but you could come down if ya want?”

Michael thought about it and he did fancy taking a look at the new merchandise. “Hmm maybe bro just I gotta tend to my new present you see so well have to see what happens later.

At that moment the code to both locks was inputted and the suitcase clicked and opened. The three of them including Michael who was very eager to see what lay inside crowded around to take a look.

Michaels eyes almost shot out from there sockets, “Fuck!” he said struck in ore at the magnificence of the object.

“Not seen one like that before Akende!”

“Old Akende know how bitch need be done ya know.”

Michael grasped the gigantic phallus that lay in the suitcase. It was by far the biggest and most brutal looking studded black dildo he had ever seen. The girth was at least three coke cans thick and in length was the size of a donkey dick.

“That a bit heavy for ya bro?” Errol said laughing as Michael struggled to hold the gigantic object.

“Fuck me Errol whats this fucker made of?”

He pointed to Akende “Tis made from the usual materials except its loaded full of a little special ingredient.”

Michael put his ear close to the end of the dildo and noticed a slushy, swishing noise coming from inside.

“Is that piss inside or some shit Akende or fiery chilli oil or some shit. Yeah I done that once gave one of the bitches a fiery fuck then loaded his ass deep with chilli oil and bunged him up with a plug. Was good fun!”

Akende took hold of the Dildo from Michael and just at the base of the dildo he flipped up a piece of loose plastic to reveal a button. “Piss ya say, no something better much better, Its loaded with six litres of fresh Zimbabwean cattle cum fresh from me ome land.”

Michael nearly fainted, “That shit must stink like fuck now.”

“has been inside for three weeks now. Its lumpy white stinkin cattle cum thick and green and going off.”

Akende rested the massive Phallus just to the side of the coffee table.  The big African nigger sat down took a sip of his drink and took his pants down.

Errol stepped in, “Listen Michael Akendes very horny you able to get a bitch to suck his dick for him?”

“Yeah sure thing?” Michael said and switched on his radio. He called through and asked for one of the available stable boys.

“Anything you want Akende, take ya pick, Latino, white, spic anything young old, fat skinny we got it!”

Akende mulled it over whilst tugging on his fat, swelling prick. The head was a deep purple and glistened beautifully in the light, it must have measured at least ten inches.

“I wanna ram a kids face hard I mean really hard, back of the throat tonsil shit so any slave who knows how to suck a good old African cock like a pro?”

Michael thought for a moment and then it came to him, “Ahh I know just the one.”

He ordered the slave to be brought down immediately by his head slave boy who was in charge. Akende slouched in his chair smiling and suppin his drink knowing his big fat cock which jutted up to the ceiling was about to fuck some kids face.

A few moments later and after another hold of the giant dildo two boys entered the room. One of them was Bradley he was naked except for a very small pink, girly thong which nestled neatly in the back of his ass. Beneath him and crawling like a pathetic little slave slut was “Blow blow boy” well as Michael had renamed him as. He was fourteen and his mouth was held open agonisingly by a steel mouth ring. His eyes where bloodshot and his nose boasted a ring which the taught chain which Bradley was holding was thread through. Every so often Bradley would tug at the chain forcing the slave boys head backwards and making his fucked up face tense up, a sight of pure beauty thought Errol who went to take a look at the boys exposed ass hole. Deep in his crevice was a dildo that was hollow from the inside.

“You seen the hole then Errol” Michael said kneeling down to take a look with his friend.”

“Yeah what ya tryin to achieve here then?”

“Hes had a dildo I him ever since I got him. Except each week I put one larger than the last in. Soon his ass hole will be one distended pussy loose and ready to be fucked by my prised shire horse.”

“Ha-ha fuck me you never cease to amaze me Kida. Gotta get one of these sluts down a the brothel me thinks.”

They both laughed, Bradley stood still not ushering a word although he was head slave boy he was now in the presence of his master and his two hulking black friends he knew his place.

“you hear that blow blow not long now till we get that pussy fucked and you mated as the bitch you will be. Im sure stallion my prized shire will enjoy ploughing his wife from here on after day after today dont you?”

The kid could do nothing but nod his fragile head and a tear built in his eye he was well and truly fucked up.

“Now its time for you to suck my friends big cock here. And no bullshit, Akende asked for my best cock sucker so you should feel privileged that I asked for you to do the job eh!”

Michael clicked his fingers at the pink thong wearing Bradley and ordered him out of the room. He turned and left his minion to his fate. “Oh and fix up Joey.” Michael said turning to Bradley, he pointed to the gigantic dildo and tapped the top of it with his hand.

Bradley gobsmacked just uttered a few laboured words, in shock at what he thought Michael proposed to do.

“Where gonna stretch his hole this evening and I think hes ready to take this fucker dont you?”

They all laughed except Bradley and Blow blow, “Er yes sir right away.” He muttered.

He left and whilst Michael chatted about old times with his good pal Errol, Akende had positioned the boy on the floor and just above his head he began to ram his fat cock into the exposed “O” shaped mouth piece that was the boys mouth. Blowy was in for one sore ride especially with that giant ten inch fucker that Akende was currently piston fucking into his throat. Slap slap! went his stinking hairy balls, up and over the boys nose and face as he fucked in and out.

Meanwhile Bradley took himself to the private stables at the rear of the mansion. Michael kept his herd of newly acquainted boys there, and the ones who had previously been house slaves, and had been demoted through lack of good work. He unlatched the gate and opened the door to the shed. On either side of the isle where six separate pens. Each boy was chained through a ring in his nose to a tall pillar. Beneath him was straw and a small drinking bowl. The only time they were taken out of stables was to either be punished or serve Michael and his friends in one demeaning way or another.

He had to check on Liam, a cute faced fifteen year old who had now spent three months locked in the stable. He peered into his section to make sure everything was in order. “Hey you piece of shit wake the fuck up.” Now that Bradley was in company of the other slaves he could well and truly order them to his every wish. That was his job Michael needed to keep control of everybody on his manor and couldnt do that by himself so he employed higher ranking slaves to do that for him.

“Er…yeah” he moaned his face contorted with a thick perspiration covering his brow. He was positioned on his hands and knees whilst a gigantic fucking machine worked its way in and out of his pussy hole, nice! He had been fucked continuously for the past six hours that his mind had become a whirl of delirious notions. He couldnt even comprehend what was happening anymore and dozed in and out of a coherent state.

“Ill turn it up if you fuckin doze on me like that. You want me to do that, cus if you do Ill tell Master right now and then youll see what fucked up shit he has in store for you.”

The boy shook his head from side to side. Spit ran from the corners of his mouth big wads spraying out from the corners like he was a cow being milked. In fact it wasnt far from the truth the dildo had been milking his prostate good and hard for six hours now. Ha-ha.

“Oh well no reply then guess Ill have to do something my self.” He turned to the controls on the side of the fucking machine and cranked up the speed to fastest. “Ill be back in an hour to see if youve learnt your lesson.

There was no reply the machine was at full throttle, the dildo impaling ruthlessly into the boys ass.

“Arghhhhhhhh, fuckkkkkkkkkkkk.” He wailed and his eyes almost blew out of his sockets with the intensity.

Bradley moved onwards, and passed Jacob one of the newer boys. He was still at the “I can get away from this hell” Stage and had not fully been broken yet. That was Bradleys job to do and knew he only needed a few more days on the kid.

The boy was tied down with his mouth open and a hollow gag had been shoved inside, his hands and arms restrained by his side. He heard Bradley unlatching the gate and made a few muffled noises.  “Arghhhh ohhhhhhh pleaseeee!”

“Pleas give you another dose of Michaels special reserve. Ok”

And he wasnt talkin about a sweet southern reserve of whisky oh no. To the left of the boy was a cabinet that read “Special reserve.” Inside was a heated box about the size of a picnic container. Bradley picked up the large industrial spoon and dug into the foul stinking mess. He scooped out four day old, body temperature shit straight from Michaels ass. Mixed as well with horse shit and other vile concoctions. Hey how much shit could one guy produce?

“Theres a good boy now take down your dinner. He placed the spoon in front of the boys mouth. Jacob could only see upwards and saw the bottom of the spoon glistening with putrid smelling shit, some of it dripped from the sides and fell onto his lips. Vile!

Bradley shoved the spoon throat deep into Jacobs mouth and whizzed it around. He then held the kids nostril closed forcing him to swallow. It had been his eighth serving of the day and there was more to come for sure!

The kid swallowed the vile mess and cringed as it went into his gut. After so much of Michaels prize winning shit youd think the boy would have barfed straight up, but Bradley had already sorted that problem out. He had given the boy a sickness shot preventing him from spewing. And that meant he could take double or even triple of the amounts that a normal person could. How ingenious it was, and one of Michaels private doctors in Switzerland ideas!

The boy moaned in pain and agonising humiliation but Bradley just huffed and swayed his cute bum out of the pen. Now to Joey it was time for the big show, even Bradley was glad not to be in his position right now and he too before had gone through a remarkable amount of abuse at the hands of Michael. Bradley gritted his teeth he kind of liked Joey and hated to be the one to break the news, but what his owner said went. He had no intention of putting his privileged job in jeopardy that was for sure………..

As he opened the pen door, there crouched in the corner was one scared boy. He was fully naked and instead of giving him a more ruthless punishment Michael had decided he wanted to get to the boy psychologically. Around the base of his penis and cupping his balls in tightly with a wire mesh was a chastity device.

He had been prevented from cumming for seven days now and it hurt so much, but there was fuck all he could do. Sure he could play with it and even frig his own ass hole for sexual stimulation but the clit down there would simply stay soft.

“Hey kid you ok?” Jacob asked with a smile. He knew Joeys story and it killed him. His mother and family all killed. And then him left to an orphanage, and it wasnt long till he hit the streets taking crack and heroin. And not long after he was coerced into a vicious prostitute ring. And thats where Michael had picked him up he knew a couple of wheelers and dealers who owed him a favour and he liked the cute look of Joey, so he bought him at a discount price.

He had luscious tanned skin and dainty little freckles above his nose just nestling on both his cheeks he was so adorable. His brown hair fell jut below his ears and his body was in good condition too. Unlike the other slaves he was pretty much virginised except for a few fuckings from Riki a few weeks back that was all. So it Killed Bradley to break the news.

“Listen Kid.” He went on after Jacobs sniffles spoke the words for him.

“Your gonna have to turn around I need to do something.”

“What, whats happening Bradley?”

“Just turn around Ill tell ya.” But he couldnt he really couldnt. the Kid was in for a rough ride with that gigantic menace that Akende had brought, and not to mention the two niggers as well. The kid would definitely need a stint in Michaels surgery to reconstruct his pussy that was for sure.

The kid knelt as Bradley took some prime goose fat from a bucket on one side.

“Im gonna have to lube you up good and proper Michael wants to fuck you a few friends of his are round for a bit of fun.”

“How many are there? He asked hoping for the best that it wasnt another ten man gangbang party that lasted four hours, last time he heard that Michael had friends round.

“Just two, no three theres three of them nothing to worry about.”

He hated himself, and began to insert his finger laden with copious amounts of the foul goose fat to the boys ass hole. He swished it around real good. Joey new better that to say anything and let Bradley do his work.

“So why you puttin that stuff on me Ive taken dick before its not so bad.”

Bradleys mind went blank. “Oh” He fathomed, “Michael just gave the orders thats all and you know me kid I cant say no.”

“Oh right I see.” He responded and looked down at his pitiful cock shrivelled up and begging for release.

“Michael wants you fully naked so Im gonna chain you up and take you through to them”

And with that and amongst the murmurs and wails of humiliating and agonising pain from the other boys in the stable he took Joey to his fate.

As Bradley led Joey into the lounge they were met by a bit of a raving party. The two niggers were happily bouncing there heads and puffing blunt, skunk smoke whilst they listened to one of there mundane rap music records.

When Errol saw the pretty little thing come through, and sway his cute little face he turned to Michael. He had just finished pissing in there waiter and toilet for the evenings mouth. “Get the fuck up and serve the guys here some more drinks.” He ordered. And the scantly clad boy hopped to his feet at once to fulfil his masters wishes.

“Yeah bro?” he responded to Errol who had zipped up his pants to take a look a Joey.

“This our entertainment for Old Akendes column for the night then?”

Michael smiled and nodded approvingly at Errol, “Sure is dude and I hope hes ready for what hes about to receive.

“Repeat after me Jacob, young crack addict and heroin filled junkie!”

Bradley stood there motionless and to afraid to say anything. He couldnt though could he? Not unless he wanted the giant fucker in his hole. Akende had hidden it away just before hand not wanting to scare the kid straight away that was all part of the fun.

“I am a worthless crack addicted whore.” He grinned, “Whose only purpose in life from now on is to serve our dicks, asses and anything else that we shove in your pussy hole, Big or small.”

He turned to Errol and Akende and smirked knowing for full well what he was talking about,

Joey repeated the words in a humiliating fashion and then waited. Michael ordered Bradley from the room who left with a gulp and then waited close by to hear what was being said.

But when he heard the suitcase unlatch and the terrible screams emit from Joey he left. His heart was racing and fast, but no where near the uncontrollable speed that Joeys was.

“Yeah thats right, Akende my big friend from Zimbabwe brought it.” Michael went on, “And its absolutely genius not only is it the biggest whooper you have ever seen but it also has another little function, but that you will find out later, or rather your insides will.”

Michael high fived Akende and hugged him too. “Thanks for bringin this dude your awesome, any time you wanna come round just say and Ill have a bitch any time day or night waitin for you.”

“Right on bro ol Akende gonna stick around for many moon to come.”

Joeys face was one of terror, sheer worry painted his cute little cheeks, Were they serious? Of course they were serious Michael was always serious when it came to sex. He looked at the menacing black object studded from the base with knobbed black raised bumps. “Oh shit” he thought, “Oh fuck.”

“Errol fancy bringin in the fuck frame!”

They all new the plan and Errol quickly left the room.  Moments later he brought through the fucking frame. It was like an exercise frame, for doing sit ups on your back. Except this one was made of steel and was going no where. He plonked it on the carpet and let free the loose straps that would hold Joeys legs in the air securely.

He grabbed hold of the terrified boy who was crying now and put him on his back beneath the frame. He pulled both his legs up revealing the most cute, adorable puckered ass hole you have seen and tied his legs very firmly into the straps. It was pretty much like a fucking sling except this one prevented the user from movement. They had planned to fuck his hole deep with his back to the floor and his legs in the air, no room for movement or squabbling just fucking pure fucking.

He then put a collar around Joeys slender neck, and attached a chain which he locked in place at the top of the frame. He then wound around the chain making it as taught as could be giving only the slightest room from  right to left for movement.

Michael came close to Joeys ear and amongst the pathetic sniffles he began to speak his sick and perverse words full of malice and sadistic sin.

“Now that weve strapped you in and got your lovely puckered botty all wide and exposed we can begin the ritual.”

He turned to Akende who was just recievin his drink form the house servant, “Hey Akende this thing ever been used before?”

“Not once brother, straight form Zimbabwe and fresh as they come. It aint even had one spec of blood on it yet.”

Joey writhed and shook his head profusely, Would he die from this? Would his ass hole be fucked forever?

“You hear that youre the baby Jesus, youre the prodigy! The unused un fucked fucker over there in all its glory is gonna fuck you for the first time. Think of it as its first anal christening!”

They all hooted and laughed, whilst Joeys world crumpled beneath him………….

“Akende seen as its yours id like you to do the honours!”

“Sure thing.” He said and took hold of the dildo and brought it just in  front of Joeys eyes. He ran it up and down his vision back and forth letting him have a good old look at what would soon be embedded in his raw, open cunt. How he wished he were dead…………………….

As Akende was giving Joey a good look of what was to come Michael had taken to prizing about the boys ass hole with his fingers. It was then that he noticed the thick, concoction of goose fat running from his hole. “What the fuck is this!” He screamed.

He picked himself up and waved his hand in front of Joeys eyes letting the thick lube like solution fall onto the boys lips.

“What the fuck is this shit thats bunged up in your fucking ass hole.” He asked again furious at the amount of lube that had been shoved up the boys rectum.

“Er…..I dont know.” Was the only warranted reply from Joey.

“Think again!” Michael spat infuriated and turning himself around on the spot like a deranged maniac. Joey thought hard but he had done nothing wrong, Bradley had said that it was orders form Michael that was all.

“Bradley……” He stammered and then cut off by Michael.

“Yo Errol do me a favour brother, go out to the stables at the back of the mansion and get me that fucking waste of space Bradley In here right now.”

“Sure thing Michael, not no slave fucker gonna mess Errols fun up!” Errol said lighting his spliff. Akende gazed on rather bemused at Michaels fury. He came behind the boy and tapped his shoulder, “Everything ok brother?”

“No not ok. Where here to fuck this bitch raw, raw as a chicken gettin fucked by a rooster. I said nothing bout lubin him up with goose fat. I want a deep, raw sandpaper hurtin fuck not some easy lubed up shebang!”

Akende nodded his head, and sat back down. “And you you little faggot shit.” He said to Joey, Your in for one rough ride but not until all this slimy shit is sucked clean from your asshole by Bradley!” How cruel thought Joey how senseless could one guy get? He had taken in the full realisation of what that fucker was going to do to his insides and it killed him. And now his master wanted to fuck him dry, no lube nothing. He began to cry.

Moments later Errol burst through the door his huge hand clamped tightly around Bradleys wrist. “Now you tell your master what the fucks been goin on bitch!” He threw the near naked boy to the floor.

Bradley sat there almost grovelling at the feet of his master, “Please master Im sorry!” He wailed “Im sorry I shouldnt have done it , please, please dont hurt me Sir.” He cowered his face from the inevitable punch that was coming his way, but Michael had other ideas.

“Get the fuck up!” Michael kicked him in his stomach not once but twice and eventually the winded boy got to his feet.

“You wanna make a fuckin show of me in front of my friends eh? You wanna fuck with me on my property when you know for full well whose the owner around here? Your getting too big for ya fuckin boots Bradley. I give you this job cus I thought you could take the pressure but no. You have to fuck around and give Joey here an easy ride. Tell me why you prepped him up with the goose fat shit, did I tell you to do that?”

No…..Sir….Im sorry Im really sorry…I didnt mean to.” He was really frightened now and began to shake.

“Oh well youll pay for your fuckin mistakes later, and by the way youve just been demoted you little fuck. Now get down there and suck that ass hole clean. Absolutely grand spanking clean of all that goose batter. If there is one just one spec then Ill shove you in the kennel for a week.”

Even Akende and Errol were surprised at Michael, they didnt think he had it in him, but it was true he was one sick fucker.

Bradleys heart sank, Demoted? Oh no back to the life of grime once more and “Oh no, fuck!” He thought, if hes demoted then one of the other stable boys will get promoted and after every nasty humiliating and degrading thing he put them through one of them is sure to take revenge.”

Immediately he crouched down and stuck out his tongue. He began to lap at the foul, stenching fat all in and around the orifice of the boys tight ass hole. But it wasnt just him scared out of his wits it was Joey too who knew what was to come.

“Right up there!” Michael instructed, “Your tongue right up there, every last drop clean, make him as dry as a peanut, get the pussy hole clean damn it.”

And with those words the two niggers and Michael watched as Bradley worked his tongue in and around Joeys asshole. The goose fat almost poured from the sides of his mouth as he tried his best to get it all up. Michael on the other hand was enjoying himself after his little out burst and with Akende the two guys hauled the titanic sized dildo over to Joey.

“Get the fuck outta the way!” Joey scrambled to his feet and began to lick his masters shoes in a pathetic attempt to work his way back into the good books. Michael just kicked his chin and sent his naked ass flying and crack onto the floor.

“Akende you know what to do!” He hauled the dildo to Joeys ass and to his puckered, rose bud ass hole. Joey felt the tip of the monster at his previously moist and lubed crack. It felt like the whole world crashing before him with one impending donkey sized dildo ready to smash its way right through his faggot sphincter.

Akende got all his weight behind the base of the dildo and took it in both of his hands, with one push he shouted “One Zimbabwean mother ready to cause a bad man damage man!” Michael and Errol laughed whilst tearing off there pants to reveal there semi erect cocks.

“Yo get the fuck up and help Akende.” Errol roared, Bradley moved to his feet and got behind the burly nigger, “Listen kid, one two three, push.” And with that the giant sized phallus pushed beyond the canal entry and into the boys hole.

“Arghhhhhhhhhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!” He wailed Michael took his cock to the boys mouth and bent downwards, “Shut up screamin and take my dick.” He shoved his nine incher into the boys mouth and began fucking his face.

“Yeah thatll shut the bitch up bro, whilst Akende fucks deeper into his bowels!”

Akende was one fierce nigger and new no limits, “Come on kid push with me fuck this pole into that hole.” And with those words they volleyed the dildo smashing it a third of the way into Joeys ass. Blood seeped from the sides of his distended hole, and now Akende and the unfortunate Bradley fucked the Dildo in and out in a nice rhythm.

“See Akende, Errol told you we wouldnt need no lube. Stupid fuckin house slave meesin with my plans.” He glared at Bradley who was brought back to the very realisation that he was now nothing more than a stable boy.

Joey on the other hand was in the most excruciating, humiliating and diabolical pain he had ever experienced. He would have bit his tongue off had it not been for Michaels big, fat sloppy cock banging the back of his throat.

Michael laughed, “Come Akende show me some of that African love and get that thing movin.”

Akende laughed and picked up the pace. The only sounds in the room now were that of the dildo workin its way in and out of the now fucked up pussy hole that was joeys ass. The muffled gags and screams of Joey rang out as he tried his best to take a dick in his mouth and an obscenely large dick in his ass.

Bradley was building up a sweat himself having to help Akende push the monster in and out. Old Akende on the other hand was just beginning, the nigger had plenty of energy in him he could go for hours. Mean while Errol had reached for the camcorder filming the whole sordid spectacle. Michael emitted a moan and emptied his fat balls full of copious amounts of cum down Joeys throat. He pulled out and the kid just slumped there to fucked to say anything, his eyes rolled to the back of his head and saliva ran from his lips.

They fucked him for what seemed like hours but it was only around fifteen minutes. Blood coated the black piston and ran onto the floor, drops splattering everywhere.

“Yo Akende” Michael shouted bumping his head to the rap music that had continued to play. He danced around in a circle smoking his spliff enjoying every last moment of his sick game.

“Isnt it time for our little splooge session Akende?”

“Almost forgot bro and da best part yet to come.” He took away the material at the base of the dildo, Bradley didnt know what was going to happen but he sure new it would be something equally as bad.

Michael slapped Joeys face three times, “Wake up, wake up, taste the cock thats fuckin ya bum. Oh yeah feel that fucker destroying your innards and makin you into a fucked up slut pig.”

Joey came around with blurred vision still being fucked by the dildo, how would he survive this?”

Akende pressed the button and a small motor started, moments later Joey felt a thick solution shoot up into his hole and into his bowels. The thick, slimy cattle mucous poured inside of him and there was nothing he could do.

The three guys hooted and shouted and high fived each other, as Joey slowly became bunged up to the max with three day old cattle cum, ewwwwwww! His face stiffened and beamed red as the blood filled his cheeks.

After the final drops where shot in, Michael came behind Akende and helped them remove the dildo, he then took a butt plug from his pocket and jammed it in the kids ass. “There you go all bunged up and fucked up, now youll hold up, hold up all that, and yes just listen three week old cow cum in your ass.

Bradley was gobsmacked and had crumpled to the floor. For Joey it was a whole different world, he had just been fucked roughly by the biggest dildo known to man for fifteen minutes. His ass hole was wrecked and blood had splattered everywhere. Now he was just a stomach pumped fuck pig full and bloated entirely to the point of breaking with cum. Would he survive this?????

Michael wasnt so sure and as he Akende, Errol and Bradley left the room on his knees, he turned the light out and evilly said., “Back in a couple of hours or so ha-ha!”………………………..

Joey was left to the sickening horror games that he had just been a part of, and he never new life could be so cruel.

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