BDSM Library - Camp Treve

Camp Treve

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: The prison system in the United States has a hopelessly poor record in the area of rehabilitation. One man, funded by unknown government sponsors, has constructed a remote facility to address this need. His charges are only the most beautiful, unruly women, and they quickly learn that there is only one way to behave at Camp Treve.. by the rules.
Camp Treve

Copyright (c) 1997 and 1998 by

Notice: The following work of fiction is Copyright (c) 1998, Sartan of Treve,
and may not be reproduced in part or whole without the owner's permission.

Part I

My footsteps, loud in the hard-soled jump boots, echo the barren halls of Camp
Treve. In metered stride, I make final rounds, ensuring that all is ready. Every
camera and microphone well concealed. Each room immaculately clean, not the
slightest trace of dirt or blood. I check each device in turn, most of them
activated by the large remote I carry.

Some would term Camp Treve a depressing buildingĄ­ all stone and flat black
steel. I find it beautiful. The Camp stands unadorned, function expressed with
the barest simplicity. Yet beneath its Spartan exterior, Camp Treve offers every
amenity one could ask for the task it addresses.

I buzz open the door to my private quarters, and pass through. The door whisks
shut after me. Beyond, my outer chamber is bathed in the lights of the Camp's
electronic heartĄ­ video monitors, amplifiers, control panels, recording decks.
I cycle one monitor through all of the cameras, assuring their function and

It feels good to return to this place I call home. To knock the mothballs from
her, fire up the big diesel generator and bring her back to life. Faintly, the
pain-laden screams of last year's class echo the halls, at least in my mind. The
new class will arrive in the morning, along with supplies for the next ninety
days or so. Before retiring I activate the heater embedded in the roof, which,
by morning, will clear the snow and ice for the Huey's landing. I settle in for
the first night of year three, and Camp Treve is silent around me.

I watch the monitor intently, for the Class of 98 is starting to stir. The first
day is most crucial, I have determinedĄ­ there is much to be learned, by myself
and my charges. Their nine naked bodies have lain still since arriving this
morning, splayed about the main holding area. After the helicopter landed, they
and the foodstores were loaded into the lift and brought down from the cold. One
by one, I removed their orange transport jumpers, admiring their firm, sensual
bodies. Using a grease pencil, I numbered them, 1 through 9. Carried each from
the main chamber to the holding area. Then, I waited for the drug to wear off.

As I watch each wake in turn, confused, I smile. My sponsors have done a
wonderful job selecting my charges. Each is a rare beauty. This may be the
finest class to date.

The large-breasted redhead, number 3, is the first to shake off the drug. She
stands and looks about. Takes in her nudity, the others around her. Walks about
the cell. I like the way she struts. Like a beast, sex made flesh. She stands by
the barred entry, staring out at more bare stone walls. Slowly, several others
join her. They speak to each other, and the microphones covey every word to me.

'Where are we.' 'How the fuck should I know, bitch?' 'I'm Lara.' 'Where are my
fucking clothes?' 'What's your name?' 'Fuck you.'

It comes to me as a steady stream of banter, and I find it difficult to tie
words to the speaker. It is not important. This class will eventually shake out,
set to the business of determining a hierarchy. I wait, but not for long.

They moved back towards the center of the cell, and several slide into a seated
position along the walls. An argument breaks out among four of the women,
standing, and they scuffle. The redhead and one of the brunettes quickly come
out victorious. I carefully note the internal power structure that emerges
within the class over the next hour or so. Finally, one remarks on the numbers.

'You have something on your hip.' The redhead, to whom the comment was directed,
looks down at herself, examining, the '3' carefully stenciled on her pearly
skin. 'Hey, I have one too,' exclaims number 5. One by one, they wet their
fingers with spit and wipe the numbers off. I grin broadly. That has never
failed. It is time.

I put on the headset, positioning the microphone before my lips. Shunt the room
audio into the little headset speakers. Turn on the broadcast system in the
holding area.

'Stand to the rear of the cell.' They start as my booming, authoritative voice
fills the room. Most begin to move as directed, used to the obeyance of orders,
but the three that have emerged as leaders stay where they are.

'Where the fuck are we?,' one shouts. I repeat my order, but these three
continue to disobey. The rest have moved to the rear wall, but they too must

I flip a switch and spin up a large dial. I smile with amusement as all nine
women begin to scream, and hop from foot to foot. I have powered up a contact
grid on the floor, sending a strong shock into their feet. I watch, beaming, as
they try to climb the wall, each other, anything to escape the biting pain.
Their shrieks fill my ears. One falls to the floor, and lets out an unearthly
wail as two others climb atop her, pinning her against the conducive strips.
Finally, the last straggler hops her way to the back wall. I shut off power to
the floor, and they sag against cool stone wall. Lesson one learned.

'Number 1. Move to the door.' A moment passes, and no one moves. I send a brief
jolt to the floor, and repeat myself. Quickly, timidly, a dishwater blonde steps
away from the wall and walks to the bars. At the push of a button, the door
slides silently open. 'Number 1. There is a blue line on the floor. Follow it to
its end.' She steps to comply, and the door clangs shut behind her.

I switch from camera to camera, following her progress down the hall into the
main chamber. She stops at the end of the line. I see her glance about, taking
in her surroundings. Gray stone walls, broken here and there by entryways barred
or open. The low ceiling. Lines of several colors on the floor departing the
room in various places. A row of open steel bands lining one wall, protruding
from metal boxes about five feet from the floor.

I switch the microphone to the speakers in the main chamber. 'Turn to your left.
Step to the wall. Place the first collar around your neck and snap it shut.'
With only slight hesitation, she complies. Number 1 is secured to the wall.

I take each of them through this process in turn. Number 3, the redhead, pulls
the collar about her neck but doesn't push it shut. An indicator on my console
remains red, and I snap at her. She complies. Finally, my charges are well
restrained in proper line.

I check the mirror on the way from my quarters. Suitably imposing in black
T-shirt, regulation BDUs and spit-shined boots. I nod and smile at my reflection
before composing a stern face, dropping a hand to the nightstick at my belt, and
heading for the main chamber.

Silently, I let my eye trace every curve of each girl, starting from the bottom
and ending at her eyes. I hold her gaze until she breaks. With the redhead, it
takes two runs of her body and a lecherous grin to make her shift uncomfortably
and glance away. I can read the uncertainty in their eyes.. awakening
disoriented, confined within a new set of walls, stripped of clothes and shocked
into compliance.

'Welcome to Camp Treve.' My voice booms in the stone room as I affect the tone
of a drill sergeant. 'My name is Jacob Treve, but you will always address me as
sir. You have each been transferred into my care after proving incapable of
adjustment to prison life.' This is, of course, quite true. Each of these women,
gathered from prisons across the States, were declared incorrigible by the
frustrated wardens responsible for them. Several shift about, uncomfortable with
my blunt statement. They were selected by my sponsors from a large pool based on
their bad attitudes and my personal criteria, beauty. That is the arrangement.

'As far as the prison system is concerned, you no longer exist. You belong to me
now.' My eyes cut down the line, letting this statement sink in.

'The Camp is an experimental rehabilitation program. You _will_ be
rehabilitated. My methods are quite simple. None of you know how to follow
rules. Here, you _will_ follow the rules, or pay dearly for breaking them. You
will come to hate Camp Treve so strongly that you will do anything to avoid
returning, including integrate with society.' Again, I pause for effect.

'Camp Treve has a single exit. You are free to walk out that exit at any time..
simply request to be released, and I will let you out.' Another pause, but one
with purpose. It hasn't failed in the past, nor does it this time.

'I would like to go please, Sir.' I had expected number 3, but it is one of the
other lead girls. The redhead isn't far behind in the request.

'Would anyone else care to leave the Camp at this time?' The third leader
expresses her desire to go, but the others remain cautious. I finger the remote,
releasing the collars of the three who have asked to depart. They step
hesitantly away from the wall, clearly expecting a trick of some sort. Another
combination on the remote and a broad metal door slides open revealing a small
square area beyond.

'Step into the lift, and I will send you to the surface.'

'May we have clothing?'

Giving the girl a withering glance, I say 'You will address me always as sir.'
She repeats her question properly, and I reply in the negative. 'You will have
to fend for yourselves. Get into the lift.' Still suspicious, the three lithe
women move cautiously into the elevator. I close the door, and use other keys to
start it towards the surface.

To my remaining charges, I say 'Let's watch, shall we?' A faux stone panel
slides open to reveal a large monitor in the wall, it's color image depicting
the women in the lift as it ascends. It is a short ride. A portal in the Camp's
roof slides open, and raw, brilliant light from the outside streams in,
illuminating the three in stark detail. They immediately huddle about themselves
in the bitter cold. As the elevator reaches the roof, the vast expanse of snow-
and ice-covered terrain surrounding the Camp is revealed on the monitor. I know
that the women on the roof are treated to a much more overwhelming view..
barren, blinding whiteness stretching away from this lone building as far as the
eye can see.

The mesh sides and open roof of the lift provide the women no protection from
the sub-zero temperature and biting wind. Of course, their nudity does little to
improve the situation. In the main chamber, we can hear their screams and pleas
faintly over the rumble of the wind across the microphone. It is less than a
minute before they are huddled together in a corner of the lift.

'You can't just leave them there!'

I turn to look at the speaker, number 8. 'Actually, I can. After all, they
requested to leave the Camp. But I won't, for much longer. This is a valuable
lesson.. be sure you remember it.' Her eyes, reflecting her horror, are
inexorably draw back to the monitor, and the shivering ball of women it depicts.
After several minutes, I start the lift back down into the bowels of Camp Treve.

It takes some encouragement to get the three women to move from the lift back to
their places in line. Again, my nine charges stand restrained before me,
although three are shivering uncontrollably.

I address the girls once again. 'Camp Treve, and the ten of us for the moment,
are in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness. The nearest human presence is a
military outpost, one hundred eighty miles to the south. Miles of ice and snow.
The average temperature this time of year is about zero. There are no vehicles
here at the Camp. As I said, you are free to leave any time you wish.'

I return to the collared women, pushing a large wheeled brazier filled with
glowing hot coals. A number of thin handles protrude from its heat. 'This should
warm the room a bit,' I say, glancing at each of the shivering women who had
thought to leave.

'Earlier, I said you would pay for breaking the rules of Camp Treve. I see that
each of you has already done so.' Several gasps and small protests respond.
Again, they are shifting uneasily. 'Each of you bore a number on your right hip,
and that number is your only identity here. As I have no intention of memorizing
you by number, it must be displayed at all times.' I slide my hand into a padded
mitt as I speak. 'Since you have taken it upon yourselves to remove these
numbers, I must apply them in more permanent form.' With this, I pull the first
glowing iron from the fire, swinging its red-hot tip before their eyes. They
follow the two-inch high numeral with wide eyes, and begin to beg.

I thrust the iron back into the fire, shrug off the mitt, and take the
restraining band to number 1. The spring steel band hooks to the wall on either
side of her right thigh. Working the ratchet, I pull the band to excruciating
tightness. She pleads desperately with me. I retrieve the first iron.

'This mark will be quite permanent. You may wish to interlock your hands behind
you.' She does so. Others have desperately grasped the iron as it sinks into
their flesh, seriously burning the palms of their hands.

I line the iron up, aiming for the fleshy pad directly beneath the point of her
hip bone. I watch the fine hair on the area shrivel back from the heat. She, of
course, can go nowhere. With a sure strike, I press the small '1' into her.
Quick as lightning, it smolders its way, burning her flesh. 1's violent screams
echo throughout the chamber, accompanying the sound of meat on a grill. The
others are screaming in sympathy or fear.

After a small fraction of a second, I pull back the iron with some effort and a
slight ripping sound, and place it aside. I apply a wet, cool towel to the area.
A slight steam rises. Number 1 hangs from her collar in shock, cleanly marked. I
release the steel band and move on to number 2.

Number 3 tries to fight me off, and I slap her face. Slap her breast with all my
strength, leaving a clear red imprint of my hand. She resorts to futile attempts
to cover herself, screaming. She, too, feels the iron's heat.

Finally, I stand back and take in my freshly numbered charges. They are numb
with shock, and hang rather quietly in their collars, with just a sob here and
there. I slather antibiotic ointment into and around each brand. 'Follow the
rules in the future, ladies,' I say, as I turn to depart.

'Sir?' one asks.

'Yes?' I reply, turning half about.

'What are the rules, Sir?'

'You'll learn them as you go,' I say with a bit of a wry grin. 'If you suspect
you shouldn't do something, it's probably against the rules.'

'Number 7, stand in the center of the cell.' My harsh voice, amplified and
surrounding them, startles the women awake. 7 moves groggily to the center of
the room as the others scoot uncertainly back against the walls.

'Number 7, did you masturbate last night?' On the monitor, I see her throat
work, but her gulp is inaudible.

'No, Sir.'

'Number 7, turn to your right and watch the monitor.' I work at my console,
revealing a monitor in their cell and starting the video from last night. The
low-light, computer-enhanced video has a greenish tint, but clearly shows the
naked number 7 huddled against a wall. Her right hand moves slowly between her
tight thighs. Little shudders wrack her frame, betraying her stealthy orgasm.

'Number 7, did you masturbate last night?'

'Yes, Sir,' she says quietly. I tell her to say it louder, and she does.

'Number 7, move to the door.'

'Please, Sir, I didn't know..' All nine women scream and hop to their feet as I
send a strong shock to the floor. The others are yelling encouragement at her as
number 7 moves in jerks to the barred door. When she reaches it, I shut off the

The door slides silently open before her. "Number 7, follow the red line until
you receive additional instruction.' She moves to follow my orders, and door
locks securely behind her. I sync my monitor with the one in the cell, and the
other nine of us watch number 7 proceed along the red line. She follows it
through the main chamber, and I activate a barred door on the far side, allowing
her to continue along the line down a narrow corridor. I switch and pan cameras
to keep her in view.

'Number 7, enter the next room on your left.' My instruction booms throughout
Camp Treve, and she complies. 'Stand against the far wall, facing the door.' I
watch her take in her surroundings as she crosses the room. A low, padded table.
The stone walls draped with whips, chains, paddles, some of the latter prickling
with metal spikes. Several apparatuses draped with opaque sheets. She reaches
the wall and stands as instructed. At a leisurely pace, I exit my quarters and
head for corrective room 1.

'First, you will be disciplined for lying to me.' I stand before her as she
presses against the wall, quivering. A sharp rebuke upon my entrance has
motivated her to silence. 'Then, we will address your sexual transgression. Your
peers will watch throughout.' A click on my remote brings a monitor here to
life, providing us a view of my other charges, observing us with rapt attention.
She sobs.

I instruct her to face the wall, and secure her ankles and wrists to chains,
spread wide. She forms an X before me, stretched against the cold stone. 'For
your lies, you will be flogged.' I ignore her protestations as I move to the
side, selecting a longish flogger with a dozen narrow rubber fall peppered with
small steel beads. The beads click together as I shake it out. 7 turns her head
at the sound, catches a glimpse of the fierce-looking implement and begins to
scream. I let her, and take up a position behind her.

Intending to truly discipline my charge, I start with a powerful, full stroke to
her ass. 7's high-pitched, pain-laden scream bounces throughout room. I can hear
their amplified echoes trailing down the halls from the holding cell, where they
must be deafening.. I have that amp at full volume, that the other prisoners not
miss the slightest moan in this room. A glance into the monitor shows the other
eight, hands clasped over their ears, mouths agape in mirrored screams. Angry
red dots appear in stripes across her tender flesh.

I administer a vicious beating, fifty strokes in all, each slamming into her at
full bore. She is pressed against the rough stone by the force of the blows, and
it abrades the front of her body. By the end, her full weight hangs on her arms,
tears stream down her face, and her screams of pain are an incoherent stream of
sound. 7 screams quite well. Her back, ass, and thighs have become a mass of red
except of her spine, which I have avoided. Little indents, oozing blood where
the skin has split, dot her flesh, especially her ass, where I have
concentrated, and high back where her shoulder blades near the surface.

I turn the hose on her. Icy water powers away her blood, and spirals down a
drain in the floor. The women on the monitor watch on in stunned silence at the
brutality of 7's punishment, and its gory result. With gloved hand, I smear a
paste onto her back, inspiring a series on new screams. The mix of healing
ointment and fiery cinnamon oil burns into her open wounds.

When her shudders slow, I release her bonds and she drops to the floor. I lift
her in my arms, laying her gently on the table. The cool plastic covering is
soothing to her burning back, and 7 is compliant, exhausted, as I restrain her.
Wrists bloodied from the earlier strain at the table's head. Waist strapped
tightly down. Ankles to thighs, and thighs tautly to the base of the table.

'While at Camp Treve, you will receive only the sexual gratification I see fit
to grant you.' I speak loudly, as much for the benefit of the others as to 7. A
quick check shows both audiences to be attentive. 'Number 7, last night you
masturbated yourself to orgasm. The stealth with which you did so, and your lies
to me this morning, prove that you suspected this act to be a violation of my
rules. Not that this matters. As I informed you yesterday, transgressions are
dealt with quite harshly here.'

I roll one of the draped machines to the base of the table, strip off the cover
and lock its wheels. The piece gleams brightly, all shiny metal. A single
jointed arm extends from its squat base, and I position in near her sex. I use
the remote to re-position the camera, panning in until her prone form fills the
view afforded my other charges.

'Your punishment will fit the crime. We will start by giving you the orgasms you
seem to desire so desperately.'

She lays helplessly spread before me. I gather some lubricant on a finger, and
begin to gently massage her clit. It grows to fullness under my attentions as I
stretch it gently. I carefully expand her hood, pulling it up to make room for
the machine's little tube. Push against her public bone, pressing her as far up
the table as her restraint allows. 7 will be unable to pull away from the
machine's touch.

I move the rubber and metal tube at the end of the arm into place, fitting her
clit snugly into its grip. Press it into her and tighten the arm's joints,
locking it in place. I run straps from the arm around her hips as a final

All in readiness, I bend to the machine's base. Turn on the power. A display
lights, and I select several options then hit start. The device emits the
faintest of buzzing. I stand back to watch her reactions.

7 thrusts her hips at the machine. Her head is thrown back, eyes closed. Tongue
to lips, moaning softly. The machine's sound changes slightly, and 7 pushes her
pelvis into its kiss with more serious intent, helpless against her building

The machine cycles somewhat randomly through a series of stimulations to her
clit. A gently sucking motion, powered by a miniature vacuum. Vibrations in a
variety of intensities directly into her bud, some faint enough to be barely
perceivable, others like a miniature earthquake, sometimes undulating between
the two extremes. A spinning motion, dragging the slightly roughened interior of
the tube around her tender flesh. A slight shock to either side, just a tingle,
a tickle. Combinations of these sensations.

Quickly, 7 is writhing in orgasm. Moaning loudly. Hitching with squeals as the
intensity drives her over the top. The machine continues to whir relentlessly.

It is about fifteen minutes before 7 starts to beg me to make it stop. Her
hoarse requests are broken periodically by the high-pitched squeaks of yet
another orgasm. Every muscle in her body is taunt, trembling. A light sheen of
sweat breaks out on her, and she glistens under the lights. Her nipples, raw
from the stone walls, strain upward, her chest heaving for breath. Eyes plead to
me. I turn away and walk to my quarters.

I sit back at my console, watching the monitors. One shows 7, strapped in place
as she has been for the last ten hours. Her hair is pasted to her head, eyes
lidded with exhaustion, body trembling helplessly. She went silent some hours
ago as her voice failed her. Still, her body responds defenselessly, wracked by
shudders of orgasms that have grown farther apart but continue despite her
fatigue. The machine continues its merciless attentions.

A second monitor shows the scene in the holding cell. Several girls have curled
in corners to sleep, but the rest continue to watch 7, unable to pull their eyes
away from the girl's torture. Some are weeping in sympathy while others remain
stoic and aloof. I note the reactions of each.

I turn on my microphone, into the cell. 'Wake up and pay attention, my lovelies.
Things are about to get interesting again.' I send a brief jolt into the floor,
encouraging them to gather before the monitor.

I walk to corrective room 1, whistling. My recently over-sexed little pet looks
at me with hazy, pleading eyes. I hold her glance and move to the machine.
Depress a button sending it into one final flurry, every motion set off at once.
The inescapable sucking, vibrating, rotating and shocking against her raw fleshy
bit rocks her almost immediately into a final, protracted orgasm. I let my
gadget run a moment longer, then shut it down. 7's body flops as she relaxes
suddenly, her muscles twitching and cramping from hours of constant strain. She
takes rapid, shallow breaths.

I release the machine from her, and pull it away. Her clit is a bright red,
inundated with blood, rubbed raw. Fluids of her arousal have pooled on the
table. I run a finger through her juices, then rub it on her clit. She twitches
and tries to pull away, screaming silently.

'A bit tender, my dear?' I know she can't answer, and don't expect her to. I
release her sex for the moment. Turn to a cabinet, retrieving three items: a
piece of metal shaped like a popsicle stick but gently curved, a length of fine
wire with a small ball on one end, and a pair of vice grips. There are two small
holes in one end of the stick, close to each other. I thread the free end of the
wire through one, and back through the other. Pull it about, until the ball come
to rest against the back of the stick and a small loop protrudes from the curved
side beyond. I plug in a soldering iron, which will soon be hot.

With the remote, I switch the view in the holding cell to a free-standing
camera, which I position between her thighs while giving myself room to work. I
adjust it to give the other girls a tight view of 7's twat and her raw clitoris.

'7, some might say that you have, in the last ten hours, experienced enough
orgasms to last a lifetime. However, you may not yet be convinced to follow the
rules. We have one last part of your punishment. I am going to remove half of
your clit.' 7's eyes go wide with shock, and she mutely shakes her head, no. I
can faintly hear shrieks of horror carrying through the halls from the holding

Over 7's whispered protestations, I position the metal stick above her sex,
slide the loop carefully over her swollen clit and pull it snug halfway up. She
tries to squirm away, but her bonds leave nowhere to go.

I check the monitor, and am pleased to find the other prisoners attentive,
peering over their hands which cover mouths wide with horror.

I clamp the pliers on the wire's free end. Holding the stick in my left hand,
pliers in my right, I glance up at 7. 'You earned this. I hope that you will
behave more appropriately in the future.' Suddenly, I jerk the pliers upward.
The thin wire slices cleanly through her bud, severing it against cold steel.
Her exhausted body goes rigid and trembling. A hoarse wheeze escapes her raw
throat. The end of her clit falls to the table, and her blood flows over it.

I cauterize her with the soldering iron, leaving a burned stub drawn up under
her hood. I spray her clean and carry her to the cell.

End Part I

Part II

I carefully observe the emerging dynamic among the women. They have been quiet
all day in the aftermath of 7's correction. Two of them, 2 and 8, have taken to
comforting the exhausted, battered girl while the others ignore her. I note with
some humor that all of my charges carefully keep their hands away from their

There is plenty of water in the cell, provided from a trough in a corner, but
they haven't eaten since arriving at the Camp. I want them hungry and irritable.
Part of my task, as I see it, is to motivate my prisoners to break the rules.

I fix nine small bowls of plain oatmeal, and place them in the dumbwaiter.
Return to my console, and trigger it into the room. Most of the women start at
the grinding noise, and watch with some trepidation as a panel opens in the
wall. Smelling the gruel, they quickly gather at the dumbwaiter, except 7 who
remains huddled in a corner. There is some jostling to get at the food, but all
eight retreat with a little bowl and consume it ravenously with their fingers.

One bowl remains on the dumbwaiter - 7's. I watch, amused, as they eye it.
'Carol,' number 2 says quietly to 7, 'Do you want to eat?'

'Fuck her, she's not hungry.' The redhead moves to take the bowl as she says
this. 9, one of the others that I have termed 'leaders', jumps toward the last
bowl as well. A fight ensues, and the two lithe girls battle viscously though
briefly. Cries from the others to stop go unheard. Number 3 ends up perched atop
the prone, smaller 9, yanking her head sharply back by her raven hair.

'Don't ever fuck with me, you bitch!' 3 yells over the pinned girl's yelps of
pain. She tosses her red hair back over her shoulder and slaps the girl's face
hard with her free hand. 'You understand?' Another powerful slap.

'Yes, yes!'

3 stands off her opponent, glorious chest heaving, and issues her a final kick
as she scampers away. 'Don't any of you fuck with me.' She glares about the
room, and the others cringe away. The redhead is a large, powerful girl, an
amazon of sorts.. it will be a pleasure to break her. I watch as she gulps down
the final bit of gruel.

They have rested long enough after the little meal. 'Number 2,' my voice booms,
startling them, 'Step to the door.'

'What? No!' she protests, moving towards the door none the less.

'Get your ass over there!' 3 screams at her, apparently having no desire to feel
the floor again. Most of the others stand, just in case.

'No!' number 2 yells again, reaching the door. 'Jackie ate Carol's food, not

I chuckle as the redhead yells at her to shut up. The door slides open. 'Number
2, follow the red line until you receive additional instruction.' She complies,
weeping as she walks along the line. I direct her to one of the correction
rooms, and have her collar herself to the wall. I return my attention to the

'Number 3. Move to the door.'

'No.' She states it flatly, not with the hysteria apparent in the other girl.
The others begin screaming at her to go. I wait.

I start with a low tingle. The others continue to yell at 3, hurling threats.
She stares belligerently into the camera, right at me. Slowly, steadily, I begin
to increase the shock. Even 7 finally struggles to her feet. My captives'
screams take on a note of pain. The big redhead gets in a good shot at the first
girl to approach her, but the others quickly overpower the woman. Slapping her,
yanking her flowing hair. They knock her down, continuing to beat her, and sit
and kneel upon her prone form, pushing her tender flesh into the biting current.
Their screams are like music, loud in my quarters.

Finally, they have her pressed against the bars of the door. I shut off the
current, and the others move back. Battered and crying, 3 collapses to the
floor. I slide the door open. 'Number 3, follow the red line until you receive
further instruction.'

'You bitches!' she screams. 'You fucking cunts!' 3 struggles to her feet, and
slowly moves down the red line.

She hesitates in the main chamber, looking about. In a quiet vice, through the
speakers in the chamber, I warn her, 'Any toe that leaves the line gets sawed
off.' 3 flinches at the thought, and continues woodenly down the line. I guide
her to the fourth room down the narrow hall, the wet room. She enters the tiled
space and slowly clicks her collar shut at my direction.

I relax for a moment, collecting my thoughts. A beating for 2, and something
much more interesting for 3 would be appropriate. I decide to restrain the
redhead first, then leave her to regain some of her fire while I stretch my
muscles on 2.

I stride purposefully into the wet room, sliding the door shut behind me, and
stand before my charge eyeing her battered body. Still simply magnificent. 'You
look a little the worse for wear. It seems your fellow prisoners don't
appreciate your headstrong nature the way that I do.' She looks at me sullenly.

I glance around the clinical, white-tiled room. It is rather small, and most of
the contents are, as usual, draped in storage. I shake the cover off a
free-standing frame and roll it into the center of the room. It gleams, all
chromed, an eight-foot high rectangle attached at the center of each long side
to vertical posts rising from the wheeled base. Check to make sure it is locked
in the upright position, as it rotates 360 degrees. Release the hydraulic
cylinder that raises the entire assembly, dropping the bottom near the floor.

I open her collar, and shove her towards the center of the room. She glares at
me. I instruct her curtly, slapping her face and tits at the smallest
hesitation. Stand her on the little platforms at the bottom of the frame and
strap her feet securely in. Suspension cuffs lock on her wrists. She shrieks a
bit as I spin her upside down to better stretch her as I fasten them. Quite
tautly attached to the frame, I spin her upright and leave her to consider what
will come next.

I hang 2 from the ceiling of correction room 1 by the wrists, her toes barely
able to touch the floor. She has been protesting her innocence since I entered.
'I know that, number 2. 3 is paying for that little transgression.'

Working the remote, I bring up a view into the cell. I also activate the monitor
there, giving them a glimpse of 2's naked, suspended body. Turn the audio from
this room on in both the cell and the wet room.

'All right ladies,' I say loudly, 'gather round. It is time for a brief lesson.'
They gather too slowly for my taste. 'Get your asses in front of the monitor,
NOW!' 2 flinches from my sudden yell, and the seven in the cell comply. I turn
to my hanging captive.

'Number 2, tell me how you broke the rules.'

'I don't know, Sir. I _didn't_ eat Carol's food, Sir.'

Shaking my head, I ask her 'You haven't a clue, do you? Let's play a little
audio for everyone's benefit.' I hit another button on the remote. 'This is from
your first day at Camp Treve.'

A beep precedes the sound. My voice. 'Earlier, I said you would pay for breaking
the rules of Camp Treve. I see that each of you has already done so. Each of you
bore a number on your right hip, and that number is your only identity here.'

'And these two statements, from earlier today.'

Another beep. 2's voice. 'Carol, do you want to eat?' Beep. 'Jackie ate Carol's
food, not me!'

'Whose voice was that?' My eyes are hard as I watch her. Her quiet reply comes,
'Mine, Sir.' 'Louder!' I demand. She complies quickly. 'How did you break the
rules, number 2?'

'I.. I used the girls' names, not their numbers, Sir.'

'You have no names. None of you have names, only numbers. Any use of a name by a
prisoner is a violation of the rules of Camp Treve. Do you understand, Number
2?' She nods. 'Say it.' She does. 'What is your name?'

'I have no name, Sir. I am identified only as number 2.'

I nod, satisfied. Shut down all of the audio and visual connections, leaving us
isolated from the rest. Walk down the wall, selecting a few implements. I can
feel her eyes on me. Turn back to her. Arrange my things on the table. Finally,
select a hardwood paddle and start to work on her ass. Not much for a warm up,
my first blow sends her toes skittering across the floor. She swings back to
center to meet the next strike. Her screams echo down the halls.

2's ass is a flaming red by the time I switch to a narrow-falled latigo flogger.
It's stinging blows rain down on her back, ass, thighs, belly, breasts. Driving
the air out of her. Relentless, rapid, heavy strikes. 2's erect nipples smacked
back into the soft mounds of her tits. I wrap around her sides, sending the
pointed tips speeding into her belly and crotch.

Her face is wet with tears, chest heaving, as I turn back to the table. Draw a
vampire glove onto my left hand and take up a long leather paddle in my right.
The paddle is heavily studded, blunt little posts on one side and pointed steel
pyramids on the other.

A solid blow to her red ass. A clear pattern of little red dots spring up on
her, where to posts have driven into flesh. The paddle elicits louder screams
from 2. Between blows, I scrape my left hand across the area just struck, and
squeals result. I coat her body with the little dots before flipping the paddle
over. The pyramids leave more distinct dimples, often showing blood in the
center. These, too, cover her by the time I am finished with the paddle,
concentrated on her ass and tits. I grasp her privates with my gloved hand after
the paddling, squeezing and kneading her tender bits. 2 squeaks and squalls.

I trade the paddle and glove for a rattan cane. 'Name a number.' 'Sir?' she
replies breathlessly. 'A number. Pick a number.'

'Five, Sir.'

'Let's add a one, shall we? I'll be nice and put it in front.' I move behind
her, to her left. 'Count for me. Count each stroke.' Suddenly, I swing the cane
into her ass, flexing my wrist for speed, cutting the first of fifteen sets of
parallel lines into her.

'One,' she whispers, after recovering the breath screamed out of her.

Number 2 locked securely back into the cell, I walk casually into the wet room.
3 looks up at my entrance, flipping her head to get the hair out of her eyes. I
note that she seems to have composed herself after the beating at the hands of
her peers, and her fire and cockiness have returned. Quite pleasing.

'You'll never wear me down. Fuck you and your little Camp,' she says, and tries
to spit on me. A little too far away. 'Do your worst, you prick.'

'Oh, you wouldn't want that, sweetheart.' I approach her, and trail my fingers
lightly down her torso, tracing the curve of one breast. Her stretched, firm
body is unable to pull away from my touch. This time, her spit is on target. I
casually wipe it from my face with one finger, and rub it off on her twat. Begin
to gently massage her there, rolling her between thumb and forefinger, until she
responds helplessly. I stop as she begins to thrust into my hand.

'Bastard.' She venomously hisses the word at me. I chuckle.

'Perhaps another time, number 3.' Look at her contemplatively. 'Of course, you
know well how you broke the rules. Tell me.' She glares at me silently, a sneer
on her face.

'You're much more stubborn than bright, aren't you 3?' I snap the tazer off my
belt, and flick it a couple of times. Its blue light dances before her eyes,
accompanied by a crisp crackling. I lower the silent unit along her body,
resting its electrodes against her crotch. 'Tell me.'

This is getting through to her. Her eyes are wide with fear, and there is a
tremble in her voice. 'I took number 7's food.' I look at her expectantly.
Glance down at the tazer, shifting it a bit, then back into her eyes. Realizing
her mistake, she quickly blurts out a correction. 'I took number 7's food, Sir.'
I smile at her and replace the unit back at my belt.

'Well then. Certainly, in retrospect, you realize that such a thing must be
against the rules, and a punishment is due. I think we can find something that
fits the crime.'

I wheel a squat, low machine over near her, and remove its cover. Its function
is not obvious.. it just looks like a box on wheels. Plug it into the wall
outlet. Retrieve a hose and run several gallons of water into the unit. The
power switch brings the display to life, and I adjust a control until the 'Temp'
readout shows 100. The number beneath is starts at 42 and begins to rise as the
water heats. She watches me suspiciously, uncertain what I intend.

Next, I retrieve a small armload of items from a drawer and arrange them on top
of the machine. A tube a lubricant. Several lengths of rubber tubing. A couple
of other rubber items. A shining metal device, curved in complex fashion and
padded in places.

I glance up and grin at her trepidation. The temperature display reads in the
60's and still climbing. Connect two pieces of tubing to little nibs on the back
of the machine. Into the opposite end of one, I plug one of the rubber items,
similar to a double nozzle though somewhat larger. Attach an inflator to the
plug. Push the other tube onto a small, heavy balloon and connect a second
inflator, one with a longer hose. I am ready, but the water is not. We wait
patiently for its temperature to climb.

'Let's begin,' I say to her with a smile.

'What the fuck are you going to do to me?'

'Well, let me show you.' I release the pivots on each side of the frame and
swing her face down, re-locking in that position. Taking up a finger of lube, I
massage it into her anus.

'Ahhh, you fucking pervert!' I laugh at her, thrust two fingers roughly up her
tight ass and begin twisting them about. She yells, but is helpless before me.

'Now, sugar, we can do this easy or hard. I'm going to place this up your ass,'
I say, dangling the nozzle over her shoulder. 'You can clench up and make me
shove it in, or you can relax. Your choice.' The slick rubber slides easy into
her, she wisely choosing to cooperate. I start to pump the inflator. The twin
bulbs expand, one outside of her, the other in. She yelps a bit more as it
relentlessly stretches her hole. Each bulb grows to the size of a tennis ball,
locking the plug in place and creating some measure of discomfort. And a tight
seal, by the way.

I swing her face up, body again parallel to the floor. Retrieve the metal device
and hold it over her head. 'Open your mouth.' 3 shakes her head vigorously from
side to side. I rap one nipple hard with the tips of my fingers and she cries
out. Repeating this every few seconds, I wait patiently until she spreads her
mouth wide for me.

I position the jaw spreader against her upper teeth and strap it securely around
her head. Pulling the allen wrench, which works as a key, from my pocket, I
begin to ratchet the spreader open. Carefully fit her lower teeth into the
padded receptacles and continue to turn the wrench. I lean into it, and 3 begins
to scream incoherently. Her beautiful mouth works its way open under the force.
Satisfied that she won't be closing her mouth any time soon, I return the wrench
to my pocket. The muscles at the sides of her jaw begin to jump as I swing her
upright by 45 degrees.

I take up the second tube and slather a heavy coat of lubricant on the balloon.
'Again, you can make this easy or hard. This,' dangling the twin tubes before
her eyes, 'is going down your throat and into your stomach. You can help by
swallowing, or I can get a piece of wire and shove it down. You decide.' With
that, I work the balloon into her mouth and start it down her throat with my
fingers. 3 works to overcome the gag reflex, and begins swallowing. I feed the
tube down her, pushing gently. After two feet or so of tubing have disappeared
down her throat, her continued swallowing has no further result. I stop pushing,
and she relaxes, looking at me with miserable eyes. I pump the second bulb a
handful of times.

'Now let's have some fun.' She tries to reply, but forms no meaningful words. I
swing her upside down again, and wheel the frame around so that she looks my
way. Work the lever on the hydraulic base, raising her.. I want her eyes where I
can see them.

At the machines controls, I flip two switches, starting a pair of small pumps
that hum quietly. Turn the dial marked '1', starting a flow of warm water into
her ass. Gently. She struggles a bit, feeling the water begin to fill her. A
digital readout shows volume passed, flow speed and back pressure, providing me
a great deal of information about her predicament.

3's lower belly starts to distend. This one pump would eventually fill her
stomach as well, but I think a second flow makes this less comfortable. I spin
the dial marked '2', initiating a flow through the second tube into her stomach.

She has taken on almost three gallons of water in total, and her stomach is
grossly distended, bulging out. I slap it playfully, hearing a satisfying slosh
from within her. As the pressure builds, 3 begins to grunt and scream
continuously. Finally satisfied that she is as full as she'll safely get, I turn
down both pumps. I check her mouth and ass, and pleasantly find the fluid to be
locked securely within.

'We'll let that stew for a bit.' 3 shakes her head from side to side as I leave
the room, retreating for a leisurely snack in my quarters. I watch her
squirming, stretched tightly and hung upside down, pumped full of water, as I
eat. Everything seems to taste better in such situations, and I take my time.

'Let's shake you up a bit, 3.' I unlock the pivots and start to jostle the
frame. Loud sloshing noise come from her belly, and her screams intensify. I
begin to spin her rapidly up, and then down. Although the frame can't spin
freely around without pulling the tubes free, I am quite strong enough to speed
her across a 180 degree range.

Her face is bright red, and 3 is having obvious trouble catching her breath. For
the screaming or the dizzying motion, I am unsure. Eventually, I stop her
upright. Release the hydraulic, lowering the frame again. Retrieve a flogger
from a drawer.

I enjoy floggers a great deal, and have some variety. Most that I own are quite
harsh. This selection is a long rubber flogger, with nine thick, square fall.
The stiff, sharp corners of the rubber tend to cut nicely.

Since it protrudes so wonderfully, I start with her belly, slamming strokes into
her pearly skin. The impact causes her to twitch violently. 3 marks extremely
well, and soon has dozens of bloody lines running across her front. I spend some
time on her tits, and then her ass. I end some thirty minutes later with an
unpredictable flurry of hard, rapid strikes to all three targets.

'One final little thing before I let all of the water gush out of you, sugar,' I
say pleasantly as I swing her upside down again. 'All of this beating has me
wound up.' I pump her upwards, stopping when her chin is waist high.

Stand in front of her. Unbutton my fly and let my hard cock flop out before her
eyes. Rub it about on her face. Slide my member into her stretched mouth, into
the warm, waiting hole. Mute her protestations by thrusting down her throat. I
mouth rape number 3 with great vigor, slamming my cock into her, my balls
flopping into her eyes. Finally, I pull back and come over her face. She is
sobbing, and her tears mix with my come, both running into her dangling hair.

'Hmmm.. since you are upside down already, lets start here.' I stand to the
side, take up the bulb that trails from her mouth, suddenly release the air and
pull. As it deflates, the balloon is pulled down from her stomach and out her

A torrent of murky water, speckled with bile and bits of oatmeal, sprays from
her open mouth and her nose. Choking and coughing, 3 tries to regain her breath.

I swing her upright, and release the air valve on the nozzle. It shoots out of
her ass, still mostly inflated, followed by a second torrent of water, this one
more fetid. She screams, as it no doubt feels her bowels are being yanked out.
Several blats follow the water, the air from both tubes. 3 is shuddering
uncontrollably from the experience. When I let her down, she collapses in her
own filth. I spray her and the room clean with icy water, and must carry her
back to the cell. I believe I am becoming rather fond of my fiery redhead.

End Part II

Part III

My morning routine is the same as it has always been here at Camp Treve. I rise
early and, after showering and dressing, scan through the video from the cell,
recorded during my sleep. Listen to the audio from a sensitive sound-activated
recorder.. usually nothing but a few sobs or groans from the slumbering women.
The video, of course, has sound as well, but it doesn't play while scanning
rapidly. It is important, I believe, to catch everything my charges do. The Camp
has been designed with this goal in mind.

By this time it is usually 5 or so. I select an aerobics video or two for the
exercise session and set them up to play. Wake my charges up with a light jolt
to their floor. Walk each in turn down the green line for a morning toilet, then
into the main chamber and their waiting collars. Then I join them in the
chamber, release them, and encourage vigorous exercise with a singletail.

This morning should be interesting. In the wee hours of the day, number 3 moved
stealthily among the others. By turning up the sound and filtering out the hiss,
I follow their whispered conversations on the video tape with interest.

'Nine,' she says furtively, tapping the girl's shoulder. 'Wake up.' A groggy
reply, that I can't make out. 'We need to get this prick. We outnumber him, and
if we work together, we can take over the Camp.'

9 looks at 3 for a bit, pondering. 'It's dangerous to even talk like this,' she

'It's like two in the morning. We have to try, or he's going to beat the fuck
out of us. You didn't see what he did to me yesterday.' I can see 3's little
shudder. 'You could be next.' She waits, expectantly.

'You're right. But he's always got us locked down or separated.'

'Not during that exercise crap. I've been thinking. If we can get him pissed at
someone near the middle, I think five or six of us can take him. Hold him down
and shove that nightstick up his ass.' She whispers this last bit quite
fiercely, and I can't help but grin. 'The prick will have that whip in hand,
which is useless in close.'

9 thinks for a moment then nods. 'I'm in. Have you talked to the others yet?'

'No. I thought you would be the most likely, and the others will agree faster if
both of us are in on it. I think 6 will go with us.' 6 is the third of the
leaders I have identified. 'She's close to the middle of the line, well
positioned to be the bait.'

'When? Today?'

'The sooner the better. He's wearing us down. I say we go this morning.' 9 nods
in the affirmative. 'About fifteen minutes into the video.' Another nod. Number
3 move towards 6's prone form.

I follow 3's secretive movements around the cell, able to catch most of the
words exchanged. Numbers 2, 6 and 7 agree. 1 and 8 argue vehemently against the
plan, while the others remain non-committal. The redhead makes a final round
among her conspirators, getting agreement that five seems sufficient. She
finally retires again.

I smile broadly, turning to select the morning's exercise videos. Something to
keep them on the floor at first. Abs of Steel, which I rather enjoy anyway. A
second hard floor workout, as well.

I don a cup, just in case one of them has some brains.

I strip off my T-shirt, trading it for an equally black version with long
sleeves. Before putting it on, I tape a modified tazer above my waist. Run the
lead wires down my left arm and connect them to the flesh-toned little unit
strapped there. I spread my first two fingers into a wide V and flex my wrist
all the way back. A familiar line of bright blue arches between the little pins
extending from my fingertips, snapping in the air.

Before waking them, I remove the battery from the tazer at my belt, and lock the
nightstick in place with a heavy rubber strap. Turn to the microphone and send a
shock to the floor.

I walk down the line of women collared to the wall, patting the belly of each
with my right hand as I pass. 'You girls are getting a little soft.' I stop
briefly at number 3, making a show of examining her stomach. 'Just looking for
stretch marks, sugar,' I say with a wry smile.

'Fuck you.' Still grinning, I continue to the next captive.

'Today, for your workout pleasure, I have selected one of my personal favorites.
Abs of Steel. I want to see you grunting and sweating, ladies!' The rah-rah
speech is a daily torment as well. 'We'll have those solar plexi rippling with
washboards of muscle! Let's get to it!' I feel like Richard Simons for a moment.

I step back before them, shaking out the whip retrieved from my belt. Finger the
remote, first unlocking their collars, then starting the video on the front
wall, and finally entering my lockout code just in case one should grab it in
the scuffle I expect shortly.

As their collars click open, each steps obediently forward to the lines and
watches the screen. I barely catch the conspirators' exchange of glances, and
3's little nod, as sexy Tamilee Webb says 'Let's get down on the floor!' with
some enthusiasm.

'Let's go! Come on 4, all the way up. Shake that little ass of yours, 2.' I yell
various things of my charges and crack the whip over them occasionally, circling
before and behind them. I am on edge.

Finally, 6 misses a sit-up and starts to do partial extensions. I pretend not to
notice until I am directly behind her, then crack a forceful strike into one of
her nipples. She screams. 'Work 6! Exert yourself!' Another stinging blow. She
does two full reps, then misses another. I pretend rage, swinging a flurry of
blows into her body while screaming profanities at her. Finally, on her way up,
she yells out 'NOW!' and continues towards a standing position.

I plant one waffle-soled boot firmly into her ass, hurling her across the room
and out of action for the moment. This kick pivots me to my right, facing 7 as
she too stands. She really should have gone for my legs from the floor. Arching
my wrist back, I shove the crackling fingers of my left hand into her sweaty
stomach. She dances a little gig and collapses unconscious to the floor.

I step over her, and number 9 and I meet above 8's huddled form. Unceremoniously
I bring my hand up, hooking one of her tits in the V of my tingling hand. She,
too, falls to the floor.

I spin in time to shrug off the redhead's charge, scooting under her wildly
swinging arm and tossing her behind me. Hear her trip to the floor over one
woman or the other. I'll deal with her last. Number 2 is close behind, as
promised. Breath rushes out of her as I plant my sizable fist in her gut.
Doubled over like that, it's quite simple to tap the back of her neck with my
extended fingers.

Glance at 6 as I turn. She is dragging about on the floor, blood running down
her face. Must have smacked her head on the front wall, I think.

Number 3 is heading back my way, but notices that she seems alone in the
thought. Pulls to a halt. Begins to stumble backwards, eyes wide as I stride
purposefully towards her. As I step over 7, she reaches up and yanks the tazer
from my belt. The little bitch was apparently playing dead. She holds it against
the back of my calf and pushes the button. Nothing. I laugh at her surprised
look as she works the button again. I swing my boot backwards, connecting
solidly with her head. Twice more, breaking out a cut or two on her face.

I continue towards 3. The look of joy that sprang to her face when my tazer was
snatched falls away, and she continues to backpedal. A quick glance around shows
that all of the others have given up or have no intention of starting now.
Number 8 has shuffled back against the wall, under the collars, leaving only 9's
unmoving form between myself and the redhead. As I pass her, I reach down and
run my crackling fingers down her side. Once bitten and all.

Number 3's ass hits the wall. Eyes wide, hands splayed out in front of her,
presumably to ward me off. I stop before her, just out of arm's reach.

'Well,' I say conversationally, 'that didn't work, did it?' She's shaking her
head strenuously from side to side, though I suspect in protestation of that to
come and not in answer to my question. 'Turn around and grab your ankles. NOW!'
Surprisingly, she complies.. yesterday's instruction certainly changed her
behavior a bit. I reach down and fondle her cunt with my left hand, the two
little pins digging into her sensitive parts. Flex my wrist back, initiating
shudders that drive her to the floor.. I continue to shock her on the way down.
That will sting for a while.

I walk to the front of the room, and end standing over number 6. 'You're
bleeding on my floor,' I say, bending to grab under her arms and pulling her
upright. With a powerful shove, I send her stumbling towards the others.

'Get in your collars.' My tone is hard, eyes smoldering. Those that can, comply.
After they have locked themselves away, I lift the others into place and secure
them. Those unconscious, 3 and 9, hang limply by the neck. Other have hung from
these collars, and it hasn't been fatal yet, although it certainly looks evil. I
walk down the line, whip cracking several times against each of my charges.
Those awake scream and futilely try to cover themselves from the assault. I
lecture them as I go, working hard to leave the impression that I had no prior
knowledge of their plan. I want them to think they can scheme during the night.

'Every class of prisoners before you has tried to pull something like that
during exercises.' This is untrue, but sounds good. 'They've all failed, just as
you did. You may be fearsome to each other,' I explain as I hurl the lash into
number 2, 'but even in number you aren't a threat to me. I'm bigger and stronger
than you'll even be.' Demonstrate all of that strength in the final blow to 2,
sending her into howls. Move on to strike the limp number 3.

'Not only that, but I have all the tools at my disposal. Tools like this.' I
hold up my fingers and run a spark across them. I bring them down around 3's
right nipple, sandwiching it in the current for a moment. 'I'm also a bit

'Who arranged this little plan, number 4?' I begin to whip her, and continue to
do so until she speaks the redhead's number. I move to 5 and ask, 'Is that the

'Yes. Yes!' I beat her anyway.

I berate number 6 as I whip her. 'You're not much of an actress, 6. All of the
sudden you're missing sit-ups? Next time, just lay off a bit.. I'll see it. I
see everything. Perhaps you'll make a better slut than actress. Maybe that
exercise will suit you. You did, however, play a pivotal role in this little
drama, earning yourself some extra attention.' I shock her in the crotch as
well, letting the voltage run through her labia for some time after she looses

'You don't even realize how hopeless your situation is.' I lay into the next
girl. 'You're secured in this little area. Even the cell is locked. You couldn't
even get any water.' Seven screams as I driver the cracker into the charred stub
of her clit. 'The remote control, you think. Foolish.'

I stand before number 8, and press the remote into her hand. 'Here. Open that
door.' I point towards my quarters. She looks at the remote, overwhelmed by the
many buttons distinguished by cryptic abbreviations. 'Confusing? I suppose you
could eventually figure out the right button. Here, it's this one.' She
depresses the button I indicate, but nothing happens. Looks back at me. I take
back the remote and begin to lash her. 'Oh, it's that button all right. But the
control is locked. Without my code, it's useless.'

'Guess the code? You don't even know how many digits.. could be two, could be
ten.' Move before number 9, who has started to stir. 'You think you might
convince me to reveal the code?' 9's screams proved that she is fully awake. 'I
was taken hostage after an assault in Beirut. Whipped, cut, bitten,
electrocuted. My captors kicked me in the balls until they bled. Shoved needles
into my cock and heated them with matches. Pain is my friend, and she walks with
me always. Sleeps in my bed at night. Rises with me in the morning. The worst
you little cunts could do would be a relaxing diversion.'

Releasing their collars, I say quietly to the bleeding women, 'Get back in your
cell while I decide to whom I should do what first.'

My correction rooms are full. Each of the five holds one of the conspirators in
this morning's game, directed into the room collars by my voice. The others,
those who chose not to participate, are huddled together in the cell. Whistling,
I walk the hall, deciding where to start.

The redhead. She awaits me again in the wet room, and will be the first to start
and last to finish. I noted her vehement reaction to the water torture, and have
decided to repeat it. Turn into the wet room and pull the door shut behind me.

'Hello, pet. Your peers have named you the instigator of the little drama this
morning.' She shakes her head, no. 'Oh yes. Since I enjoyed pumping you full
yesterday, I thought we would repeat it.'

'Noo!' Her yell echoes off the tiled walls.

Again I stretch her on the frame. Warm the machine and plug her ass and throat
with the inflatables. Pump her as full as I dare with water. Number 3 hangs
before me, upside down, her glorious red hair dangling to the floor. Her belly
bulges out, grossly distended, and she squirms and cramps under the pressure.
Her screams are distorted by the spreader wrenching her mouth wide open.

'This machine has one little trick I didn't illustrate last time,' I tell her
while spinning her upright. Return to the machine and start the pumps whirring
again. This time, however, the second pump, connected to the tube down her
throat, is churning in reverse. I turn the flow controls together, keeping the
pressure constant but sending a steady stream of water through her, forced into
her ass and sucked out her throat. The powerful little pumps move quite a volume
of fluid. Finally, I set the machine to slowly cycle the water temperature from
80 to 120 degrees, which will send her relentlessly from chills to sweats and
back again.

'I have one last thing for you, sugar, before I leave for a bit.' I roll over
another machine and uncover it. A tall steel post on rollers. A metal arm that
extends out supporting a three-part wheel at its end. Various adjustments allow
the arm to move up and down the post, and extend or retract in length. I lock
the unit in position before her, and she stops yelling long enough to eye it
fearfully. I plug it in.

I lower the arm, and extend it between her legs. Glance at her, then down at the
three knobs on the control panel. The dials currently rest at the vertical
position, 0, and extend to negative RPMs to the left, positive to the right. I
turn both outer knobs to the left a bit. The machine starts to grind, and the
exterior of three disks between her legs start to revolve. A half-dozen rubber
strands, spaced evenly about the perimeter of each disk, stretch out from the
center as the speed increases. I stop at 100 RPMs. Look up into her begging
eyes. She can't see the end of the arm, but the sounds and the breeze between
her legs probably give her a good idea of what is to come.

Turn a knob on the arm, near the post. The arm begins to rise. One final
adjustment to the machine's alignment, shifting it left a bit, right on center.
Up a little more, and the strands begin to nip at her, eliciting ear-shattering
screams. A little more height and the strands are battering her outer labia with
machine gun frequency.

The outer wheels are turning from the bottom-up, driving into her from below. I
turn the middle dial to the right and bring the center disk to life. Faster and
faster. The strands on the middle disk stretch out at her, nearer and nearer the
center of her sex. I can tell they are barely scraping flesh when her scream
change pitch. More speed. Now I can see them flicking her, a bit to low. A hair
faster and the ends are snapping into her clitoris as she strains away from it
as far as her tense bonds allow. From her shuddering and hitching, I guess her
to be coming already.

'I'll see you in a few hours, sugar, after I see to the others.' Her screams
follow me down the hall even with the door secured.

Number 6 is next.. my little actress. She, too, I decide, with have a protracted
stay in the correction room. I have her collared in 1, and walk that way.

'Hello, 6. You know your transgressions, so there really isn't any sense
reciting them.' I move to the low table, unlatch the padded top and lean it
aside. The flat metal surface beneath is peppered with hundreds of small holes.
'I thought you might like some acting practice. I'll do some things to you, and
you act like you're in pain, ok?' She shakes her head from side to side. 'Oh, I
know your acting skills aren't much, but don't be ashamed. I really think you
can play this role.'

I release her collar and roughly toss her onto the table. She moves to get off.
'Don't you resist me,' I hiss, yanking her back by the hair. I restrain her
loosely by wrists and ankles to the corners of the table. I want her to be able
to shift about.

Standing at the foot of the table, I gaze up and down her beautiful, sleek form.
'You don't have 3's tits, number 6, but you are a great piece of work. Lights,
camera, action,' I say with a smile.

I bend down. Turn a crank at the foot of the table. The metal top begins to
lower slowly. From beneath, hundreds of rigidly mounted, sharp little nails work
their way through the holes, slowly taking her weight. She starts to writhe and
scream. Soon, her pretty little body rests on the nails, three inches above the
flat surface that was so much more pleasant. Her helpless tugging drags her
across the points, but she can't seem to stop.

'You know, I once killed a prisoner on this table.' Her wide green eyes stare at
me in disbelief. 'Oh yes. I stood atop her and jumped up and down. She died
slowly.. blood loss, I think. There's a line of space down the middle. It's no
fun once they are paralyzed. After I started, she tried to drive her own head
back into the nails, but couldn't seem to do it hard enough.'

'I'll let you get nice and raw. Then, I'll be back.' I give her a lecherous
wink. 'Your acting really is improving. That discomfort is quite convincing.'

I ponder the fate of number 9, the first girl to agree to 3's plan. She deserves
something special for that, but I can't treat her differently than 2 and 7
without revealing the information conveyed by the tape. I'll just whip her, I
decide.. whip them all.

Walk in on 9, release her and throw her to the center of the barren room.
Without ceremony, I hoist her into the air by her ankles, legs spread wide. Her
jet-black hair falls towards the floor. Cuff her arms behind her back.

9 has been pleading with me since I entered, although I suspect she knows it's
futile. 'Haven't been in one of my little rooms before, have you 9?' I idly
reach down to twist her nipples as I speak, sick of her pleas. Screams of pain
are much more pleasant. 'You are guilty of plotting against me, which is, of
course, a violation of the rules. You really weren't very effective, 9.. one
little zott, to this tit as I remember, and you were out.' I twist her flesh
viciously, eliciting fresh screams.

I select a basic, heavy latigo flogger from a cabinet. Sometimes, it's the
location, not the implement. Shaking it out, I stand behind her. She twists left
and right attempting to watch me. Throw the flogger back and sling it forcefully
into her exposed cunt. Again. Her screams of pure agony are like sweet music.

I whip her tender pussy into a bloody, unrecognizable pulp over the next half
hour or so, sometimes pulling shorter to drive to tips into her anal region for
variety. She yells and struggles satisfyingly as the blood runs down over her

On my way out but I stop, turn back.. an afterthought. Move to the cabinet one
last time. Get a handful of something. Bending down closer to her face, I say,
'By the way, nine. I'm not sure you girls are getting enough salt in your diet.'
I stand and sprinkle a liberal amount onto the bloody mass between her legs
before turning to go.

I string number 7 from the ceiling as well, by her wrists. More ropes to hold
her ankles wide apart. I pull up a chair and chat with her.. a rather one sided
conversation. She seems to be screaming uncontrollably as I dig into the burned
remnants of her clit with a sharp needle. Bored after twenty minutes, I trade
the needle for small vice grips and a pair of scissors.

'You obviously didn't learn the cost of breaking rules around here, 7,' shaking
my head at her. 'I should stop being so nice. As you don't seem to value the
half of your clit that I left, I may as well have that, too.'

Place the pliers tightly on what remains for her bud, crushing it. Pull down,
hard, stretching out this bit of pliant flesh. Slowly, slowly squeeze the
scissors shut, severing her clit at its base, bit by bit. Cast the vice grips
aside and move to flog her as she drips blood on the floor.

2 awaits me in correction room 3, and trembles quietly to herself when I stride
in. I walk past her and strip the cover from a metal St. Andrews cross, pulling
its bottom away from the wall a resulting in a slight incline and a space behind
it. Rummage through a low chest, pulling out restraints, a heavy strap, two
nasty floggers and a length of thick twisted rope. Move to a chest of drawers
and find two clips and two pulleys. Retrieve a step-ladder, and use it to clip
one pulley high on the wall above the cross and the other out into the room by
several feet. Then I roughly restrain her to the cross.

'Number 2, I am disappointed in you. I expected you to be smarter than this.'

'Please, Sir. I'm sorry.. so sorry. I..'

'You will be sorry, but I don't think you understand that just yet.' I shrug.
'Well, it seems that today I have a penchant for cunt torture.' Her eyes widen.
'Most of your co-conspirators are currently bleeding from that area, and I don't
think it's a monthly thing.'

She, too, begins a senseless litany of begging. I run the thick, bumpy rope
between her spread legs and behind the cross. Stand on the ladder and guide it
through the first pulley, then the second. Pull it tightly up into her crotch
and knot the ends together. On a whim, I go again to the cabinet and collect a
spring clip, another length of rope, and about eighty pounds in iron barbell
weights. Tie the clip to the end of the rope, and snap it over the other,
between the two pulleys.

2 is on her toes trying to escape the bite of the rope. 'Does that hurt?'

'Yes, Sir.'

I laugh aloud. 'Not yet it doesn't.' I reach up and yank the rope, pulling
perhaps three feet of it's raspy surface through her pussy. She screams for me
as the rope bites into her. I pull it back and forth, occasionally far enough to
force to largish knot through her crack as well.

The first signs of blood begin to show on the rope, and it has stretched a bit,
become somewhat loose. That's not good. I hang twenty pound of weight on the
second rope, which pulls the entire rig taunt again. Applies, in fact,
significantly more pressure than we started with. I return to pulling on the
rope, and it burns and cuts at her better than before. By the time I tire of
this, eighty pounds dangle from the rig, tugging the rope into her cunt strongly
enough that it is real work to wrench the knot through her.

She, too, receives a patient beating. I leave the rope to pressure her skinless,
bleeding cunt while I strike her. Finally, I carry 2, 7 and 9 back to the cell.
Also leave the others some medical supplies and instructions to tend to their

Number 6 has helplessly scraped her back raw, and she too is bleeding on my
floor. There will be much to clean after this work. Perhaps it would be
instructive to have the women clean up after themselves before returning to the
cell. I ponder the idea, but discard it in the end. They would doubtless do a
shoddy job of it.

My perky little brunette is sweaty and exhausted. I decide to finish with her
promptly. I had intended to whip her, too, but my arm is tired.. and looking at
her, my dick is hard. 6 watches me fearfully as I undress.

'You're still not much of an actress, number 6. If you remember, I believe I
promised to see if you make a better slut.' I step up onto the table. Close my
eyes for a moment, savoring the way the nails poke into the soles of my bare
feet. Squat down, driving several through the thick calluses on the balls of my
feet as they take most of my weight. Place my hands on 6's belly, knees on her
thighs, and lower myself onto her. She starts singing again as my weight drives
the nails deeper into her back , buttocks and legs.

I enter her, and fuck her vigorously. Her screams continue, roughly timed with
my thrusts. I come more quickly than I intend, driven to it by the sharp tips of
the nails scratching at my balls as they swing. To make up for my quickness, I
spend some time biting her nipples.

'Everyone else is back in the cell,' I merrily inform 3 as I enter. I guess it's
time to finish with you.' The relentless battering of the whipping machine has
started the redhead bleeding as well. The rubber strands are soaked with her
blood, and have sprayed a line of red dots up her front and on the ceiling,
floor and facing wall.

'You've created quite a mess, I see.' Her voice is gone, and she creates only
quiet huffs, barely audible over the noises of whipping. I jostle her full
belly, it sloshing in response. I select a handful of harsh whips and add my
attentions to the relentless whipping of the machine.

End Part III

Camp Treve-Part IV

The days go by, and we all settle in to the routine of Camp Treve. I begin to
feed my charges more appropriate volumes of gruel, interspersed with more
palatable fare, as I certainly don't want them to lose the curvaceous figures I
so enjoy. The morning exercise routines are extended, and more intensive
workouts introduced.. I work the girls to the edge of exhaustion most mornings.

After the second week, we start the beating rotation. I flog each in turn, two a
day, with moderate intensity. I usually fill number 3 up with water first,
knowing how violently she detests it. It's all part of the objective: make them
hate Camp Treve. Listening to their increasingly bitter conversations in the
dead of night, it appears effective.

Number 9 has taken to teaching the other some basic self-defense. They started
timidly at first, clearly fearing some retaliation on my part. Hushed
conversations. Became more bold, openly talking in groups. Finally practicing
moves on each other. I let them, watching on the monitor, chuckling at the
little hammer-locks and front kicks. After several weeks, it is clear they
consider themselves quite fierce. And between the morning exercise, afternoon
training, and intermittent whipping, all of my charges are tightly toned and
sensually muscled. I haven't done anything devious of late, and begin
preparations to rectify the situation.

I start pulling them out for floggings in twos and threes, which must come to
seem a natural thing. I tie them for beating in a variety of ways. Tie them
together such that one's movement hurt the others. Hang both from the ceiling,
one upside-down, faces strapped into crotches. Although I had been raping one
each day, often to orgasm, I stop. I provide them no gratification at all.
Continue this until their whispers at night return to the subject of escape, and

I make a video tape that I will show my charges later, speaking to them. Make
certain adjustments around the Camp.

Always, I have been careful in selecting my little groups.. never more than one
of the leaders while keeping appearances random. Today, I select all three of
them.. 3, 6, 9. I am hoping they won't be able to resist temptation. Walk them
one by one into correction room 2, which I have prepared for this little
escapade by removing the majority of furnishings.. it is the only correction
room with an electrocutable floor. I watch the monitor with amusement as number
9, the last in place, issues the others a little nod and a meaningful glance.

I leave the tazer and nightstick, and remove the batteries from the remote
control. The keypads will have to do. Start the computer timer.

After jerking the door shut with a clang, I turn to face my three charges. Pull
out the useless remote and finger it idly as I address them.

'I feel like working out some frustration today, my little sweethearts. Afraid
you're going to be on the receiving end.' As I finish this statement, 3's collar
clicks open, the first of several timed events. 'Stand in place for now.' The
other two collars open as well, and I slide the remote back into my pocket. I
toss the moderately heavy flogger and coil of rope that I brought into the
barren room to the floor, and turn away from my charges to adjust the lone chain
dangling from the ceiling.

The whispers of their feet give me the slightest notice, and I crouch a bit,
bracing myself as all three slam into me. The combined weight of the three girls
drives me to the floor. We struggle on the floor, they on top of me. With all
three in close, they impede each other significantly but still manage several
good shots to my head. I retaliate convincingly. Throw one off long enough to
plant a foot in another's face, punch one breast that swings by. On we fight. My
clothes are something of a hindrance, providing them better purchase than I have
on the sweating skin that presses in on me. Their violent yells echo through the
chamber. My charges do finally manage to flip me over, and more by weight than
design, pin my arms behind my back

'Get the rope! Tie this fucker up!' one screams. Someone swings a foot
repeatedly into my balls, and I struggle to remain conscious as they loop the
rope around my wrists. 'To the chain!' Ah, the excitement in their voices..

They must have run the free end of the rope through the last link of chain, for
I am jerked to my feet. Arms painfully high behind me. Toes the only thing left
on the floor. Sharp pain in my shoulders.. dull ache in my nuts.. I settle into
a familiar place, letting the pain swallow me whole. I look at them through
lidded eyes as they strut triumphantly before me. With obvious pleasure, they
berate me. Kick and slap me.

'Let's strip him down.' It doesn't surprise me that number 3 directs this little
adventure. She is magnificent in victory, brief-lived through it may be. The
other two turn to the task.

'He didn't bring the shocker or the club.'

'But we have the remote!' cries 6, sliding it out of my pocket. Number 3 takes
it from the brunette and begins to examine the many button, ordering the other
girl back to work.

'Holy shit.. oh my god.' The girls exclamations as they uncover my body aren't
in admiration of my heavy musculature. Rather, they stare in shock at the
evidence of my trials, my endurance. The lines of little depressions running up
and down my torso. Narrow tracks of roughly stitched cuts over my pectorals,
thighs, buttocks. Two missing toes. The disfigured flesh of my cock, burned and
scarred along its length. Misshapen sac, cradling my one whole testicle and the
stringy remains of the other. Most startling perhaps are the larger depressions,
healed over now, over my left hip, on top of my right thigh and the outside of
my right calf. Where the rats were at me while I was too exhausted to fend them

'Jesus,' whispers 9. 'He said something about Beirut. You don't think..' She
lets the thought trail off, apparently finding it unthinkable that someone would
intentionally do things that would leave such evidence.

'Fuck him. He's ours now.' Number 3's voice is vehement, though she is clearly
shaken. 'I've got some frustration to work out,' she says to me with a wry grin

She jerks my head up by the hair. 'I'm going to make you scream, you fuck.'

'Better than you have tried, sugar.' She flies into a rage at my reply, and
begins slapping me. Apparently, this hurts her hand. She switches to repeatedly
lifting a knee into my unprotected crotch. I grunt as each fresh spike of pain
shoots through me.

'Hang on, 3.' It's number 9 that speaks. 'Something's wrong. He should be more
upset, don't you think?' 3 stops her assault long enough to consider that. Lifts
my head by the hair again.

'She's right, asshole. Why are you just hanging there? No struggling? What's the
fucking deal?'

'You're all fucked,' I reply through the pain blossoming from my crotch. 'You
either let me go and get your pretty little asses back in those collars, or you
all die. Right here.' Enraged again, the redhead resumes her attack.

'Wait!' yells number 9. She and 6 drag the other girl away from me. 'What do you
mean we're fucked?'

'You're locked in this room.'

'Bullshit! We have the remote.'

'Open the door,' I reply. She instructs the others to get the door open, and
they huddle around the complex remote control. I continue. 'There isn't any
water in here. And no food back in the cell. I suspect they'll last longer than
you will.'

'Shut the fuck up!' 3 screams, trying several buttons on the control. The door
remains tightly sealed. Finally, frustrated with the remote, she turns and
strides purposely towards me. Waggles the unit before me. 'How does this fucking
thing work?' I just smile at her. She takes up my privates in her hand,
twisting, squeezing, digging her nails in. The smile stays on my face as the
biting agony courses through me, although I sag, placing more of my weight on my
arms. She eventually pulls her bloody hand away, bits of my skin trailing out
from beneath her nails.

'You're going to fucking tell me.'

'No,' I reply simply, 'I'm not.'

My charges again huddle around the remote, over by the door. They converse in
hushed tones, broken periodically by frustrated outbursts. At last, they return
to me. I note that the redhead has retrieved the whip.

'All right, you motherfucker. We'd rather die than submit to your shit again.
There's plenty of time before starvation kills us, and we're going to make sure
you regret every second until then.' She shakes out the whip for effect.

'Dehydration,' I say.


'You three are going to die of dehydration. The others will starve, a bit more
slowly.' She swings the whip hard, if inexpertly, into my balls. I swallow my

'You can tell us your fucking code any time you want,' she tells me, taking
another stroke.

'Wouldn't matter.'


'There aren't any batteries,' I say with a grin.

Furious after verifying my words, the three go to work. Circling me. 3, beating
me as hard as she can with the whip, seeking out my most sensitive parts. The
other two slapping, kicking, scratching. For more than an hour they work
tirelessly to give me pain. Number 3 rapes my ass with the handle of the
flogger, smearing the bloody result across my face and lips before striking me
again. I sink into a familiar void, comfortable in a way, alone with the pain
surging through my battered, bleeding body.

We feel the first tingles from the floor together. The assault stops at last as
they look at each other, confused. Three quick, mild bursts from the floor.
Right after the third, I launch into action, drawing on the reserve of energy I
have been coveting for this moment. Bounce off the floor, swinging my back, ass
and legs through the circle of my arms. As my head swings back upright, I see
the women twitching. Hear their screams as they fall to the floor. The fourth
burst of electricity is still coursing.. a strong one this time.

I debate for a moment, then lower my feet back to the floor. Throw my head back,
eyes closed in ecstasy as the power shakes me in its grasp. The helpless
twitching that has my charges under control creeps up my legs as I continue to
press my feet into the contact strips. So wonderful..

It takes some time, as my hands have gone numb, but I finally manage to free the
clumsy knot and stand unbound. The shock from the floor has reduced from the
paralyzing level, but continues to jolt all four of us. I on my feet, they
collapsed to the floor.

I walk, unsteady, to the door as the tendrils of electricity lick at me. Punch a
code into the keypad. Walk through the open door, leaving a trail of bloody
footprints behind me as I return to my quarters for a shower.

'I want to show you all something.' My nine prisoners, collared before me, stare
unabashedly at my battered, swollen face. Despite my terrifying visage, I am
grinning back at them. At least all of my teeth are still in place. The three
that joined me in this game are still trembling uncontrollably, a full day after
their return to the cell. It seems I left them collapsed on the electrocuted
floor while I showered and took a brief nap. Their muscles are stressed beyond
all normal limits.

Working the remote, again powered by fresh cells, I reveal the monitor in the
holding area and start the video tape. My charges watch with rapt attention as
my unmarked face appears there.

'Hello, my lovelies. You are watching this, so things have proceeded nicely. I
suspect I am standing before you in somewhat worse shape than this, but happy
nonetheless. Three of you are going to turn the tables on me very soon. Have
your little chance at me, shall we say. I doubt you'll find it very
satisfactory. I didn't scream when my left testicle was crushed to bits in a
vice, and I don't intend to start now.'

'Why, you might ask? For one, I intend to enjoy it. I know you can't understand
that, but it's true. More importantly, I believe the loss of hope more
devastating than hopelessness. Perhaps this little drama will prove a point. You
all belong to me.'

End Part IV

Camp Treve - Part V

Weeks pass quickly in the stone, underground world that is Camp Treve. Turn to
months. The season changes, and the brief winter brings torrential ice storms
ripping across the Alaskan wilderness. My charges take their days in stride now,
including the intermittent beatings I administer with joy. Each, beautiful by
any standard upon their arrival, has turned into something of a goddess.
Carefully controlled diet, rigorous exercise, and hair grown untrimmed. Vicious
wounds inflicted during their adjustment period have healed over. Except, of
course, number 7's missing little piece. They have learned, for the most part,
to comply without question.. given up. All except the redhead, I suspect. For a
two weeks, I have limited their beatings to techniques that leave little in the
way of marks. Started them, also, on turns under a UV unit, tanning them to
varying extents to suit my fancy. Finally, I decide that my charges have reached
perfection. Time for a little fun. I take my time making the video tapes. One of
each girl, showing a little something of her beauty, her personality. Interview
them, display them. They find it a strange but welcome diversion. Sets of these
tapes go out by helicopter, and are delivered to a very select group of wealthy
individuals. Less than two weeks later, my first visitor arrives. The private
helicopter takes off immediately after depositing its lessee on the Camp's roof,
as instructed. I bring my guest down out of the cold, and greet him at the
elevator door. 'Welcome, Mr. Whitting, to Camp Treve.' His angular face bobs up
and down in response, and I gloss over his obvious discomfort. He is clearly
taken aback by my military garb. Standing aside like an usher, I say, 'Let me
give you a little tour of the facilities.' I point out interesting details of
the Camp's construct, and let Whitting get used to being here. He is a quiet,
reserved sort.. a first-time visitor. Thin, tall man in his forties, a tad
uncoordinated, soft-spoken and heavily affected of an Australian accent.
Whitting brought only a small valise to Camp Treve. Over dinner, we discuss his
particular desires, and my fee to sate them. Whitting completes an electronic
transfer of funds, and I show him to the guest quarters for the night. * * *
'Well rested, I presume, Mr. Whitting?' We sit before the control panel at his
request, watching the sleeping girls as we eat breakfast. 'Indeed, Treve. And
looking quite forward to enjoying my little visit. It is a a constant hunger of
mine.' 'Keep in mind,' I say, 'that you haven't paid for any permanent damage.'
'Of course, Treve. Should anything,' Whitting clears his throat, 'accidentally
occur, the prices you quoted still apply?' I nod. 'Good. You see, things have,
er, happened in the past. I tend to get carried away.' I respond with another
nod. I found Whitting through such an indiscretion on his part, one that led to
an extended trial in England several years ago. The young boy's body was
apparently quite mangled. Luckily for Whitting, justice can be bought in England
as well. "Shall I interrupt you if things appear to be getting out of hand, Mr.
Whitting, or would you prefer to see it through?' I eye him curiously as he
contemplates the question. 'No, don't stop me. It's rather cathartic. I will, of
course, make good should it happen.' 'Oh yes, Mr. Whitting. There's no way out
of Camp Treve otherwise.' His Adam's apple bobs at this, and his eyes widen.
Whitting, I decide, is rather pathetic. Weak. I wonder briefly how he would
scream under the lash. Shrug to myself. 'Shall we begin?' He nods, hands
twitching in anticipation. I turn to the console, and send a brief shock through
the cell floor. My charges are jolted awake, and instantly on their feet. They
move towards the door by habit, expecting the morning exercise. My voice booms
into the cell, 'Number 8 only, follow the red line.' I key the door open, and
the girl's shoulders slump as she complies. I'm almost sorry that Whitting
picked 8. She has been quite well behaved during her stay in the Camp. But he
was definitely drawn to the sensuous little brunette. * * * The surprise is
apparent on 8's face as I walk into the wet room with Whitting. A new face after
four months might do that, I suppose. She eyes him suspiciously as he sets his
case on the small rolling table and turns to examine her. 'Number 8, meet a
friend of mine. A rather devious friend, I must admit. I am going to leave you
in his care for a while, and suggest that you follow his orders to the letter.'
I turn to Whitting, ignoring the girl's protests. 'I'll be watching, with the
audio on. Let me know when you would like her collar released, and if there is
anything else you need.' I insist on observing, in person or remotely. Whitting
expressed a preference for the latter option. Whitting's narrow face dips
briefly in acknowledgement, his attention trained on the girl. The tip of his
tongue is running along his upper lip, I note. I return to the control panel to
watch and wait. When I bring up the wet room video and audio, Whitting is still
in the same place. Eyeing her. Finally, he moves towards 8. Reaches out to touch
her, gently, hesitantly. His thin hands caress 8, moving lightly over her
graceful curves. I barely hear him say 'g'day girl' to her, and turn up the
volume. 8 has gone quiet, confused perhaps. Whitting's hands finally reach her
privates, and gently explore her folds. With some skill, it seems, as 8 is soon
hitching into him and moaning with pleasure. When her orgasm is finished,
Whitting cradles her head in his hands and tenderly kisses her. 'What's your
name, girl?' he asks, running his fingers through her hair. Her reply is a
whisper. 'I don't have a name, sir. I am known only as Number 8.' 'Tsk, tsk. A
creature of such beauty should have a beautiful name.' 8 remains quiet. 'Well,
I'll just call you sweetheart. Would that be all right?' He tilts her chin up a
bit, bringing her eyes to his. 'Yes, sir.' Zoomed in tight, I can just make out
a glint of moisture trailing down 8's cheek. I chuckle, and think that this guy
is a sneaky bastard. Fascinating to watch, however. Whitting continues to trace
his fingers about her face and hair. 8 brings her hands up to touch his
forearms. 'Sweetheart, would you like to return the favor? You don't have to, if
you don't want to.' His voice is so damn quiet I can barely hear it. 'Yes.'
Unbidden, I trigger her collar open. Whitting pulls 8 to him. Cradles her in his
arms, kissing her deeply. After a minute, he pushes her gently to her knees on
the tiled floor. 8's hands go willingly to Whitting's trousers. She gives him
patient head, on and on. 8 works slowly, then fast, then brings her hands to the
task as well. Ten minutes go by, twenty. Tiring, 8 pulls back and looks up at
Whitting. 'Come in my mouth,' she whispers. Whitting's amplified scream is
painfully loud in the control room as he launches into a fit of rage. He slaps 8
powerfully across the mouth, knocking her onto her back. Kicks her several times
as she pulls into a ball on the floor. They're both yelling now. Whitting
reaches down for a full hand of soft brown hair and drags 8 viciously to the
frame standing in the center of the room. The girl is clearly stunned by this
sudden change, and cowers away from him. Whitting straps her tautly into the
frame by wrists and ankles, berating her all the while. Runs rope back and
forth, tying her waist, chest, elbows and knees to the frame as well. Spins her
head over heels once, twice. 8 swings to a stop tilted slightly forward.
Whitting withdraws to pace the length of the far wall, casting burning glances
at the girl from time to time. 8 and I watch Whitting from different angles
while he paces and mutters to himself. Finally, he breaks away from the wall and
strides purposefully to the frame. Shaking one bony finger in 8's face, he tells
her 'I've got something for you. Oh yes, I do.' His slap cuts off the girl's
words. Whitting turns to the table, and snaps open his valise. 'You know,'
Whitting begins, his tone conversational, 'I really enjoy watching things in
pain.' He is removing items from the case as he talks.. a large box covered with
dials, a pile of wire, a smaller box. 'I used to do things to rats, and that
would be enough. Then, it wasn't. Cats were better. And dogs. But people are by
far the most enjoyable.' He pulls wire after wire from the pile spread upon the
table, and bends to attach one end of each to the back of the unit with the
dials. Whitting continues his diatribe, and his work with the wires. I lose
count after three dozen have been attached, and decide to count the knobs
instead. Six rows of twelve. 72. A patient little psychotic, I think. Finished
with the wires, but still describing his love for inflicting pain, Whitting
rolls the little table nearer the girl. Opens the smaller box and shakes out a
heap of needles. Zooming in, I note that each needle has a small clip on the
butt end. Over the next three hours, Whitting proves that he is indeed patient.
Pushing thousands of the little needles into 8's sensitive places. Spinning and
rolling her about for better access. Skittering a little dance at her screams.
When he finally stands back, she bristles with glints of silver. The needles
seem as dense as her pubes about her sex, dozens protrude from each nipple, and
they track the length of her ass crack with perhaps a hundred more into and
surrounding her anus. Thin lines of them run down her arms and legs. Needles in
the webbing between her toes and fingers. Under her nails. Blood trickles from
hundreds of the holes. Next, Whitting begins attaching the wires. Yet another
box emerges from his suitcase, this one full of short lengths. He connects them
meticulously. I note a certain art to it, strategic groupings wired together
with the short pieces and to a single lead from the shock box. Two groups for
each nipple. Inner and outer labia separated by side, clit distinct from those.
He works untiringly for hours. Finally, he stands back to admire his work. Nods
to himself, then turns to face directly at the camera. 'Shall we have a spot of
food, Treve?' I buzz the door open. * * * I watch Whitting play at the dials. He
is like a musician, thin hands moving rapidly, surely, over the little knobs.
His eyes see only 8. She dances in pain as he plays with her, and she sings in
harsh screams. Yanks against bonds that hold her tight. Uncontrollable spasms
wrack her, sometimes in several places, occasionally across her whole prickly
body. He continues into the night. 8 has gone hoarse, and only emits infrequent
yelps. She is dripping with sweat. A peaceful, blank look has settled on
Whitting's face. He watches 8 intensely. Finally, he flips a switch and the girl
sags in the frame. Bending over the box, Whitting spins dial after dial, setting
them for something, I presume. He flips another switch on the box and 8 screams
in a hoarse expression of pain. On the unit, lights flicker randomly, one next
to each dial. A row of LEDs down one side undulates slowly up and down. I grin,
then laugh aloud. Whitting, it seems, is full of tricks. I confirm my suspicions
by tying 8's reactions to the changes of the lights. The total intensity of the
shock is going from weak to strong and back while a shifting pattern of leads is
live. Whitting watches 8 for something over an hour, that blank look still on
his face. Finally, he asks to come out, and I comply. We sit in the kitchen
eating a late night snack. 'A fascinating device, Mr. Whitting. And my
compliments on your patience in it's use.' He nods. 'Worth the wait, Treve, for
me at least. Your girl is marvelous. Everything is better than I could have
hoped.' 'How long do you wish to leave her like that?' 'I thought I'd get a good
nights sleep, then watch her for a while longer. I hope that's all right?' I
sigh inwardly. 'You paid for two days, Mr. Whitting. 8 is yours for that time.
However, I will have to ask you to stay a day longer than anticipated to make
sure her extremities recover.' I'm not particularly excited by the prospect.
Eventually, at least, this little man will depart the Camp. * * * I rise early,
as usual, and set about my normal routine. Review cell video from the previous
night, exercise eight of my nine charges. Then sit watching 8 from the control
room, waiting for Whitting to wake. The girl, still helplessly bound, sags limp
on the frame. Random shocks continue to course through her sweat-covered body,
observable only by the involuntary spasms they incite. At least she's not dead.
Whitting finally buzzes, and I release him from the guest quarters. He moves
quickly down the hall straight to the wet room. Foregoing breakfast, it seems. I
release this door for him as well. He makes a complete circuit around 8,
observing her intently. Stops before her. 'Look at me, girl,' he says quietly.
8's eyes flicker open briefly, filled with pain and exhaustion. 'Look at me,'
slightly louder. Again, she tries to comply, but can't hold his gaze. 'Look at
me!' Whitting yells, slapping 8 for punctuation. 'Look at me! Look at me!' Again
the little man is enraged, his slaps rocking my charge's head from side to side.
Whitting's feet jig about and his yells continue. My hand is on the microphone,
but I remember our earlier conversation. This strange man will have his
catharsis. Whitting finally stops his tirade, and ends up with 8's head between
his hands. Thumbs propping her eyes open. His face less than an inch for hers,
staring. I notice his arms trembling with exertion. 'You will LOOK at me when I
tell you to LOOK AT ME!' His voice has risen in pitch, breaking falsetto at the
end. They stay that way for a long time. Finally, he says to her in a more
controlled voice, 'You will look at me. Oh yes, you will.' He pulls away and 8's
head drops forward once more. Whitting returns to his box and shuts it off.
Turns down every dial, then flips it back on. 'Now. Let's try again.' He doesn't
seem quite under control to me. 'Look at me.' 8 struggles to comply, but can
barely pick up her head. She sags back. His hands go to the machine, and her
right tit starts to twitch. He repeats his command, she her feeble attempt to
obey. 8's left tit begins to quiver. Actually, a faint smoke appears as well. I
sigh, and sit back. Dead already, I presume. * * * Some hours later, Whitting
and I sit in the control room. He has reverted to his reserved manner. His hands
intertwine and he eyes the floor while speaking. 'I suppose things got a little
out of hand in there, Treve. As I said, that tends to happen.' I wonder if he
can feel my glare boring into him.. hope that he can. 'I'll make good as I
promised.' 'I don't like people who lack self-control, Whitting.' He looks up,
startled by the cold tone in my voice. 'Self-control is the most basic form of
strength,' I say, holding his gaze, 'and strength is the only thing I respect.'
'Treve, I..' 'Shut up, Whitting. Don't say another word to me, or I'll snap your
scrawny neck.' I pause, to make sure he understands. 'You owe me one and a half
million dollars, the incremental price for a snuff. Payable right now.' I slide
over and gesture to the computer. Whitting emits an audible gulp, and moves to
the machine. The satellite link is already up, connected as he was returning
from the wet room. He types in the transfer request, and stares in disbelief at
the result. Insufficient funds. We sit in silence for a moment. 'The markets are
closed, but I can get the money on..' The tazer pressed into the side of his
neck cuts off the rest. * * * 'Treve! Treve! I'll get you the money!' Whitting's
screams echo through the halls. I watch him on the monitor, stretched on the
frame in the wet room. His eyes remain studiously averted from 8, whose body
I've positioned against the wall, looking at him. He's been conscious for a
while now, and is quite hysterical. I collect the things I want and head to
visit Mr. Whitting. 'You can shut up now, Whitting. Save your voice.' He does
so, momentarily at least, and eyes the hammer and handful of nails that I set on
the little tables with some trepidation. I start to break the 2x2 in my other
hand into three parts. 'Treve, you can't do this. We had a deal!' 'We did have a
deal, Whitting. You broke my rules.' I shake out the singletail from my belt.
Whitting breaks into pitiful whining as I move behind him, and changes to
high-pitched squeals when the whip starts shredding his back. I enlighten him as
I go. 'You see' crack 'torture should be done' crack 'from a position of
strength' crack 'and self-control.' Concentrate on his upper back, turning it to
living hamburger. His blood splatters to the floor. Satisfied with his back, I
toss the whip aside and walk around to face him. Whitting hangs quiet, panting.
'Look at me,' I say, in a mild, quiet voice. He does, the irony apparently lost
on him. 'You fucked up. I suspect you've done that a lot over the years. Only
this time, you can't buy your way out of it.' 'I'll.. I'll get your money.'
Pleading eyes, peering into mine. I turn and run my hand over his little shock
box, which I played with briefly while Whitting was unconscious. 'I really do
admire your little toy. However,' I continue, picking up the nails and hammer,
'I don't have your patience. Eight channels seem quite sufficient.' I circle
behind him. Place the first nail against the center of his left ass cheek.
Whitting starts screaming again as I tap it in until it hits bone. Then the
other cheek. I thread number three vertically through his anus, in the top and
back out the bottom. The nails aren't very sharp, and are rather thick. It takes
a fair amount of pushing. Whitting has passed out, so I connect leads to these
three nails and wait. When he comes to, I start again. Pinch one nipple and
shove a nail through behind it. Same on the other side. Then, I roll one corner
of the table between his legs. He looks at me, shaking his head no. I smile
back. Three nails, three small pieces of wood. First nail through one testicle
and into the wood. Second testicle run through as well. Number eight straight
through the head of his cock. I sit back with the shock box, working the dials
and watching Whitting dance. Wonder briefly whether the device can cook his
penis without killing him. Perhaps in a day or two I'll find out.

End Part V

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